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By May 16, 2016July 15th, 2024No Comments



Last February, I was supposed to travel to France and share with a new group of Light workers. Spirit unexpectedly informed me that this move would bring death, probably for Myself but also for people around me. I re-scheduled my journey and chose to be in the little town of Pau in May, right after the great alignment of planets, not realizing that I would then be in the South of France for Wesak. We decided to celebrate Wesak together. The whole week was miraculous, love and joy manifested on the physical plane. Everyone was immensely blessed and noticed immediate changes in their lives.

Wesak has been a part of my life for many years. However, although I wrote about it, describing to the readers the meeting and interaction of the Buddha, the Christ and the Hierarchies on the subtle planes, I had never shared it with a group, directly.

For the night of Wesak, we met in silence and flew, as One, to Spiritual Dimension/ Space where celebration takes place. All participants were capable leaving physical world experience magnificence moment. emotion, depth experience, so extra-ordinary that, although I announced three times that free come back 3D world, whole group, without exception, stayed ecstatic mute another 45 minutes. faces glowing with love, astonishment Divine Grace.

I then announced my decision to come back for Wesak 2001 and to gather a larger group. However, I did not reveal my heart’s wish immediately: to organize this event in Montsegur, the Cathars’ capital. Why MONTSEGUR? Who are the CATHARS? The PERFECTS, as per the meaning of their names, appeared in Eastern Europe, probably in Bulgaria, as a reaction to the lust, degradation and greed of the Catholic Church/, at this time ruled by Pope . Anyone who would not accept the authority of the Church and would not act in conformity with the Church’s rules, was declared Heretic and condemned to the stake. Not only did the Cathars teach the old Tradition, but they also refused the Sacraments of the Church, even marriage! Also, the Pures were very popular to the people because of their famous irreproachable behavior, and their compassion.

The Cathars were divided in two categories:

  • The ADEPTS, sometimes described as the “Unknown Superiors”, were believed to be spiritual entities incarnated for this specific task and time. Detached from human life, they were renown as powerful healers, who were transmitting the Holy Spirit. As carriers of the Great Tradition, the path of the Cathars was ahead of its time. As multi-dimensional travelers, their purpose was to demonstrate the power of love, forgiveness, integrity and tolerance. The Initiates mastered the Art of “Riding the Light”. In the occult tradition, riding the Light means to master the Energy, the capacity of Being and Acting out of the veil of Time, reading the Akhashic Records, and therefore standing in deep trust and detachment. “As well as the Christ, they healed the body through the healing of the soul.”
  • The Disciples, who were enjoying all aspects of human life, including sexuality and procreation. All Cathars were vegetarian, prechors. They were (??)

While Europe was living under the feudal system, keeping the vast majority in misery and famine, the Cathars taught the abolition of casts and self-value based on money. The Jewish people, considered as pariahs, were welcome in the Order. The Cathars believed in reincarnation, astrology, and celebrated the Equinox. They knew that the Universe is only Light and Love and their

Similarly to the Egyptians or the FreeMasons one of the Cathars rites of initiation is the death of the lower self and the rebirth into the path of initiation. The disciple is locked into a room (free masonry), a cave (Shamanism) a sarcophagus (Egypt). He/she is confronted to himself, to his own demons, his subconscious mind for 3 days. Then, the disciple is ready to enter the path to enlightenment.

The Cathars, aware of the laws of Duality were adepts of the transmutation of Darkness through love and purity. Man participates in God’s victory toward ignorance (= the absence of Light) and evil (absence of Love). The Cathars taught internal ALCHEMY, which is the transmutation of Self in Gold (Golden Light).

Also, they were teaching TANTRA, sexuality transmuted by Love and Spirit, as a tool for enlightenment. The Initiates or Pures were celibates. The others were expected to enjoy life and participate in the beauty of procreation. However love was to be raised to the level of a sacrament, a path out of Duality and to multi-dimensional travel (practice of true tantra allows the couple to experience states of consciousness that are more difficult for them to reach in the 3D world). The Cathars were practicing the retention of the sperm associated with the mastery of breath and Energy.

