This short post is another example of the difference in interpretation, between mundane astrology and cosmic mechanics.
“Enters Jul 23 2024 9:56:44 pm (EST +5:00)

Chart Saturn square Jupiter 2024 – cafe astrology
Leaves Sep 15 2024 3:48:15 pm (EST +5:00)
Enters Nov 18 2024 10:01:19 pm (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter square Saturn] Is Exact Dec 24 2024 4:59:12 pm (EST +5:00)Leaves Jan 23 2025 5:16:57 am (EST +5:00)
Enters May 5 2025 9:47:47 am (EST +5:00)
[Jupiter square Saturn] Is Exact Jun 15 2025 9:35:41 am (EST +5:00)Leaves Jul 10 2025 2:23:52 am (EST +5:00)”
Jupiter square Saturn in Astrology | Cafe Astrology .com
Please refer first to the videos about Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions or Great Conjunctions, happening almost 20 years apart.
3 videos on this site and on youtube : https://archangel-michael.us/videos1/
Saturn Jupiter conjunctions PART ONE
You can also re-read: book Creator-god, Section 7, chapter 4.
In a few words, Jupiter and Saturn, the Chronocrators, mark the steps of alignment, conflicts, fusion of Cosmic ruling (Jupiter) bringing expansion in consciousness and lightness with the organization of the manifested world (Saturn).
Also, how the Creator’s specifically integrates Itself through Its Anchor on the planet.
“Regarding the specific aspect of Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Aquarius occurring on December 21st, 2020, we tend to focus these rebuilding and reforming energies and visions on our humanitarian impulses, contributions to society, social life, technological development, causes, and friendships.
This particular Jupiter-Saturn alignment is a one-off aspect. Jupiter-Saturn aspects usually form three hits over the course of approximately nine months due to retrograde motion that brings them back together two more times. However, this conjunction only forms once this time around.” Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Astrology | Cafe Astrology .com
As detailed in the book Creator-god, the 2 previous Jupiter Saturn conjunctions occurred in 2020 and 2000. “Humankind, within and at-one with the Cosmic Body, is reaching the 5th dimension. In 2000, at the time of the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and during an inter-dimensional ceremony, the Being known in Christianity as the Archangel Michael, an extension of the Creator-god, Lord of Lyra, was crowned as the Earth and humankind’s next Ruler. He will lead the emergence of the 6th race.
Then in 2018, we detailed the end of the Eleusinian Mysteries, the experiment with the Mother, the dark Mother, the Hieros-gamos. Etc
The CGod then could take another step, in congruence with what the astrological matrix is showing: during the last Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction, in December 2020, the Demiurge freed Itself from its obligations to the Darkness and from the repetitive dark magical rituals that had kept Its physical expression trapped. The 2020 Conjunction marked the end of the satanic sacrifice of the god-King.”
Things, the process always starts in the spiritual, invisible dimensions, with precise events undecipherable to the profane.
Now, 2024-2025, the difficulties of adjustment between Spirit and Matter, projected into the human world: Jupiter and Saturn alternate in power struggle.
The Creator-god and Earth + humankind are now starting the process of rebuilding themselves, with the intent of cranking up the level towards a more spiritual world (Jupiter). As per the chart on august 3rd, Saturn, Khiron, Neptune are retrograde. Same for Pluto and Ceres, the feminine character involved in the mysteries. They are both retrograde in Capricorn. All the hierarchies and mechanisms of power involved in governing and silver-lining our societies in the past are involved again in the present cleaning, while Jupiter, going direct, is offering a more spiritual path.
Then, Jupiter turns retrograde and Saturn direct. It is like watching two fighters in the ring. As we are going back towards the Light and we know that the Heart-Mind of the Cgod is the boss…. we already know who shall be the winner, even if it takes looooong. Better smile and keep going!