VEGA AND ALTAIR – excerpts – still reviewing this post…
Vega/Alpha Lyrae, Altair/Alpha Aquilae and Deneb/Alpha Cygni form the summer triangle. Each star is the brightest star of its constellation, respectively 5th, 11th, 19th brightest star.
Note: The details which led to our understanding of the evolution of stars occurred shortly after the first decade of this century. Ejnar Hertzsprung (Danish-1911) and Henry Norris Russell (American-1913) began to reveal what, up to that time, had been the secret lives of stars. The three bright luminaries of the Great Summer Triangle discussed last week: Vega (25 light years), Altair (17 ly), and Deneb (3200 ly) seemed to present no relationship among their distances and their brightnesses. Stars, just like people, really aren’t all that different. In the human experience people may look radically different, but they all function basically the same way. Their lifestyles, however, are very often influenced by their physical characteristics, such as weight. That’s what Hertzsprung and Russell found for the stars. All stars belong to the same family too. They are changing hydrogen into helium via nuclear fusion. Astronomers say that stars “burn” hydrogen, but be careful here. It’s a nuclear reaction, not a chemical one. The intensity of the reaction is a function of the temperature and pressures generated inside of a star. And that is a factor of a star’s mass or the quantity of material which it contains. “Heavier” stars are more luminous because their internal temperatures and pressures are higher, and hydrogen burning can proceed at a faster rate. A rough idea of what is happening inside of a star is revealed by that star’s color. In a star’s life, blue stands for hot, red for cool. So faraway Deneb is a powerhouse of energy with a mass of over 30 times that of our sun. It won’t be around for too long. Burn bright; die young. Hey, it sounds just like us!
In the summer and in the northern hemisphere, three beautiful birds illuminate our nights and diffuse the music of the spheres for the delights of the souls, two eagles and a swan. Connecting humans with the Milky Way and the gods, they are a bridge to the Heart of our Galaxy.
Vega, fifth brighter star in the sky, more than twice the mass of our solar giant, is ‘only about a tenth of the age of the Sun, but since it is 2.1 times as massive, its expected lifetime is also one tenth of that of the Sun; both stars are at present approaching the midpoint of their life expectancies.’ Wiki
‘Vega rotates extremely quickly, once every 12 and a half hours compared to the 28 days it takes the sun to rotate on its axis. Vega’s rapid rotation causes the star to bulge considerably at its equator.’ Vega Star – Facts About Vega |
The love story between Altair and Vega, two of the brightest diamonds in the firmament, aroused poets, and story tellers. The two eagles are still firing our imagination. Altair carries Zeus’ thunderbolts; Vega is the swooping eagle, called Al Nasr al Waki by the 17th century Egyptian astronomer Al Achsasi Al Mouakket. Altair is the Eagle in the civilizations of Sumer, Babylon and Greece.
In oriental lore, Vega and Altair are longing lovers. Their abundant tears flow in the Silver River, Dải Ngân Hà , or Milky Way. They are remembered in the Shih Ching, or Book of Songs, a collection of 305poemsof varying length, written throughout centuries [1000-200 BC?].
Whether it was Celestial Mother Wang who disapproved of her Seventh daughter’s romance or the Celestial Emperor who decided that the enthralled lovers neglected their duties, the lovebirds were ‘separated by the sparkling waters, they could but face each other with silent gloom. Chinese Tale: Cowherd and Weaving Girl (
Only on the Seventh day of the seventh lunar month can the lovers reunite, eventually crossing the Milky Way on a bridge spun by mag The constellation Cygnus represents the magpie bridge. This legend has inspired poets for generation and is remembered during the QiXi festival on the Seventh lunar month of the Chinese calendar.
Or, more down to earth, a story about simple life: Altair would be the buffalo star or Cowherd, busy ploughing, coupled with Vega, the Cloud-Weaving Goddess. Did this grounded legend later morphed into the romantic love song of Niulang, in charge of the heavenly herds, and the Seventh daughter of the Celestial Emperor, Zhinü? Or vice-versa? Niulang fell in love for Zhinu bathing on Earth and stole her clothes. Naked, the young goddess could not return to Heaven. The paramours elected to live on Earth and have children. But the emperor forced his daughter to go back to Heaven. Niulang was then assisted by his ox to return the family to Heaven. The ‘ox was once the god of cattle but was punished after he had violated the laws of Heaven.’ Wiki When both deities were struck by fate and duty, they became the stars Altair and Vega.
