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Lucifer comes for a visit… the end of the Lucifer experiment and the Egypt Time-loop

A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Before reading this article, ask yourself the following questions: where and with whom where you during the last eclipse? Any dreams, visions, insights?


The past February eclipse emphasized again on the necessity to review your connections and relationships from the past, especially those inducing destructive or negative behaviors: ‘ recognize the value of our friendships and social networks. Some level of detachment and distancing ourselves from our habits and attachment to the past can help us break away from destructive behaviors that are holding us back. With this potent Aquarius energy, we have the chance to make progressive changes in our lives. For some of us, circumstances are such that we need to pay more attention to these matters. Flaws in an important system in our lives are revealed around the time of the eclipse, prompting us to redo or to start fresh. Something ends in order for something else to start anew. Major developments in the personal areas ruled by Aquarius are likely to occur over the course of the coming months. Read more about the current eclipses.’

This might not be what you are looking for. Most people want to solve, eventually understand their immediate issues and then enjoy life. Everyone plays out a particular story, that might either be the true journey of the soul or the effort of the ego to be seen, recognized and part of the group, the social aquarian energy. This is the choice or balance that we have been facing at each ecliptic portal since August 2016. ‘Four of the five eclipses in 2018 are on the Leo/Aquarius axis, forcing us to confront areas where our need for personal development and satisfaction (Leo) are in conflict with the need to let go of some of our personal satisfaction in order to achieve justice and equality in the world around us (Aquarius).’ (

As these eclipses occur on the Leo/Aquarius axis, we are forced to contemplate and renew ourselves: Me/Leo versus union with the Group-consciousness carried by the Aquarius; in other words, choose between the leonine boosted or masked Venetian ‘me’ that one uses to navigate life and the true self, merged with Spirit, and able to serve the group’s greater Purpose.

LET’S GO DEEPER ‘” from personal to Cosmic level

A blue circle with an image of a flower.Now, do you want to go a little deeper, along with My Consciousness? Regardless of my efforts to rejoin the mere mortals in their ordinary stories, my dreams and visions always catapult my consciousness towards fantastic, eventually unbelievable experiences. Should I dismiss them? While peeling off the onion-layers of the subconscious mind and the soul, you are invited and dragged over and over again to a more cosmic dimension of awareness and existence.

In 2017, we discovered together the mechanisms of the eclipses saros series in 2017. If you do not have hours to surf the internet or a skilled astrologer around, connection with the Whole Self is your lifeline (planche de salut). At the end of this page you can find a list of the ‘sets of eclipses falling along the Leo-Aquariusaxis’. Check what happened in your life along those dates, what decisions you made or failed to make. This is practice, how to use this article to improve your life and spiritual path.

A blue circle with an image of a flower.

In brief, the eclipses are doorways during which we can progress or solve specific issues, until they are completed. They seem to be the steps, the halts on small time-loops. If you have excellent memory or better, if you keep a diary, you will find out how events that seem random are connected. You might have suffered challenging or painful life circumstances in the past after making a choice or just because you were not ready or had no clue; an eclipse of the same series ables you to choose again and rectify your path, according to your wish or your highest good. Although we have learnt that free will is mostly an illusion, one can at least pick amongst a few cards in the game of life.


Around the time of the February eclipse, an old friend came back, Lucifer, with whom I, Archangel Michael, have had a relationship since the beginning of Time/s, literally. After landing amongst human beings in 1998, and crossing of the first mine field, I announced that the Babylonian bloodline had ended. 1999. However, although the head was cut, Lucifer’s supporters and organizations, whether from his bloodline or late recruits, were still in power and not ready to let go. Or, more exactly, their appointment with the Cosmic Clock was set for later! This is understandable as the dissolution of the material system cannot happen at once and is subject to the Earth and Cosmic schedules, including infinite layers of living-hierarchies (layers of alive consciousnesses, ETs amongst them). Without even mentioning the efforts of the Luciferian servants to discourage light workers using holographic technology to keep the illusion going.

