Legitimacy and the Return of the Dragon/s:
The question of legitimacy is back in the air, at least in my world! Who has authority in this world? The Governments? The bankers? The — ex— Illuminati with their necks all over the Lodges, the latter still believing that they are in charge? The secrets services?
No more intellectual elite willing to lift the hordes above ground. The Pope conspiring with his Orthodox homolog? Or the Tibetan monks and a mysterious group in Antarctica … or a silent Iman, hidden somewhere in the mountains of Afghanistan?
What we know deep inside: the need to open millions to higher consciousness, the importance of connecting to the Heart/Mind of the Universe. We have no more time for spiritual infancy; humankind must open its minds, its consciousness, and its heart; that would actually be a blessing but I am not even dreaming about it. All religions, besides Islam, perhaps, are losing their flocks. Yet, the new rising leader is Science. Science and technology are ready to supplant spiritual leaders … and God, if they can. This is better than the Atlantis schism. The scientific community is slowly accepting to include Consciousness and the idea of a ??God?Universal Mind?Presence? in their research and publications. What bothers Me is that Phds and scientists are taking on the role of spiritual leaders. A brilliant mind, even spiritually opened, is not necessarily evolved and spiritually refined.
Is this the price to pay to attract more people in the ranks of the believers? But then, we are still on a twisted channel of energy, a distorted communication with Spirit, with the team and The Consciousness in charge of your planet!
That is exactly what the Spiritual Hierarchies are trying to correct.
For those who have followed the articles published in the last 6 months, especially since September 2016, it should be clear now that the Team of the Light has been dealing/battling with higher, external layers of the powers involved in Earth domination.
We have been focused for years on the clearing of the ‘darkness’ : all layers, people, groups involved with the descent into matter, the Lucifer experiment, the astral world and all frequencies (matter is a condensed frequency) connected to this experience, on the physical level, 3D. For the new comers: we are speaking about the cleaning and termination (coming from the Divine Plan) of all Occult groups, mystery schools, obsolete religious organizations; these have had power over all the human organization, that is to say financial, political, etc. Their tools are/were: education, mind control, rituals, magic.
Now, it has become obvious that the battle is mostly happening between the different extra-terrestrial groups/families that have been allowed to exert power and breed with the human family. Time for the Changing of the Guard. Decades ago, I knew, I heard this: ‘at the end’ of the cycle, I, we would only rely on intuition, on intimacy with our higher self, to make the correct choice, in terms of following the right group of aliens. This idea implied a disagreement and trickery among the Extra-terrestrial families involved in the assistance of human beings.
The greys and arrogant aliens from Orion were pushed back to their homes years ago. Since September 2016, the Mantis family and all their command system on earth (implementation, control, coordination) is the main focus. Their tools: technology, implants in your body and brain, DNA, cloning, breeding, control over vortices (the Earth chakras or main entrances for reception of the Divine Frequency (= Creator’s original intent and goal). The Mantis presence and domination over part of the Earthlings, anchored, stranded the human family in matter. Their presence in human affairs was accepted (as a digression of Divine Plan) and became part of human history, through their presence in Egypt and in the making of the Bible (Mix Orion and Mantis), therefore of the Semitic and Christian religions.
Although insects are singers and sometimes pretty, most humans feel repulsion towards them. And the carnivorous habits of the praying mantis is pretty unsettling. People report seeing the mantis-aliens wearing long robes. I have only seen them in the nude, and in relationship with the implant that they insert in human’s body. it is a semi-physical metallic type structure that is inserted on the back and follows the nervous system and chakras.
This is an excerpt of the article published for Halloween: “What Mars and Pluto have pointed at in the past few weeks: alignment with the Galactic Center to feel the embrace and power of the Mother. Then: the axis with which mankind is now harmonized with: a bridge between the Star Sirius and the Star Vega. Sirius (the Dog Star) and the Sirians have guided and followed the evolution of humankind for millions of years. But, beyond Sirius, and still ignored by the blind masses, there is the energy of the Cosmic Man, the Archangelic and Michaelic Consciousness, residing, in our Meta-Organism in Vega.
Sirius holds the frequency leading you to the 5th and 6th dimension and eventually leading you to a bridge between our world and the next. Yet, you need to lift your gaze and your heart to follow your Creator-god calling you from Vega. Vega is the sacred Bird, the Vulture, from which the celestial music is played on the Lyra,” hence, the home of the Bird People and at a different frequency, angels. I cannot refrain from thinking about Anubis (the jackal headed god) assisting Thoth (the Ibis) in the Egyptian judgement scene.
Human beings are receptors, processing and eventually anchoring information through their field, their chakras, brain and DNA; thus participating in the building of our reality.
