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Global Initiation Process Evidenced in Astrology – The Story of Pluto Ceres and Persephone –

End of the Eleusinian Mysteries and of Satanism


This story is linked to the last cycle. It has ended in December 2019 –

Full summary connecting many articles in the website.

(For ongoing readers, I just discovered that this paper disappeared when the site was recently hacked.

You might have read it already. Integration, severing your links to this frequency is still an ongoing process).


A blue circle with an image of a flower.


2019-2020, The end of a collective initiation process

The pantheon of deities, battling each other and often bloodthirsty, illustrates the fall of the Creator-god’s Consciousness in the process of creation and raw life emerging in the world of manifestation. All planets in the solar system and beyond are but aspects of the Creator’s Consciousness. A consciousness, an Intelligence participates in the Creative/manifestation movement and, in the process loses Itself, while cursed and subjugated by Its own reflection. The original United Creator-god scatters in space to engender the manifested and countless miracles of life.

Humans, as the cells in the Creator’s body, are the expression of his dream and his feed-back mechanism. Their stories and evolution are determined by his experience. Alignment with the Creator’s mind and vision happens in steps and cycles, evidenced by the movements of the stars and constellations.

The Creator and mankind attune more specifically through the mechanism of the eclipses. During an eclipse, the light/Sun and the darkness/Moon balance each other and move together in the direction indicated by the lunar nodes. The lunar nodes are the cross of the moon’s orbital path with the ecliptic or Sun’s apparent path. The nodes sit at 180 degrees from each other in the Zodiac and form the nodal axis. This axis moves signs every 18 months and functions like a compass. Through alignment with the lunar nodes, humans are triggered to focus their awareness and growth in specific areas of life and beliefs during 18-month cycles. The movement of the lunar nodes is one of the most powerful cosmic tools guiding the cosmos use for global

With the change of the nodal axis that occurred in November 2018, humankind was summoned to an 18-month review of the past journey under the Sirian Star System spiritual guardianship. It was time to complete collective responsibilities.

A few months early, at the time of the January 31, 2018 eclipse, a very unusual and powerful family meeting took place. The gods met to complete an ancient story, a saga that started since time immemorial. A student in astrology and a long-term cosmic watcher, I was struck by the meeting/conjunction of the Moon with the Star Ceres. Also present in a strategic position, next to Uranus, was Eris, the goddess of discord. My mind was racing, intuiting the fantastic cosmic event that was unfolding before my eyes.


Meet the characters present at the meeting:


  • The Moon, feminine luminary par excellence, regulates and is associated with emotions, moods, maternal instinct, subconscious mind, and the astral world. Ruler of Cancer, the moon’s trajectory is associated with the Old Dragon: the lunar nodes are called Head and Tail of the Dragon. [Ruler = dominant energy influencing a sign; in the cosmic context, the archetype played out in the sign].


  • Saturn/Cronos, was the son of Uranus or Sky-god and Gaia, the earth. Uranus, horrified by his own children, the Titans, restrained them in the depth of the earth ” the womb of their own mother. Grief stricken and in pain, Gaia created a sickle and asked her children to use it to free themselves. Only Cronos found the courage to use the sickle, ambushed Uranus, castrated him, becoming the new ruler. In his turn, Chronos was deposed by his son, Zeus/Jupiter.

Cronos, Cronus was later merged with Chronus, god of time, who, according to the Orphic tradition, pre-existed the creation of the cosmos.


For the present story, C(h)ronos/Saturn is the old god, the grim reaper, associated in the occult with the Titans’ era, and later with the entity Azazel, then represented by Jehovah.


Saturn is connected to the Dragon’s Tail (Dragon’s instinctual, primitive aspect). The Capricorn, or Sea-goat, ruled by Saturn, is the “Sabbatical goat.” (Dragon Legacy, p. 220). Along the way, utilized in Witchcraft, and seen on the inverted pentagram, it became “ubiquitous throughout the left-hand path of occultism.” Dragon Legacy, p. 217.


  • Zeus/Jupiter, the king of the gods in the Roman pantheon, sits on Mount Olympus.

