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Exclusive last-minute scoop: The Vatican and the Illuminati – we are speaking now of the French Branch— have released their hold on power. The present astral transits were most probably needed to complete this movement. A significant step was already taken by Pope Benedict XVI when he left his ministry in 2013.

France was called in the past ‘the Eldest Daughter of the Church.’ This was the most important stronghold of the Illuminati.

The Swedish branch of the Illuminati is still playing around, yet, had officially removed itself a few years ago.



A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Saint Michel by Delacroix

Sirius, Mankind’s guardian until the end of the Pisces Era

For the readers who want some brain-enhancing reading for the week end: excerpts from the next book: Return to the Light, the Resurection of the Demiurge – Who, What is the Creator-god? (the title might change). The book is a study of the Creator’s main chakras, the known occult changes that occurred in the Creator over the last decades, ennabling the Aquarius Era.





The constellation Canis Major is home toSirius (Alpha Canis Majoris), “thebrightest starin the night sky, over 20 times brighter than ourSunand over twice as massive.Siriusis called the Dog Star because of its prominence in the constellation ofCanis Majoris(Big Dog). In 1862 (Alvan Graham Clark-1832-1897),Siriuswas discovered to be a binary star system with a companion star,Sirius B, 10,000 times dimmer than the bright primary, Sirius A. Sirius B was the first white dwarf star discovered.” NASA The internal orbit of the binary system is almost 50 years.” SOLSTATION



NOTE: “Star B’s peculiar high temperature, small size, and great density, however, were not established until 1925 byWalter Sydney Adams(1876-1956).”

As for Sirius C, “three analyses of the proper motion of Sirius found a perturbation in the orbit of Sirius B with a period around six years: Ch. Volet, 1932;Walbaum and Duvent, 1983; andBenest and Duvent, 1995.”



Sirius, Alpha Canis Majoris, the Greater Dog and Canis Minor, the Lesser Dog, are said to be following Orion, the mighty Hunter, chasing the Bull of Heaven. Called Orion’s dog by Homer (kynos Orionos), it is still the most acclaimed amongst the stars. Yet, anthropomorphized deities, like humans, seem to like canine companions and compete to be associated with famous celestial palaces such as Sirius.



“Its risings and settings were regularly tabulated in Chaldea about 300B.C.. [..’] Babylonian astronomers could not have known certain astronomical periods, which as a matter of fact they did know, if they had not observed Sirius from the island of Zylos in the Persian Gulf on Thursday, the 29th of April, 11542B.C.!” (Allen, Note: the Author is aware of the limitations of Allen’s work. However this important information, 11542BC, seems to be verified.*.html


In Sumer, the goddess Bau, daughter of Anu and Nammu/Urash is often represented with a dog. “Bau seems originally to have been goddess of the dog; as Nininsina she was long represented with a dog’s head, and the dog was her emblem.”


Bau and her children as well as Nininsina were linked to healing. One of Bau’s sons “Ninazu, who was associated withserpents(symbols of transformation), the underworld (transition), and healing (transformation), carried a staff intertwined with serpents. This symbol was adopted by the Egyptians forHeka, their god of magic andmedicine, and then by the Greeks as the caduceus, the staff carried byHermesTrismegistus, their god of magic.”

Robert Temple, in Sirius Mystery, suggests a link between Bau’s lineage and the star Sirius. Bau’s Father is said to be Anu, or An the Annunaki. “The Sumerian Bau, as a daughter of An is the sister of the ‘fifty great gods (Annunaki), who are also children of An. Since Bau may be a goddess of the Dog Star Sirius, the fact that she is the sister of the ‘fifty’ is significant, as Sirius B has an orbital period of fifty years.” (p. 158)

The number fifty however does not seem to be agreed upon for the Annunaki or corroborated by other myths such as the number of Argonauts, Jason’s companions in search of the Golden Fleece.


Later in time, the most legendary canine god in history was revered in Egypt, Anubis or An-pu/Inpw, which meant ‘to decay’. ( The Egyptian jackal god, “was the bright star in the heavens (Pike, 547); the companion of Isis in the search for the body of Osiris, her brother and husband.” (Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 15)

In Egyptian cosmology, Sirius, called Sabt or Sopdet, was the dwelling of the beautiful Isis or was assimilated to Isis, the archetypal mother and goddess of fertility, whose brother and husband, Osiris, experiences death and resurrection. We will not examine the astronomical and astrological meanings of the legend of Isis and Osiris. (See Morals and Dogma)

“Canis Major, one star of which was called the Star of Isis, while Sirius himself was honored in Egypt under the name of Anubis.” MORALS AND DOGMA 481

“the symbol of Isis in heavens was the star Sept […. Hiero triple], who was greatly beloved because its appearance marked not only the beginning of a new year, but also the inundation of the Nile.


We wonder, which part of the Sirius star system represented Anubis or Isis. To complicate matters a bit more, Thoth is said to reside on Sirius. This could relate to the tradition of spiritual transmission. «the insertion of Isis in the hermetic chain of transmission has to do with a Greek tradition associating Isis with Hermes, making the goddess his disciple or his daughter.” As for Horus, he is sometimes called Anubis (Book of the Dead, Chapter 62; SD II, 385): Anubis is Horus who melts in him who is eyeless.”