This love story is key to variations performed in the traditional theatre. The four smaller stars around Vega would be the goddess’ weaving shuttle. Interesting detail connecting Altair with an Ox: ‘Niulang was very upset when he found out his wife had been taken back to heaven. Niulang’s ox, who saw the events unfold, built a boat for him to carry his children up to Heaven.’
Another version of the legend recounts the miracles performed by a loving weaving deity to assist a poor young man or an orphan. In some tales the two characters are married. Their children are the two stars surrounded Aquila, Alshain and Tarazed. The lined stars form the Shaft of Aquila.
Three beautiful birds illuminate your nights and diffuse the music of the spheres for the delights of the souls, two eagles and a swan. Connecting you with the Milky Way and the gods, they are a bridge to the Heart of our Galaxy. Still, drama is looming in the misfortune of the beautiful Leda. The Spartan queen, married to King Tyndareus, was seduced by Jupiter, disguised as a swan. Leda gave birth to two sets of twins, the immortal Pollux and Helen and mortal Castor and Clytemnestra. Castor and Pollux then connect reappear in the Gemini constellation.
Three birds, a Lyre, Jupiter disguised as a swan, the Sun God and Orpheus, the latter coerced into visiting the Underworld. The Lyre was placed in Heaven by Jupiter to honor Orpheus. This intriguing mix is telling us the inexorable laws of creation, of manifestation in the dense, material realms.
In this lifetime as a human, I first reintegrated consciously the frequency and purpose of the Lyra and of my Lyrian Self in 1998 in 2001. [Sorry for the accustomed readers, I feel that I have repeated myself for decades!]
Later, while visiting the Mont Saint Michel, in France, I anchored, under the wings and will of my Archangelic Higher Self, a cosmic attunement between the Earth, the Lyra and Draco [For details, Cosmic Love, Michael El Nour, p. ///]
At this time of uncertainty and chaos, with a looming dictatorship, our hearts are longing for hope. We all want to see the emergence of the timeline of ascension, triumphant over the efforts of dark factions still in search of low frequencies, secrecy, control, violence and greed.
Together, and each at our own level, we have dreamed and seeded our consciousnesses, our communities and the Earth with higher frequencies, with a renewed purpose, with love, and the formidable intent of radically shifting our societies.
After decades of efforts, the spiritual community is tested, as is humankind globally. Can we all stand on our grounds, and keep broadcasting the frequencies of trust, love and altruism? Can we continue encouraging each other, without falling in the easy path of survival and self-centeredness? In these times of uncertainty and disarray, we must discriminate and chose what we want to keep in our consciousness so as to participate in the right creation.
post reading, yet, another book about ETs, transcribed by a French contactee, Elena Danaan
To start with, an appetizer published end 2019 … just before Covid reset nightmare. The US Airforce message is quite appealing:
Read the AIRFORCE REPORT Sept 2019 : The. Future of Space 2060 and Implications for U.S. Strategy: Report on the Space Futures Workshop.
I have had more inter-dimensional experiences than most and in realms rarely available to human beings. But my insights are rarely folkloric and juicy enough to satisfy the average wannabe star-seed. Well, unless you are a clone or an engineered Half-human-half-robot, you are star-born for Christ sake! And even the unfortunate clones are engineered with galactic DNA.
In the early nineties, while on accelerated growth, I met people who claimed to work with the Ashtar Command (Which one?). Although they were performing good healing work, their energy was off, dominating, and incompatible with mine. They insisted on recruiting me as one of their high-ranking leaders, which I vehemently refused… well, I have recently discovered that they have left a hook in the back of my spine, at the level of the heart chakra!
Off and on, over decades, waves of new enticing information emerge, driving the enthusiasm of the fraction of the new age fascinated by exopolitics. This is, of course, completely legitimate and understandable, as human beings have extensions, other parts of the self, everywhere in the Galaxy, and may be further.
Several of these websites and books triggered the emergence of personal memories, which I am grateful for. Yet, each of them has also prompted intense negative energetic reactions as well as waves of anger. I still do not have a full answer. At first sight, the most disturbing common denominator in these writings is the naivety blended with a strong dualistic approach, topped by a complete lack of knowledge of the occult life of the Earth and the Cosmic Man.
The Ciakahrr (??) empire associated with ‘the notion of evil’, with darkness, are Elena Danaan’s nightmare, opposite to the handsome and sexy rescuer and white knight, Thor Han.