He had so many consorts and children that we wonder if his expanded family symbolized the abundant mind of a creator… Or just the empowered male who has finally, thanks to his recent traveling in Scorpio, looked at his own shadow and operated his own transmutation.


Zeus is the first son of Cronos/Saturn and Rhea. Cronos, afraid of losing his kingdom started to swallow his progeny. “As soon as Zeus had reached manhood, he planned to punish his father. He summoned to his aid Metis, daughter of Oceanus. Metis gave Cronus a draught that made him vomit up the stone and with it the gods, his own children. Vanquished by Zeus’ might, Cronus was driven from the sky, cast to the very depth of the universe and there, enchained in the region which stretches beneath the Earth and the fruitless sea. This is at least what Homer says.” Mythos p. 91

Zeus ended the Titans’ era and then shared the world with his brothers, Neptune/Poseidon, and Pluto/Hades. Jupiter rules Pisces and is the esoteric ruler of the Aquarius.


Hermes/Mercury, traditionally Zeus’ son, sometimes his brother. He is the child of Maia, the eldest of the Pleaides. He is the messenger of the gods, also known as ‘the Bridge’ between Heaven and Earth, and the Priest-King. When Chronos declared war on his father, Uranus, Hermes Trismegistus who was his secretary and adviser, harangued his master’s allies with magic words and the struggle ended with the overthrow of Uranus, whose authority passed to Chronos. Mercury invented the lyre, then traded it with Apollo, for the Caduceus. Apollo’s lyre hung in the sky by Zeus and became the Lyra Constellation. Mercury rules the astrological sign of Virgo. According to lore, Mercury gave the lyre to Orpheus who charmed humans and beasts with his wonderful music. Orpheus was the unfortunate deity who followed his love Eurydice into the underworld.





Ceres/Demeter, goddess of fertility, associated with Virgo and the harvest, as both are represented carrying wheat or spelt. The same archetype was worshipped in Greece as Demeter, goddess of agriculture and harvest and in Phrygia as Cybele. [Wiki, Larousse Desk, the Book People, Haydock, 1995, p. 215].

Goddess of fertility, Ceres is also a chthonian deity, connected to tellurism [tellus= terre, in Latin] and thus to the Great, Dark Mother, the Dragon and the cycles of death and rebirth (Hades/Pluto). This implies that, beyond her role as goddess of agriculture, Ceres was at the core of the Elysian mysteries, in which her story is remembered: Ceres/Demeter had a daughter with her brother, Jupiter, Persephone or Proserpine.

Ceres’ story will be detailed later on in this page. A blue circle with an image of a flower.


Pluto/Hades: god of the Underworld. Pluto/Hades is the son of Chronos and Rhea. He received rulership of the underworld when his brother Zeus stripped Chronos of his power. He is then another chthonian god. Hades ‘was only seen to leave his kingdom on two occasions: one to abduct Persephone’ and then to ‘be cured of a wound.’ Hades, Ade, means unseen, invisible. Hades, recluse, presiding over the unseen, death and the inexorable, was feared, although compared to Jupiter, he was quiet and a good husband. As Pluto, the roman version of the deity, he acquired more honors as he became the wealth-giver: mysteriously, vegetable life emerges from underground; metals are buried out of sight. Pluto is famous for the abduction of his niece, Persephone. Pluto rules Scorpio. The rituals enacted in his favor involved black victims, generally a black bull. He was associated with the second month, the number two, and was considered harmful. His scepter had two spikes compared to Neptune’s trident.


Lilith: not to be confused with Inanna, the Sumerian goddess. She was Adam’s first wife. According to the apocryphal texts, she refused to submit to Adam, ‘lay beneath him,’ but chased and seduced him aggressively, showing, again and again that he was unable to resist passion and lust. Her children are little demons. Lilith is also believed to be a sexual vampire. Nice pedigree.


Eris: the dark goddess of discord, the spirit of strife, haunting the battlefields. Obfuscated because she was not invited to the wedding of Thesis and Peleus, Eris picked a golden apple from the Garden of the Hesperides. She threw the golden apple, inscribed “To the Fairest one,” into the party. Immediately, the visiting goddesses rushed to fight for the prize. The poor Paris, Prince of Troy, was chosen to decide who was the most beautiful goddess and the tournament —the Judgement of Paris — degenerated into the Trojan War! The Apple of Discord was born! The Roman name for Eris is Discordia.





