Listening to Cliff High[1], I realized that I had completely forgotten to mention the following important consequences of the upsurge of Mars resulting from the motion of the lunar nodes in the astrological axis Aries/Libra: rise of military power, and governments run by the military. This is, of course, also triggers more martial governance, in countries like China, where freedom is tightly controlled by the authorities. In the US and elsewhere, although more discreetly, the space agencies and the army are also more openly performing tasks for the shadow governments and dark entities.
ABC news,’Niger adds to growing list of countries in the Sahel run by the military
Mutinous soldiers in Niger have overthrown the nation’s democratically elected government, adding it to a growing list of countries in West Africa’s Sahel region where military regimes rule.’ [2]
The rise of Briggs and recent meetings are also a consequence of the Mars energy impacting humankind. For some, the result can be different as demonstrated by the death of a Yevgeny Prighozin, imposing more rigidity in Russia as well as instability and a power vacuum in African countries where Wagner was playing a significant role.
Yes, the risk of wars in the next 16 months is obvious. Interestingly, Napoleon, the warrior emperor is again on the frontline with a new movie. I shall review it with my insights when available in the US. I am already not convinced by the photos of the main actor’¦ lol.
Two axes of reactions, triggered or anchored by the position of the lunar nodes in Aries-Libra, must be considered to fully understand the number of storms, fires, chaotic reactions everywhere.
This is the strongest download of Will energy, Ray One, coming from the Creator’s Consciousness, the Heart-Intelligence and life-force in the Universal Body in which you exist, since 2004. After months of slowly integrating the new vibrations — as a bovine slowly digesting grass — while the nodes visiting the fixed sign of Taurus, humankind is now asked to accelerate the process of merging Heaven and Earth.
We note that Venus rules both Taurus and Libra. When the north node was in Taurus, it was associated with the Venusian values of self-fulfillment, if not hedonist enjoyment while the energy grew in strength and maturity. The Taurus, conscious of its power, feels comfortable but does not move much. Although, the impulse of the south node in Scorpio has forced each of us to give a closer look at our inner mechanisms, our response to pleasure, threat, sex, money dealings, and how we find and exert power. Society is still dealing with one of the most challenging aspects of Venus: the intricacy of sex, power and wealth, the dichotomy of mind and body, urges vs self-respect and soul-growth, in situations where making a decision is almost impossible. If we lay this out in terms of white and black, light and shadow, man and woman, it could give a different perspective to the whole game. Jupiter, king of Olympus, handsome (?) and impressive, lurking at a young goddess bathing in the sun’¦ Who owns the power, the old man or the delightful young woman? What power are we speaking about? If we add some nectar or whisky, the situation is even more blurry. This is one aspect of 3D mechanics that we are now deconstructing, with Saturn in Pisces and the reverse position of Venus in the nodal axis. ‘Å“Human nature is universal and is surprisingly disappointing.’ lol – Streaming series.
Now, Venus is activated in Libra, where the south node is. The Venusian thirst for love and relationships, whichever level of love we consider, needs to be balanced by our firm capacity to support and express our true self, as expressed by Aries and the first house. Only then will we apply the right movement/action.
So, from the standpoint of the Galactic Consciousness, the present nodal-axis Aries-Libra emphasizes, poses a question to humanity? How do humans, collectively and individually want to relate with the Creator anchoring Itself, powerfully, in the third dimension, after decades of moving energies, culture and awareness?
This movement of the Divine Will, balanced by love, and the experience of the Creator in the third dimension, is amplifying climate disturbance (yes, humans are messing up with the climate, but there is more to this), distress, political fights, water and fire being agents of purification. It has been observed and recorded how the Creator’s Frequency anchored in a specific area has always brought weather disturbance, starting with unusual storms, hail, floods, wind, seismic activity, or sudden odd improvement of the general climatic conditions.
How do we reconcile this basic, almost biblical language with the reports coming out of the web, showing that unknown technology was probably used to sustain fires, such the one in Maui? Outstanding Report on the Maui “WildFires” by 48-yr Arborist ( mn 46 is frankly weird. Where is the cleaning team coming from?
