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Lunar eclipse November 19, Perseus, Algol and the Luciferian Rulers

A blue circle with an image of a flower.


Playing with legends… as you probably know at this point, the border between history and mythology is but a blurry fog.

Have fun with me!

We have grown enough to incorporate in our daily assessments of reality the fact that, not only we exist in an engineered matrix, but human history is a complete fabrication.

We can then play with the zodiac, the mythos and the energies to move around with fluidity, while anchoring our consciousness in the Presence, in the Being that we are, beyond the veil and the illusory 3D world.

Let’s explore yet another interpretation for the November 18-19th lunar eclipse, conjunct with Algol:

Perseus ‘was, alongside Cadmus andBellerophon, the greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days ofHeracles.[1] He beheaded theGorgonMedusa for Polydectesand savedAndromeda from the sea monsterCetus. He was the son of Zeusand the mortalDanaë, as well as the half-brother and great-grandfather of Heracles (as they were both sired by Zeus). Wiki


A blue circle with an image of a flower.Perseus is the fruit of another trick from Zeus/Jupiter. On November 19th, Jupiter makes a T square aspect with the Moon and Sun. Zeus seduced Perseus’ mother, Danae, with a rain of gold. As all planets are but aspects of the deity experiencing a scattered state in the realm of matter and focusing on self-re-membering, let’s imagine a scenario in which Jupiter, ruler of Olympus, makes the rules.

Although we fully respect Medusa’s misfortune [ ], she is a Gorgon, and thus represents, after all, the primary aspect of manifestation, monster, reptilian. As we know, the new cycle can only be built after full banishment of the sneaky, depraved reptilian and luciferian occult governments and their synthetic Matrix.

The arrival of the North Node in Taurus, where Uranus is leading the revolution, heralds THE shift in the manifestation of the upgraded world.


Well, for those of our fellow writer who need a decapitation, I propose: the rage of Zeus/Jupiter, King of the Olympian gods, deciding to decapitate the head of our reptilian government. The November 19th lunar eclipse would be a brusque move, a rectification, followed by a second step, the total solar eclipse on December 4th, with another weird coincidence… but this is another story.

Venus/Lucifer happens to be the ruler of the eclipse. It happens to be out of bound (see Note), far from the Sun’s path. Venus is weakened and at odds. According to my ongoing comparative study of astrology and occult events, the present, odd game between the old rulers and the Ordained Dragon Slayer will most probably determine the future of our society.

Is this tale a little far-fetched? Why not as far-fetched in French is tiré par les cheveux literally, pulled by the hair, which is exactly what Perseus does with Medusa…

To be honest, still exploring, I checked the position of asteroid Lucifer in the chart. It is located at 3 Scorpio, 157 degrees from the Moon. this is not an exact, extraordinary transit, still tending to show that we have a collective choice to make.

American readers, Happy Thanksgiving.




‘Venus out of bounds, from October 9th at 11:03 pm (EDT) toDecember 7that 5:36 pm (EST). This occurs while Venus is transiting Sagittarius until November 5th, and Capricorn from November 5th forward.

A planet is considered out of bounds when its declination is beyond the outer bounds or limits of that of the Sun, i.e. greater than 23 degrees and 27 minutes of declination, either North or South. The energies of these planets tend to be a little out of control during these periods. 2021 Planetary Overview | Cafe Astrology .com

What does out of bounds mean? Just like the rules for many games or sports involving balls; when the ball goes out of bounds, there will usually be a repercussion. The standard astrology rules are also breached when planets transit Out of Bounds. The Out of Bounds transits have a different impact on the game of life. We see the difference, but do not always comprehend it because we may not be aware that a planet has actually transited Out of Bounds when we only use the basic longitude measurements that Astrology heavily relies on.


COMMENT, LDV: “Très beau rêve la nuit dernière, m’a été montrée la scène suivante : Toi, Michael El Nour, au centre d’un groupe à une “table” (une scène style “le dernier repas de Jésus” mais à une table d’émeraude dans un endroit sombre, une crypte?) l’Eclipse arrive sur toi puis une lumière très brillante pas habituelle passe par Ta tête, dépasse très largement ton cerveau comme un gigantesque croissant de lune lumineux et tu le fais bouger par ta tête avec des micromouvements (comme une opération chirurgicale) comme pour ajuster le Rayon, la Connaissance, l’Energie, tu le diriges et nous recevons tous cette lumière pure par nos cerveaux/canaux, la Terre est illuminée de cette lumière très blanche qui traverse toutes matières, une Lumière solaire pure mais aussi lunaire et provenant aussi d’une galaxie/étoile lointaine… une lumière résultante d’une alchimie de plusieurs rayons… y avait aussi l’impression d’un autre temps ou rapport au temps dans ma conscience pendant cette scène, lent mais puissant !”

Google translation: “Very beautiful dream last night, I was shown the following scene: You, Michael El Nour, in the center of a group at a “table” (a scene like “the last meal of Jesus” but at an emerald table in a dark place, a crypt?) the Eclipse arrives on you then a very bright light not usual passes through Your head, far exceeds your brain like a gigantic luminous crescent moon and you make it move by your head with micromovements (like a surgical operation) as to adjust the Ray, the Knowledge, the Energy, you direct it and we all receive this pure light through our brains / channels, the Earth is illuminated with this very white light that crosses all matter, a pure solar light but also lunar and also coming from a galaxy / distant star … a light resulting from an alchemy of several rays….. there was also the impression of another time or relation to time in my consciousness during this scene, slow but powerful!”


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