Mysteries, mystery schools? What was it about? Why are we speaking about these old practices today?

The most famous mysteries, known as the Elysian or Elesinian Mysteries, originated in ancient Greece. It was believed that the mysteries were instituted by the Greek goddess Demeter, or Ceres for the Romans.


Demeter was one of the twelve Olympian gods and as the mother goddess, she blessed humans and the crops with fertility and abundance. According to the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, dated around the 7th century BCE, Demeter had a daughter named Persephone.


One day, while enjoying nature with her friends, her daughter, Persephone, “was being taken, against her will, at the behest [command] of Zeus, by her father’s brother [Pluto –] the one who receives many guests, the son of Kronos, the one with many names. On the chariot drawn by immortal horses.”


Grief stricken and angry at the loss of her daughter, the earth became barren, the crops ceased to grow, which brought Zeus/Jupiter to call Hermes/Mercury, his emissary, to the rescue. Persephone had to stay with Pluto and live in the underworld, but could visit her mother regularly.


While in search for Persephone, Demeter concealed her divinity. In Eleusis, she is assisted by Keleos’ family who witnessed unusual things around the goddess. Demeter reveals who she is and then instructs them to build a temple:

“I am Demeter, the holder of t®mai. I am the greatest

boon and joy for immortals and mortals alike.

But come! Let a great temple, with a great altar at its base,

be built by the entire dªmos. Make it at the foot of the acropolis and its steep walls.

Make it loom over the well of Kallikhoron, on a prominent hill.

And I will myself instruct you in the sacred rites so that, in the future,

you may perform the rituals in the proper way and thus be pleasing to my noos.”







Eleusis was not the only location and temple in which such rites were enacted; Demeter is one of the deities embodying an archetype that has lingered in the human psyche for millennia. The most significant ritualistic institution of the past cycle was the male/female-light/darkness interaction as enacted by Ceres/Demeter, the goddess at the core of the Elysian Mysteries. Demeter, like Isis, Inanna, Venus are all ‘aspects of the Heavenly Queen, who was at the center of the rituals.

Astrology shows the timeline for an ongoing global human experience. If interpreted from the mythological viewpoint, the 2018-2019 astrological transits refer to the mysteries, a dramatic and challenging, yet necessary part of the collective past.


[Note: Apuleius, Metamorphoses, 11.2, in which Isis reveals to Lucius that she, Ceres and Proserpina, Artemis and Venus are all aspects of the one “Heavenly Queen”; cf Juno Caelestis, “Queen of Heaven”, the Romanized form of Tanit].


For thousands of years, the occult spiritual and religious system was based on the secret rites mimicking the cycles of Light and Darkness, and the forced marriage or rape of the Great Goddess’ daughters by the lord of the underworld and his cohort.

The mysteries were found “everywhere in the antic world, in Egypt, in Syria, Persia, Phrygia, Cappadocia, amongst the Romans…There was a Pelargis Demeter who was the guest of King Pelargos, and a Libyan Demeter, honored in Chareacha, next to Argos.” (Les Myst¨res d’Eleusis, leur origines, le rituel de leurs initiations. Magnien Victor).


It is difficult to give a date for the onset of the Elysian Mysteries. Although the dates of 16th, 15th century BC are mentioned, Orpheus is also believed to be the true founder of the Elysian Mysteries. “Not only, the Greek tradition attributes the institution of the mysteries to Orpheus, but also the composition of Hymns and poems associated with the Mysteries.” P. 40


The Greek writers “elaborate, arguing that Orpheus, schooled in Thrace and Samothrace, left, before founding the Mysteries. He travelled and studied the Egyptian mysteries that are considered the original source.” P. 38



The mysteries were a system of initiations offered to everyone. After a purification process, the participants ingested a mind altering concoction, the Kykeon; then, they would enter a dark space, the Telesterion and experience a theatrical representation of the deities family drama: Demeter grieving the loss of her daughter, Kore/Persephone, kidnapped by a lonely king. The daughter becomes the Queen of the Underworld and is authorized to access the outside world, the light, only three times a year. Demeter, the mother, leaves the kingdom of the gods and shares men’s existence. In Eleusis, she heals the king’s son. Demeter then asks the locals to build a temple in her honor and initiate them.