During the Middle Age, the TROUBADOURS were famous for their gifts in poetry and music. They are believed to be merely entertainers for the rich castle owners. However, the Troubadours were in fact transmitting esoterical wisdom through their songs, especially teaching the Art of Sacred love-making as well as sharing powerful melodies and words as tools to invoke Divine Love.

The Church and the Monarchy started to feel threatened by the amplitude of the movement/following. As early as 1022, the first burning at the stake was erected for the Queen Constance’s own confessor. During the reign of Pope Innocent III, in 1209, the crusade against the Heretics was launched and made one million victims, wounded, tortured and burnt. Most of the South of France, and many regions in Europe (Italy, Bulgaria) were back to the ancient tradition, in harmony with the Cathars’ teachings, and thus threatening the authority of the Pope and the Monarchies (ruled by the Black degenerated Reptilians…but this is another story isn’t it…). Each town was surrounded by massive walls, and topped by a castle, generally built atop a steep rocky hill, where the population would find refuge in case of an attack. The Cathars were preaching non-violence and surviving by moving from one town to the next. Under siege, they would either escape or surrender. The idea was to teach love and compassion and to save, not the individual, but the Christ frequency and message.

MONTSEGUR, the Cathars’ capital, overhanging a hill, is oriented according to the Sun and the Zodiac and was supposed to hide the group’s treasure, eventually the Holy Grail. From the castle and underground, many passages, only known by a few initiates, allowed the Pures to survive but most especially to communicate with the exterior. For centuries, Montsegur was the silent Heart of the Divine Presence in Europe. Not only is the area surprisingly beautiful, but it is also empowered by the vortices and telluric lines on which it stands. After three centuries of battle against the Heretics, the Pope decided to hurt the mystical heart of Europe. The Perfects knew their fate and, like Jesus, accepted to be betrayed. In fact, people believe that the Elders organized the betrayal. This was the only possibility for Montsegur to fall. One of the reason why the Elders chose to commit suicide was to keep the soldiers busy and make them believe in their victory, while the relics were evacuated.

“Three month prior to the full moon of May, Seven Wise Men were sent in a secret mission in Eastern Europe, in a castle of Transylvania, where we met with the Brothers of the Darkness. Mankind, as well as the body/system it belongs to, was not ready yet, had not perform more of the Divine Alchemy to permit to the Christ Frequency to reign forever. Our work, at this time, was only to seed enough human beings in order to make sure that the message would be carried for several centuries. At the full moon of May, 108 initiates of the High Degrees, all volunteering for Planet Earth and humankind gathered in the high chamber of the castle, the one considered the Saint of Saint because of its special position towards the Sun. Most of us had been working together for centuries on Earth and millions of years elsewhere, We were grave but happy, because we all knew that the sacrifice was a necessity, and that this part of our duty was completed. We discussed the best manner to save as many people as possible. The secret passages will be utilized to evacuate women, children, and those who felt that their path was in the human clothing. Our books, literature about alchemy, the mysterious substances that we were using during the initiation rites, a mask from beyond Egypt, were part of the package. The sacred emerald, that was passed from one brotherhood to the other since Atlantis, the one with the purple aura, was also carried by this group, as well as some gold, very few in fact.

Three other people, two men and a woman, left with our most precious treasure, the relics from the Christ, transmitted to us from the Essenes, our brothers. The relics, some bones and ashes, kept throughout centuries with pure divine atomic Energy, were hidden in a castle for several decades, then they crossed the great Ocean towards the New Continent. It might be discovered in a few decades, from 2000, in a canyon in … the United States.”

