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May 5th 2023, Lunar Eclipse, Change but Caution

By April 27, 2023July 15th, 2024No Comments



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‘Il est plus facile d´appartenir une religion organis©e, dont on respectera les lois, les demandes que de se conformer aux principes simples de la Conscience Divine. Car l´int©grit© qui vient de l´amour, de l´acceptation totale d´autrui et de soi, et qui se meut par le discernement et l´harmonie, dans l´instant, avec Dieu, requiert plus de choix, de courage et de force que l´ob©issance aveugle un livre ou des lois r©dig©es par un leader humain.
“¢ Michael El Nour

“It is easier to belong to an organized church, which rules and demands we will adhere to, than to live by the simple principles of Divine Consciousness. Because integrity, based on love, on total acceptation of self and others, integrity moved by discernment and harmony, in the now, with God, requires more choice, more courage, more strength than blind obedience to a book or a law created by a human leader.” Michael El Nour, Manifestation




There are two ways to look at lunar nodes’ influence in our life. We have learnt that the south node points at our past, our spiritual assets, what we have learnt and feel comfortable with. Therefore we neeed to pay attention to anything from the past that does not serve us any more and let go.

The north node would then anchor (it is a spot in space) the future, our destiny, what here to accomplish in the present life-time. It is therefore linked to conscious motivations

Because the north node is what we tend to, we aspire to, Vedic astrologers generally ‘consider that Rahu is favorable materially but unfavorable spiritually and that on the contrary Ketu is unfavorable materially but favorable spiritually.’



Observations throughout the last 20+ years showed that when an eclipse occurs in the Dragon Tail, there is more cleansing happening and more earthquakes, especially if Uranus and Mars are concerned — their positions during the eclipses. The Dragon would represent our animalistic and primal reactions, as a Dragon would swing Its tail. The north node would be connected to the spiritual aspect of the duo, the conscious and thinking spiritual head, the Archangel. In your chart: your connection to higher levels of your soul telling you in what direction you are supposed to go.


The Dragon Head, Rahu, is judged difficult, tensed, by Vedic astrologers because we strive to reach objectives and thus could be frustrated by efforts and results.[1]


All this to point at the May 5/6th lunar eclipse, in Scorpio, with the south node a few degrees apart. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, transformation, death for rebirth, connected to power, money, sex, underworld. Taurus, manifestation of the Divine or at human level, material life, possessions, comfort and pleasure. Enjoying life.



“The Taurus-Scorpio polarity deals with the balance between all that is mine (Taurus) and all that is yours (Scorpio). It also emphasizes the concept of form (Taurus) versus transformation (Scorpio). While Taurus deals with matter, personal values, material goods, possessions, and security, Scorpio rules the destruction of form, shared possessions, change, and transformation. The Sun in Taurus encourages happiness with the simple, tangible things in life, while the Scorpio Moon draws our attention to complexities, intangibles, and mysteries. Neglecting either end of the axis will surely backfire on us. Ideally, a balance should be found between the two energies, and this is what the Full Moon invites us to do. This Full Moon is about emotional declarations. Something has been building inside of us, likely of an intimate nature, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out.”


This will be the last eclipse in Scorpio. The eclipsed moon in Scorpio is in opposition to Uranus, with a 4 degrees orb. Pretty close. Be ready for a change. Uranus breaks things apart for renewal. This is the axis of manifestation. You have probably worked towards your goals; the world has experienced tumult and aggressive shifts. Now we are ready to manifest the shift, with Jupiter looming at the end of Aries in orb with the north node. But Jupiter is square Pluto. The delivery is not easy. Tension. Jupiter is also semi-square Neptune, which would indicate illusions, unseen problems.



Interestingly, I had a conversation today with one of our readers. One of the topics, one of everyone’s burning question: why is the change so slow? Why so much chaos? Because the astral plane is still dominant. It happens to be connected to the moon and to the lower aspect of Neptune, involving the subconscious aspect of mankind and self, the world of illusion, glamor, false appearance (think about tik tok and the number of people who dream to be a Kardashian or a Musk!!), drugs, duplicity.

We spoke about the influence of drugs on our spiritual frequency and thus what we eventually do, our quality of life during the nigh. His experience: facing insomnia, X decided to smoke marijuana and could finally sleep better. But he could not control his old sensuous habits and felt that he was going back to habits long gone through hard spiritual practice. Not fun, but true.

Pluto, ruler of Scorpio also happens to form a quincunx with Venus, indicating tensions thus the importance of choices of relationships, partnerships, or, in long term relationships, the need to transform behaviors and patterns. It could also show that, at the archetypal level, mankind needs to move on, change our understanding about love and relationships, shift from romantic dreamers to Divine lovers. The Sun facing the Moon, illumating the moon pushes have a hard look at Venus and change our focus from infantile dreams to evolved souls. Your Creator moved His Heart to a higher level. Follow his lead.


At the COLLECTIVE LEVEL, your world, humankind’s fish-bowl cannot shift to the new age dream easily because most of the population is still only functioning through chakras 1-3. Emphasize is on glamour, sex, sexy, sexier, bodies, parties, glamour, good food or culinary trends (Taurus), alcohol, drugs, money, money as proof of human success. When marijuana was legalized years ago, i said that this was intentional, and aimed at keeping the population in the astral. Shamanic practices can eventually help releasing traumas, but then, get out of these energies. Uranus, opposing the Moon —emotions, emotional inner dialog — is asking you to change your electrical wiring, inside, and in your brains to become receptive to higher frequencies. Venus

During the May 5th lunar eclipse, Mercury retrograde is also in tensed relationship with Venus, ruler of Taurus, connected to love, relationships, partnerships. Rethink your connections! They are not a lost cause as Venus is in good terms with Saturn, thus telling you to be patient. Still hard work. Move (Mars) carefully and diligently knowing that the transits are propitious: Mars is on good terms with the moon/eclipse and with Neptune, your imagination, your hopes and beliefs. Neptune and Jupiter combined can bring inflated dreams.

Pay attention, reorganize your finances. Depending on your chart, you could experience luck or disillusion in this regard. Mercury in epicurean Taurus, sign of comfort, wealth, pleasure (ruled by Venus) is retrograde. Thus, the need to rethink, rewind and pay attention. Eventually step back and watch.

If we want to insist on the risky energies, we must mention Lilith, the dark moon sitting at 13 Leo, thus square the Moon. Lilith embodies our dark side, our secrets, what we hide because of shame. The light of the full moon might help you to let go of all that.



Note the equilateral triangle Moon/Mars/Neptune.

Mars and the Moon are in mutual rulership or reception: Mars is in Cancer, ruled by the Moon and Moon in Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto (now, most people consider Pluto as the main ruler for Scorpio). This will facilitate our acceptance of the feelings or uneasy discoveries brought to the open by the full moon might and will assist in our decision and actions.

If we add the Neptune component, the nice triangle adds access to either more hidden aspects of our subconscious, or the assistance of higher spiritual influx and love to work on any matter or discovery during the eclipse.


Most importantly:

  • the opposition Moon/Mercury/Sun and Moon/Uranus bring more insights:

We are all tormented, emotionally impacted by unanswered questions and need to adjust our egos and solar self to the situation if we want to properly and efficiently work with Pluto: go deep in the left overs of our personal and collective darkness and be willing to die spiritually die for rebirth. Pluto opposed Mars is re-enforcing the dilemma.

TECHNOLOGY AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. I have felt tickled over and over again by the transit eclipse in opposition to Uranus in Taurus. We might have to accept challenging shifts in the way we imagine life on earth, in terms of land, food and finances. Also, and strongly suggested: Uranus being connected to technology, we might have to accept weird, unexpected technological conditions to bring about the new world. We are in uncharted territory, probably controlled by ET nations, good or bad. In the past 3 or 4 months, we have been told by AI moguls that the next six months will be essential in terms of the dangers and decisions. The godfather of artificial intelligence (AI) has quit his job, warning about the growing dangers from developments in the field.

Geoffrey Hinton, 75, announced his resignation from Google in a statement to the New York Times, saying he now regretted his work.

He told the BBC some of the dangers of AI chatbots were “quite scary”.

“Right now, they’re not more intelligent than us, as far as I can tell. But I think they soon may be.”


Or, if we look at 2 triangles, both very close to ‘fingers of God’: the interaction Saturn in Pisces/Venus, ruler of Taurus, sitting in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the mind and Pluto arriving in Aquarius, yet retrograde at the time of the eclipse.

Second triangle, with Mars at the apex, Saturn in Pluto on the other side: destroy to rebuilt. Action, choices to make, under the influence of veiled (Neptune) emotions (Moon).

My wish, from the bottom of my heart, is that the Creator-god, our ruler, from the Divine depth of love and intelligence, will soon impose the right path for mankind, whether technology ad nauseum is a part of it or not.




AI ‘godfather’ Geoffrey Hinton warns of dangers as he quits Google – BBC News



Eclipse Calendar with Nodal Polarity (2021-2032) – Judith Hill Astrology


[1] Note the eclipse date. Observe if it is a North Node or South Node eclipse. Also note if it is a Solar or Lunar eclipse, and astronomically, how nearly exact an eclipse (penumbral, annular, partial or total). Astrologically, we have four very basic types of eclipses, as itemized below:

  • Solar North Node celestial tide flowing in: ‘power surge’
  • Solar South Node celestial tide flowing out: ‘power outage’, release
  • Lunar North Node ‘tide in’ at Moon’s end / tide out at Sun’s (suction)
  • Lunar South Node ‘tide out’ at Moon’s end / tide in at Sun’s end (suction)




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