The earth matrix and human beings are connected to several layers of command, several fields of frequencies/information. You know about the geomagnetic field (Geo, earth; magnes=magnet, aimant in French) and Schumann Resonnance (ELF, Extremely Low Frequencies). Besides the basic life-program without which humans would be dead, people develop a resonance with fields that were added along mankind’s history, each time that a new alien group invaded the Earth. It is then difficult to change one’s life or fate, if the body itself holds implants forcing someone to communicate with these programs.
A confirmation of what I have been repeating for years, observing the astral plane, the Akasha, people multi-dimensional self, clones, etc, quoted from the Hyperspace of Consciousness. After introducing the Akashic Archives, the ‘hypothesized Big Library’ (page 109), Massimo Teodorani “has concluded that this can only happen if we have a spirit “” namely a spark connecting us with a bigger light of consciousness. What happens when such a spirit is nonexistent in several or even most persons? What about ‘drones’? why do too many people seem to have no consciousness, in spite of their rational intelligence? Of what utility are these beings in the economy of the project of the Universe? They might play an operational role as pure biological robots if they can be effectively remotely controlled by some other intelligence. The only way to do this is to replace the spirit with a sort of non-local receiver inside these beings, may be through a pre-designed alteration of their ‘soul’ [author’s note: the soul evolves and can be altered. The Monad Is]. In such a way, they could be piloted to do specific actions, even if they would react passively without realizing what they are doing as they are not able to decode the meaning of the issues command. Of course, these beings are spiritually dead entities: they are physical bodies plus brain, who can be used to do actions useful to someone else in the ambit of a bigger manipulative plan originated from a totally distorted ‘director’.”
We suggest that you examine yourself and try to find out if you have any connection with these beings, if your body still has implants from them or if you are a link in their chain of command (un maillon dans leur chaine de pouvoir). The removal of the mantis implant might trigger a back problem, for a while. You can contact Me for assistance.
One communicates with any of these programs (besides the basic life-program without which you would be dead), through:
- Chakras, with or without toxins and implants. If so, your chakras cannot receive the Divine Plan’s frequencies directly. Or you download and respond to twisted, corrupted messages.
- DNA that was engineered/breeding to develop a resonance with these fields.
- When you meditate and try to connect directly with the Presence or God, you could connect to your Divine Presence and to a certain level of Divine Software. In the meantime, the best way to improve communication is to meet individuals whose DNA and communication tools are more developed than yours. This is the role of the gurus or spiritual leaders.
Again, in the past, vortices, on which the main temples and churches are located were good tools. Unless, they had been taken over by the wrong aliens….
So, suggestions for the next few weeks:
Before going to sleep and every morning: Call your divine Presence, and if you feel fully in harmony with the Archangel Michael, request the guidance and protection of the Archangel. Otherwise, just use the term God/Universal Heart/Mind or whatever you feel comfortable with.
Say out loud something like that (= you can change the words and adapt)
May my heart, eyes, ears, mind, consciousness be fully open
So as to stop being blinded by my ego, fear, habits and comfort
So that I stop being manipulated by my Astral self, itself responding to my selfish ego and desires. (Physical world)
So that I can see and remove/transmute any implant, any resonance with all entities and aliens group, that are not or no more in harmony with the Divine Plan (or Creator’s original Heart/Mind) and the new cycle.
So that I can communicate, hear, see who I am, who is using me as a communication device or anchor for anything else than the pure Divine Plan. (Which IS, Beyond earth, entities and Extra-terrestrials)
Que mon cœur, mes yeux, mes oreilles, mon cerveau, ma conscience soient complètement ouverts
pour que j’arrête d’être aveuglé(e) par mon ego, ma peur, mes habitudes et mon confort
afin que je cesse d’être manipulé(e) par mon moi astral qui répond à mon moi égoïste et à mes désirs (monde physique)
de sorte que je puisse voir et enlever/transmuter tout implant, toute résonance avec toutes les entités et groupes d’extraterrestres et groupes d’extraterrestres
qui ne sont pas ou ne sont plus en harmonie avec le Plan Divin (ou Cœur/Esprit du Créateur) et le nouveau cycle.
Afin que je puisse communiquer, entendre, voir qui je suis, qui m’utilise comme un outil de communication ou une ancre pour autre chose que le pur Plan Divin. (Lequel EST, au-delà de la Terre, des entités et des extraterrestres)
Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concept of morphic fields (morph/e=form) : “Since the 1920s many developmental biologists have proposed that biological organization depends on fields, variously called biological fields, or developmental fields, or positional fields, or morphogenetic fields. All cells come from other cells, and all cells inherit fields of organization. Genes are part of this organization. They play an essential role. But they do not explain the organization itself.