The Holy Grail, My Beloved Readers, is not a human form, not a physical object. Each of you can see and create his/her own Grail. Clairvoyantly speaking, it looks like a recipient, at the base of your spine. This cup, is the sacred vase in which the holy alchemy occurs when you are ready. Tantra, as practiced by the yogis or the Cathars is a human path to the elaboration and the blending of the Energies. However, Beloved Ones, this time is over. The Sacred Marriage, the Marriage with Self, with the Beloved, only possible after the blending and transmutation of the Light and the Darkness, in their purest form, sublimated by Love and Wisdom (knowledge + intelligence) is the real Union. The alchemy might be facilitated with a companion, in order to prepare the body and open some doorways in you spiritual structure. However, each Being still has to be complete as Self, as God is One and United.

When the two meridians, feminine and masculine are fully opened and free, they run upward through your system, and through great fire, burn the remains of the human ego. The flow of the combined forces is seen at the base of the spine, coming out of something that looks like a vessel, a vase, made out of flames and pure abstract, atomic matter. Also, when the arousal and blending of the forces happens the trajectories of the two streams of energy surrounding the body, and burning with fire and flames really look like the cups that you are used to picture in your churches and literature. This is the origin of the legend of the sacred cup, the Graal. This sacred moment prepares the being for two other steps, the full arousal of the Serpent Kundalini and then the marriage with the Spiritual Self, the Divine. “

All the people gathered in Montsegur received the Holy Spirit from the Elders. Those who choose to die had been scrutinized weeks before the event and tested in order to insure that nobody would just act out of despair or heroism. Those Beloved Brothers and Sisters were granted with a special sacrament, allowing them to be permanently connected with their Light Body and be able to leave the physical plane, at stake while keeping their memories intact.
The Christ Vibration, the Cathars and the Cycles of Jupiter
Jupiter is the guardian and applies the Divine Laws. “We have to manifest what we really are, that is to say the Children of God. It is thus necessary to apply divine laws, and first to transform our human laws in order for them to be in harmony with the Divine Laws, free from the notion of power (abuse of power). Jupiter asks us for Justice and Truth, as well as balance and sharing. He is guiding humankind, us, to the Father. The influence of Jupiter, as the Leader of mankind is felt throughout history, when new laws are established:

  • 1775 BC: Code of Hammourabi King of Babylon, he established laws of honor, respect and unification. Jupiter is in Sagittarius, sign of wisdom and balance, however still in search of power.
  • 1200 BC: Moses: Jupiter in the Cancer. Moses is leading the Jewish people to their new home. The Jewish society/family is created under the laws of Jaweh.
  • 560 BC: Buddha. “Jupiter is in Gemini, a sign which brings the individual towards curiosity, and often induces a message, a teaching.
  • Jesus: Jupiter is conjunct with Saturn, showing the future of mankind, based on Divine Justice and Wisdom. If we can manifest the Divine Laws, in full wisdom, in Love and Compassion (Pisces), we stand in the Christ way.

The Cathars vibration appears with Jupiter in the Gemini. Jupiter is trigon with Neptune, planet of faith. Therefore, the Cathars’ message is essentially spiritual, in harmony with the Christ message and vibration. It is interesting to notice that between the crucifixion and the appearance of the Cathars, 82 cycles of Jupiter have passed: 82 X 12 = 984 years + 33 years = 1017

On March 16, 1244, date of the surrender of Montsegur, Uranus (responsibility, fraternity) opposed Jupiter (Manifestation of the Divine Laws), in the axle Leo-Aquarius (Christic axle). Uranus, in its own house, the Aquarius, is overpowered. It shows the refusal of mankind, at this time to surrender to the soul. The ego is still the strongest and manifests itself through abuse. Jupiter is in the Leo, a fire sign.

The Cathars were sent to seed the planet with the Christ frequencies of love and compassion. They knew that humankind was not ready, but were one of the link on the long chain of Initiates who gave their lives for the planet and its children.

If we add another 12 cycles to 1017, we arrived at 2001. The next time and space where the Christ Frequency is to be imprinted on the planet is Montsegur, May 2001. Here is the conclusion of Gilberte Francon, author of the book JUPITER, MESSENGER OF THE NEW ERA. “The Christic vibration, left by the Cathars on the day of the surrender of Montsegur might re-appear. However, we will be allowed to use our free will and decide if we will dare to manifest fully and completely the divine message.”

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