L’insertion d’Isis dans la chaîne hermétique de transmission93 relèverait d’une tradition grecque qui associe Isis à Hermès, notamment en faisant d’elle sa disciple94 ou sa fille95

NOTE: 4 Arétalogie de Cymée 3 b. Voir F. Dunand , Le Culte d’Isis dans le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée. 1. Le Culte d’Isis et les Ptolémées, Leiden, Brill, 1973, p. 138–139. 95 Plutarque, Isis et Osiris 3, 352 A et 10, 355 F , et C. Froidefond , « note complémenaire », op. cit., p. 254 n. 9 ; PGM IV 94 et suivantes avec un dialogue entre Isis et Thot qu’elle appelle « mon père ». 96 J. Quaegebeur , « Diodore I, 20


Isis is the Daughter of the earth, god of the Earth, and Nut, goddess of the sky. Note the reverse symbolism. The sky is feminine and the Earth masculine. Her Egyptian name Auset or Aset also meant throne. The king, or masculine deity accesses the throne through the feminine aspect. As Isis-Hathor, Sirius is present on the Dendera Zodiac, as a cow, with a star over its head.


NOTE, Dendera: “The five planets that were known at the time are associated with certain signs of the zodiac: Venus (“the god of the morning”) is behind Aquarius, Jupiter (“Horus who Reveals the Mystery”) is near Cancer, Mars (“Horus the Red”) is directly above Capricorn. Mercury is called “the Inert” and Saturn “Horus the Bull”. This particular configuration of the planets among the constellations occurs only about once every thousand years; an astrophysicist has dated it between 15 June and 15 August 50 BC. Two eclipses are represented exactly where they occurred.” This information relayed by the Paris Louvre, where the Dendera Zodiac resides since 1821, is based on the writings of Sylvie Cauville. S. Cauville, le Zodiaque d’Osiris, Louvain, 1997 and S. Cauville, Dendara. Les Chapelles osiriennes, Le Caire, 1997




According to Richter’s detailed study of the Greek world Sirius, in Greek Sothis from Seirios or the Scorcher, was ever present in the religious cosmology and often represented as a dog on local coins. On the island of Ceos, for instance, the cult involved sacrifices. “Heraclide du Pont witnessed the locals scrutinizing the time of Sirius’ rising. Depending if Sirius would rise (selon qu elle se montrait eclatante ou voilee) blazing or veiled, on a pure sky or weighed with vapors , they would prognostic of abondance or sterility for the year. (CEceron, De la Divination, I, 57)

They would sacrifice to the star [Sirius], that hold a great place (wui tenait une grande place) in the local traditions (Diodore de Sicile, IV, 82). Thus, the image of a radiated (radie) dog visible on the medals of the island of Ceos as well as the cities of Ioulis, Carthea and Coressia. (Letronne, Nouv. REch. . 27 and n.1. Richer, p. 50).


NOTE: (Sacred Geography of the Greek World. Jean Ritcher researched the geometry of sacred sites and introduced to the public the Apollo-Saint Michael ley line),

Richter describes a mysterious sculpture found in the island of Kea, the Lion of Ioulis. Richter presumes ‘that the lion dates from the time when the zodiacal sign that it represented was connected to the summer solstice; it should date from 2000 to 2500 BC” This was the period of the canicule, thus of the star Sirius. “in the Egyptian calendar … the heliacal rising of Sirius … occurred when the Sun was in the Leo Constellation (p. 169). This is corroborated by the solar character, “Aristaeus, son of Apollon and the nymph Cyrene, associated to the zodiacal sign of Leo, who offered sacrifices to appease Sirius and “blend with the Egyptian Thoth, spirit of the canicule.” (p. 171)


NOTE: The heliacal rising or star rise of a star occurs annually when it briefly becomes visible above the eastern horizon at dawn just before sunrise, after a period of less than a year when it had not been visible. Wiki


While in modern time, we are learning to be responsible for our creation, it is fascinating to read how a population would mitigate with nature and the divine in the third century BC. Aristeous’s mediation between men and deities is quite amusing :

“Seirios (Sirius) was scorching the Minoan Islands from the sky, and the people could find no permanent cure for the trouble till Hekatos (Hecatus) [Apollon] put it in their heads to send for Aristaios (Aristaeus). So, as his father’s [Apollon’s] command, Aristaios assembled the Parrhasian tribe, who are descendants of Lykaon (Lycaon), left Phthia, and settled in Keos (Ceos). He raised a great altar to Zeus Ikmaios (the Rain-God) and made ritual offerings in the hills to the Dog-star and to Zeus Kronides himself. In response, Zeus gave his orders–and the Etesiai (Etesian Winds) refresh the earth for forty days. The priests of Keos still make yearly sacrifice before the rising of the Kyon (Dog).” (Apollonius of Rhodes, Argonautica 2. 518


In their turn, Rome gave Sirius a prominent role. Ptolemyof Alexandria, roman citzen born in 100 Ad, the mathematician and astronomer “used Sirius as the location for the globe’s central meridian.” The Romans celebrated the heliacal setting of Sirius around April 25, sacrificing a dog, along with incense, wine, and a sheep, to the goddessRobigoso that the star’s emanations would not causewheat ruston wheat crops that year. and Wiki