As for the partakers, the ritual, the invocation of entities, the drugs, the obligation to watch frightening images in the dark and animal sacrifices would open the senses, the subconscious and trigger visions of the astral world. A symbolic death was experienced.


There are levels to the Elysian Mysteries: the primitive belief that the gods, when worshipped and pleased, eventually with sacrifices, will protect the harvest, land, fertility, and appease nature when necessary.


Through the enacting of the deities’ drama, the populace would learn to observe nature’s cycles, the sun, the moon, the alternating seasons, the harvest and the inter-dependence of man and nature. The underworld and death were experienced as a part of life. Life and death are not separated, they work in tandem. Together they can be fertile, as evidenced by the symbol of the pomegranate.


The initiation first addressed the soul through observation of nature. As Persephone visits the land of the dead and cyclically comes back to the land of the living, the soul only leaves the physical body to reappear in a new one.


The most important part of the ritual was the practice of duplicating, enacting the gods’ marriages: hierogamy or hieros gamos [in Greek, hieros/sacred and gamos/marriage]. The sacred union of the complementary divine Principles birthing together manifested life became the center of worship and cult. As the deities would engender life or an aspect of it through their union, the most important rituals involved sexuality, mostly imposed as it happened to Persephone, sexuality between the priests, priestesses, kings and virgin, monks and virgin (later in different cultures), and of course, enacted by the participants. Not surprisingly the cult of Dionysus was quickly integrated in the ceremonies. Dionysusor ‘Dionysos is the god of the grape-harvest, winemaking and wine, of fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivityand theatre’.


Over the centuries, as humanity globally fell into darkness, materiality and the open satisfaction of the senses, all sacredness was abandoned; the rituals became only satanic, and focused on the contact and sex with dark entities, the practice of rape (as Hades, Zeus and other did), and orgies. Later on, mind control became one of the main goals, facilitated by violence and drugs. Officially, “the rituals were closed down by the Christian Emperor Theodosius in 392 CE as he saw the ancient rites as inspiring resistance to Christianity and the `truth’ of Christ.”



However, “Christianity itself borrowed the form of the Mysteries and the ceremonial of Eleusis was perpetuated in certain rites of the victorious Church. For instance, ‘the wedding rite of the Romans… was kept in the Church’s liturgy.’ It is fascinating to learn that ‘the facilitators of the bacchanales were part of the feast and that orgies sometimes rub shoulders with devotions.’ Also amazing, if we have a Christian background: “the neophyte, naked, laid the left foot on the corpse of a sacrificed animal, often a ram; then, purifying waster was poured over his head.”

Eleusinia : De quelques probl¨mes relatifs aux Myst¨res d’Eleusis. Comte GOBLET d’ALVIELLA.



Because, the mysteries, under many disguises and faces have endured until the 21st century and have been both an initiation tool and an open wound in human history and consciousness. The noble mystery schools have all degenerated to become the command central of the Darkness and the As the Cosmic Level, it created a karma for the Creator-god, karma that had to be redeemed and cleared. It is a part of the Great Sacrifice that a Consciousness takes one when participating in the creation.

Initiations and mysteries were already present in the old civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. Priests and priestesses, adepts, schools of mystery and initiations have always existed, their purpose being to train disciples, guide their evolution. In modern language we would say that the mysteries were creating a resonance between heaven and earth; edutating the human brain to consciously channel non-local information and duplicate Heaven on Earth. As Above, So Below. The human brain, in constant communication with the non-local field (information coming from the gods, in old terms), collectively responds to the codes ingrained in the planetary field. In other terms, humans constantly exchange data with the Creator’s Heart/Mind.

Telepathic communication with the non-local information field increases in parallel with a slow transformation of the hormonal system, specifically the pineal grand, connected to expanded consciousness. Sexual hormones trigger and work in synergy with the rest of the glandular system, itself the basic tool to reach the Sacred Marriage, a step towards oneness [self-oneness first], and evolve beyond the third dimensional realm.