In 2006, Lucifer announced that our contract was not finished yet. This started the end of my angelic innocence and a long journey through the desert, or through a spiritual battlefield. It seems that the war is almost over. Of course, in 2006, I forgot to ask when the contract would be over. In August 2017, I said: ‘this is the end of the End of Times’. Well, two intermediate cycles had to intersect. The February solar eclipse completes several time loops, having to do with Lucifer’s rule on the Earth. This is both humbling and a message of hope. If the grip of Lucifer and the Lucifer experiment is finally coming to an end, then the Earth and humankind could have officially, according to Cosmic schedule, entered the path of recovery for a better world. Let’s pray for this.A blue circle with an image of a flower.

If you were asked or volunteered to represent and hold Lucifer’s energy in your experiences/memories and/or DNA, you will probably find yourself on a completely different life trajectory within the next six months. During that period, be very attentive: the codes and memories that you carry in our bodies are still very strong. If several persons with the same memories/stories meet, they can still rekindle the old agreements, especially if black magic was involved. Therefore, you must listen to your inner guidance, watch the signs and act accordingly. If you think of someone and choke on your drink, listen. If you day dream about visiting Africa with a friend and a truck swings in front of you, change your travelling partner, at least for this time! Wrong association for the present. Or go to Thailand.

Please, do not jump into conclusions, about the role that you might have or have not played. No judgment. Nothing is black and white. The split of the Ineffable All-In-One into two complementary principles must occur for manifestation and matter to exist. As a result, we, as God’s sparkles all participate in the Consciousness experiment. Let’s not forget that the Earth was still on its downfall until recently.

Lucifer and Michael are two Principles working together, for each creation cycle. Lucifer leads the Fall while Michael is the holder, the anchor of the Light, of the Sacred Space of Eternal Light in the All-In-One Consciousness.


A blue circle with an image of a flower.Interestingly, in the last pages, we have tackled the subjects of Moon and Black Moon, aspects of the feminine principle. In her astronomical journey, Venus disappears from sight and is said to visit the Underworld. Because Venus rules the Taurus, she should be the initiator involved in the Mysteries, for instance in the Mithraic cult. The initiations were taken in a cave/womb, during which the god Mithra, enjoying a banquet with Sol/Sun, sacrificed a bull. The moon, more than Venus, is more often represented or mentioned in the Mithraic ceremonies. However, Venus is frequently connected with Ishtar. Also, the Taurus (summer, manifestation, sex) suggests the connection between incarnation and the feminine aspect. See below for more.

Venus, the love goddess, rules the sign of the Taurus by night and of Libra during the day. In the personal chart, the ‘Taurus revels in the beauty of acquiring art objects, jewelry and dining on delicious meals. The Libra loves the sophistication represented by the art world, the elegance of fashion and the love expressed in a good time over a nice dinner.’

Traditionally, Venus is considered the Earth’s Alter Ego. The beings living on Venus are supposed to be more evolved than human beings, sometimes called prototypes for humankind. Venus participates in the human experience of the mind. “The sun Sirius, is the source of the Logoic mind (manas) in the same sense as the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of mind in the seven HeavenlyMen and Venus is responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain.” The consciousness experiment based on the opposites: Spirit-Matter, Light-Darkness, self-non self involves constant choices: ‘this is good or not for me; this association-contract (Venus rules contracts and relationships) is triggering this or that in my life’. This is how you learn and work through your ego and personality dilemmas and establish balance and transcendence. ‘In relationship with the Earth, the planet Venus is the higher self compared to the personality.’ Bailey, Esoterical Astrology # 383.



As an apprentice-astrologer, and a pretty absent minded individual, I never asked myself how Lucifer was represented in astrology? Venus, of course. If Hermes is associated with Mercury, Lucifer must be connected to one of the other sacred planets. Venus, of course. Lucifer is the Latin name for the Greek Eosphoros, one aspect of Venus. Besides the Venus cycles that we have associated in the past with the layers of darkness-cleaning, there is a more elaborate language in Venus symbology, integrating the principles of Morning and Evening Star.

From the perspective of the Earth, Venus seems to rise before the Sun. Originally Eosphoros/

Phaesphoros (Etymology: Light-bringing =>Morning Star) and Hesperos/Vesperos (Evening star) were two distinct deities.

