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Mind Bending

Jupiter in Scorpio, 2017-2018

By November 6, 2017July 15th, 2024One Comment

A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Photo NASA


A few years ago, I enjoyed comparing the news with Cosmic News and occult movements, making sense of political events. There was some logic. Now, just a bunch of egos, or ghosts, gesticulating on stage when the curtain is already down.

So, what is left to do? Enjoy if we can, and continue working on self, this never ends¦

Have you felt the impact of Jupiter? Jupiter entered the Scorpio on October 8th and will visit until November 2018. Changes at hand¦ after a plunge! Or alchemy!


Scorpio: in the lore, the Scorpio was sent by Artemis or the Earth to kill Orion, on his killing spree. Money power and sex revisited, illuminated, revealed by the powerful jupiterian vibrance. The ability to go at the deepest level, even death, to come out transformed. Sex reveals your animal nature and yet can be a door to higher levels of consciousness. The life-force, correctly channeled and spiced up by DNA treasures, fires up your glandular system and pull you to god¦.

Money and power can be utilized with any nuance and shades of the spectrum. What do we do, how do we act when we can feel the power or -surrogate power- of a good bank account?

Basic level for the recent astrological configurations: scandals and old murder cases revisited; Hollywood and the sexual currency exposed, sexual harassment; after Panama, the Paradise Papers, exposing how tax evasion is organized for the privileged. (1)

“True, the Scorpio cuts to the chase, but his quest for truth allows the removal of the veils of secret and illusion. This is obvious at this time and will amplify with the Sun-Jupiter conjunction between October 25 and 29 […]. The exact conjunction occurs on October 26t, at 3.32 Scorpio; it is trine Neptune in the Pisces and therefore participates into the planetary awakening, in the Ascension phenomena and the change of paradigm.” French in notes. (2)


Jupiter: law, philosophy, faith- Âlooks at and present the big picture, what is truly important. Its energy goes outward, while Scorpio delve inside, in the


A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Scorpius, Photo Stephane Guisard, NASA

At the global level power play is on, with bravado and argument around nuclear arms ; although Jupiter spent time in the Libra, expanding notions of peace, Are the positive energies brought by Neptune elevating the level and allowing a more spiritual outcome? Pluto, Master of Scorpio is good aspect with Jupiter. Now, what could be a neophyte’s foolish interpretation: depth of the inner world. Forget the little things and watch inside: what is it that you have deep down, that matters the most, that you would like to bring out? To see expand and take form?

Scorpio brings healing and rebirth. Its energy is radical, drastic and does not compromise. If we are ready to bring out the best, almost extravagant part of self and desires, we can also heal ourselves.

It you were ready when the Sun added his light to the picture, you had the perfect cocktail to bring your inner dream to the outer world, assisted by the Sun.

Let’s look a little further. Trine (120 deg.) Saturn Uranus, exact transit on November 11th: traditional interpretation: “Saturn trine Uranus will bring order out of the chaos which resulted from the Uranus Pluto squares of the previous five years. There will still be changes ahead but they will cause less drama and upheaval. These less erratic changes will be more constructive, and could include some of the more promising ideas fromthe last fewyears. Saturn trine Uranus will bridge the gap between the extremes that have developed.”Â


in 2016-2017, Jupiter was in Libra, ruled by Venus. Venus also rules Taurus, bringing beauty to the Manifestor. Libra’s house, thus shared with Venus is the 7th house. House of marriage, business partnerships, divorce, cooperation, in one word, contracts. We have read for months about straightening up our relationships, improving our love, etc. Well, what about revisiting our contracts and commitment, our karmic contracts. This is what we were expected to do in the last 2 years. And we have achieved it under Jupiter’s guise, the Ruler’s authority, with a touch of love, of course!

