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ArchAngel MichaelAscensionAstrology

May Full Moon, Galactic Outpouring

By May 6, 2023July 15th, 2024No Comments

May 2023 full moon and eclipse – Hierarchies manifestation intent for the next 12 months.

As you know, the human race is shifting from a code 5 to a code 6.

At this point everything around you is based on the golden ration 1.6180339887 anchored by the interaction Venus/Lucifer and Sun, their moving relationship creating a pentagram:

A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Venus pentagram

Venus, Earth, Sun and pentagram, simulation

Venus, Mercury and the Mind – Archangel Michael (

February Eclipse, the End of the Lucifer Experiment – Archangel Michael (

Interestingly, Taurus, the sign in which the life force — projected by Aries— blooms, is manifested, is ruled by Venus, itself considered the Earth alter-ego. “Venus passes between the earth and the sun 5 times in 8 years,” designing the geometry of a pentagram. “Venus pauses at a Venus-Star-Point for fourty days in her retrograde cycle five times in an eight year period (p.27) Arielle Guttman called these conjunctions or kisses of the Sun, Venus Star Gate or Venus Star Point. Venus is then weaving this geometrical pattern in the background, a pattern associated with the Fibonacci sequence[1] and golden ratio[2], and thus the configuration of form in our present cycle.[i] SEE NOTES Creator-God book, 422, 463 Venus Cazimi, October 22, End of Dark Rule, updated – Archangel Michael (

Venus/Lucifer ruling Taurus explains the human hedonistic and dualistic nature, the love of the body, food, riches, etc. At the Creator level, this implies Consciousness’ Will to explore, accept all aspects of the material world, all aspects of beauty, bodily incarnation, pleasure and wealth. All this, and duality was part of the Plan.

Now, humankind’s problem is to start detaching itself from focusing on earthly pleasures and have the courage to hold a more spiritual vibration and intent.
Orbital resonance:

“the orbits of Earth and Venus, which arrive at almost the same configuration after 8 Earth orbits and 13 Venus orbits. The actual ratio is 0.61518624, which is only 0.032% away from exactly 8:13. The mismatch after 8 years is only 1.5° of Venus’ orbital movement.”

All this to speak about the wesak 2003!!

A blue circle with an image of a flower.The ceremony held by our spiritual rulers was basically the anchoring of code 6 — and consequently 7 (will not explain that on this page, lol) on the planet.

When the Divine Ruler and His peers, the galactic lords met, they created, projected a huge hexagone. Actually I had seen the hexagon already formed several days before the full moon, when focused on the coming eclipse.

But, what I saw distinctively (multidimensional consciousness + the access to the spiritual meeting that I call Wesak is not open to the public) was that underneath the gathering and the hexagon code, there was a huge layer of deep, brown fog. In other word, between Galactic meeting and earth, there was a veil, an obstacle; again, the layers of uncleaned, unprocessed energies and miasma.

A blue circle with an image of a flower.

7 circles and hexagone

Anchoring of code 6 will force an adjustment of our matrix, implying some kind of galactic change. What exactly, I have no clue. (for new comers: because of my manifestation power, at the global level, not for my lottery ticket… I do not know the future).

Then the combined energy of the galactic Lords created an immense quantum field of heart energy that was pouring down towards Earth, and generated a huge vortex over our planet. Also pouring of Solar, yellow golden energy.

This energy penetrated human structures through the crown chakra and was felt as streaming down, rippling all over the physical and etherical bodies. I wonder how average humans feel that.

My face and human structure mutated into the aspect of myself represented on the cover of the Manifestation book (Blue Lightning painting) and my lips felt swelling, without Botox.


Putin: I don’t drink but your addiction fills my pockets up!![3] Following the steps of Ivan the Terrible, Russian capitalism.

“With the aid of a local police battalion, Romanov and his troops swept through – wresting control of the lucrative vodka flows from Luzhkov’s city government, and giving it to the Putin-controlled Rosspirtprom. With fewer fireworks, vodka facilities across Russia were taken over in the weeks that followed, stripping Putin’s would-be rivals – often powerful governors and mayors like Luzhkov – of control over their regional budgets, more than half the tax revenue for which was generated by vodka sales.

At the time, news outlets covered the Kristall standoff with amusement, reveling in the collision of two of Russia’s crudest stereotypes: Vodka and crony capitalism. Yet in hindsight, this battle for control over booze revenues marked the beginning of much larger moves by the Russian president. Over his now 23 years in power, Putin has entrenched both political authoritarianism and cronyism in post-Soviet Russia. As jailed opposition muckraker Alexei Navalny and intrepid Russian investigative journalists have showcased, leeching off state resources for personal enrichment isn’t limited to the notorious oligarch class; it is led by Vladimir Putin himself.”

[1] It starts with 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…you add the two first numbers to get the third and so one. 1 + 1 = 2 ; 2 + 3 = 5; 5 + 3 = 8. The ratio between one number and the preceding one in the sequence is approximately 1,618… or Phi.

“In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. a + b : a = a : b = phi/1.618

Golden ratio – Wikipedia

[2] Golden number, φ (phi), irrational number 1.6180339887.


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