Archetypes interactions, Isis, Lilith, Ceres, Jupiter, Pluto. Nothing truly new in these pages. However, pay attention to the scheduling of the astrological transits, raising questions about the possible futureS of the human race. What is at stake? How you can contribute through your own development, choices, behavior with mates, children and the opposite sex in general.
Stephen Hawking, whose own life relies heavily on technology, was quoted everywhere after saying that ‘we have reached the point of no return’ and ‘Å“I fear that AI may replace humans altogether. If people design computer viruses, someone will design AI that replicates itself. This will be a new form of life that will outperform humans.’
A few days ago, I heard an interview during which Mr. Hawking ‘attended’ a conference via holographic technology. This is fantastic, yet triggering questions. We have now integrated the fact that we are all, we live, more or less, in a holographic world. What is the boundary, if there is one, between Spirit and technology?
During this interview, S. Hawking stressed out that because humans’ bodies are not adapted to space, the race might have to fuse with technology to be able to survive somewhere else.
Do we have a contradictory movement going on? The Light Workers and spiritual groups are giving a last push to manifest the new paradigm and dissolve the 3D Matrix, the prison in which the human race has incubated, while technology is forcibly taking over the scene. Are those two elements going to merge? Will we have to accept a mutation through technology? is the 3D matrix a technological or biological one? Where is the limit?what is the zodiac telling us? To usher the new world, the planetary energies are asking humankind to grow out of the animal state, in which the old culture about the feminine as well as all impulses, instinctual habits, as well as forcefull domination have to be acknowledged and stopped. Last week, we pointed out that the world of technology is strongly male dominated. What is the role of women in the present situation?
And then two eclipses, January 31st and February 15th. At first sight, the full moon of January 31st is basically emphasizing on women’s rights. Women are rejoicing, women’s power, women’s rehabilitation. Yes, but we are going much further this time, with the interaction of three goddesses who are not young suffragettes.
The characters on stage for the January 31st Eclipse are:
- The Moon, feminine luminary, emotions, moods, maternal instinct, subconscious mind.
- Saturn/Chronos, the old god, the grim-reaper, asociated in the occult with the Titans’ era, with the entity Azazel, later represented by Jehovah. Also connected to the Dragon’s Tail (Dragon’s instinctual, primitive aspect). The Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is linked to the old Scapegoat, or ‘Å“Sabbatical goat’. Along the way, utilized in Witchcraft, and seen on the inverted pentagram, it became ‘Å“ubiquitous throughout the left-hand path [ask if you do know!] of occultism. The letters around the perimeter, usually displayed in Hebrew consonants in common usage, spell L’V’Th’N: Leviathan [sea-dragon or monster in the Old Testament]. In apocryphal Jewish holy literature it was Lilith, fleeing to the Red Sea, who became identified with the Leviathan, a sea monster, often portrayed as a giant serpent or Draken.’ Dragon Legacy, p. 217. [Author’s note: I do not think that Lilith is a part of the Great Dragon’s Family].
- Zeus/Jupiter, the father of the gods; he had so many consorts and children that we wonder if it symbolized the abundant mind of a creator. Or just the empowered male who is NOW finally looking at his own shadow and operating his own transmutation.
- Hermes/Mercury, traditionally Zeus’ son, sometimes his brother. Rules the Virgo. He is the messenger of the gods; also, known as the ‘Bridge’, between Heaven and Earth, and the Priest-King. Remember, the Herma-Phrodite. [See Amen].http://LINK
- Ceres: goddess of fertility, associated with the Virgo and the harvest, as both are represented carrying wheat or spelt. Ceres is considered to be the same archetype as the roman Demeter, goddess of agriculture and harvest. As a goddess of fertility, Ceres is associated with the chthonian deities, connected to tellurism [tellus= terre, in Latin] and thus to the Dragon and cycles of death and rebirth: Hades/Pluto. Perfect, perfect timing for an eclipse, as they are a meeting of the Archangel and the Dragon.