For thousands of years, we had the opportunity to meet Self, I, using the impulse of Aries and Mars. Ego building. Then, when reaching the opposite side of the Zodiac, we cross Libra (Aries, 1st house, Libra 7th). We evolve through relationships in general (not just love affairs) and commitments. May be heavy duty soul affairs. Ego building with others. With intricate results, called History. (3: About love and soul connections)

In November, Venus (Libra, house 7) will visit Scorpio, ruled by Mars while Mars is in Libra ruled by Venus (Contredance, on se croirait à Versailles!). That triggers the movement of women saying that they want men’s respect. Let’s reset the rules between Mars and Venus. Yes, ladies, if you stop using your body and hormones as currencies. If you exhibit your body in a tiny golden short etc, do not expect animals to respect you. That is for the Brazil beauty context expression! (3)

I digress. Back to more important things. How do we exit the jungle, with or without a tiny golden short? Ok, Saturn (time), Uranus (change), Scorpio-Pluto (rebirth), Mars/Aries, all this with Jupiter in Scorpio and after months of clearing contracts (Venus, Libra)…are you still there?

End 2016 — if you have read articles— end of a time-line. Now is the time to catch the right ride, and find the entrance into the New Time-Line.

Two possible futures? May be. So, let go of the past, miserable or glorious, of all links and emotional attachment to the system that ruled the past. Forget your past-lives. Rigorously watch your mind, thinking process, reactions, small decisions. Each day, you can make a step in the right direction. You might need faith; Jupiter carries faith as well as expansion within surrender and transmutation. Ascension is a movement towards the Light. The Archangel Michael, Light Principle, leads the passage towards a lighter world. ÂIn this particular process, we are not going up a spiral, in a slow, ineluctable motion. It feels that we are jumping, at an angle like the Ufos are seen moving.

Have a good ride.



JUPITER as seen from Juno, 2016. NASA movie:

“NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured a unique time-lapse movie of the Galilean satellites in motion about Jupiter. The movie begins on June 12th with Juno 10 million miles from Jupiter, and ends on June 29th, 3 million miles distant. The innermost moon is volcanic Io; next in line is the ice-crusted ocean world Europa, followed by massive Ganymede, and finally, heavily cratered Callisto. Galileo observed these moons to change position with respect to Jupiter over the course of a few nights. From this observation he realized that the moons were orbiting mighty Jupiter, a truth that forever changed humanity’s understanding of our place in the cosmos. Earth was not the center of the Universe. For the first time in history, we look upon these moons as they orbit Jupiter and share in Galileo’s revelation. This is the motion of nature’s harmony.”Â

Closer photos:

Is NASA following astrological cycles as well?

(1) Paradise Papers and Appleby (law firm dates from 1890s!)


(2) Quote, «Le Scorpion, il est vrai, n’y va pas par quatre chemins, mais sa quête de vérité permet aussi de lever les voiles du secret et de l’illusion. C’est ce que nous pouvons constater en ce moment, et cela va s’amplifier avec la conjonction du Soleil avec Jupiter, du 25 au 29 octobre, comme nous le montre cette carte du ciel du 26 octobre, avec la conjonction exacte, à 3°32 du Scorpion. la conjonction Soleil-Jupiter se produit au trigone de Neptune en Poissons et qu’elle participe ainsi à l’éveil planétaire, au phénomène de l’Ascension et aux changements de paradigme.» quelle pagaille, l’electronique!


In the context of the cross of incarnation, as often represented in the astrological charts and under-laying our context of evolution, “If it is written, and some things are indeed written, wsit is not written — that precisely is not— what is the amount of comprehension, the sum of penetration that your intelligence, your knowledge is capable of compared to the domain that encircle and compells you [le domaine qui vous enserre et vous assujetit]. Man escapes necessity; he only escapes what is written for a part of his being, not for his totality. Because our being is not fully inscribed on the horizontal plane. Year after year, we move from one horizontal plane to the other; yet the vertical [plane] remains the inner mystery of the souls. Within the verticality of the cross, within this inner upward motion lays the potential of liberation of the horizontal; horizontal is fatality; vertical is resurrection.” Charles E. Vouga, Une Astrologie pour l’ere du Verseau. Rocher.