At the personal and practical level, this is how you can determine what type of Venusian you are and know more about yourself. Of course, this must be modulated in a chart, by the aspects of Venus with other planets. [Using your own chart to follow the articles makes it easier to remember the basics of astrology]. ‘Such a classification consists of two fundamental types ‘”Venus Lucifer,the Morning Star;Venus Hesperus,the Evening Star. …Each of the two types presents a particularemotional temperamentand a particular sense of values, meaning, ideals and appreciation. […]. Determining your Venus type is easy. First locate the Sun in your natal chart. If Venus isclockwisefrom the Sun, your Venus type is Lucifer, the Morning Star. On the other hand, if Venus is positionedcounterclockwisefrom the Sun, your Venus type is of Hesperus, the Evening Star.’


To detangle your stories,

Rule #1: listen to your intuition and pay attention to weird coincidences and dreams.

Rule # 2: listen to your intuition even more

Rule # 3: listen to your guidance and make choices in accordance.


Speak to, communicate with your Higher Self. Meditation, silence, is the best highway to keep and open a phone-line with the Higher Self.

Rule # 2: speak to, communicate with … etc



This page studies the astrological chart on the day of the discovery of the Asteroid that was named Lucifer. Fascinating to read the Sabian Symbol for the degree: The Discovery Degree Sabian Lucifer was at 28ARI04 Retrograde when he was discovered. What is rather fascinating is that the Sabian Symbol for this degree is ‘The Music of the Spheres’. Rudhyar’s keynote isAttunement to cosmic order.

‘Venus amongst other things is connected to the concept of harmony through it’s rulership of Libra. Lucifer then, can be said to show us how to ‘tune up’. Through his discordance, he allows us to see what is out of harmony with both ourselves and the universe.’


The two aspects of Venus-Lucifer: See Amen, p. 161-172

‘Venus connotes in our minds, even if we have only a glimmer of occult truth, that which is mental, that which concerns final sublimation, that which deals with sex and that which must work out into symbolic expression upon the physical plane. These are the major concepts which enter our minds when Venus andTaurusare considered in unison. These factors of expression have ever been related to these two since the night of time, because they are essentially basic and eternally cosmic in their implications.Taurusis one of the signs which veils a certain divine mystery. For the sake of disciples in training, these four concepts have been briefly summed up in an archaic writing of great significance. This writing states:

“The holy Sons of Mind embraced the two. They saw and understood. Thus was sex born and thus the great mistake was made. The mind was outward turned. The form appears to view and not the life.

“Out of the dark, they cried aloud, the holy Sons of Mind. In pain, they cried aloud. They inward looked and knew the error they had made but knew not what to do…. The Lord replied and gave to them the sign of resurrection.”

Do you grasp the significance of this statement, and its fundamental simplicity? Let me give you a hint. The earthy triplicity has been designated by astrologers as embodying the idea of plains (Taurus), of caves (Virgo) and of rock (Capricorn). It might be stated that these caves exist in the rocks, deep under the plains. I am speaking figuratively and symbolically. Out of the rocky cave, the Christ emerged[385]and walked again upon the plains of Earth and from that time “the woman knew Him not.” Form had no further hold upon him for He had overcome it in the depths. Into the cave of Initiation, the light of resurrection streams when the stone at the entrance is rolled away. From life in the form to the death of the form'”deep in the rocky place, down in the crypts of the Temple'”the human being goes. But into that same place, the new life streams, bringing fresh life and liberation; old things pass away and the darkness becomes light.

Sex is then seen to be in truth only the relation of the lower nature to the higher Self; it is then lifted up into the light of day in order that man may reach complete union with divinity. Man discovers that sex (which has hitherto been a purely physical function, carried on sometimes under the impulse of love) is elevated into its rightful plane as the divine marriage, carried out and consummated upon the levels of soul awareness. It is this great truth which lies beyond the sordid story of sex expression, of sex magic and the distortions of modern Tantric magic. Humanity has stepped down the symbolism and in its thoughts debased sex to an animal function and failed to lift it up into the realm of symbolic mystery. Men have sought through physical expression to produce the inner fusion and harmony which they crave and this cannot be done. Sex is but the symbol of an inner duality which must be itself transcended and wrought into a unity. It is not transcended by physical means or rituals. It is a transcendence in consciousness.’ Bailey, Esoteric Astrology.

