[1/23/21 For fun: I spent part of the night with the Chinese community. Ahead of 3D time, I attended a celebration of the year of the Ox, next to a large museum. A magnificent show of eastern and Chinese art was ending. Along several streets of what appeared to be an American city, tables were set for a late night banquet, gathering hundreds of families.]
Before leaving office, Donald Trump declassified a document, a ‘lightly redacted report, in use across the government since 2018, [that] seeks to explain the challenges the U.S. faces from a rising and more assertive China, spells out vital U.S. interests in the region and lays out a plan for both mobilizing and helping key allies in achieving U.S. aims.’
‘While President Biden is likely to keep some aspects of Trump’s China policy ‘” and incoming administration officials have indicated theyintendto continue to pressure China for its crackdown on Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement and support the Trump administration’sdeclaration of genocideof Uighurs in the Xinjiang region ‘” they are expected to lower the temperature and restart dialogue, especially on areas of common concern like climate change, while coordinating more closely with allies and partners.’
Like many people, I feel uneasy with the unclear world situation. Although I am not a supporter of the present conspiracy groups, I started to speak about deep state and the dark conspiracy since the early 90s. At this point, it is very difficult to predict the future; yet, the occult planetary functioning provides some direction.
Officially false. Who knows?
China, US and world power: minutes after Biden rises to presidency, China seeks revenge. It is war, isn’t it? A leader finally tried to stop the One Hundred Years Plan?
‘China reaps financial benefits of releasing a biological weapon to the world
In the third quarter of this year, China outperformed the United States as the EU’s largest trading partner, with trade between the EU and China reaching 425.5 billion euros.’ La Chine récolte les avantages financiers de la libération d’une arme biologique sur le monde ‘” MIRASTNEWS
The theosophic movement proposed the idea of Seven Root-races involved in the development of humankind. Each root race evolves through sub-cycles and races expressing a different culture, ethnicity. China as well as other Asian populations would be part of the late cycles of the Fourth root-race, while the United States would be a part of the Fifth root-race.
This concept is congruent with the understanding of creation as the result of the division of a God-mind into Seven Principles or frequencies, the number seven, the Heptad, considered as sacred in both numerology and various ancient traditions. The God-Heart-Mind would have anchored its frequency through the Seven Creators, or Rishis, said to reside in the Great Bear Constellation. Each Creator takes turn, leading the manifestation project, through one root race, until unification is achieved.
The Chinese and Japanese civilizations, with their magnificent and refined achievements of the past, are believed to belong to the Fourth Root-race. What are the traits in China’s culture and traditions that point at the fourth cycle? A religious system based on devotion, obedience, cult of the past with emphasis given to the ancestors.
Most importantly, within eastern civilizations such as Japan and China life, kingship, art, combat are linked to a conscious relationship with the Great Dragon. Eastern societies and populations had the fantastic privilege and honor to hold the vibration of the Old Dragon, as evidenced by their cultures, temples, emperors. The Dragon was the King and ruler. Martial arts have only one goal: align and utilize the Dragon’s energy for the average human; awaken the Dragon within for a smaller portion of the population. The European royal dynasties have attempted to keep a relationship with the Dragon Lineage, the emphasis shifted on the perverted Jesus/Grail bloodline.
The Great Dragon, in this form, is a part of the past. The Dragon has risen above matter and connected to Its spiritual counterpart, the Divine Being called the Archangel Michael in Christian culture. The Archangel Mikael is also the Lyrian Ruler, or head of the Lyra Extra-Terrestrial present governing body for the Earth.
Although one could easily argue that human life has existed on the American continent for longer than a few millennia (see notes), the United States, as a land mass, has not yet played out its spiritual role.
What determines the true function and power given to a nation — residing on a specific land— is Spirit. In other words, what, where the universal Heart-Mind is focusing on. Life, the data and informational system that creates what we call life in 3D, is manifested and ruled by the Intelligence that we call deity, —for this author, the Creator-god.
Spirit or the central data bank, or central intelligence explores Itself through creation, while humans are the manifested computers mirroring the state of communication between Spirit and Matter (It and us).
Dark humor would infer that present mankind’ and earth’ chaotic and damaged state strongly suggests a problem at the level of the Creator-god’s central computer system. Or, a delay between the emission of an order and the manifestation. Or a struggle between the Head and the feed-back, the Head and the Tail.