- Pluto/Hades: god of the Underworld. Rules the Scorpio.
- Lilith: not to be confused with Inanna, the Sumerian goddess. She was Adam’s first wife. According to the apocryphal texts, she refused to submit to Adam, ‘lay beneath him’,
but chased and seduced him aggressively, showing, again and again that he was unable to resist to passion and lust. Lilith is also believed to be a succubus or sexual vampire. Nice pedigree.
- Eris, whose name means ‘discord’; we met Eris in 2017: article, Love Again).Goddess of discord, she started a scandal and cursed everyone because she was not invited to a party’¦ At this time, everyone was sleeping with everyone, and curses were just a part of the daily meals.
PHOTO: BURNEY RELIEF, clay, 2000 BC, British Museum, Queen of the Night: Inanna or Lilith?
We have then a fantastic meeting, the full moon and a trio of goddesses: Ceres, Eris, next to Uranus, and Lilith, haunting the Capricorn, close to Saturn.
Cancer rules family life, mothers, family structures. Saturn, who imposes purification and restructuration is in the orb of the Galactic Center. This indicates humankind’s need to align with the Creator’s original intent, what we called Divine Plan, even if we are not fully centered yet.
During a lunar eclipse, the moon is full, opposite the Sun. The moon crosses the shadow of the Earth, whicj does not receive the light of the sun. when a planet is in immediate conjiunction with the moon, during an eclipse, it does not receive the sun-light and is therefore subject to astral rays.
So, as mentioned earlier, Ceres and Virgo were, exoterically (for the good people), agricultural goddesses, blessing the crops. Both represented life in its cyclic aspect, but not necessarily agricultural cycles. We are speaking about the life cycles as played out in the Elysian mysteries, in which Ceres’s story is remembered: Ceres/Demeter had a daughter with her brother (‘¦! Now taboo) Jupiter, Persephone or Proserpine. Demeter’s daughter, Persephone/Proserpine was abducted by Hades/Pluto, the god of the underworld. Some say that she became his wife. Angry of the abduction, Ceres/Demeter stopped blessing the earth and the crops ceased to grow. Which brought Zeus/Jupiter to call Hermes to the rescue and bring periodically Persephone back out of the Underworld.
Interestingly, Ceres also had children with Neptune. The characters of the Zodiac are a fascinating happy family. See below (Quincunx).
[Photo: Hades and Persephone, Abigail Larson.]
THE ELYSIAN MYSTERIES re-enacted and healed:
It is not certain that the period during which Persephone is back from the underworld truly corresponds to the cycles of the harvest, but the myth definitely evoke the cyclic obligations of creation to plunge into the Darkness and then, return to the light.
During the Elysian rites, the mysteries, as we know, involved sacrifices, priests married with maidens and practicing hierogamy [enactment of the marriage between the Light and the Darkness, the gods and goddesses].
Sexual hormones trigger and work in synergy with the glandular system, itself the basic tool to reach the Sacred Marriage, a step towards oneness [self-oneness], evolution beyond the third dimension and added spiritual abilities. But hormones cannot be a drug or a currency.
From being the survival tool of a race (passion results in babies), hormones became a hidden treasure and a currency. They have been harvested, naturally or during rituals, as a key to develop higher multi-dimensional and spiritual evolution. Still mostly under the spell of impulses, men used their logic to organize vampirism, whether through rituals or as cultural traits of society. The movement developed occultly lead by the royal Vampire families. During the rituals HBs have attracted low frequency, astral entities, demons that use human energies for their survival, instead of helping them to evolve. As for the non-royals, the corporate and business world, at all levels, have perpetuated low ethics and frequencies. Finally, the drug and alcohol culture increase the likelihood of contamination by astral beings.