(3). About sexual revelations: what we all need to realize: it is not Hollywood; it is not X or Y. The problem is not women versus men. It is not the West, a good place to enable revelations, or India being retrograde. Humankind as whole, needs to accept SEEING ITS TRUE NATURE; humankind must look and exorcise the beast that has been dominating human behavior for centuries. Our societies, for x reasons, was based, is still based on sex, sexual addiction, abuse, predation. Religious sexual rites, sexual initiations, sexual culture, sexy look and fashion, confusion of sex and love. Excess on the screens under the pretext of personal freedom. What do we see everywhere? What do people like to speak and joke about? It is important to stop worldly unacceptable cultural behaviors and notorious cowards using their power; it is better to all look at ourselves and wonder if we have yet mastered the beast?

(4): About love and soul connections. I did not see the movie The Shack. I do not know if I know what forgiveness is or if I judge or not —self or others. UNFINISHED PARAGRAPH MORE LATER

The universe is pure mind bonded by what we translate as love; in fact the natural, inherent, unconditional sustenance of life through sharing of the life-force and the codes on which form is built.

It is smart, economical and


LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF, Personal chart: In what astrological House is the Scorpio in your native chart? Any Planet touched by Jupiter? What area in your life are you encouraged to look at, change, enhance?

A new look at yourself, through the lunar nodes. I invite you to investigate, using a good book or the internet. The nodes form an axis, the abstract representation of your soul focus, goal, and potentiality. You can start with finding where you North Node stands in your chart. What sign, what house. This will already give you the main direction.

Do you have any fixed star or planet conjunct to your North Node?

Full moon November 4th: a page that stands up:


What would we do without Jesus if the Messiah is not showing up? Ok… Jesus’ tomb revamped and investigated; this tomb is located in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, in Jerusalem, the later built on a site of worship to Venus and Jupiter. It was revealed as ‘Jesus’ tomb’ by Helena, the Emperor’s mother, who had a convenient revelation. Constantine is the emperor who organized the Christian Church, after his conversion during the 3rd century (See Cosmic Love book).




For French readers: although the tough aspects that could have brought a war seem to have vanished, interesting coincidences between Jupiter in Scorpio and North Corea since 1994. For the English readers, just look at the table with dates.

The Scorpio can be associated with nuclear power, yet transformation. Will the crisis move into a positive situation?

Very good info about Venus, Libra, I am, We are: “The Libra side of Venus holds the basic principles about relating. Libra is the opposite sign to Aries, which is ruled by Mars. Aries is about the basic thrust of life force that propels each of us out of the womb. It is about the Self. Aries says, “I am!” Libra is the other side of the coin, and says, “We are.†!


Saturn trine Uranus and the aquarian energy: “The first thing to consider with this aspect is the dual influence of Aquarian energies. While Saturn is the ancient ruler of Aquarius, Uranus is the modern day ruler of Aquarius. Therein lies the double-whammy of Aquarian energies. This is a very mental aspect as Uranus is the higher octave of communicative, telepathic and cogwheel churning Mercury. When coupled with practical and decisive Capricorn, this creates a scientific and strict mind that can be used in science, math or even in astrology or the occult.â€Â



Acrux in scorpio

’étoile fixe Acrux qui est à 12°06’ du Scorpion ajoute à cela une valeur spirituelle au niveau de la conscience par le biais du Soleil. Elsbeth Ebertin a dit que cette étoile magique apporte:

de l’intuition, une compréhension de la vraie nature de son prochain, une préférence pour les études occultes, un don pour enquêter sur la face cachée des choses, un esprit inventif et une nature profondément religieuse liée aux intérêts mystiques et théosophiques.[1]

  1. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.59.

Very good document, if you are interested. B. Obama, young and explaining his background.


New chamber detected in the Pyramid:


Saudi Arabia purging corruption. Also, intercepts a missile sent by Yemen: “Saudi Arabia has been leading a coalition of states against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels, who toppled Yemen’s internationally recognized government in 2015.†Then, a plane with another prince on board gunned down.


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