The December 4th solar eclipse, an inflated new moon, at 12.22 Sagittarius, conjuncts the Great Attractor at 14 degrees Sagittarius… 400 million light years away, yet powerfully affecting us.
It is the crucial and final karmic release, the key to the manifestation of the New Time line, that will use the axis Taurus-Scorpio to manifest itself (18 months of progress).
Readers ask: What Is The Great Attractor In Astrology? – Astrology Guide (
As the apparent gravitational point of our Supercluster Laniakea,
Philip Sedwick is mentioned by various authors as the Great Attractor specialist. ‘It clearly reveals relativistic characteristics – those of warping time and space while bending light with its massive gravity. But it lacks the event horizon required for it to be a black hole. […] It’s an inescapable force, or so it seems. A factor that emerges within the GA is that of free will. Do we have free will and consciousness? Or do we remain subject to the immutable laws of the physical forces of nature? Given the massive gravity of the GA, it would appear that the latter principle will hold up in the Universal realms. Once engaged, there is no hope. You will be swept away. There is no control. No act of volition can alter this fact of life. Something interesting does precede the gravitational capture. That notation comes in the form of curiosity. ‘As Pluto (conjunct) and Saturn (opposed) hovered about the Great Attractor in November 2001, a state of the art airliner fell apart in the sky. Its tail came off. Then, the engines and parts of the wing separated.’ The Great Attractor (
As the sun will stay in Sagittarius until December 21st, we will have time to feel the pull towards the Higher Self and dimension. The Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, facilitates expansion of the mind and of consciousness, enthusiasm, healing (if we consider the Sagittarius to be a Centaur). The Sagittarius energy moves one’s consciousness from the level of the personality to the level of the soul.
With an eclipse in Sagittarius and conjunct to the Great Attractor, one more step is taken. As we have understood that we are One with the Cosmos, we can faithfully surrender to our collective destiny. With the Sagittarius, leading humankind (the arrow) into the Big Picture, into the life of the Cosmic god, we move towards the future that we have dreamt and seeded, in collaboration with the Divine. Assistance is provided by Mercury, the Bridge, only 3 degrees apart from the eclipse. If you have done your homework, let go of the lower nature (see Lilith below), you will be rewarded. Humans still have some responsibility: Uranus is quincunx (150 degrees) the eclipse, showing that the re-direction might be challenging for those who are not ready. Choices must be made.
With Mercury Uranus quincunx Uranus and trine Neptune, the choices might be triggered by secrets in the open or revelations. Are the revelations going to point at the collectivity or be about what we have buried, out of our consciousness, thanks to Lilith? Or, if we see Mercury as holding the double helix symbol and link this to the November eclipse that suggested DNA mutation, we could expect more rumors about Covid and DNA in the wild wild web.
The December 4th eclipse is also conjunct Alwaid-Rastaban, Beta Draconis, the eye of the Draco Constellation. Rastaban is the transliteration of ra’s ath-thu’ban, which meanshead of the serpent (Remember Thuban, Alpha Draconis). Draco is said to be of the nature of Saturn and Mars and thus interpreted by astrologers as negative, criminal, related to loss. In the Cosmic Body, Draco was the organ of manifestation of the Creator-god. Mars is action, axis, alignment. An eclipse is, globally, cosmically, an alignment Draco/Vega. I tend to see the whole picture as globally anchoring a deep change in the Cosmic Body, therefore for Earth and humankind.
The lunar nodes move clockwise, backward in the Zodiac. Thus, the South Node being at 0-degree Sagittarius indicates completion. This is the last eclipse on the axis Gemini-Sagittarius and the last karmic cleaning.
Since 2018, we have pinpointed, followed the astrological transits marking the steps of completion of the Great Luciferian Initiation that was organized by the Sirians to quicken the balance in the Heart Chakra. The present goal for humankind is to stabilize itself in the energy crystalized as a 6-pointed star, in sacred geometry, what we have called the Christ Consciousness.