QUEENS IN POWER. What were the males doing?photo:
Interesting coincidence: there is a lot of attention on the English, or not-so-English crown. It could be because of the Queens, who had the take the challenge, exerting power in a male society. This is a detail of English rule as delivered by late Nicholas de Vere, the story of the Stag of Windsor.
The Fairy and Vampire kings that the ‘Å“Vatican were so scared of and were trying to eradicate, were actually recognized by a succession of English monarchs. This included (‘¦) Elizabeth 1. Dragon Legacy, p. 224’
‘Å“Before Elisabeth was crowned by the Bishops, she underwent coronation by the people. Attending the ceremony was a host of ‘Å“Wild Forest Dwellers’, who had come to bless the new queen. Later in her reign [why later?] in the Forest of the Windsor Great Park [just received a contact request from a certain Damon Wolf’¦.].
Queen Elizabeth presided over one of the most ancient Druidic and shamanic ceremonies in Eurasian culture’¦ in pre-christian and non-christian Europe, to claim the Kingship of the vast Greenwood [story of Robinwood], the pretender was obliged to ride and kill, whilst mounted, the great Stag of Nine Tines. (‘¦). On the spring morning in question one of Elisabeth’s favorites, the Queen’s Chamberlain, Edward de Vere, charged into the clearing, mounted unpon the great Stag of Windsor Forest. Its throat had been cut by the rider, and he and the Stag came to an abrupt halt at the Queen’s feet. Edward de Vere’s lineage was far more superior to that of Elizabeth; he descended from the House of Anjou, from Melusine [check the story] and the ancient Pictish and Danaan Druid Kings of Gaul, Albany and Eire.’ Dragon Legacy, 225.
For the sake of honesty, let’s remember that, when women were in power, before Atlantis, the oldest were forcing the youngest into sexual activity, in rituals and more. In Africa, female mutilation is mostly enforced by women. But, in the present world, the Vampire De Vere, the Melusine lineage and their occult practices, with the use of women for their own advancement, are exactly what needs to be publicly and globally uncovered and abolished. This is still the underlayer of the present culture.
HEALING THE MYTHOS, Healing for the gods and archetypes:
The message of the January 31st astrological map is very clear. All the characters involved in Ceres’ story, according to mythos, are present, with the adjunction of the star of rebellion and eventually, darkness, Lilith.
So, in the January 31st chart, Jupiter happens to be visiting Pluto/Hades. Ceres conjunct the Moon, tainting the eclipse with the ancient story of Hades abducting her young daughter, Persephone. Is Jupiter there to rescue his daughter again, to reset the clock about the way women must be seen and treated?
Jupiter has been visiting Pluto’s home for a while, requiring clarity. Now, he might be asking for all old rites and practices to be exposed and stopped. Persephone, is definitely going out of the Hades, the Underworld.
Is the reconstruction of the new world ‘” Saturn in Capricorn, still happening with Lilith in the background? Lilith, the archetype of the rebellious and independent woman? Let’s just hope that she is ready to stop giving birth to little demons! The old Saturn is not without blame himself. He is an old hermit, retracted, cold, lives with a goat, the Capricorn, who also tasted the darkness. He is then capable of putting things in perspective, then using the will to achieve the right goals. The positions of Saturn and Jupiter might indicate a transmutation: Down to earth Capricorn, starting on concrete, meaningful goals, assisted by Mercury and Jupiter’s expansive and exuberant energy.
Definitely, this is the best configurations for women to free themselves from old programs, prejudices. But they have to go deeper in the process, probably go back to the Old Mother, the chthonian energies, and transmute in themselves the hidden Lilith, before moving towards the light. This is facilitated by Pluto and Hermes, both present in the Capricorn, with Saturn and Lilith. Remember, Hermes is Jupiter’s son and ruler of the Virgo, both in the Capricorn, also in Saturn’s home.