Unfortunately, the necessary mingle with the dark side of nature has resulted in excess. The human race as a group has not focused on mastering sexuality. Moreover, the old adepts, the leaders at the core of the spiritual lodges, who were expected to guide mankind towards the inner marriage, succumbed to the ego; pleasure and control replaced service to the Divine Light. Of course, compassion dictates to look at the big picture: as evidenced by the latest development of the Cosmic Body (See book Cosmic Love) and by astrology, the Creator-god in manifestation was still working on his lower chakras until 2009. Consequently, as the three first cosmic centers were primary vitalized, sex and the astral plane were the dominant energies.


Thousands of years of rituals took place; during the last patriarchal cycle that started after Atlantis, the feminine aspect, as in the Greek mythos, was subdued, used and sacrificed to the darkness. We note the involvement of Jupiter in Demeter’s and Persephone’s drama.





It is interesting to note the male gods’ behavior in the myth, especially Zeus/Jupiter. Jupiter and Hades are Demeter’s brothers. The goddess screams and pleads Zeus, head of the family, to intercede and bring back Persephone. Zeus/Jupiter majestically sends Hermes as his ambassador.


Persephone can visit her mother who then asks if she had ingested anything while in the underworld. The princess’s answer: a few grains of pomegranate. Demeter knows that it is too late. Why? Because the red, juicy fruit is the symbol of fertility, of the menstrual blood. Persephone must stay with her husband and brings the fruits of her loins. Zeus can only soothe the situation; Persephone will be able to visit periodically. The brothers are not letting go of their male authority and are not sensitive to the feminine unfolding drama. In fact, Demeter is told that she should be proud of marrying Persephone to one of the main three deities:


You should not have an anger without bounds, all in vain. It is not unseemly to have, of all the immortals, such a son-in-law as Hadªs,

He is the brother [of Zeus], […] going back to the very beginning, when the three-way division of inheritance was made.”



According to Helios, son of the Titan Hyperion: “No one else among all the immortals is responsible [aitios] except the cloud-gatherer Zeus himself, who gave her to Hadªs as his beautiful wife.”


Demeter refused to visit or participate in the life of the gods in Olympus. “She said that she would never go to fragrant Olympus, that she would never send up the harvest of the earth.”


Jupiter then sent “to Erebos [Hadªs] the one with the golden wand, the Argos-killer
[Hermes], so that he may persuade Hadªs, […] to ” allow holy Persephone to leave the misty realms of darkness […], so that her mother may see her with her own eyes and then let go of her anger. […] Finally, [Zeus] assented that her daughter, every time the season came round,

would spend a third portion of the year in the realms of dark mist underneath,

and the other two thirds in the company of her mother and the other immortals.”



As for Pluto/Hades, he was/is the unfortunate brother who inherited the kingdom of the underworld. Or, was he, because of his personality, the perfect candidate for the role? Someone had to rule or represent death, the subconscious and occulted self, the transmutation factor. Amongst the gods, Pluto was perceived as cold and stern. Although he kidnapped Persephone, he was not depicted as a womanizer, as was his flamboyant and revered brother Zeus.



On earth, as the mirror of heaven, the drama was repeated over centuries, in most cultures and religions; although not advertised in the history books, the virgin daughters and girls have been secretly sacrificed to the lord of darkness, under different identities, the most famous aspects being Lucifer, and later Satan. This type of ceremony was at the core of our system, practiced openly by the elite, the rulers, as a rite of passage and a control tool. In the western world, the vast majority of the participants, unable to communicate with their total self, donot remember, arenot aware of the phenomenon, as it mostly occurred in the astral dimension, thus triggering emotional break downs and addictions. While under the pressure of the light and a wave of consciousness, the rituals have progressively disappeared in the third dimension; they have lingered in the astral dimension.



Although the majority would prefer to ignore, deny, and brush off the importance of the astral realm, it has ruled, controlled human societies and behaviors for millennia. Because of Cosmic necessity, and of humans’ attachment to the senses, to sex, to self-satisfaction, it is not only the lining but the dimension from which your world is mostly controlled. Fortunately, the Creator-god also exists on multiple dimensions and His life as well as yours, has an anchor, is rooted in the infinite, Divine Heart and Love.