Back to our subject: Can China become the next super-power?
What are humans’ most used communication tool, although subconsciously? The chakra system. How are we all connected to the life force? The first chakra, etc.
The Creator-god (Cg) anchors Itself on earth through Its chakra system. Just like us, at least when we become aware and a little bit disciplined, a refinement of the universal chakra system takes place. Cg works out his relationships with his divine Brothers (and more, we keep it simple) the other Creators. The result is Star Wars and a more or less chaotic reaction of the slaves-followers-assistant creators when aware (Us).
Over billions of human years —just a blink of an eye for the universe— Cg transfers Its Divine Frequency to the Earth (among other receptors) and according to Its personal goals.
We simplify the story: Great Dragon, the first chakra energy was anchored in Asia and South America long ago. Much later, the druids were the last popular magicians, still playing an important role next to the kings. When mankind turned to shamanism and Shintoism, they were already relating to the reptilians in general, not to the Dragon. Additionally, the reptilians had left the power to diverse extra-terrestrials factions, the latest being the Mantis population. The main anchors for the Cg, known from the occult brotherhood, are powerful religious areas, generally marked with temples and human affluence. To understand political power, one must follow religious power and religious mythology. The history of the main religions with their most sacred locations is a mirror, in the 3D illusion, of the trajectory, the path, and evolution-through-manifestation of the Deity on Earth.
Much later in 3D time, the Creator-god had started to anchor his Spiritual Self, seen as an angelic Being, on Earth. The Higher Self of the Old Dragon, as revered by the East, is known, in Christianity as the Archangel Michael. The early life of the Christian church was then marked by repetitive apparitions of the Archangel since the third century AD. In the fifth century, Michael started to ask the ones who could communicate with Him to consecrate specific locations, for instance Monte Gargano, in Italy in 470 AD. The Apollo/Mikael ley line is now known by the spiritual community as the most powerful divine anchorage, as a fantastic arrow, shooting the Cg’s energy in a specific direction.
[Jean Croiset, La Vie des Saints pour tous les jours de l’année.]The Cg anchored Its Presence in the East (This is a very simplified picture), then in the Middle East, then in Europe. The path of the Cg, goes East to West, like the Sun.
For a vortex, and for a land to be sacred, it needs to be activated, by the Will and Presence of the Cg Itself. A spiritually alive and important vortex will attract religious attention, tourism and eventually war (Jerusalem and the Sinai).
When other vortices are invaded and utilized by pirates (Extra-terrestrial factions), we have another aspect of Star-Wars and cold-war. When a vortex is abandoned by Cg, the country becomes dilapidated, and reshapes its politics.
This is where legends come from, and what occult history is about. This is also why humans are fighting for a land. They try to follow and own the divine power. The perfect example is the Roman Catholic Church repeatedly building its main cathedrals on the top of ancient power site Now, the Catholic Church is also the mundane representative of the Christ. Whether the Jesus of the Christian was the Christ or not, the Christian churches have participated in the anchoring of this concept and energy (Christic Frequency) while using the true alive, divine vortices and therefore while owning illegally the spiritual power for centuries. The spiritual power, the last activated vortices were located in Europe, and under the grip of the Illuminati and the Vatican.
Therefore, Europe was, de facto, the spiritual and geopolitical ruler of the Earth. Then, the United States were created. Humans, attuned to the Cg’s consciousness, tend to run faster than time (let’s hope that this time we will not have to wait too long!).
True, the United States, as a financial and economical power seemingly attained power decades ago and appear to be losing their rank and global influence. However, and whether we understand how it will manifest, it still must play its role fully. What determines this future: the recent opening of a new vortex, in the US, door to the Lyrian rulers and troops; then the future activation of the other vortices by the Divine Heart/Mind will anchor and consolidate the new rise of the United States.
As the present situation is rather challenging and unsure, we can only practice faith in the destiny of the United States.
Yes, the New Age has flourished early in the US and the trend of vortex visitation is no more trendy. The spiritual community has aged while the new generation turns to technology and science. A correction is necessary, that was not yet abled because of the grip on power of the old European Lodges and the Vatican.
This is now done and over. The Vatican has agreed to release power on the main vortex that they were using in Europe (not Rome, Paris.)