Most developmental biologists accept the need for a holistic or integrative conception of living organization. Otherwise biology will go on floundering, even drowning, in oceans of data, as yet more genomes are sequenced, genes are cloned and proteins are characterized.
I suggest that morphogenetic fields work by imposing patterns on otherwise random or indeterminate patterns of activity. For example, they cause microtubules to crystallize in one part of the cell rather than another, even though the subunits from which they are made are present throughout the cell.
Morphogenetic fields are not fixed forever, but evolve. The fields of Afghan hounds and poodles have become different from those of their common ancestors, wolves. How are these fields inherited? I propose that that they are transmitted from past members of the species through a kind of non-local resonance, called morphic resonance.” http://www.sheldrake.org/research/morphic-resonance/introduction
True or false, I would say true for the 18TH DYNASTY! An old article, without date, published in French in May 2015.
English: http://humansarefree.com/2015/05/the-pharaohs-of-ancient-egypt-were.html
published by humansarefree, copied from locklip “” no authors.
if we retrace the authors, we arrive at this page: David Icke is not mentioned. Yet, the start of the page suggest that he is the writer: “I have recently been sent a series of genealogical charts which detail a bloodline and its off shoots that will be highly relevant to the readers of The Biggest Secret. I had no idea of their existence when I wrote The Biggest Secret. Yet …”
Back to the basics: have the author of this article, no true name, read AMEN??? It looks like a summary of the first chapters.
http://humansarefree.com/2017/01/the-dragon-bloodlines-and-divine.html by the way, I tried the Google translation, English to French, it is pretty bad. Machines (this kind at least) are still unable to replace the human brain. Ouf!
ABOUT INFINITY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s86-Z-CbaHA
VENUS RETROGRADE: LD. Sent a link to this article, reminding us about the Venus Cycle.
“This Venus retrograde cycle is in the mystical sign of Pisces, where she is exalted. Jupiter’s beneficial aspect onto Venus supports universal love and compassion for others. Heart opening spiritual experiences will encourage charitable actions and spark soulful connections. Music and other subtle forms of expression are deeply energized here, as well. In Vedic astrology, Venus will station in the area of the sky called Revati nakshatra, triggering important turning points for caregivers, pet owners, and travelers. Some days after March 31 (depending on location), Venus will rise before dawn as morning star. The weeks following this day are said to bring dangerously seductive situations. Take heed not to be swept into wild and passionate decisions and frivolous expenditures.”
WOMEN finding their POWER: http://deenamohamed.tumblr.com/
“International women day: Deena Mohamed is not your typical 22-year-old, and neither is her creation: Qahera, a Muslim web-comic superheroine who wears a hijab, or headscarf, wields a sword and can fly. Her mission, in part, is to help women who face sexual harassment.
In real-life Egypt, harassment is widespread. According to the United Nations, 99 percent of women in the nation have been sexually harassed. Mohamed is seeking to change thoughts and perceptions through the stories of Qahera.” msn.com
international women day,
- los angeles, March 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HW6f0OAqco
- the Russian way : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCu6W6YA9SI
- “On Sunday the pope, along with members of the Roman Curia, will leave Rome to begin a five-day retreat. He will leave a Vatican beset by tension, turmoil and rebellion. There are even rumours that growing numbers of Vatican hands think he should quit.
On Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, came a big blow, in effect caused by the pope’s enemies: Marie Collins, the last abuse survivor on his commission into child abuse in the church, quit, frustrated at the lack of progress and what she calls “shameful lack of cooperation” from the officials most concerned with cases of abuse, highlighting the intransigence of the Roman Curia, or governing body, in the Vatican “” the body Pope Francis wants to reform.”
- Nuns killing children abandoned by families …. Mass grave found in Ireland; the story and grave unearthed by a
“The news came as no surprise to the local amateur historian who uncovered the scandal in the first place. And in an interview with the Daily Beast, Catherine Corless made it clear that she, for one, is not in any doubt about who was responsible “” the nuns who ran the home and the authorities who looked the other way.
Corless told the Daily Beast that far from intending to uncover a scandal that looks set to discredit and expose the Catholic Church in Ireland almost as profoundly as the clerical sexual abuse scandals of earlier decades have done,
She discovered that of the 798 children who had died at the home in its years of operation, just two of them had graves on consecrated ground in the local graveyard.”
And finally, encouraging news for travelers, ‘more intimate pat-downs’ recommended. Great! Do you trust the beasts? http://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/what-tsas-new-intimate-pat-downs-will-mean-for-travelers/ar-AAnZ85A?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartanntp