Archangel Michael – Chapel Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas
Solar Eclipse April 2024 – Texas
Things are getting ready. In the California Desert, we have ongoing extreme wind and sandstorms.
Jupiter Uranus at the closest conjunction: Iran fires drone and missile attack on Jerusalem.
ONGOING and abominable: New Yorker Magazine
The Children Who Lost Limbs in Gaza
Following the bombing of the Consulate, in Damascus, Iran had to respond. And now, while the West comments without direct involvement, what is Israel going to do?
Live Updates: Iran launches drone and missile attack on Israel | AP News
I started to feel Dragon energy surge last week, early April. The Dragon was dancing and the Earth Kundalini responding, with a push on the Earth Axis. Additionally, my multi-dimensional special apparatus has been acting out for weeks now. We are still protected as, besides Taiwan on 4/2, most quakes since the beginning of the month are around 5. Ok, update, a 6.5 on 4/14 in New Guinea. And of course, the strongest ever earthquake in New York, just before the eclipse.
Besides that:
Throughout the years, i have deepened my knowledge of the leaders that I have incarnated in what we call the past, then accepted the karmas inherent to power.
Having been imposed, or naturally taking heavy responsibilities for so many lifetimes, I understand a little better how the big picture and life with a collective impose the rise of souls able to take responsibilities for the group, often making hard choices. Then, those leading souls must still live and swim in the ocean of infinite possibilities with these choices.
The following words attributed to one of my past lives/extensions have always felt implacably right: “A higher power is pushing me to a goal unknown to me. As long as it is not reached, I shall be invulnerable, immovable; As soon as I won’t be needed anymore, a fly will be enough to knock me down.»
I sometimes wonder if my task in 3D is completed, yet always knowing, deep in my heart and mind, that if I am still incarnated, it is that my brain and body are still needed. The universe is neither sentimental nor complacent. There is a global goal to reach. The universal Heart/Mind focuses on and holds the fastest and most efficient route. It does not focus or even comprehend the trivial aspects of life in the body.
During the April solar eclipse, My Presence and the planetary spiritual rulers were surrounding me. It did not matter to my outer-team that I was frustrated by the heavy and dark clouds hiding the Sun.
Out of foolish loyalty to the friends I was with, I did not see much. We were supposed to drive West and they refused. The energy was very disharmonious.
Throughout the years, the Sun always showed up unexpectedly when I travelled during the winter and in areas ordinarily grey and dull. This time, no collaboration! A good lesson for me about choices and empathy.
We speak about cellular memories. How do we remember history? How do I follow history so precisely?
First, how does a soul know where to be born? And then where to travel to complete its tasks, to reach the goal assigned by the universal Heart/Mind?
I did not study the history of the United States. Similarly, while living in Europe, I did not study Earth occult history or the Napoleonic wars. Or the path of the Archangelic energy over Europe. It was not even understood anyway when i started to follow my destiny.
Yet, all the choices, the itineraries of my travels were always fully accurate, such as my peregrinations along French roads when I traced the past lives that needed attention; to the point that I replicated history, as if I had a calendar in my brain. Same routes, same dates.
A few years ago, I visited Louisiana and Texas with a group. The idea was to follow the history of Native Americans and the emerging building of the United States.
We had already recapped the mysterious spiritual history of the American continent, i.e. exploring the space in which the Creators had visited Earth millions of years ago, anchoring their energy in the area now known as Zion National Park, in Utah.
Then, we visited a few tribal territories and ended in Mesa Verde. Next was Washington to celebrate the foundation of the United States. Etc
2024: Texas. Did not realize that France had something to do with Texas, as a section in the north of the actual state was, in the past, connected to Louisiana that belonged to France. This is remembered by the Six Texan Flags, the six coats of arms displayed under the pediment of the State Capitol

Capitol, Austin, Texas
“Six flags over Texas is thesloganused to describe the sixsovereign countriesthat have had control over some or all of the current territory of theU.S. stateofTexas:Spain(1519–1685; 1690–1821),France(1685–1690),Mexico(1821–1836), theRepublic of Texas(1836–1845), theUnited States(1845–present), and theConfederate States(1861–1865).” WIKI
My Presence did not intervene during our trip in Louisiana. It had already anchored Its Energy prior to the trip and my Frequency only continued the work already in process.
Here I was, April 2024 attempting to watch the solar eclipse. After the eclipse, I played tourist, as usual, trying to be positive, yet wondering why I was spending money on such things. Do you know that San Antonio, Texas, is connected to San Antonio de Padua — Saint Antoine de Padoue? The same mission was later renamed as San Antonio de Valero, then the Alamo! That was still before the creation of the Republic of Texas and the Mexican War — 1845-1848.
On the very last day, I had one hour to visit the last site on my list, prior to running to the airport. After seeing a few nice photos on the internet, I wanted to explore the Blue Hole, once believed to be the origin of the San Antonio River. Besides the Alamo, the favorite tourist attraction in San Antonio is the River Walk, packed with restaurants and photo enthusiasts. The River Walk was created to control ongoing floodings in the area and is quite an architectural success. However, the water is green, mossy and appears dead. I was thus curious about the Blue Hole, as “the San Antonio Springs were understood to be the source of the San Antonio River: “the key to the situation, the Ojo de Agua, the birthright of the city” (William Corner, 1890).”

San Antonio Blue Hole during rain season
Map, GPS… driving…. What?? No spring, no Blue Hole in view at the address…. But a tall church and a university with two flaunted, blatant words, Incarnate Word… all around me/Me, at the entrance of the parking lot, on the Church. My regular readers will understand the Cosmic joke.

Incarnate Word Chapel and Convent
What was going on? Where was the Spring?
[Boy, just mentioning that, I might again condemn my site to oblivion].If, in the mid nineteenth century, Blue Hole was a live spring, ‘with water gushing many feet in the air,’ nothing was visible when I visited, besides a dried up well and riverbed.
The first happy surprise was to find a gorgeous wooden statue of the Archangel Michael at the entrance of the Chapel.
Then, I visited the red bricks Chapel, built in 1907 by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, a minor papal order that I was not aware of.
As I closed my eyes in meditation, the miracle started. When something like this is happening, I do not think or will anything, just observe. I usually feel taller, and my energy structure mutates according to necessities. When High Beings manifest themselves, they use the appropriate level, shape and tools. Over the years, I have seen many aspects of Myself, many images.
This time, I was about 15 feet high, bathing in a strong frequency of love merged with power. My wings deployed majestically. It was beautiful, magical and fulfilling.
Then all my chakras opened at once, displaying intricated sacred geometry. The Archangel was anchoring Itself in the ground, opening a narrow and deep vortex, like a needle planted straight down into the ley lines. The codes emanated by the chakras radiated and imprinted the earth and energy field, reaching far in the United States.
It was the right time and space, according to Divine Calendar.
For several hours, despite the stress and crowd at the airport, I could feel both the love directed to Earth and humankind, the majesty and power of such Presence, my mind in awe, a peaceful heart… and the recurrent pressure in my brain, sometimes painful for the 3D body.
After that, I have been riding the Dragon, rising through my spine, tracing and anchoring multidimensional codes with unexpected strength and sometimes violence, probably connected to the conjunction Uranus Jupiter (in Taurus in present matrix).
Interestingly, while traveling, I watched for the second time the movie Imitation Game featuring Benedict Cumberbatch, based on the story of Dr. Alan Turing, the man who help decipher the Enigma. Turing created a machine, considered the first computer model. Alan Turing – Wikipedia
This is an excerpt from the dialog, may be originally in the book on which the film is based:
“Sometimes, it is the people who no one imagine anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine.”
Do not forget the power of the metaphor. It is an intrinsic part of the mechanics of manifestation. Also, what I have taught for decades is exactly what you need to evolve faster and stronger than the average human.
Experience the Metaphor, the Multi-Dimensional Self – Archangel Michael (archangel-michael.us)
Life as a Metaphor – Archangel Michael (archangel-michael.us)
(just removed the membership requirement on those two posts to allow access to a broader readership).

Capitol Austin Texas flags Mexico and France
The following website has the best information that I found about the water system in the San Antonio area.
“Most of the San Antonio River between the Blue Hole and Olmos Dam is completely inaccessible when wet.” https://www.edwardsaquifer.net/saspring.html
[photo: one of the thousands of small springs that flowed in 1992 when the Aquifer stood at a record high.]
“Archaeologist Anne Fox of the University of Texas at San Antonio, and Susanna and Paul Katz of Incarnate Word College, have recovered Paleo-Indian projectile points, or flint arrows, over 11,000 years old in the area. Mounds made up of debris and snails give evidence of the headsprings as a hunting and camping ground. A flint quarry was found nearby, a necessity for arms and tools to early Indian hunters. Brune reports that as recently as 1924 Ponca Indians stopped at this site enroute from Oklahoma to northern Mexico to gather peyote used in religious rites. It is possible that man camped here many thousands of years earlier, when saber-toothed tigers, giant sloths, huge-tusked mastodons and wide-horned bison competed with other living things for the water.” https://www.uiw.edu/sanantonio/Headwaters.html
Blue Hole and aquifer https://www.edwardsaquifer.net/saspring.html
The Brakenridge Villa, located on the Incarnate Word property and now occupied by the Sisters, is a testimony of the efforts made to canalize and protect the flow of the rivers and aquafer in this area. The Brakenridge family acquired a large portion of the land surrounding the springs in 1869.
“In 1888, from his observations of the wildly fluctuating spring flows, George W. Brackenridge became convinced there was danger of complete failure of the Springs as a source of supply. In 1891, he drilled large artesian wells into the Edwards Aquifer, the first large Edwards wells for municipal supply.”
Ordre du Verbe Incarné. Saint Augustin et Jésuites.
A French bishop, Claude Marie Dupuis, founded the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. In 1866, “at the request of the bishop, the first Incarnate Word Sisters travelled from Lyon, to Galveston, Texas,” where he was stationed. Then, in 1869, they founded the Santa Rosa Infirmary in San Antonio, Texas. Then, in 2008, “the Congregation founds (founded) the Headquarters at (?) to preserve, restore and celebrate the San Antonio River…”
ASTROLOGY, Great article: 7 sins under the telescope of astrology. Liz Greene.
The Seven Sins – Personal Horoscope by Liz Greene – Astrodienst