The host’s conclusion: there is a higher power. This is spiritual warfare between good and evil. get a stronger ‘¦ relationship with your higher power, with God, with Source.’
Well, very hard to understand and accept: Life, animated by a cosmic mind — whether or not we want to call is deity— is a straightforward force. If fire or destruction is encoded or promoted by the combined energy fields generated by astronomical events, ETs factions’ activity, and human’s greed, things will happen. Anything and anyone will become a tool, a conduit and be the destroyer or the builder. Human wickedness and greed become weapons. Love could then become the stabilizer.
Of course, we cannot forget the will of a small group to control, eventually kill, reduce the population. The fires triggered by weird radio-waves would be one of their weapons.
Now, the extra terrestrial vibration is constantly around and eventually going crescendo. Does it mean that we are approaching a revelation, a disclosure? This could be the ‘event’ that i was signaled for the future in 2019 or 2020. i have to check my files. My Higher Self was laughing but did not give me any details. This could have something to do with the game Saturn-Jupiter with a sextile in february 2024 and later conjunct Uranus in April 2024. Plus North Node conjunct Chiron. Would it be the nature of the healing that can take place?
The term egregore was commonly used by spiritualists in France, decades ago. it was recently added to n the American vocabulary. I will then start with a definition copied from French Wiki:
Ungrgore(oueggrgore) est un concept dsignant un esprit de groupe constitu par l’agrgation des intentions, des nergies et des dsirs de plusieurs individus unis dans un but bien dfini.
Dans lecoaching, l’grgore d’quipe est perceptible dans l’atmosph¨re d’quipe (ou ladynamique de groupe), qui peut ªtre pesante ou enthousiasmante, touffante ou inspirante. Il est affect par l’tat des relations et par l’adhsion profonde ou non de chacun dans le projet commun.
An egregore (or eggrgore) is a concept designating a group spirit constituted by the aggregation of the intentions, energies and desires of several individuals united for a well-defined purpose.
In coaching, team egregore is noticeable in the team atmosphere ( or group dynamics), which can be heavy or exciting, stifling or inspiring. It is affected by the state of relations and by the deep adhesion or not of each one in the common project.’ use your computer for translation.
More precisely, the ‘aggregation of intent’, hundreds or millions of entangled minds and souls, the common work towards a goal, a common purpose, reinforced and anchored by meetings, a specific discourse and body of beliefs, eventually rituals (a catholic Mass is a ritual), repeated prayers generates, build a field, an egregore that can be seen, manipulated, tapped in. The soul of a country, with a set of rules, a language, accepted history, a national anthem, is an egregore, an energy field. Without even mentioning the impact of a country’s astrological birth chart.
Meetings => physically and astrally entangled chakras, spines, personal energy fields.
All leaders are connected to an egregore. Anyone going to Church.
All important groups are also ruled and eventually manipulated by spiritual entities and/or extra-terrestrial leaders [question: what is the difference between a spiritual entity and an ET?].
Now that we know, through movies, WWB or literature that humankind is the product of genetic manipulations, reflecting or not the Creator’s Plan, we cannot forget to add to the picture the extra-terrestrial origin, affiliation and frequencial/subconscious obedience to an extra-human group or faction.
What a mess!
The part of the Creator that have accepted the creation-game lost independence, purity, strength, authority in the process and the fall into darkness for 13000 years. The Creator, as the Demiurge, freed Itself from the system of power that It accepted to facilitate the relationships Heaven and Earth during the Fall. A veil[3] and a detour, the magical egregore that was falsely called Baphomet, have been lifted. Human beings can, if they make the effort, have direct access to the Divine and to Consciousness. Will they do their share?
As Venus is both master of relationships and contracts, and builder of form, she weaves through light and darkness. The Aries-Venus cycle will filter the life-force and type of data accessed by human brain to rectify the relationship humans-Cosmos or humans-Consciousness and thus the nature of form. Venus was prepared in that matter by the Taurus-Scorpio nodal cycle and is still assisted by Saturn in Pisces. Of course, this picture is a bit simple, as we cannot forget all other transits, including the Earth’s connection with the Galactic Center, the precession of the equinoxes, etc.
Human beings restarted a cycle a few thousand years ago, in full oblivion. They were helped by emissaries of the Divine, that they still resent for Its intervention, as young adults are often angry at their parents. However, the level of consciousness that humanity re-emerged with was very low. This resulted in infantile religions — guidance’¦ a narrative, explanations of cosmic stories and mechanics adapted to their capacities— and rules made to tame the animal-humans. Now, for those gifted with a higher level of consciousness, then, more was available. The sacred texts, the Bible, the Egyptian language — I do not remember enough and have not, in this lifetime, decided to review Sanskrit to include it— could be interpretated in multiple ways.
Now, humankind has made progress, but is generally not ready for full disclosure or cooperation. There is still an ET vibe in the air although no one can predict the future. Most human beings are still acting out of the 3rd chakra spectrum. They want to impose their will to each other, and in most cases, use duplicity and conniving to do so. Take advantage of the Aries cycle to feel more comfortable with yourself, with others, so that you will not need to fight for survival or try to coerce others in your control mechanisms. Allowing others to be themselves and avoiding being a parasite or vampire will free your energy and push it upwards.
So, more work to do. How do we explain that, although churches are transformed into private homes, the Vatican is still rich and perpetuating the show. How many of my readers are still attending Sunday Mass, thus giving their allegiance and energy to the Church’s egregore?
So, Aries-Libra, how shall you heal your relationship with yourself, with the Creator and with the Cosmos. Up to you.
Coming soon:
Oct 14, 2023 ‘” Saros 134, that started in 1248
Oct 14, 2023 ‘” Saros 134, that started in 1248
October 28, 2023. Partial LUNAR ECLIPSE
Saros 146, started in 1843.
October 28, 2023. Partial LUNAR ECLIPSE
Saros 146, started in 1843.
These eclipses are connected to October 1987 and 2005.
These dates allow you to link those eclipses with specific moments, movements in your life, thus areas of consciousness and changes that you must focus on or did not complete yet.
“The symbolism of the moon, a reflection of the divine light.
The moon reflects divine light: it represents knowledge by reflection, while the sun represents direct, intuitive access to truth.
The moon is therefore not the truth, but only its mirror, faithful or distorting.
However, the moon has an advantage over the sun: its light does not blind. It diffuses a soft and revealing glow that does not dazzle, even if it can sometimes disappear.
The moon shines even though the sun has disappeared: it is the memory of the divine law. She is an example to us: our thoughts and actions must reflect the supreme will, even in darkness, even if God seems absent.
But by its passive and indirect side, the moon can also evoke the inconstancy of ideas. The moon flatters and charms our imagination: the risk is then to sink into the illusion, the dream and the sleep of the soul, that is to say the uncontrolled mind.
[1] Cliff High is famous for having built an algorithm, predicting tendencies through the study of the words emerging on the web. He is smart, spiritually opened, having experimented, as many Americans in the 60s with a lot of mind-altering substances —entities, etc. His public, who do not have his knowledge, and fantastic memory, love him. Yet, often mixing things or using terms, names incorrectly. Is it enthusiasm? Shortcuts in expression? In regards to energy, We all make mistakes, especially while trying to decipher the past and Maya. i.e. I hope that my knowledge of Mythos, in the last book, for instance, is accurate. lol.
This is exactly how egregores work: something in him me donne des boutons-gives me a rash. How to translate that? He does not give me the creeps; I have a reaction with anyone preaching spirituality while trying to appear scientific. i.e, Cliff High’s words: we have to apply a method to study the Woo (the occult world). I also just know that something is off (for Me/me, no judgement), probably his affiliation with ETs and frequencies that are not the same as the ones I Am and serve. Obviously, we are not sailing the same boat; he does not like what he calls the Els‘… cosmic humor.
[2] By CHINEDU ASADU Associated Press. July 28, 2023, 2:24 PM
[3] What was called the Ring-Pass-Not in theosophy.