‘The Ciakahrr or Dracos, violent, yet intelligent have supernatural powers, such as shape-shift or invibility, the latter only gifted by ‘an elite group, co-founder of the Illuminati.’ (Gift from the Stars, Elena Danaan, p. 166)
Well, each society exhibits an elite, an average group and… the non-gifted. The Reptilian elite is the offspring of the Dragon-kings, themselves related to the Royal Houses of Lyra, as mentioned by E. Danaan. A group of elite Reptilians, in collaboration with the Sirian Council, have accepted to fall into the darkest of the darkest, sacrificed themselves to hasten the evolution of humanity. [Book, A Kiss for Lucifer]. When they fell into complete amnesia, yet still powerful as souls, when they forgot their origin, the Light, our common origin, they became avid and bloodthirsty. They twisted the Tradition; their ambassadors or extensions on Earth created the Dark Lodges and the Illuminati. Many chose to morph into Vampires. However, the most celebrated teachers, such as Buddha and his Cobra, the healers, psychics, natural telepathic communicators generally share the same reptilian genes. I cannot affirm if 100% of them did experience the same satanic initiation, however most advanced souls did choose what the Theosophists called the Sirian Path. In 1998, I wrote that the Sirian Council was divided about launching the rapid initiation experiment, for which the Earth Matrix was changed. This does not mean that the two factions are in ill relationship; we can even suppose that a different Sirian path was tested in a parallel universe.
‘The inhabitants of the Man System (K62) are now reptiloid hybrids under the circumscription of the Cyakarr empire…. Mkl: humans with a reptilian brain…
Man (K62), was unfortunately the main target of the lyran wars involving the Ciakahrr empire, because of its proximity to an interdimensional vortex, Ibid, 204
The Ciakahrr are avidly interested because it is the location of a interdimensional vortex… this valued strategic gateway was the main motivation of the Ciakahrr empire.. p. 210 Mkl: time travelers always use vortices or wormholes to navigate inter-dimensionally. Human chakras are vortices and you need to learn how to use them and how to travel through vortices in the cosmos.
The population from Draconis have another name, equal the notion of evil. They destroyed everything, they took our worlds, we had to fled.
[ When I goggled Kepler 62, I felt acute pain in the heart, organ. Do I have an old memory of the wars?]
K62 is a star system in the Lyra IN 2013, NASA reported the existence of two new planetary systems that include three super-Earths in the habitable zone..[…] two of them are called super-earth
The Kepler 62 system hosts 5 five exoplanets, and is home to two habitable zone worlds, Kepler-62f and Kepler-62e. NASA
‘The Man System is at the origin of a major part of this galaxy’s history. Man is the name of a stellar system, K62, located at 1200T light years of Terra… There were four primordial genetic branches that evolved from four worlds in this planetary system of five planets…. The Ahel, the Noor, the Taal and the – Laan with feline features.’ Because of the invasion of the Ciakahrr Empire, that degenerated in a terrible war, most of these populations flew this system; now the inhabitants of this MB system are hybrids reptoid under the circumscription of the Ciakarr Empire, the Ciakahrr float conquered the Man System as well as the vortex that was taken twice… besides Orion and Altair, the Man System is still – one of the most complex nodes of the galactic diplomacy.’(Gifts of the Stars. E. Danaan, p. 205)
Reading the expression-Man System’ transcribed by a French contactee, I cannot resist thinking that there was a language problem somewhere. The origin of mankind on a Man System? (I read the book in French).
Elena Danaan’s abundant insights, probably emanating from one of her Pleiadian extensions are appealing. Yet, lots of glamour as Alice Bailey would say; the frequency is still low, emotional, and the commerce a little too present. Let’s however be positive, embrace the moment and envision clear, high-level intelligence reaching our consciousness as soon as possible.
We still have four main races intertwined on Earth. Interestingly, I am, in this lifetime, connected to both the name Noor and the felines, at least. Besides the obvious, the last name that I have chosen to bear two decades ago, the Felines imposed themselves as a part of my lineage when I painted one aspect of my Higher Self in 1998. Or, as My Consciousness is known on the other side…. Have these beings picked up on …? The name Nour, Noor in Arabic means Light or Divine Light.
Furthermore, the Being known as the Archangel Mikael, Face of the Creator-god and Lord of the Lyra, with Whom I have been working since the beginning of time, has been linked to two deities that men have, coincidently, represented with feline traits: the leontoid deity of the Ophites, the ‘Michael leontoid [ophiomorphos]] of the who wears on certain Gnostic jewels a lion head’ (Blavatsky, SD II, page 481) as well as the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, a lioness. [More in the Chapter Demiurge]. The term ophiomorphos, here utilized by Blavatsky means – morphing of the Serpent’.