Livres en Pdf disponibles sur le Web. Edition francaise, page 342.


A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Saturn, NASA

Twenty years later, when Cassini arrived at Saturn in 2004 during Saturn’s northern winter, the hexagon was in shadow. Scientists had to wait a few more years to see the hexagon in visible wavelengths of light because Saturn’s seasons last longer than those on Earth.

Saturn is farther from the sun than Earth is. As a consequence, a Saturn year ‘” the time it takes to complete one solar orbit ‘” is about 29 Earth years, and each Saturnian season lasts more than seven Earth years. So Cassini first observed the hexagon in 2006 (still Saturn northern winter), using theVisual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument.

The ISS images revealed a stunningly symmetric jet stream about 20,000 miles (30,000 kilometers) across with winds around 300 miles per hour (500 kilometers per hour). The hexagon is centered around a vortex that marks Saturn’s north pole.’

As read in the Atlantis Magzine article: Saturn in Capricorn, The hexagon that we find in the bee hive, as the basic geometrical structure is one of the three ‘geometrical figures with equal sides that can fit together in a flat surface without leaving gaps — equilateral triangle, square and hexagons.’

A blue circle with an image of a flower.


The hexagonal grid or honeycomb is the best way to divide a surface of equal area with the least total perimeter… the conjecture was proven in 1999 by mathematician Thomas C. Hales.’


Very weird coincidence: John Anthony West, one of the most famous independent egyptologist passed away on February 6th. He was not young, of course, but stayed here as long as the story continued.

And ‘a MESSAGE FROM THE AFTERLIFE’ emerging from a necropolis in Egypt. ‘the tombs and artefacts belonged to priests of the ancient Egyptian god Thoth. [….!!!….got it?]. Mr. Waziri, head of the archeological mission, described the “wonderful coincidence” of discovering a necklace charm on New Year’s Eve that had “happy new year” inscribed on it in hieroglyphics. ‘This is a message sent to us from the afterlife,’ he said.’

ABOUT JESUS: Are we revising the Jesus’ story? A few months ago, the renovation of the alleged Jesus’ tomb was completed. Now, the Holy Sepulchre is closed. ‘In a rare move, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem has been indefinitely shut in protest against what church leaders say is “discriminatory” Israeli policy aimed at weakening Christian presence in the holy city.’ It is interesting to read (accurate or not? is there more?) that the Churches feel persecuted because the State of Israel is asking them to pay taxes on their COMMERCIAL buildings, such as rental properties.

Last call, the dangers of AI:


Massacre in Al Ghouta…who is who and why. On this page, the interesting part are the comments.

Is Her Majesty the Queen funding Al Qaeda?

ARE YOU TRYING TO AVOID BUYING CHINESE STUFF? TRY AGAIN! ‘DAIMLER joins VOLVO: Geely [GEELY.UL] announced its 9.7 percent stake in Daimler (DAIGn.DE) late on Friday, surprising the market as it had not previously disclosed having crossed regulatory thresholds of 3 and 5 percent.

Zhejian Geely Holding also owns several other carmakers including Sweden’s Volvo Cars, London’s black-cab maker LEVC and its own Geely Automobile Holdings (0175.HK). It has agreed to buy a $3.3 billion stake in Volvo Trucks.”

a powerful article in French about For the English readers, look at the end, in the footnotes. You will find several links to English publications on the same subject.

110 MISSING GIRLS in NIGERIA: “Boko Haram, whose name translates as “Western education is forbidden” in the Hausa language widely spoken in northern Nigeria, has killed more than 20,000 people and forced two million to flee their homes in a violent insurgency that began in 2009. President Muhammadu Buhari, the 75-year-old former military ruler elected in 2015 after vowing to crush Boko Haram, has described the disappearance of the girls after Monday’s attack in the town of Dapchi, Yobe state, as a “national disaster.”

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