“Both theMÄori peopleand the people of theTuamotusrecognized the figure of Canis Major as a distinct entity, though it was sometimes absorbed into other constellations.Te Huinga-o-Rehua, also calledTe Putahi-nui-o-RehuaandTe Kahui-Takurua, (“The Assembly ofRehua” or “The Assembly of Sirius”) was a MÄori constellation that included both Canis Minor and Canis Major, along with some surrounding stars.[14][15]Related wasTaumata-o-Rehua, also calledPukawanui, the Mirror ofRehua, formed from an undefined group of stars in Canis Major.[16][17]They called SiriusRehuaandTakarua, corresponding to two of the names for the constellation, thoughRehuawas a name applied to other stars in various MÄori groups and other Polynesian cosmologies.[18][19]The Tuamotu people called Canis MajorMuihanga-hetika-o-Takurua, “the abiding assemblage ofTakarua“.[20]

The Tharumba people of theShoalhaven Riversaw three stars of Canis Major asWunbula(Bat) and his two wivesMurrumbool(Mrs Brown Snake) andMoodtha(Mrs Black Snake); bored of following their husband around, the women try to bury him while he is hunting a wombat down its hole. He spears them and all three are placed in the sky as the constellationMunowra.[21]To theBoorongpeople of Victoria,Sigma Canis MajoriswasUnurgunite(which has become the official name of this star[22]), and its flanking stars Delta and Epsilon were his two wives.[23]The moon (Mityan, “native cat“) sought to lure the further wife (Epsilon) away, butUnurguniteassaulted him and he has been wandering the sky ever since.[24]” wiki



Sirius, transliterated as l-shiÊ¿’rÄ [or ash-shira] is considered to be the Star, mentioned in the Quran, Surat 53. SÅ«rat l-najm, The Star. Verse 49 says: That He (Allah) is the Lord of Sirius (the Mighty Star).”


The large sacred black stone hidden in the Kaaba, in Mecca is believed to be a meteorite; it is whispered that it is of extra-terrestrial origin. In the book Secret History of the World, Jonathan Black suggests that the stone fell ‘to Earth from Sirius.” (Jonathan Black, Secret History of the World, p. 326)



Closer to us, Sirius is a part of the Winter Hexagon and the Natives’ Sacred Hoop:

“The six stars that compose the Winter Hexagon are Aldebaran, Capella, Castor (and Pollux), Procyon, Rigel, and Sirius. Here, the band of our Milky Way Galaxy runs through the center of the Winter Hexagon, while the Pleiades open star cluster is visible just above. The Winter Hexagon asterism engulfs several constellations including much of the iconic steppingstone Orion.”

In the native tradition the medicine wheel or Sacred Hoop is a symbol of unity, of shared values; it also represents the four directions. The Sacred Hoop is visible, embodied in the sky.

The Lakota’s (S or NOT AT LAKOTA?) Sacred Hoop includes almost the same celestial bodies as the Winter Hexagon: Sirius, Procyon, Pollux/Castor, Capella, the Pleiades, and Rigel, almost the same as the Winter Hexagon.




In popular culture, the Dogon tribe in Mali, rivals celebrity with Sirius. The Dogons became famous when Robert Temple published and interpreted an article, A Sudanese Sirius System first published in theJournal de la Société des Africanistesin 1950 by Marcel Griaule and Germaine Deiterlen, professional anthropologists. Germaine Deiterlen was ‘towering figure in French ethnography’ as well as a film maker. (NOTE)


The article transcribed in Sirius Mystery and now easily available on the Web, portrays the social and religious system of several African tribes, based on their observation of the stars as well as their relationship with the deities at the center of their ceremonies. “The Bambara call Sirius the star of the foundation, sigi dolo, which is the same term used by the Dogon, and like them they call the star Digitaria fini dolo.” Temple from Griaule, p. 319, 332 “The Bozo tribe in Mali, cousins to the Dogon, describes Sirius B as the ‘eye star’.” Temple, SMystery, p. 90

In 1991 Walter van Beek, a Belgian anthropologist, led a team of anthropologists to study the Dogon tribe. Although he hoped to find evidence for their astounding astronomical knowledge, the team found no trace of the detailed Sirius lore reported by Griaule.


Whether the Dogon’s or any other tribe’s knowledge was genuine or not, the universe prompts odd miracles and coincidences when men’s awareness must be triggered. Griaule, Dieterlen, Temple as well as their detractors all created a buzz, a necessary movement in human’s consciousness. Any receptive human brain or vehicle becomes the conduit for the release of information.

The awareness of a fact or a line of research, of something or someone, awareness is key to connecting, expand self as well as awakening memories and complete karmas. Sirius’ role as humankind’s spiritual instructor and protector had to be revived for as Sirius leadership was coming to an end. Integration of all part of selves and with the Cosmic Consciousness is now the pressing key to growth and soul purpose fulfillment.



In the twenty first century, in a world based in machinery and technology, most interest towards the sky is about conquest, with rockets and spacecrafts. For the ancient, the heavens was evidence of a higher Intelligence and of cycles of life and death. The most obvious cycles were ‘symbolized by Ra (Re) and Ausar (Osiris). Ra is the living neter [deity] who descends into death to become Ausar , the neter of the dead. Ausar ascends and come to life again as Ra.” (Moustafa Gadalla, Animated Universe, p. 42


NOTE: I love this author. He disagrees on things that we have taken for granted… for instance: “The Egyptian Book of the Coming Forth by Light – wrongly and commonly translated as the Book of the Dead.”

The cycles of the three main luminaries observed by the Egyptians, Sun, Moon and Sopdet/Sirius were combined in calendars. As other older civilizations, Egypt first used a lunar calendar, based on the phases of the moon.