Why were the Beings from Draco interested in K62, in the Lyra Constellation?
From the Consciousness of the Creator-god emerged two distinct, yet united, entities: the One that we humans call the Archangel Michael, and the Great Dragon. [There are infinite levels, layers of materialization, the Archangel level is one of them]. The Great Dragon is the great-great-grandfather of all Serpents and Reptilian-type beings. Then, merged with birds or other races, all varieties are conceivable.
The Lyra and Draco Consciousnesses are one and the same. They are the two separated parts of the same Consciousness, the very Consciousness of the Creator-god in the world of manifestation.
Lyra and Draco as well as all souls living in their frequencies —the ones that are unfortunately despised as Draconians and Reptilians, are the two parts of the manifested Alpha and Omega. They are the two aspects of the Michaelic Consciousness — a higher level than the Archangel Michael. This concept is transcribed in the language of the birds, by the fact that Michael is traditionally represented taming the Dragon. Michael also holds a sword pointed towards Heaven. This refers to the necessity of both, Archangel and Dragon, to align with the Galactic Axis and harmonize together the Earth Axis, during eclipses and precession of the Equinoxes. For more info: pay attention to homepage slider and watch the following presentations:
In other words: yes, Lyra is the cradle of human civilization because the Creator-god uses two constellation as His Bodies of expression. Lyra embodies the male polarity, the Head. Draco is — in this context— the female polarity. Lyra and Draco constellations are ongoing partners in the human creation process, in the mix of DNA that humankind is supposed to integrate.
Life involves the collaboration of male/spiritual and female/material frequencies. The part of the Creator’s consciousness stationed in Draco is then playing a receptive and feminine role that is transmitted in the Solar System through Saturn, Vulcan and embodied on Earth by the Great Mother, a Being that looked (until 2002 or 4, i have to check my notes!) like a huge Reptilian, with some traits remaining from Her Dragon ancestry.
Throughout millions of years the devolution of the primordial divine Frequency, added to the chaotic state of the Dragon’s frequency, engendered diseases within the Cosmic Body, organizational conflicts = wars between the races.
an interesting symbolism is found in the imagery linked to the four gospels. They are represented by a Man, an Eagle, a Lion and a Bull, all symbols converging towards one idea: the creation of man merges the frequencies of the Birds, the Felines, and the Bull, through the Taurus Constellation.
All humans, Myself included, are limited, by our nature, by the matrix in which we navigate, a matrix involving Zodiac and fixed stars. The truth and complexity of the Galactic history is far beyond our comprehension. Fantastic information has been collected through contactees, time travelers, soul extensions. Even the governments are slowly cooperating, releasing information drop by drop.
Men, the mind, feels rewarded when it encapsulates the universe into mathematical formulas and words. How extraordinary and exotic are the sounds, Ahel, Noor, Ciakahrr! Inhabiting Earth now, I prefer Lyra, Vega and Draco.
Interestingly, all these appealing messages, although often referring to the Law of One, or Ra Material, are not taking into account the concept of Unity and the life of the Cosmic-Man. Otherwise, they would also explain galactic wars from a non-dual point of view (i.e. terrible wars happened and the bad Draconians, etc…) and from the level of the One Global Galactic Body, body of expression of our Creator-god (= the one aspect of the Infinite Heart/Mind that some call God).
On Earth, the linear data grasped or regurgitated through limited human minds, is unfortunately mostly released and circulated by individuals without a solid knowledge of, and/or access to the occult realms, to the spiritual aspects of cosmic life. The result is: some strokes of genius and a lot of mambo-jumbo allowing temporary fame and commerce. At the frequency and energy level, these messages are disturbing and eventually damaging.
Humans have been lied to ad nauseum… or have behaved like children forever, still refusing to discipline themselves or hear things that make them feel uncomfortable and are often, even when intellectually able, too lazy to study or become responsible. Information is power. Unless egos are tamed, unless the second and third chakras are regulated, information can be more damageable for the average community than useful. In conclusion, what we must dispose of is the Luciferian and Satanic ruled matrix as well as all its servants; then we will have a fresh start. If extra-terrestrials want and are allowed to assist, amen; but most of the factions that are loudly introducing themselves are only serving private interests.