As for mankind, the result is the ambivalence, the constant attraction-retraction movement between the longing for Divine perfection and the ego. The astral life is the root of most illnesses, physical as well as mental. And, in the context of this chapter, the darkness of the rituals still in existence is the origin of most neurosis and addictions.

Until humankind and planet Earth globally climb the ladder of evolution, until the Earth sheds the astral web and matrix that it is imprisoned in, life in the astral will keep going. Fortunately, things have changed, as a team has been organized to slowly unroot and transmute this old organization. Besides, the multi-dimensional and clairvoyant information published over the last two decades in this author’s books and articles, astrology confirms the end of the Mysteries. Alleluia.



Life is both light and darkness. We cannot escape the laws of nature. “The concept of the darkness of God has recurred again and again. Why is this? It would appear to be because, while normal spiritual life is often attended by experiences of the Light of God, the higher reaches of the mystic’s journey is marked by experiences of the darkness of God. In other words, the concept of the divine darkness comes from the experience of the mystical journey, where it is experienced as difficult but not as negative or evil. It is closely linked to the concept of the unknown God, and must be understood as another expression of the language of paradox, in which even paradox itself fails adequately to describe what is in essence an indescribable and inexpressible experience.” (Gordan Strachan. Chartres, Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space. P. 88).


This is the text that came to my consciousness in 2002. (I do not channel anyone, only communicate with my multi-dimensional self.)

“There was this extraordinary council on planet Sirius. Human beings did not evolve fast enough. The normal tactic of the two lodges”the White One and the Black One”is to walk graciously on the chessboard, exchange some stakes and perform pirouettes. It is essential, in order for the universes to keep their inexorable moves, that the light and the shadow always stay balanced. But human beings’ consciousness was not being touched, not to the point of being able to transmute the Yin and the Yang and of reaching the divine frequency, the marriage.

“In the crystal palace where they were meeting, an unusual uproar started. Everyone was expressing his opinion. Do we have the right to intervene directly? Were we going to implant a new grid of command to precipitate the marriage of the energies? The brothers of the shadow and the brothers of the light have always respected each other, each group having an impact on the march of the world and the earthly horde.

“It is true that the extremes induce complicated or even dishonorable situations, considered from a human point of view. In the case of the human family, the desire to experience matter increased century after century, guided by the old Saturn, Master of Time and density. The Taurus era was at the door, with the god Moloch… [About 3700 BC].

“The Elders were watching the situation. It was time to intervene. The restoration of the memories of the Brothers and of humans might take millions of years. The Tradition had been twisted, the feminine lineage almost destroyed. The Elders knew that is was the wisest solution, the closest to the truth. They will have to reproduce the law of the marriage in the second and third dimension. Nothing in this universe is complete without the fusion of the energies, of the extremes. Human beings had the habit of taking refuge in the illusion, duplicating it through shows, rituals, in which they would call for the ones they were mistaking for gods.

“The council decided then to use the temples, the sacred schools, the priests and the rituals. The fusion of the energies, the marriage of the Light and the Shadow will be part of the sacred ceremonies. The shock generated on the genetic codes, the interference with the soul, will be so severe, that the initiate, hurt and in pain, would have to return to the light in order to re-center himself. The initiate will come back in full awareness, complete, conscious. Never more will he be lost, because his memories would have been imprinted by the experience. The dark initiation was born. Of course, the Brothers of the Light will be at the center of the experience. They had, in their blood and in their magnetic structure the purest codes, the original ones. Although some of them had already been altered by genetic manipulations, the Elders will find a way to overcome this handicap. In fact, the challenge was interesting.” Kiss for Lucifer, Michael El Nour



After several cycles of incarnation, after the rise and fall of Lemuria and Atlantis, mankind was not progressing fast enough, in the process of self-awareness and self-harmonizing that lead to the conscious Light and conscious participation in the Divine Order.

A decision was then made at the dawn of the Taurus Era to precipitate the movement through rituals during which human beings would be purposely offered to dark entities. The soul is then shocked, traumatized. A long journey with the shadow follows, until the soul, longing to return to its Essence and to the light origin, starts the conscious alchemical work.