It seems that this is definitely a reset, the best opportunity for the old system based on hierogamos and the initiation by the Dark Mother to stop. The Feminine aspect of the Creator-god, the Mother does not need to be worshipped in the caves. The initiation does not need to take place through the physical body, the astral world and the second chakra. The Black Mother has given birth to a New World, giving way to the New Jerusalem, where the initiation can be purely spiritual.
Fortunately, during this meeting of the Moon with three powerful aspects of the feminine, the Sun and Venus are together to bring love to the ordeal. Finally, Saturn, who is also teaching us patience, wisdom and determination in the conquest of the top of the mountain [like the goat], entered the Capricorn on the day of the Winter solstice; the Sun, our inner Sun will then illuminate our search for the true self and the completion of our goals and destinies.
On the January 31st chart, we note two angles of almost 150 degrees. These aspects denote situations that require understanding, adjustment and eventually merging. A quincunx blends energies that are conflictual, difficult to harmonize.
Quincunx Moon/Lilith, the most famous rebellious feminist in human history.
Here we see Ceres, who, according to mythology, also had a relationship with Neptune, is revising or harmonizing her emotions. The connection between the cycles Light/Dark, the initiations provided in the Underworld, in which the Mother is the Dark Mother; the dual experience of the solar self and the Shadow, the unknown aspects of the psyche.
As for aspects Moon/Ceres/Lilith: in the grand scheme of life or in our personal little story, we attempted or still try to avoid the darkest aspects of ourselves and the world of demons. Yet, they are a part of the experience of life in the body. Our subconscious mind (Moon) was affected by the Elysian (Ceres) or even Satanic (Ceres-Saturn, Scapegoat) background of the last cycle. We have tried to bury everything, in the ocean of hidden emotions; we have used drugs, alcohol and illusions, denying our intuitions or a higher connection with the Divine (Neptune).
The males, the kings, even the gods have accepted the game and eventually taken advantage of the situation. As for the women, they have enjoyed the Lilith behavior. It is time to review all aspects of our dealing with authority and sexuality. Time to stop acting like Adam, who was too weak to resist to the beautiful and resourceful Lilith.
The presence of Lilith is another reminder of the necessity to accept all parts of our personalities, to take responsibility for the life that we have created for ourselves. Adam tried to blame Lilith when he was too weak to resist to her lust.
The gods are changing, evolving; we can theorize that stars and planets in the solar system and the zodiac are the emanations of the Creator’s psyche in evolution. A Being becoming Creator, taking the plunge into incarnation and then witnessing the results of His creative endeavor. It/His karma implied experiencing the second and third chakra frequencies. At the Earth level, the result is an explosion of children for Zeus, a genetical chaos in the human race. As for the Cosmic Body, it had to accept many Star Wars, invasions. The recovery might take time or Uranian reactions.
General conclusion
In fact, what we all need to develop, men and women alike, is a new form of power, coming from our own illuminated inner-sun, based on respect for each other and love; a power built on the principles of the Light, not on the Darkness and on the low instincts. Also, men and women have to cease finding their power through others, or through the submission to or from others. All this is power, outside of self.
All women are thus invited to use this powerful portal and the following weeks to complete their emancipation, braking free from the past behaviours and beliefs. This is not just a battle of the sexes, but the opportunity to reconsider how each women sees herself, in the present and future society. What do you want to achieve, with whom and at what price, in terms of full recognition and development of your power and soul.
Honesty might be difficult for high profile women who have used their bodies and beauty as a currency to achieve their career and financial goals. Or for those who pretend that they were not aware of the situations involving their husbands, friends or employers.
As for men, recognize their second chakra weakness; examine where and how they can contribute in the acceptance of the feminine power. Who do you work with, hire? On what criteria? What vocabulary do you use when speaking about the ‘fair sex’? What kind of jokes or allusions are you making when relaxing with other men?