For a detailed disclosure about the Sirius darkness issue, see:
The Cosmic-god cannot communicate freely with his progeny, with mankind. Lights years of distance in consciousness and frequencies separate It from the Earthlings. His/Hers/Its extraordinary Mind is ceaselessly directing the concert of Creation while his Heart brings all aspects of life in perfect Unity and congruence. Sound, Music emanates from His Consciousness, setting the Lyra Constellation into resonance. All Aspects of the Cosmic-god embody through constellations and planets. From the Lyra, the Sun receives the Word and reverberates the song that will guide the Soul. To complete its master-training, the Soul must sojourn in the Underworld, yet, Jupiter, sets the rules that will ease and bless the wandering self. Mercury, the messenger, activates the mind and brings the two complementary reptoid aspects of the Cosmic Soul to Consciousness, ensuring the healing of each soul, individually.
The soul, in its journey between the Sun and the Moon, life and death, Saturn and Jupiter, repeats, mimics the gods’ journey. It falls into the chaos of materialization, and dispersion, then evolves through remembering and conscious reconstruction.
Humans and Extra-terrestrials of any kind are all cells in the Cosmic-Body. When we grow, when we are sick, when we learn how to control and attune our chakras, we create shifts, upheavals in the glandular system, merging, death of our cells. If one shoots an unclean first chakra frequency in the 6th and 7th chakra, the harmonization takes time. This is exactly what galactic wars are at the Cosmic level.
Yes, it would be fantastic to know how Earth leaders and armies are interacting with our space brothers. But to achieve a peaceful and successful integration of our human family within the galactic family, we must do it on principals of non-duality, love and understanding.
On October 15, I received an update on the recent meetings on Ganymede between representatives of the Earth Alliance with several extraterrestrial organizations and a new group entering our solar system the Intergalactic Confederation… The Earth Alliance has completed its first mission to Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons…. This station was used as a meeting place for the Earth Alliance, the Andromedan Council, the Council of Five and a group of what humans of Terra would consider extremely advanced extraterrestrials.
Update on Earth Alliance meetings on Ganymede with Intergalactic Confederation » Exopolitics
Michael Salla suggested that the recent travel in space of Elon Musk and Bezos would mean that these two individuals attended the meeting on Ganymede. This is how who ever attended was evaluated by the Alliance: These Terran leaders, I can say with confidence, have been influenced by the consciousness of the forefathers, the fore seeders, in such a way, that the Federation and the Council of Five, along with the Andromedan Council have no reservation in their ability or ethical standards as it relates to being responsible for the safety and positive progression of the planet.Although nothing is confirmed, it is hard to believe that Mr. Bezos demonstrates the ‘ethical standards’ etc etc?? Musk?? I wonder if they choose to welcome Mr. Biden or Mr. Trump to the meeting.
Ascension: also, according to ET contact, a split of dimensions between those who are ready for a higher dimension and those who stay in 3D is no more an option: ‘most of humanity collectively moves forward in a positive timeline’a Star Trek future. Well, that would mean that all the human souls, whose consciousness is at an approximate animal level will suddenly move higher in frequency? According to US Space Program a Star Trek future is: “Most optimistic and expansive
The U.S. coalition retains leadership over the space domain and has introduced free-world laws and processes that have led to significant global civil, commercial, and military expansion in space and resulted in large revenue streams. Thousands of humans live or work in space at a variety of habitats across cislunar space, the Moon, and Mars.”
OK for the Star Trek part; However, ‘most of humanity moving’ with the timeline… after painfully watching the exponentially fast devolution of our societies in the last few years, the group of spiritual workers who have pushed for ascension would also have to endure life in spiritual devolution. (L’ascension par la base, ça c’est excitant !). This is exactly why I have stopped believing in this world.
Still investigating the posts, you might like that: Capture of Tall Greys by the Federation. God, I would like to be there! ‘[Thor Han]’ These are Eban, a very rare and exceptional catch, Thor Han said. ([Elena]I knew that the Eban are at the head of the Orion Nebu group and the ones responsible for the treaties with MJ12 & MIC). It is extremely difficult to catch them, he continued, as they play with frequency shifts, interdimensional jumps and temporal hide-and-seek games. And when we happen to catch one, it discorporates instantly. As you know, we found the frequency to lock all their portals in this star system. This is how we caught these ones, trying to escape via one of the portals near Saturn. Have Tall Gray alien leaders just been captured by the Galactic Federation? » Exopolitics
The galactic warriors presumably ‘found the frequency to lock all their portals in this star system.’ Well, the key has already been utilized to lock their portals on Earth, years ago. I guess that we do not have the same research labs or the same Boss.