In 2021, you were invited to dive into the life of the Demiurge. Since 2000, we have merged different stories, or corelated aspects in the life of the deity in the material world; the transformation of the entity Archangel-Dragon; the Great Conjunctions, the necessary detachment from the past and the Dark Lodges; the parallel existences of the Demiurge’s Ambassador; the anchoring of the Creator-god’s Purpose through the New Jerusalem. According to the Saros system, all eclipses of 2021 are connected to the year 2003. At your level, try to remember what happened in your life during 2003.
At the occult and collective level, the most important event was the anchoring of the Blueprint of the New Jerusalem and pole shift. The eclipse takes place over Antarctica but Mars, the Axis, in Scorpio, without powerful aspects with Uranus or the nodes, do not suggest a big surge in term of pole movement.
The December solar eclipse belongs to Saros 152. EclipseWise – Total Solar Eclipse of 2021 Dec 04.
The last solar eclipse within Saros 152 occurred on November 23rd 2003.
Saros 152 started in 1805, during the Napoleonic era. Napoleon emerged out of the blue and out of all known royal dynasties. He seeded the concept of a united Europe. Through his apparently disastrous war in Egypt, ancient Egypt and its initiatic role were re-connected to the European global mind. The discovery of the Rosetta Stone alone started decades of archelogical studies while boosting the search for our spiritual past. Also, the Napoleonic code, a pure Sagittarius example, implemented in 1804, served as the basic system for many countries.
The lunar eclipse of May 26th also related to 2003, belonging to Saros 121, that started in 1047, the beginning of a new millennium, during which the Catholic Church reached its full power and domination over the world … with the Baphomet (See Great Conjunction or ask for a private link to Part 4). A few weeks prior to this, on the Wesak, April 26th, 2021 the emphasis was on the New Jerusalem taking its rule over planet earth.
Interestingly, Lilith sits at 15 degrees Gemini, in opposition with the eclipse. The true black moon represents Kali, the dark (= unknown) feminine aspect, free, over-sexual, primal, selfish, linked to our subconscious, intuitive, astral nature. When recognized, Lilith provides tremendous power. Although known as a demon, eager to sleep with other demons, she is not negative in essence, nothing is; but her independence and appetite for pleasure can be destructive.
As the eclipse opposed Lilith, we will receive the most powerful booster ever, for karmic release and re-construction. Amen!
Although, details are not permitted here, I have an exact transit during the eclipse that could indicate the end of karmic relationships with Lucifer. If you understand Who I Am, then you will understand the implications. End of Lucifer, strengthening of the New Jerusalem, all ingredients aligning for a positive outcome!
The Great Attractor:
Wiki: ‘The Great Attractor is a gravitational anomaly inintergalactic space and the apparent central gravitational point of theLaniakea Supercluster. The observed anomalies suggest a localized concentration of mass millions of times more massive than the Milky Way. However, it is inconveniently obscured by our own Milky Way’s galactic plane, lying behind the Zone of Avoidance (ZOA), so that, in visible light wavelengths, the Great Attractor is difficult to observe directly.[..] The proposedLaniakea Supercluster is defined as the Great Attractor’s basin, encompassing the former superclusters of Virgo and Hydra-Centaurus. Thus the Great Attractor would be the core of the new supercluster.’
NASA: A busy patch of space has been captured in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Scattered with many nearby stars, the field also has numerous galaxies in the background.
Located on the border of Triangulum Australe (The Southern Triangle) and Norma (The Carpenter’s Square), this field covers part of the Norma Cluster (Abell 3627) as well as a dense area of our own galaxy, the Milky Way.
The Norma Cluster is the closest massive galaxy cluster to the Milky Way, and lies about 220 million light-years away. The enormous mass concentrated here, and the consequent gravitational attraction, mean that this region of space is known to astronomers as the Great Attractor, and it dominates our region of the Universe.