When the US Capitol and WDC were build, the American Fathers, in fact a group of freemasons, have attempted to recreate the frequency of power as it existed in Europe. The ‘ËœSecret Architecture of the Nation’s Capital’(David Ovason) is now part of the new age culture. What was left unpublicized is the attempted transfer of the frequency of the Mother in the Capitol.
David Ovason mentioned the ‘Ëœtheme of the alchemical nutrix, the female nourisher, as a source of nourishment for the country’ as well as the importance given to the Virgo by the Forefathers. Yet, there was more: art from the Italian masters, known masons and spiritual icons, were gifted to the
To be continued ‘¦/’¦
I thought you had opened a vortex here in the states?YES, as mentioned in the post, a new vortex is open, connecting the US to the Lyra.
Or are you waiting for a sign of where to go open another one? No. Activation of the land started a few years ago.
Do the AmerIndian native people here know where they are No, the Natives have nothing to do with this level of work. Or at least, let’s be humble, I am not aware of anyone that is. or will the next vortex be in a complexly new spot? The new vortex is not on Native land or old landmark.
Is there a leyline here on this continent? There are ley lines everywhere; although, like blood vessels and major arteries in the body, all ley lines play a different role.
Chinese astrology, the year of the OX: https://www.astrology.com/chinese-zodiac/ox
Good summary of Root-race concept: https://bluedragonjournal.com/2016/01/25/the-root-races-a-paper-by-eliza-ayres/
A 2017 study claimed that Humans Lived in North America 130,000 Years Ago, Study Claims – The New York Times (nytimes.com).
In july 2020, we were told that ‘Humans settled in the Americas much earlier than previously thought, according to new finds from Mexico. They suggest people were living there 33,000 years ago, twice the widely accepted age for the earliest settlement of the Americas.’ Earliest evidence for humans in the Americas – BBC News
FUN: Secrets of da Vinci painting uncovered by new algorithm (msn.com)
‘Each pixel contained different amounts of each element, within various layers. We analyzed each pixel individually before combining them to see all the underdrawings in the painting. This revealed a much sharper image of the angel and baby,” said Imperial College London’s Pier Luigi Dragotti in a release Tuesday.’
<iframe width=”799″ height=”463″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/oAmVLscVKqM” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
‘If one considers Saturn as the ‘establishment’ or ‘government’ whose dictate is to maintain ‘control,’ and Uranus as the ‘collectiv’ or ‘populac’ representing the urge of the people to pursue freedom, independence, and the value placed upon ‘individuality,’ then the conflict begins to assume a shape that will be challenging. This is a combination that could lead to mass protests and even revolutions against the leadership that is presently in control of the government. It implies a period of great social unrest in which the collective’s demands for change (Uranus and Aquarius) is met with strong resistance from those who do not wish to relinquish their control (Saturn).’ https://isarastrology.org/raymond-merriman-the-great-mutation-and-the-start-of-a-new-era-jupiter-and-saturn/
‘One can observe this today in the movement towards socialism (an air sign type of government where government intervention occurs so that everyone is ideally equal and taken care of regardless of financial status) and away from capitalism (an earth sign type of society where private ownership is valued and people are rewarded materially and socially ‘” in terms of status ‘” based on the success of their efforts).’ Socialism as invasion of government control under the new nice father, Biden: student loans, immigration, social medicine, vaccination for our well-being; senate immediately approving social relief packag’¦..
‘As shown on the enclosed Solar Fire table of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions between December 11, 1166 and February 14, 1425, the Great Chronocrator made its initial entrance into Libra, an air sign, on November 8, 1186. It then returned to an earth sign (Taurus) on April 16, 1206. Finally, it re-entered the air element (Aquarius) and began its Great Mutation from earth to air on March 4, 1226, where it continued for the next seven cycles.’
If I consider Saturn and Jupiter as 2 as[ects of the deity, Saturn was the time of the incarnation, descending of power + strong waxing Uranus ‘” the sky. This is confirmed by the element emphasized between 2000 and 2020: Earth sign: ‘the 2000-2020 Jupiter/Saturn cycle was a reversion to the earth element cycle that had prevailed from 1802 through 1980.’ The twenty years marked the implementation of the new Kingdom, all steps necessary to consolidate the arrival of the new hierarchy and Earth Ruler.