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Matrix, Fixed Stars and Precession of the Equinoxes

By June 3, 2023July 15th, 2024No Comments


Here you go… updated 6/4/23

A brainy text and some explanations. The understanding of precession was and has been one of the foundational principles taught in the temples in the past, at the time of Plato, in secret societies, etc.

Read the text first….

D. and I had fun recording it.

How does this relate to your daily life? Speaking about the universal laws?

  • Understanding your belonging to the whole. Developing a relationship with it.
  • your responsibilities as a co-creator: in what realms do i create? in what dimensions?
  • Understanding the matrix helps you to adapt: we cannot change the course of Heaven, but we can learn to respond to this magnificent clock. Learn to listen to the stars instead of fighting them. Use Mars for action or check your iron level instead of being angry. Use Saturn to strengthen your business and character instead of falling into depression.
  • Beginner’s application: when i meditate facing the Sun, I receive Its frequency consciously and align with my monad. If i party all night — and all the time— and sleep during the day, i do not respect the cycles of nature, etc

we would like your comments.

love and smile


NOTE: WEBINAR offering :


Precession and Space-time, let’s dream…

In 2021, The Smithsonian reported that the beginning of the Homo Sapiens lineagemost likely dates back 550,000 to 750,000 years.[1]

Mythology tells us about Seven Creators, exteriorization of the Infinite and unfathomable Consciousness. Each Creator anchors a specific frequency. The Seven Lords or seven creative Consciousnesses are the Rishis in the East, the Hebrew Elohim[2], the Archangels or Seven Spirits of God in Christian theogony. The Seven hold the illusory space in which the human race is evolving as a jewel, merging the gifts –and growing pains — of the Seven, in the fecund womb of the Milky Way.

In succession, they take preeminence and rule, adding their frequency to a cycle manifested in different species, civilizations, and new experiences for the human soul.

The earth rotational axis points at our polar star, Polaris or Alpha Ursae Minoris, the brightest in the Little Dipper. This axis moves and traces a circle across the stars, implying the precession of the equinoxes. It takes about 26,000 years for the earth to precess through the full circle.[3]

A blue circle with an image of a flower.

precession of equinoxes.

This movement of the axis, the shifting of the North Star delimits a space, traced in Heaven, within which the manifestation of the Divine Dream enfolds. God’s will-to-create imposes a restriction to His Light, the Hebrew Tsim-Tsum, and emanates a dimensional spacetime, in the womb of which humankind thrives, under the rulership of Creator-gods. This spacetime, combined with the Zodiac, is our matrix.

In old India, the precession of the equinoxes was seen as ‘an imaginary line, or great circle, passing through the poles of the ecliptic, and the beginning of the fixed [star] Magha [Regulus, the royal star] which circle was supposed to cut some of the stars of the Great Bear… the seven stars being called the Rishis, the circle so assumed was called the line of the Rishis.’[4] The Seven are then the Lords of time or chronocrators.[5]

In the immemorial Tradition, the North, the Polar Mountain, the Crown, all these concepts and symbols have been associated with Spirit, Heaven. North would be the closest point to the deities, with whom humans must find alignment and direction. The manifested world mirrors the movements of the stars and the focus of the Heart/Mind of the Universe; it evolves through a gradual alignment with the galactic Consciousness and the Light.


A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Precession cycle

Vega or Alpha Lyrae was the north star around 12,000 BCE and will once again be the north star around 13,000 CE. The Earth north pole was aligned with the Draco constellation between 4500 BCE and 1000 BCE.

The present 26,000-year cycle occurs under the leadership of Lyra and Vega. Mythology validates the idea that, in the Milky Way, the Creator’s Consciousness, one of the Seven, resides in Lyra, seen both as a bird and a lyre, and diffusing the music of the spheres. Sound presides over creation, lovingly carried along by a vulture, an eagle, and a swan, mingling as a trinity in the summer.[6]

Life impetus, carried by winged or angelic creatures, was transferred to the Draco constellation, emerging in the three-dimensional world as the Great Dragon, and later, reptilian life.

Creation or externalization of the present race would be:

  • Two aspects of Consciousness, one anchored in Lyra and the other, projected into the material realm, via Draco.
  • A blending of the civilizations of Lyra and Draco, merging reptilian and winged DNA.[7]

This creation experiment gave birth to the universal lore about Dragon Slayers, the Christian Archangel Michael being one version of it. The Slaying of the Dragon refers to: leadership and chaos-control by the Creator and Light; ongoing alignment with a frequency, involving the polar axis, and evolution of the race under the gaze of the Creator’s spiritual Self, anchored in Lyra. In the astrological system, the axis of evolution, the compass, materialized by the lunar nodes axis, evokes the Creator’s two aspects, as the nodes are called Dragon’s Head and Tail.

We could theorize, imagine Seven Creators, each of them experiencing and blending the Seven aspects of life. 49 cycles x 25920 years = 1.270,000 years.

If present humanity is the 5th race, 34.5 cycles = 894,240. We just reached the bottom of the pit, about 13,000 years, and are moving in the Light, with Lyra. © Michael El Nour & Amen Publishing

[ i messed up in the video- 49 cycles total. For the 5th race, one Creator, 5 cycles and a half

Alpha Lyra:

Alpha Lyrae Vega 0.026 Lyra within 5° used to be the North Star at about 12,000 BC; and will become the North Star at 14,500 AD

We just passed the mid-section, 13,000 years. So, Lyra constellation as a whole initiates the cycle. Around minus 11,000 + 2000 = 13,000. … the important thing is that you understand that the stars and constellations are the makers and the holders of the nest in which we evolve. Magnetic fields and rotations of the planets, constellations, all working together]. have fun !


Michael El Nour has been decades ahead of the Consciousness movement. As a pioneer in the fields of Consciousness and Integrative Medicine, El Nour hasconducted tours and seminars for 35 years, teaching a synthesis of the ancient occult Tradition blended with the most advanced understanding of the human multidimensional existence.Michael has published 8 books, 4 translated in German and French.



[2] A hierarchy of Elohim in the Bible creation myth is possible, but this is another subject.

[3] 1 degree of precession in 72 years; 72 x 360 = 25920 years. 1 in 71.6 years = 25776.

[4] SD, II, p. 550 – Historical View of the Hindu Astronomy.

[5] As Jupiter and Saturn at the level of the Solar System.

[6] Summer triangle.

[7] Other constellations are involved, discussed in the book, Who Is Your Creator God?





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