Whether in a male or female vehicle, it is time to build your future with the independence and freedom of Lilith, yet without the little demons; in a world in which the Great Mother, when she is the initiatrix, does not have to hide in the Underworld. Fertility gives way to independence ‘¦. What do we do with Lilith lust, and her hordes of little demons? Will Uranus come to the rescue? We still do not have all the answers. Uranus happens to be the planet symbolizing Technology.
Now, if the tech world is still mostly lead by men, it might be for a specific reason. Are women, more naturally receptive to Spirit (mechanical fact, Spirit is +; women are -), their rebellion, and re-access to power, one of the keys to build a world that is not dominated and enslaved by technology and Artificial Intelligence?
Surprise! The Creator-god has touched the ground and released the Dragon through a female body’¦.
Questions about Lilith: She is often confused with Inanna; energetically, they feel different. Try and feel for yourself.
the above representation is in fact Babylonian, about 2000 BC, eventually Mesopotamian. The following text explains the difference between Lilith and Inanna/Ishtar.
“Babylonian texts depictLilithas the prostitute of the goddessIshtar(Inanna). Older Sumerian accounts assert thatLilituis called the handmaiden ofInannaor ‘Å“hand of Inanna‘Å“. The Sumerian texts state: ‘Å“Inanna has sent the beautiful, unmarried, and seductive prostitute Lilitu out into the fields and streets in order to lead men astray’. This image is variously described asInannaorLilith:
This image clearly representsInannaand notLilith. The confusion is typical of the romantic view ofLilithcreated by misguided feminist ideals. Feminine power is confused with the destructive power of evil.
TheLilitu,the AkkadianArdat-Liliand the AssyrianLa-bar-tupresided over temple prostitution.Ardatis derived from ‘Å“ardatu’, a title of prostitutes and young unmarried women, meaning ‘Å“maiden’. LikeLilith,Ardat Liliwas a figure of disease and impurity.
In Mesopotamian mythologyLamashtuwas a female demon who menaced women during childbirth and kidnapped breastfeeding infants. She would gnaw their bones and suck their blood. She was considered a demi-goddess as daughter of the sky godAnu. Incantations againstLamashtumention her as a daughter of heaven who exercised her free will over infants. Unlike her demonic peers,Lamashtuwas not instructed by the gods but malevolent of her own accord. She was said to seduce men, harm pregnant women, mothers, and neonates, kill foliage, drink blood, and was a cause of disease, sickness, and death. The space between her legs is as a scorpion, corresponding to the astrological sign of Scorpio. (Scorpio rules the genitals & sex organs.) Her head is that of a lion, she hasAnzubird feet likeLilituand is lion headed, her breasts are suckled by a pig and a dog, and she rides the back of a donkey.”
Intimacy with robots: Another question found in the present trends: is intimacy, relationships with robots, a good idea? ‘Å“Jim Hunter, the chief scientist at Greenwave Systems, said robots can be used to help people who have a particularly hard time communicating or integrating into society.
“There’s a lot of people who have challenges with regards to social interactions. And this provides them an opportunity…to actually share…at least some sort of interaction with something that they can have some sort of relationship with.”
People are less and less able and willing to communicate. Isn’t the problem reinforced if we replace humans with machines. Is the brain capable of healing when we replace the emotional signals with technology?
Personal behavior: Lilith in Capricorn: ‘Å“Since February 15, 2017 the black moon goddess Lilith has been roving through Sagittarius, seeking new adventures, pushing herself to the heights of extraordinary new experiences with a zest for experimentation into a unknown places, all in the quest for truth. It has been an audacious journey filled with exorbitant excesses and unbridled passions. Whilst she has acquired knowledge of her most oft-hidden sides, and her licentious behaviour and half-assed exploits have left her energies ragged and drained and in much need of some respite, soberness and discipline. All this will be explored as she enters Capricorn.’
Very interesting article, it seems that the full moon of January 31 will be holding a lot of surprises for us. The technology aspect that is lead by men is an interesting part where I believe we can see a female movement coming. More and more women are stepping into this area, for good or for worse of for balancing?