The dark initiation, that was initially designed for the Elders, the Brothers of the Light, slowly integrated the darkest aspects of human psyche; Satanic lineages appeared until the rituals spread in all religions and cultures. (For details, read the volume A Kiss For Lucifer, Michael El Nour).

Ultimately, the experience of life into form, physicality and the end of the Kali Yuga have generated an immense twist, torsion in the human consciousness, accentuated by alien intrusions, but this is another subject. This enormous degeneration of the human essence has crystallized all negative aspects of life into horrors and misery. There has been a lot of grief, victimization and talk in the spiritual and ascension movements about the involvement of extra-terrestrial and occult leaders in the oppression and control of humanity. As evidenced by the dance of the planets and mythology, this human experience was not pure malevolent highjack of human destiny but a part of the global descent into the darkness. All the traditions speak about the Fall, as a necessary part of incarnation and consciousness. Whatever and whoever the players are does not matter. Then the soul must find its way back to the light, in full consciousness. The Creator-god Him/Itself experiences a fall, with you, through you, into matter.


My belief, based on personal contact and experience, is that the extra-terrestrials from Sirius were the second group that officially intervened in human evolution. The Sirians shared their DNA with the human species, transforming their brain capacities. The Sirians’ intervention was legitimate because they were a part of the original Cosmic Plan or Blueprint for humanity.

[Note: we can also expand our discussion to the unknown, invisible (to us) multiverse and believe that our Creator-god Itself is/was the victim of a highjack… I prefer to believe in the perfection of life, of the universe. I chose to believe that, as a cell in the body, consciousness and love of the Creator-god, I am loved and supported].

After grafting their DNA with humans, the Sirians became their spiritual guardians. This is evidenced by the impact of Sirius in the burgeoning civilizations, more specifically in Egypt, where Sirius was at the core of daily life and cult. Their council had to make the difficult decision that started the dark initiation. Then, with growing darkness in the human heart, galactic wars (See chapter XX), alien invasions and attempts to rule and control the human DNA, the situation became uncontrollable.

Everything, all planets in our corner of the universe, all parts of life are atoms, cells in the Creator’s Body. Without going into the complicated theories regarding planetary chains, planets are the body of expression of aspects of the Creator’s Consciousness. Although seemingly unfair, when experienced from the human perspective, the universe is intelligent, economical, and ruled by the Creator’s dream.


The brain, the direction giver, has always been referred to as masculine; the receptor and form giver, feminine. Unless and until those two principles balance each other in a Divine loving embrace, the model, according to 21st century consciousness, is inequitable, unless one practices surrender and faith in the divine perfection.


Collectively, in union with the Creator, we have reached a turning point in history where a balance between the masculine and feminine principles are in equilibrium, at least in our corner of the cosmos. As mentioned in the chapter Mythology, the constellations that hold the masculine and feminine aspect in the Creator’s body achieved a state of balance in 1996. Then, in 2009, the Creator-god balanced His lower and upper chakras in his heart, a movement anchoring the Christic frequency on Earth. [More on chapter XX] This extraordinary movement precipitated and was congruent with the end of the progressive descent into materiality, experienced simultaneously by the Creator, Earth and mankind.


Logically, the forced initiation process, this aspect of harsh harmonization of the polarities through the sacrifice of the feminine, finds its conclusion when the descent into matter and darkness ends.



ROLE OF VIRGO AND MERCURY: From sex to wisdom and inner merging of the opposites:

An interesting step was taken in August 2018. During the new moon in Virgo, mankind, or at least the segment of men and women who were ready, was invited to a global initiation. In the sky, the moon interacted with Eris and Lilith, two famous rebellious goddesses. As for Virgo, an ear of shaft at her side, she is obviously feminine and connected to the harvest, yet a different type of harvest. Because of her connection to Mercury, master of wisdom and of the Higher Mind, Virgo is not a fertility goddess. She thinks and discriminates. Through ongoing scrutiny and choices, through the cycles of retrogradation of her Ruler, Mercury, Virgo guides the soul towards self-alignment, right brain-left brain, facts, intuition. Mankind has been working on balancing the Sun and Moon, Mars and Venus, first through sex then at the mind level (Mercury). What is good or not so good? What choice should I make? All life lessons lead to inner balance, outer world/inner-self, male-female and then, to the state of the Virgin, the self-sufficient, the celibate self, longing for the merging with the inner Beloved, the Higher Self.


As in the past, Mercury intercedes. He is the eternal teacher, messenger, and Zeus’s ambassador. Hermes/Mercury holds the Caduceus, exhibiting the two energy pathways, masculine and feminine, balanced and raised that men must balance with his assistance (Higher mind). The middle axis is the path taken by the awakened Kundalini (reminder of human reptilian origin, connection with Draco). Mercury is also the creator of the lyre. Guided out of the underworld through the music of the spheres, the soul is led to the Lyra Constellation, seat of the leadership for the new paradigm.

Venus-Aphrodite embodies the alchemical process. Venus takes the soul with her while she navigates in and out of the Light. Through thousands of years of repetitive encounters, struggles with opposing forces, the obligation to undergo the passage in the Underworld, and the repetitive and often sour meetings with the darkness, humans are finally prepared to merge the opposites and reach the Solar Self.

In other words, with Venus/Aphrodite, Zeus’ daughter, associated to Lucifer for a whole cycle, the soul has learned the many aspects of love and commitments. It has struggled to find balance with Mars, the masculine warrior. Then, Venus worked with the mind/Mercury. The Hermetic Tradition (Mercury = Hermes) opened the door to Wisdom. Venus became the Sophia, personification and goddess of wisdom.

Then, Hermes/Mercury and Venus/Aphrodite combine to become the Herma-phrodite and then meet the glorious Solar Self in the heart. [More in the volume, Amen, the Archangel Michael, the Messiah and the Grail Bloodline, ].



Pluto, Persephone’s kidnapper, Lord of the Underworld entered the sign Capricorn on November 26, 2008 and will leave it in November 2024.

NOTE: In Sideral astrology, following the precession of the equinoxes, the signs are 23 apart. This seems to indicate that the Babylonian zodiac that we are still using is a part of the matrix that mankind has to break and let go of.

The end of this initiation was slowly prepared, at the rhythm of deities, as embodied in the zodiac. In April 2010 [Year that this Author considers the end of our present cycle], Pluto and Ceres met, in Capricorn. Jupiter, the other accomplice conjuncted Uranus in Pisces and opposed Saturn at the end of Virgo.

In 2015, Ceres and Pluto were both at 14 degrees Capricorn ” leadership, hierarchies.

As mentioned at the onset of this chapter, the family was summoned for reconciliation at the January 31st, 2018 eclipse. Then, this initiation practice ended on the January 10, 2020 eclipse. Mankind is finally ready for the Divine Heart Frequency.

As for the warrior souls incarnated now in feminine vessels, on the July 4th eclipse, the universe offered an amusing insight in regards to the new era: On July 4th, the Sun in Cancer joined Vesta. Vesta, first born of Kronos and Rhea, is identified with ‘home.’ In the Roman pantheon, she is the goddess of the hearth. “She was very beautiful and attracted the attention of both Apollo and Neptune who fought for her hand. Vesta rejected them both, however, and begged Jupiter to allow her to remain forever a virgin. When he consented to this, Vesta was pleased and took care of his home and hearth, thus identifying her with domestic life but, more importantly, with domestic tranquility.”

Esoterically, Vesta finds her mission in keeping her virginity and working with Jupiter. She discovers happiness ‘at home.’ avoiding marriage with another god. Therefore, although at the first level, the conjunction with the Sun can be read as an aspect of luck, the soul finds the truth and the Self inside, and blossoms without the need of another. This is the marriage with the inner-beloved. Vesta demonstrates dedication, service, faith, the quality associated with Jupiter and leading to true expansion: Commitment to one’s Higher Self, itself dedicated to the collective purpose and the Cosmic Man. In the July 4th transits, this aspect is emphasized by the triangle of forces Jupiter-Neptune-Sun/Vesta. Expand, reach Neptune’s higher octave and the Solar Self. Then, formthe Moon as builder of form is transmuted.










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