Censorinus, roman writer, stated in 239 A.D: ‘As the Egyptians had no exact timekeeper, they could not compare the sun day by day and the stars by night. So, they adopted the first appearance of a star in the glow of sunrise. For their star of observation, they choose Sirius, the brightest of all the stars, otherwise called Sothis, Canicula, or the Dog Star. As Censorinus says: the beginnings of these years are always reckoned from the first day of that month which is called by the Egyptians Thoth.” The first day of the year is thus called “the first of Thoth.” (W.M. Flinders Petrie and C. Trick Currelly. Research in Sinai, p.164-5). The calendar adjusted itself according the revolution of Sirius, about each 1461st year. (p.164).

The Egyptians were “taking into account, but separately, of the lunar cycle, the solar cycle, and then added to them the cycle of Sirius or Sothis, the star of Isis.” I, 717

The civil, conventional calendar, also called vague or wandering year had to be adapted with the religious year, based on the appearance of Sothis and ruling the life of the nation. The wandering year or conventional year combined 360 (12 x 30) days plus 5 epagomenal days, ‘during which the gods were born’ [Pyramid Texts, p. I, p. 717

As for the Sun, “because of the precession of the equinoxes added to the movement of Sirius, the position of the Sun in regard to Sirius had also moved in the same direction, and exactly for the same quota.” (quotite in french) E. Myer, Chronologie Egyptienne. Trad. Moret. Annales du Musee Guimet.Quoted by Schwaller de Lubicz. Sirius is then the regulator, the master of the cycles.

“Every 1460 years, the vague year coincided with the Siriac year.” in fact, 1460 fixed/Siriac years equaled 1461 vague/lunar years. [Temple of Man, I, p. 717-718].


NOTE: Literal translation of the term vague, utilized in French by De Lubicz, itself a translation of the Latin Annus Vagus, Wandering Year, in English.


THE PHOENIX : “Resetting the calendar to correlation with the sun involved the legend of the Phoenix, its death and rebirth.” Edward Malkowski, Before the Pharaohs. P. 102. “The legend tells that there is only one phoenix, and that at the end of its life, it returns to its birth place, the Arabian Desert, between the Nile and the Red Sea. There it burns itself to death and a new phoenix arises from the ashes of the old. Really, the fire in which the phoenix dies is the glow of dawn.” (Rupert Gleadow, the Origin of the Zodiac. P. 177).




The beautiful legend of the Phoenix has crossed time, reminiscence of the alchemical process, that illustrates the soul’s path through life and death, cycles and immortality.



Canis Major…. of course, we must address the role of the most famous dog in history. His parents are a mystery or multiple. Anubis/Apnu is sometimes the son of Nephthys and Set, sometimes the adulterous progeny of Nephthys and Oriris. Otherwise, Anubis would be the son of Ra/Re, which he naturally will represent, channel as his Word. Or, he even presented as Isis’son. “Ipn is an archaic term designating a canid and Ipnou would be a canine deity.” As Isis’ son, the root ipn would translate the environment of this birth: “i” for wind, “p” for water and “n” for desert.

SelonGeorges Posener, cette étymologie sacrée viserait à cimenter une association entre les dieuxShou(vent),Osiris(eau) et Anubis (désert)9. and (en)TerenceDuQuesne,The Jackal Divinities of Egypt I: From the Archaic Period to Dynasty X, Londres, Darengo,coll.«Oxfordshire Communications in Egyptology» (noVI),2005, 566p.(ISBN1-871266-24-6)


“The oldest and irrevocable image of Anubis, as an anthropomorphic deity with a jackal head dates from the 4th dynasty and is located on a relief fragment from a high temple of the Niuserre Pyramid. (Around 2500 BC). Wiki, ibid



As Isis’ guide into the underworld, Anubis naturally became the god of mummification and of the afterlife. In the judgement scenes, Anubis attends the weighting of the soul ritual. The dog-headed deity guides the soul un the underworld, in company of Ap-Uat “whose symbol was a jackal.” Or was is another name for Anubis? , “although their identities are sometimes confused in the texts. The function of each god was to ” open the ways,” and therefore each might be called Ap-uat, but, strictly speaking, Anubis was the opener of the roads of the North, and Ap-uat the opener of the roads of the South ; in fact, Anubis was the personification of the Summer Solstice, and Ap-uat of the Winter Solstice. Anubis is called in the texts Sekhem em pet, and is often said to be the son of Osiris, and Ap-uat bore the title Sekhem taui, and was a form of Osiris himself.” Egyptian Gods, II, p.

Yet, “by theMiddle Kingdom(c. 2055 – 1650 BC) Anubis was replaced byOsirisin his role as lord of theunderworld” or psychopomp.

The Sirian influence and frequency are implicated in the initiatory process of death for rebirth: the Egyptians observed the absence of the star in the sky for as the star is invisible for 70 days. The tradition was then to keep the body for seventy days, under the guard of Anubis… except, most probably in the case of Tutankhamun (But, this is another story!).

Interestingly, Cerberus, the Greek multi-headed dog, is the hound of Hades. Cerberus, depicted with one to fifty dog heads (Hesiod) and multiple serpent heads also defends the gates to the underworld.

Interestingly, Toth-Hermes, Anubis’ companion, is also said to have assisted Hercules accessing the underworld when the Greek hero was chasing Cerberus. Much later in time, the judgment scene on the side of the cathedrals, shows the archangel Michael, holding the scales.

Another transliteration of the Anubis cult occurred when Christianity gained became preponderaont ppp in the Orient. Saint Christopher mysteriously took on the dog-head.


In the Greek mythology, another canine character appears, Kuon, the Golden Dog. Kuon assisted the goat Amaltheia to guard the infant god Zeus on the island of Crete. “When Zeus reached maturity he placed the dog amongst the stars as theconstellationCanis Major.”


The root of the name Kuon, who became Canis Major, Sirius, could be related to the notion of Time. ogdoSirius, divine cycles. ” others again are of opinion that by Anubis is meant Time, and that his ” denomination of Kuon does not so much allude to any likeness, ” which he has to the dog, though this be the general rendering of ” the word, as to that other signification of the term taken from time, breeding ; because Time begets all things out of it self, bearing ” them within itself, as it were in a womb. But this is one of those ” secret doctrines which are more fully made known to those who ” are initiated into the worship of Anubis.” Egyptian Gods, II, 265

This is a fascinating loop connecting the concept of a cycle under the rulership of Sirius and involving creation, manifestation through time and breeding.

An interesting idea was emitted by Plutarch, reported by W. Budge and then R. Temple. As mentioned earlier, there Anubis’ parentage is very uncertain. Of course, scribes, politics, time, who knows really? Yet, Plutarch’s concept is remarkably worth mentioning. If Anubis is both Isis and Nephthys’ son, he lies between the Light and the Darkness.

“By Anubis, they understand the horizontal circle which divides the invisible part of the world, which they call Nephthys, from the visible, to which they give the name of Isis; and as the circle equally touches upon the confines of bothe light and darkness, it may be looked upon as common to them both.” The dog is alert day and night and guards both domains. Anubis and Cerberus are both protecting the threshold between two worlds.


It is interesting that the Sirians also manifested themselves as feline-gods. They have an affinity with the lions and panthers. Anubis is sometimes referred to as a feline-canine deity, for instance by Barbara Handclow. (Pleiadian Agenda).

According to the Dogons and the New Age, the Sirians also used amphibian bodies. This is congruent with the representations of the deities by he Babylonians, and meso Americans.


NOTE: A rectification has been recently provided; although the ancient representations of Anubis resemble a jackal, “Archeologists have identified Anubis’s sacred animal as an Egyptiancanid, theAfrican golden wolf. The African wolf was formerly called the “African goldenjackal“, until a 2015 genetic analysis updated the taxonomy and the common name for the species.[2][3][4]As a result, Anubis is often referred to as having a “jackal” head, but this “jackal” is now more properly called a “wolf”.” The representations do not look like a wolf. Wiki


NOTE: Recent discoveries[edit] wiki

During routine excavations in 2011 at the dog catacomb in Saqqara necropolis, an excavation team led bySalima Ikram, and an international team of researchers led by Paul Nicholson ofCardiff University, uncovered almost eight million animal mummies at the burial site next to the sacred temple ofAnubis. It is thought that the mummified animals, mostly dogs, were intended to pass on the prayers of their owners to their deities.[6]

“You don’t get 8 million mummies without having puppy farms,” she says. “And some of these dogs were killed deliberately so that they could be offered. So for us, that seems really heartless. But for the Egyptians, they felt that the dogs were going straight up to join the eternal pack with Anubis. And so they were going off to a better thing” saidSalima Ikram.[7][8]

  1. “Eight million dog mummies found in Saqqara – Ancient Egypt – Heritage”.Ahram Online. Retrieved2020-09-20.
  2. ^“Millions Of Mummified Dogs Found In Ancient Egyptian Catacombs” Retrieved2020-06-28.
  3. ^June 2015, Laura Geggel 18.“8 Million Dog Mummies Found in ‘God of Death’ Mass Grave” Retrieved2020-6-28





Although the orientation of the holiest space in the temple can easily be felt, it is a great intellectual satisfaction to find studies verifying the will of the temple builders to bring heaven on earth. As above, so below. The visitors from space, deities or extra-terrestrials were also the pyramids and temple builders. The middle east vortices with emphasis on Giza and the Sinai were the Sirians’ doorway onto Earth.

Under the Great Pyramid was a multidimensional access to the Dragon. Although the pyramids as gateways died long ago, the vortex in Giza stayed latent until 1996. It is believed that the planetary Hierarchy “might be considered as the aggregate on our planet of the forces of the fifth kingdom in nature. This kingdom is entered through the full development and control of the fifth principle of mind, and its transmutation into wisdom, which is literally the intelligence applied to all states through the full conscious utilization of the faculty of discriminative love. (IHS Page 20-21).” Alice Bailey describes the Hierarchy as a “group of spiritual beings on the inner planes of the solar system who are the intelligent forces of nature, and who control the evolutionary processes.” HIS, p. 218.


It is my belief, through personal experience, that the Sirians appointed two teams, one who stayed on the inner planes, yet in vicinity of the Earth. Their invisible presence was holding the Sirian frequency on the Earth etheric field. You can imagine it as a live implant on a human emotional body. This is the group that have dissolved in 1996. A second team used physical bodies and have shared the human journey all along and have organized


Recent scientific research in Middle Egypt and Sudan has demonstrated how the ancient temples were built according to the position of the stars and the solstices.

“The encyclopedic work of Laszlo Török teaches us about the possible existence of an astronomer, or better, a sky watcher, among the high-ranking ofï¬cers of the Kingdom of Kush. This was Wayekiye, son of a certain Hornakhtyotef – a prophet of Isis – who was “hont-priest of Sothis and wab-priest of the ï¬ve living stars” as well as “chief magician of the King of Kush”, as reported in an inscription on the walls of the temple of Philae dated to a period (c. A.D. 227) when the Dodecaschoenus region was under Meroitic rule. Indeed, the ï¬ve living stars are the ï¬ve planets visible to the naked

eye and the mention of Sothis […] does not need further comment.”



In ancient the kingdom of Kush, located along the Nile Valley in present Sudan, “The orientation of the temples must have been determined by certain stars, whose position in the sky changed over time, and this orientation was so quintessential that the temples of the earlier complexes had to be re-erected several times. It was

not dilapidation that motivated the repeated construction work, but a religious necessity to follow the stars in the orientation of the temples (Wenig, “Musaw-warat es-Sufra” (ref. 17), 72



The measurements “obtained from the analysis of the declination histograms, reflecting tendencies in the orientation of sacred spaces: (I) eastern or “equinoctial”, (II) winter solstitial, (III) seasonal, (IV) of Sirius (Sothic), (V) of Canopus, (VI) meridian, and (VII) inter-cardinal (see Figure 5). These were often combined with Nile orientation in a crossed relationship between astronomy and topography. […] The most signiï¬cant ones [alignments] with a conï¬dence degree higher than 99%, are related to the declination of the sun at the winter solstice (II) and of Sirius (IV), the brightest star of Sudanese skies. ”



NOTE: JUAN ANTONIO BELMONTE, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, MAGDI FEKRI, Minuï¬ya University, YASSER A. ABDEL-HADI and MOSALAM SHALTOUT, National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, Egypt, and A. CESAR GONZÃLEZ GARCÃA, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid . In a series of papers published in this journal in recent years, some of the authors,

members of the Egyptian-Spanish Mission for the Archaeoastronomy of Ancient Egypt have made a number of interesting discoveries relating to the way in which the ancient Egyptians might have orientated their sacred buildings.







The deities, aspects of the One Consciousness, evolve de concert with man’s awakening and with the politico-religious needs of civilizations. It is thus difficult to paint precise and rigid portraits of mythological characters and even more challenging to decipher their ancestry. Thoth is sometimes the son of Ra, sometimes the progeny of Geb and Nut, Earth and Sky. He does not seem to belong to the famous Osirian family, but might be the intermediary to their existence.

Thoth/Hermes’s wisdom and credited role in human existence is unequalled. “Francis Barrett says about Hermes: If God ever appeared in man, he appeared in him, as is evident both from his books and his Pimander.” Hall, XXXVII. Biographia Antiqua.

In the mind of ancient people, Thoth, originally a lunar deity, shined in the night sky, while Ra visited the underworld. His role as a lunar god is evidenced by the lunar crescent on the head of Thoth as a dog-headed baboon or the ibis-headed man. He is also Ra’s Tongue, his instrument of manifestation through sound. The soul of the universe or creator of men and gods “built the edifice of the material universe according to the plans which He had made under the guidance and direction of Thoth.” Egyptian Gods, II, p. 54

“Investigators believe that it was Hermes who was known to the Jews as “Enoch,” called by Kenealy the “Second Messenger of God.” Hermes was accepted into the mythology of the Greeks, later becoming the Mercury of the Latins. He was revered through the form of the planet Mercury because this body is nearest to the sun: Hermes of all creatures was nearest to God, and became known as the Messenger of the Gods.”



It is important to mention the adaptation of the cult in view of the political changes and the needs to please the population. With the Hellenization of Egypt at the time of the Ptolemies, Thoth-Hermes and Anubis, both involved in the judgement of the soul and its journey in the underworld. Hermanubis was born of this need, as was Serapis, a comparable specie, combining Osiris-Apis and Hades. Serapis, most prominent in Alexandria, was represented with a Zeus head, bearded and with the traditional curly hair.


If Thoth originated from or if his frequencies are embodied in Sirius , it is then easy to assimilate the Sirians or at least a group of Sirians as Mankind’s official teachers and guides with a lineage of lead (can we avoid the repetition0 characters embodying the Hermetic principle. This is also supported by the title ‘Leader’ given to Sirius in various cultures, “Plutarch called itΠÏοόπτης, the Leader, which well agrees with its character and is an almost exact translation of its Euphratean, Persian, Phoenician, and Vedic titles.” Allen, p 118 Thoth/Mercury is the paramount archetype of the Teacher coming from Heaven, found in so many cultures worldwide. This idea is corroborated by the name given to Sirius by the Dogons: ‘the star of foundation.’

It is often repeated that Sirius is the Sun behind the Sun. In simple terms, Sirius is he Higher Self of the Sun. (NOTE: As for humans who have a soul/consciousness and a higher Self). That would imply that Sirius, although associated with Isis in the human world, is male or positive in polarity in relationship with the Sun.

The Sirius star system also happens to include three main stars. It is thus a trinity, an integrated and independent unit, which infers a male polarity to the Sirius Sun in relationship with the heart of the Solar System — that would be feminine in polarity.




Sirius holds the seat of honor in the mystery schools and as the leader of the initiation path. Canis Major is the abode of Thoth, ‘one of the five Immortals who protected the infant Horus from the wrath of Typhon after the murder of Osiris.” (Manly Hall, p. 47) Thoth/Hermes/Mercury, whose companion is Anubis, as the Word, the measurer and scribe to the gods, is the knowledge depositor and distiller par excellence, the head of a lineage of teachers and ambassador of the Divine Consciousness in the world of matter; Translator in form of the Intelligence and Mind of the Universe, associated with cycles and time he is the herald of the gods.

Zzs mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun, Thoth Hermes was the closest to the gods.




Thoth-Hermes is the great communicator who brought wisdom to the human race. He is the intermediary between Heaven and Earth because he initiated, through his presence on this planet, the Lineage of the Dragons and the Mystery Schools of Wisdom. Thoth holds the Caduceus, the wings of which symbolize Heaven, Spirit, and the Serpents, Matter, seeded by the Lineage of the Dragons. Mercury, and then Thoth are the direct offspring of the Archangel Michael, whose emanation is the Dragon who brought the Vital Fire to the Earth. Only through Mercury’s presence and the understanding of what he is, as well as the integration of his frequency, is the awakening and arousal of the Serpents along the spinal column allowed. Mercury, the element of transmutation in the alchemical process, must be associated with Isis/ Mary in order for the metamorphosis to take place. Mary cannot stay a virgin because the feminine element must welcome in its womb the masculine element, the Divine Spirit, under the charming power of Mercury. As a conclusion, a note from Blavatsky: “The mother of Mercury (Buddha,Thoth,Hermes,etc.) was Maia, the mother of Buddha (Gautama) , also Maya, and the mother of Jesus, likewise Maya (illusion, for Mary is Mare, the Sea, the great illusion symbolically), yet these three characters have no connection, supposedly.” Amen, the Archangel Michael, the Messiah and Grail Bloodline, p. 113 and Secret Doctrine, I, p. 32




The alleged Mercury and Buddha’s stories give us an indication of their purpose within the great universal scheme, or at least at the Earth level. Mercury is often represented with a Caduceus. This symbol, unjustifiably monopolized by the medical establishment, depicts the fully completed and elevated spiritual nadis, Ida and Pinguala. On the path of initiation, the completion of the two inner nadis is the mandatory step prior to the elevation of the Kundalini. Gautama’s famous story depicts a sitting sage with a raised cobra caping/on top of his head: what Buddha has achieved, is the rising of Ida and Pinguala followed by the appearance of the Cobra. The next step is the Christ Consciousness.

It is often said that the Sirians come from the 6th dimension. It is then safe to say that their role, though the medium of a group of extra terrestrial visitors or a frequency carrying the Thoth-Hermes-Buddha-vibration or a group endorsing the teacher role to bring mankind from the 3rd to the 5th dimension.





By the term Lodge, we mean all organized initiatory groups, discreet or secret organizations that have delivered the principles of philosophy and spiritual education leading to the opening of consciousness and the merging of the multi-dimensional self. The Divine codes and blue-print, inaccessible to the masses is more openly revealed by a chain of instructors, each with their own limitations, yet able to transmit Life Intelligence, translated in words and symbols. In the Lodge, after learning and experiencing through filiation, the disciples would then directly communicate with the universal data bank.


Although I am less and less inclined and attracted to returning to the concepts and frequencies of the past, the Lodge/s was an intrinsic part of humankind ruling for a full cycle. We cannot then ignore its impact on humans’ consciousness and psychology. History cannot be either forgotten or scratched out. As justly stated by Pope Francis “peoples that abandon their tradition and, either from a craze to mimic others or to foment violence, or from unpardonable negligence or apathy, allow others to rob their very soul, end up losing not only their spiritual identity but also their moral consistency and, in the end, their intellectual, economic and political independence”.[11]One effective way to weaken historical consciousness, critical thinking, the struggle for justice and the processes of integration is to empty great words of their meaning or to manipulate them.” (Fratelli Tutti, Encyclical Letter 3/10/20).


Now, while working on this chapter, Sirius, an unexpected issue aroused, between the author’s memory and knowledge versus the information gleaned on the internet. i/The author remembers a private conversation in the late seventies with a very educated Martinist. Pointing at an eight-pointed star, I asked: ‘what is this star’. My friend’s face joyfully lighted up while she replied, with great respect: “Well, this one is very special, this is Sirius.” A few years later, I ended up living in a building called: Sirius, then started to remember my connection with the Star. In Egypt, Sirius was represented in many ways; the hieroglyphic sign for star had 5 branches.


Searching first the internet, the Blazing Star is mentioned in the Masonic websites, most often depicted as a five-pointed star with radiant flames in the back. Was Sirius, the Scorcher, worshipped in the past the original Blazing Star? How many branches should we give to the influential luminary? Most importantly, who had the rulership on Earth’s initiation path? Sirius or Venus?





Of course,… that’s the source! The memorable Eliphas Levi! He describes the Blazing Pentagram in Transcendental Magic [in French, Dogme et Rituel de Haute Magie). “The pentagram, which, in gnostic schools, is called the blazing star, is the sign of intellectual omnipotence and autocracy. It is the star of the magi; it is the Sign of the Word made flesh.” P. 224

Not surprisingly, Eliphas Levi, whose original identity was abbé Alphonse-Louis Constant introduces the Christian concept of Jesus, who is believed to have experienced flesh and resurrection. Now, the second part: Jesus as the Word. Well, Thoth Hermes, lord of Sirius, was conceived as the Word, long before the first century and was linked to the number eight.




The slow transformation in the symbolism — or confusion, is noted by Albert Pike: “To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to the Divine Providence, is also fanciful; and to make it commemorative of the Star that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give it a meaning comparatively modern. Originally it represented SIRIUS, or the Dog-star, the forerunner of the inundation of the Nile; the God ANUBIS, companion of Isis in her search for the body of OSIRIS, her brother and husband. Then it became the image of HORUS, the son of OSIRIS, himself symbolized also by the Sun, the author of the Seasons, and the God of Time.” (Moral and Dogma, p.15, published in 1871). We note that the Sun appears behind the five-pointed star, is included in Masonic symbolism.


In 1915, Albert Churchward clearly stated “The origin of the Blazing Star was the Egyptian Sothos and is shown in zootype form as Anubis, who guided the souls through the underworld, as its allusion as the Star which guided the wise men is a recent version of the old. In another form as ‘The Bright Morning Star – the Star with height rays— it represents Horus in the resurrection. It was typified by Orion, the Eightfold one, the highest of the seven, with the essence of these to make one —The One, therefore eight. […] Henceforth the Morning Star was given to the followers of Horus,” the latter identified with the Morning Star: “the Morning Star was equally identified with Horus: […] Horus of the Solar Mount… and the Star of Dawn. (Arcana of Freemasonry, p. 54 and Ritual Ch. Cix.” P 58)


As for Antoine Court de Gébelin, an eighteen century Swiss freemason, who was affiliated to three different masonic currents and a specialist of esoterism and Tarot, he describes the largest yellow star shinning on the 17th tarot card (une expression pour ‘lame du tarot’? trump?) as Sirius. De Gebelin named the 17th trump ‘the canicule’, leaving thus no doubt about his interpretation. ‘This is pure egyptianism’ De Gebelin exclaims. “Sirius, the star rising when the Sun exits the sign of Cancer, sign on which the previous card ends.”



A definite answer is offered by the Lord of Sirius, Thoth or Tehuti: “Eight is the number of Tehuti, and at Khmunu (Hermapolis), Tehuti […] is called the master of the city of Eight. Tehuti gives man access to the mysteries of the manifested world, which were symbolized by the number eight.” (Moustafa Gudalla, Animated Universe, p. 57) Djehuti, Tetu, it is difficult to know.

Thoth is said to lead the ogdoad. The Divine Consciousness manifested in the original Ogdoad, the four pairs of natural elements, combined by two and assimilated to eight deities, neteru for the egyptians. Note:plural for Neter) Thoth, the Word, the master of sound, is the arm, the instrument of the solar god. “The manifestation of creation came through the word (soundwaves) delivered from Ra by Tehuti.” In the temple of Hibis [El Khargeh Oasis], the Ogdoad is represented as Thoth decked out of eight human heads.” de Thot affublé de huit têtes humaines89

  1. N. de Garis Davies (eds.: L. Bull and L.F. Hall ), The Temple of Hibis in El Khargeh Oasis. Part III: the Decoration, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1953, Sanctuaire 1, planche 4, registre V scène 13 + p. 11 pour la description.


Besides representing infinity, “the eternal and spiral motion of cycles,” (SD, II 580) eight is sacred to the Pythagoreans. It is 2 x 2 x 2, cube of 2, duality powered by the trinity, eventually physically embodied by three stars in the Sirius System.

Sirius, for obvious and simple natural reasons, has always held the title of Scorching Star because its fire not only changed the human DNA but also carried knowledge and initiation.

At the Galactic level, one Creator-god, (Chapter Great Bear) unites with a feminine frequency (Pleiades) and gives birth to a Son, that would be Sirius.

In numbers: One Creator = 1 + Pleiades (TO FIGURE OUT) => 2 – Then Sirius, the triple star system. Sirius, believed to be the Higher Self of the Sun, plays momentarily a role similar to the Logos. That would substantiate the concept according to which Thoth Hermes, lord of Sirius, is called the Word and is “the chief of the Seven.” “Amongst the Egyptian Gnostics, it was Thoth/Hermes who was the seven whose names are given by Origen as Adonai, genius of the Sun; Tao, of the Moon; Eloi of Jupiter; Sabao of Mars; Orai of Venus; Astaphai of Mercury; and Ildabaoth/Jehovah, of Saturn.” (SD, I, 577). Then, the Thoth frequency lived through a lineage of magicians and teachers. The true ones would be extensions, ‘offshots of the seven primordial sages.’ (SD, II 267).

In musical terms, the octave is “aninterval whose higher note has a sound-wave frequency of vibration twice that of its lower note. Thus the international standard pitch A above middle C vibrates at 440 hertz (cycles per second); the octave above this A vibrates at 880 hertz.” Britannica

In architecture, the octagon figure is considered the most sacred. Carl the Magnus immortalized his memory as well as devotion to Spirit with the Palatine Chapel, in Aix la Chapelle, now Aachen, Germany. Followed Ottmarsheim in Alsace, humble, strong and pure octagonal building; Montmorillon in Vienne, France. As for the splendid ones, we will mention the Cappelli dei Principi, erected by the Medicis and of course, the Dome of the Rock, with an octagonal outer shape.




In view of all these digressions around mythology, what role could the Sirius Star System play in the Adam Kadmon’s chakra system?




, Alice Bailey speaks abundantly in Cosmic Fire of the Sirian Law of Karma, a law that would ‘control the human personality. The system of the Sirian Logos is on the cosmic mental plane. CF 569-71)



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