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Mind Bending

Book, Rene Guenon, The World King

By June 17, 2016July 15th, 2024No Comments

Excepts of a book published in French in 1958. Recommended reading in your own language.

Renà©-Jean-Marie-Joseph Guà©non, also known as Ê¿Abd al-WÄḥid Yaḥyà¡ [al-MÄlikÄ«, al-ḤÄmidÄ« ash-ShÄdhilÄ«], was a French author and intellectual who remains an influential figure in the domain of metaphysics, having written on topics ranging from …Wikipedia

ended his life in Egypt, having embraced Islamic Esoterism.

To compare with the Metatron Chapter in the Amen Book.

A blue circle with an image of a flower.