ASTROLOGY Ã la MICHAEL… (Michael’s brew)….
On august 23rd, Sun, Mars and Venus enter the Virgo.
On August 24th, Mars and Venus met, conjunct. Ah, love, soulmates, etc
‘Venus and Mars will align in the sky on August 24, 2019, at 4 degrees of Virgo, shining down creativity and activating soulmate and twin flame contracts. While they come together on August 24, we are going to feel this energy for about a week on either side of
this date. Venus and Mars meet every two years or so, but the last time they aligned in Virgo was back in November 2015.
Couples adjusting with the practicality of the Virgo.But also, alignment of our inner male-female balance to reach the state of the Virgo; the self-sufficient, celibate or virgin self, looking towards the Higher Self.
Regulus move into the sign of service, resourcefulness, technology, skill and duty, as we consider waste, global resources, efficiency and how to get things working better, and even new currency. This shift seems timely to say the least.
I would recommend listening to the Rick Levine youtube video for August 2019, detailing the steps taken by the faster planets (Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus) leaving Leo and meeting in the Virgo.
We could summarize as such:
Over the last two weeks of August we have experienced the feeling of a possible opening. Mercury trine with Jupiter on the 21st and the enthusiasm of Uranus, we see potentials, an open dialog. Yet, the quincunx (150 deg.) with Saturn brings back the restrictions. Until the end of August, with the interplay of planets, our mind (Mercury) and ability to love (Venus), our actions (Mars) are restricted by confronting Chiron one after the other … remember, personal wounds…
Until the end of the month, we continue healing our old beliefs and inner wounds (Trine with Chiron), until, we decide to use the Virgo energy. Between the 29th and 30th, new moon in Virgo. So, Virgo, with 5 planets in Virgo.
The Virgo sorts the wheat from the chaff, … there is Ëœa huge amount of potentials if and only if we use our intention in a very narrow and practical manner, with the laser like critical energy of Virgo’.
So, the Virgos or the Virgo in you has a superb opportunity to diligently work on the dreams set by the Leo. Let’s open the picture to a global point of view.
Uranus went retrograde on August 11th. The great push to manifest the new paradigm is slowing down, for a few months. However, the new moon is working in harmony with Jupiter, the King, who manifests the New Paradigm.
Jupiter is assisted in the process by Uranus, Pluto and Saturn strengthening the transmutation of the old world.
For a more thorough picture of the Virgo, read pages 112-114 in the Amen Book, English. Otherwise, section 3, chapter 3, Virgo, significance.
Now, what I have felt and what the events are displaying:
Mankind has learnt to discriminate with the gift of the mind: yes/no, right/wrong, black/white. Ongoing choices, increased awareness, bring a constant upgrade of our behavior with ourselves and others. As we know, Lucifer is the one who led this path. His energy and the miasma of thousand of years of spiritual amnesia are still impacting the world.
What picked everywhere in the news (little less this week, fortunately): the possible exposure of more darkness, satanism and corruption. When the wound is opened, the repulsing pus comes out! The Amazon forest fires were most probably ignited by people and companies eager to use the land for farming. The G7 and the challenge of global cooperation. People everywhere still showing their need for self-assessing-little-power over their neighbors, whether physical, sexual, monetary or military.
After another good look at the role of Lucifer and the Dark initiation (sex scandals eventually leading to rituals, etc); acknowledgment of the Lilith in all women as well of the Adam in love for the temptress, mankind is ready for the next step. Let’s have the courage to look at ourselves as much as we gossip about the others, the rich and famous, and move in a different direction.
Our hearts are ready for the enlightened aspect of Venus, for a higher aspect of love. Although Venus-Aphrodite is known as the goddess of love, she is much more than a romantic and sex star. In her dance with other planets and the constellation Libra, she teaches you about the right relationships and soul contracts; then, with Mercury, you can move on towards your Higher Self.
Although I am trying not to repeat myself, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun in the Virgo are the perfect ingredients for inner alchemy and the production of the Hermaphrodite (Amen, p 165-6 Section 4, Chapter 1, the Mother and Lucifer), the Spiritual Self, the bridge towards Heaven and the Phoenix (the goal of alchemy).
The stars are offering mankind the fantastic opportunity for an initiation. All the energies are there. It is up to you, up to mankind to seize the gift! The sign of Virgo is the bridge towards the Lyra and the Archangelic and angelic consciousness. Mercury bears wings on his forehead and feet.
The transits are saying: ok, before being able to manifest the New Paradigm, let’s have another look at our wounds. At this point in time, we can elevate the level at which we work with the planets’ energies. Yes, we can dream about a soulmate (Mars-Venus); yet, mankind’s global initiation and alignment with a higher frequency and love (capacity of merging) is a better option to consider. Also, mankind can reach a higher consciousness because of the courage of the original team who volunteered to undergo the Dark initiation as explained in the book A Kiss for Lucifer.
With the Mars Venus conjunction and the presence of Mercury, in the Virgo, mankind is assisted for another level of alignment (Mars, the axis) with the loving and bright aspect of Venus; a Venus who has learnt to discriminate, and might be ready for the Virgin state of the disciple, willing to find the Beloved inside.
Regulus has been in the Virgo since 2011, after 2160 years in the Leo (see notes). Below a few words excerpted from the Author’s article, the Great American Eclipse (2017):
‘A great meeting of the New Moon with the Sun in Leo, welcoming Mars, Mercury, and the North Node (Dragon Head). The star Regulus, one of the four royal stars sits between the Sun and the Moon. A King sits in equilibrium between the two luminaries of the Light and Darkness. [2011, that explains the opposition and violence that started from so many directions].
‘Early English astrologers made it (Regulus) a portent of glory, riches, and power to all born under its influence and this fixed star is generally considered fortunate, courageous, successful and all those great qualities associated with the sun sign Leo.
Regulushas its negative side.‘It gives violence, destructiveness, military honor of short duration, with ultimate failure, imprisonment, violent death Bernadette Brady associates Regulus with downfall.Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days isoften portrayed in Hollywood at its lowest, crudest vibration. great details in this article.
The typical male king, the male power in a feminine sign. This would confirm the idea of the initiation mentioned earlier in this page. Interesting, the astrologer quoted above has also felt it.
It can also strengthen the wave of women recovering and demonstrating their power, in many ways, according to the cultures.
Regulus in Virgo can hint at the existence of a female-King. Finally, kingship, leadership is not only concerned with self, regal pleasure and riches. Leaders and the occult King, the priest-king, must serve the interests of the Divine Plan and of the Earth. Virgo is practical, goal oriented and at service.
The Virgo is also a feminine, Mother figure. It is the goddess or the autonomous priestess who refrains from the sexual aspect of Venus. Or the Mother in Majesty. The European cathedral builders inscribed in the edifices the Mother’s life cycles, associated with the Virgo’s character. In France, a cathedral-cluster was built as a reflection of the Virgo Constellation. Each building has a distinctive energy that corresponds to a stage of development of the feminine, from the young maiden to the bride, the expecting Mother (parturiente) and then the Mother in Majesty.
Constellation photo:
The Black Madonna represented the Old Feminine Principle and Materia Prima, the first alchemical principle (alchemia=black dirt/soil). Then, it was gradually replaced by the white virgin Mary. Saint Bernard, in the 11th century, was a fanatic advocate of Mother Mary and imposed Notre-Dame/Our Lady who was at the center of the Templars’ worship… before the Baphomet!
The Mother in Majesty, as seen below, represents the feminine that brings the King and the manifestation of the Divine Plan. Virgo in Regulus could be: the Mother who assists her royal son to manifest his kingdom.
Author’s note: the web became idiotic; less and less culture; barely no true esoterical and occult knowledge, compared to two decades ago. We might not need all that anymore, but it is mankind’s path and history that we are forgetting, our souls’ journey that that most human beings will never know about. Is this consciousness?
Virgo, esoterical astrology, A. Bailey:
‘Virgo is the mother of another type of harvest: the harvest of the perfected Soul from the womb of form. It is one of the lessons of Virgo that the very purpose of form life is to inhouse the life of the Soul, while facilitating the personality’s experiences, growth, and education.
‘Virgo, the ‘Virgin Mother, represents the mothering of the unborn Christ through the purification of her physical, astral, and mental bodies. In this sign, the nurturing mother hides and protects the indwelling Christ within her own substance. She simultaneously nourishes two lives: that of the form and that of the Christ hidden within this form. Her esoteric ruler is the Moon, the mother of all earthly forms.
Venus, Alice Bailey, Esoterical Astrology (EA), excerpts:
The Glorification of Venus, Virgo and the Earth:’Consequently, you have at the end of the age (I refer here to a greater round of the zodiac and to no shorter cycle), the glorification ofVenus, of Virgo, the Virgin, and of Mother Earth”two planets and one constellation”and all these are potencies which produce definite changes in the solar system.(EA 130)
The Mount of Transfiguration is Venus in Capricorn:The Roles ofVenus(and Mercury) in Relation to the Sorrow and Pain Experienced on Earth:’It is this Gemini-Venussituation which lies behind the fact that our Earth is uniquely the Ëœplanet of releasing sorrow and of purifying pain’, the energy producing these releasing factors being focused through Mercury andVenusupon our Earth.(EA 361) [compare with above mentioned questions}.
The Function ofVenusas an Intermediary for Four Constellations which it Relates by Rulership:’Taurus pours the energy stimulating desire, viaVenus, onto our Earth; Gemini, viaVenus, awakens in humanity (the focal point of our planetary effort) the sense of duality which is the basic factor in the conflict between desire and spiritual will; in Libra this reaches a point of balance wherein the one who struggles sees the issues clearly and achieves a desirable point of equilibrium through the wise use of the Mercury-Venusmind, ensuring the success of its final efforts in Capricorn. You will note, therefore, how necessary it is to realize accurately the point in evolution of the soul.(EA 362-363)
‘Venusalso establishes an interplay between Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn, which again (because the Earth is one of the rulers of Gemini) produces the “desperate conflict of the imprisoned soul upon the astral plane” which characterizes our planetary life. These four-fold influences and relationships produce the minor initiations of the astral plane which ever precede the major initiations in Capricorn, in their turn prepared for in Scorpio.(EA 362)
MKL: If there were no Jewish people, I would have to invent them. How to stand on my grounds, with all these people speaking about the Jesus story as a historical reality?
Regulus in Virgo: ‘The CHANGING of the Guard! Regulus in Virgo – 2011 ACE – 4171 ACE. Nov 28th 2011 * The fixed Star Regulus moved into the sign of Virgo after 2160 years in the sign of Leo. This bright star has been known as the King maker, the star of heroes bestowing honours and fame to those linked to the prestige of Regulus, it also comes with a warning that money doesn’t necessarily bring happiness.
More about Regulus:
Mkl’s article, 2017, Grand Circus: ‘A great meeting of the New Moon with the Sun in Leo, welcoming Mars, Mercury, and the North Node (Dragon Head). The star Regulus, one of the four royal stars sits between the Sun and the Moon. A King sits in equilibrium between the two luminaries of the Light and Darkness.
‘Donald Trump has his natal Mars at 26 degrees Leo, his ascendant/rising sign at 29 degrees Leo conjunct fixed star Regulus.
Vierge en majeste
‘The representation of the Virgin evolved in the West according to the evolution of the worship. Here, Mary is sitting on a throne with arches, as an image of the Celestial Jerusalem.
In the 12th century, the area of Auvergne (France) specialized in these figures of the Virgin in Majesty, sitting on a throne, frontal, holding the child in front of her.
While the cathedrals host restaurants and golf, a 12th century Vierge en Majeste, sold at Sothebys in 2014 for 73,500 Euros! Image LOT SOLD. 73,500 EUR
I missed that one! Another famous spiritual healer that I have always avoided
Joao Teixeira de Faria was arrested a week after over 600 allegations were made against him in what prosecutors say could be the worst serial crimes case in Brazil’s history.
The 77-year-old’s renowned spiritual world crumbled in December after he was accused of sexually abusing a Dutch woman on live TV.
In a video, Bittencourt, whose organization, Coame, helps women report sexual assault by religious leaders, said she has spoken to women from at least three continents who claimed they bought Brazilian babies from John of God for as much as $50,000, the Mirror reported.
JP Morgan in China: