If you do not have Ephemerides, this website lists the north node locations from 1916-2028.
Finding-the-North-Node-from-1916-to-2028.pdf (cayelincastell.com)
New beginnings, big time. Change of the nodal axis. Our collective compass is on the axis Aries-Libra. As the Nodes are re-directing your life between past and future, they also have to do with karmas. Therefore, locate Aries and Libra in your charts, to determine what areas in your life need attention and are moving in a new direction.
Does Mr Musk dabbles with astrology? His X app appears in the news right when the north node stabilizes in Aries.
This is a good commentary about the true meaning of X, sent by M., one of our readers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv6dMYta3XM
We will divide our insights in two sections: the meaning of the new axis at the personal level, and from the standpoint of our Creator-god. I realize that this is too long, so will post a part 2 later to have more time to focus and not overwhelm you. lol.
On the enclosed chart, July 19th the North Node or Rahu, Dragon Head was located at 29 Aries. The last time it happened was on December 27th 2004. The question to ask yourself: what were you doing at the end of 2004 and in 2005? I was discovering Myself, bringing all aspects of Self I could find and reach,[1] anchoring My Presence on Earth. on December 26th, following an altercation with the old Capricornian lodges, the powerful 9+ earthquake struck Indonesia.
The south Node or Ketu, Dragon Tail, is in Libra.
First, for general info about North node and South Node, you can refeer to :
“The nodal axis indicates what frequencies humans are evolving through collectively and where they should focus. It is also the area in which the eclipses or windows of transformation and opportunities take place over the course of one and a half years.” https://wp.me/pcmocP-zD
WishList Member – Archangel Michael (archangel-michael.us)
Eclipses mechanism, part 2 Videos – Archangel Michael (archangel-michael.us)
Our discussion relates, is anchored to the present matrix — the tropical zodiac doubled with the space-time linked to the precession of the equinoxes WishList Member – Archangel Michael (archangel-michael.us)
The nodal axis is our collective compass: what humankind must focus on for 18 months, what ereas in their life will be activated.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. “Aries starts a cycle of incarnation.”[2] The life force, sent out by the Divine Heart/Mind and flows freely, with the enthusiasm and vitality of a teenager, who aggressively and emotionally explodes when facing a barrage. Ruled by Mars, Aries, a fire sign, can be aggressive and will need the assistance of its esoterical ruler, Mercury to stabilize and avoid disasters.
Fortunately, it is balanced by Libra, sign of equilibrium, ruled by Venus: ‘I make peace with the other.’ However, if the soul is not rooted in its essence and anchored in the Spiritual North/Axis, it has a tendency to hesitate constantly, being unable to make a decision and give up its integrity to please the other. Libra, is an air sign and esoterically ruled by Jupiter; thus, when the soul is a little older, sensitive to Jupiter’s call, it will manifest as a mediator, a judge, and ‘become conscious of the collective, shifting from I, Me to We.’[3] Signs always work in pair; on the axis Aries-Libra, Aries is I, Libra, exoterically ruled by Venus, is the other [First ruler is exoterical, exterior. The next is eso-terical. Eso=within]. So, we are collectively invited to create or re-create an updated version of ourself, within the new frequencies, while balancing (Libra) our relationships (Venus, Libra’s ruler) in the right axis.
At the soul level, all human beings have the opportunity to start over, renew their Self, with the independence and the courage of Aries.
During the previous cycle and years, dominated by the powerful Pluto, humanity has been asked to move from egoistical and cynical exercise of power, ego and personality based, rewarded by money and sex to a more divine and loving expression of one ‘ specific blueprint.
Do you know who you are and what, how you want to manifest your essence in the physical world? How can you contribute to the rebuilding of our societies? Are you feeling confident enough to just be yourself, in your power, without forcing or conniving, without losing yourself? Can you naturally add love and others to the mix? The age of aquarius and Uranus are oriented towards working more as and for the community. Is the path that you have chosen to invest yourself in, serving the community instead of your ego?
Fortunately, more human beings have heard the call and reached enough of and often enough their divine self, the Monad, to express emerging life and fire at a new frequency. This is the only way you will efficiently and positively participate in the collective creation of the New World, as well as the anchoring of the new timeline.
Aries is carrying the First Ray, Will-Power. Aries is one of the constellations of the heavenly cardinal cross. It is the cross of God-the-Father, and consequently of the incarnating monad. It is the expression of will or power, as it asserts itself in the grand process of creation. [4]
The south node points to the experience born from the past, experience on which we can rely to launch the future. You will therefore avoid the complacency of the weak Libra and manifest the loving, balanced heart of the confident soul, that have vanquished the teenage behavior. If we combine the balance of Libra (polarities are at rest) and the fiery Aries frequency, we bring a new level of integration of individual and collective soul. Imagine: open your arms, as to feel the duality in your body; bring the energies in, clasping your hands at the level of the heart.
We are invited to collectively be aware of the presence of fixed star Eris, at 25 Aries, only 4 degrees from the North Node. Eris is the troublemaker, Discordia, who brings awareness through fire and rebellion. Collectively, we need to voice our choices. Although not sure that we will be able to avoid the taken over of AI, of a few oligarchs and questionable souls over the world, you are invited to be loving, yet loud.
If you have already reached your Monad, use it to anchor your truth, consciously and quietly, firmly, like a master, not a teenager. It is strongly recommended to read again the Grail chapter in Amen, p.183.
Remarquably, at the onset of the new axis, the North Node squares Pluto, with Saturn and Neptune in sandwich, Saturn at 24 Pisces, Neptune at 27. Across, we have Lilith at 21 Leo[5]. If we just look at the triangle North Node, Pluto, Lilith or Dark Moon, we will have insights about balancing the need to be assertive and the impact of the collective change, a shift that involves recognition and acceptation of the ineluctability imposed by the Divine Plan. “The Dark Moon describes our relationship to the absolute, to sacrifice as such, and shows how we let go. In transit, the Dark Moon indicates some form of castration or frustration, frequently in the areas of desire, a powerlessness of the psyche, or a general inhibition. On the other hand, it shows where we question ourselves, our lives, our jobs, and our beliefs. I feel this is important, since it gives us the opportunity to “let go” of something. The Dark Moon shows where we can let the Whole flow into our selves, without putting an “I” in the way, without putting up a wall in the form of ego. At the same time, it doesn’t indicate passivity – on the contrary – it symbolizes the firm will to be open [6]and trusting, to let the Greater World flow through one, relying entirely on the great laws of the universe, on that which we name God. To prepare us for this opening, the Dark Moon creates a necessary void.”[7]
This energy reiterates the dilemma posed by Pluto back in Capricorn, asking humanity to let go of the whole system that it has been relying upon. Additionally, the heavy duty Saturn is almost opposed to Lilith. We are learning to build form (Saturn is the form builder) differently, at a higher frequency; Saturn is in the Waters of Neptune. For fun, imagine building a sand castle in the middle of a river ¦
In other words, when starting to incarnate, the soul uses the Cancer portal, then passes through Aries. ‘the undeveloped man moves from Aries to Capricorn, from Libra to Cancer. The developed individual reverses the process. [8] Humanity as a whole has passed the Capricornian initiation and is asked to manifest (Aries) its monadic or divine, loving expression.
Back to Lilith, Adam ‘ first fierce wife: Protest is ok. Shame is passé. Let ‘ use the assistance of the beautiful sextile Pluto-Neptune. Neptune, Pluto and Lilith form a Yod or Finger of God.[9] Humankind must manifest the highest aspect of Neptune, love, associated with the Monad in action — highest aspect of Aries, only using the powerful positive side of Pluto: self-transmutation.
Then, the expansion (Jupiter in Taurus) and the Shift (Uranus in Taurus) now showing as challenges (the red lines) will be easier. This is confirmed by the ongoing sextile Saturn-Jupiter — the two planets balancing Heaven and Earth in the steps of manifestation of the Divine.
A good webpage to easily read natal aspects in your chart: Sun Square Jupiter Aspects Natal and Transit | Astrology.com
Hot, hot, hot:
Antarctic sea ice levels dive in ‘five-sigma event’, experts flag worsening consequences for planet. https://democraticunderground.com/100218113895
ABC (Australia)
By Alexandra Alvaro
Posted July 23,2023
This winter has confirmed what scientists had feared ” the sea ice around Antarctica is in sharp decline, with experts now concerned it may not recover. Physical oceanographer Edward Doddridge has been communicating with scientists and the community about the drastic changes happening around Antarctica.
He said vast regions of the Antarctic coastline were ice free for the first time in the observational record. “To say unprecedented isn’t strong enough,” Dr Doddridge said. “For those of you who are interested in statistics, this is a five-sigma event. So it’s five standard deviations beyond the mean. Which means that if nothing had changed, we’d expect to see a winter like this about once every 7.5 million years. “It’s gobsmacking.”
Sea ice physicist from the Australian Antarctic Division, Dr Petra Heil: “We might end up in a new state,” she said. “That would be quite concerning to the sustainability of human conditions on Earth, I suspect. I think a lot of people have the time line too long out, saying this won’t affect them. I’m pretty convinced that this is something my generation will experience.”
[1] Amen, page 191, three levels of the Grail
[2] Esoterical Astrology, Bailey, &92
[3] Jupiter, messenger of the new age, Françon Gilberte.
[4] Esoterical Astrology, Bailey, &91
[5] “Lilith in Leo has felt ashamed or otherwise wrong for calling special attention to themselves, for seeking the spotlight, or for seeking to be better than others in competitions. They may feel uncomfortable with people expressing these Leonine traits. This shame or discomfort can lead to extremes of behavior in these areas, which can exacerbate the problem. They need to find ways to accept the very natural need for applause. Self-acceptance is the key to moderation and empowerment. This can also apply to Lilith in the fifth house. https://cafeastrology.com/black-moon-lilith-signs-houses.html
Also: Lilith – the dark moon – Astrodienst
[6] This chart exhibits a Finger of God: the isocele triangle formed by the eclipse at the apex, Pluto and Neptune . The Finger of God is made of 2 quincunx (150 degrees). The third side of the triangle creates a sextile- we have about 60 degrees between Neptune and Pluto. A sextile is considered positive.
we can consider this aspect at two levels.
Personal: a quincunx shows hesitation, procrastination. Pluto is pointing at the in your life where you need to change, while Mercury (conjunct the eclipse) ables you to intellectually understand or become conscious of the required transformation or action.
On the other side of the Finger, Neptune would be the illusion, or the dream, the believes that you are holding on, not willing to see that you need to abandon or transform.
Planetary level: the Finger of God, Finger of Fate or Yod. Yod, tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, is sometimes called God ‘ hand. The number 10 can be seen as 10 = 9 + 1: a cycle has ended. A new one begins. The Finger of God in the August 11th Solar Eclipse – Archangel Michael (archangel-michael.us)
[7] Joëlle de Gravelaine in “Lilith und das Loslassen”, Astrologie Heute Nr. 23
[8] Esoterical Astrology, Bailey, &93
North Node Aries, July 2023
[1] Amen, page 191, three levels of the Grail
[2] Esoterical Astrology, Bailey, &92
[3] Jupiter, messenger of the new age, Francon Gilberte.
[4] Esoterical Astrology, Bailey, &91
[5] “Lilith in Leo has felt ashamed or otherwise wrong for calling special attention to themselves, for seeking the spotlight, or for seeking to be better than others in competitions. They may feel uncomfortable with people expressing these Leonine traits. This shame or discomfort can lead to extremes of behavior in these areas, which can exacerbate the problem. They need to find ways to accept the very natural need for applause. Self-acceptance is the key to moderation and empowerment. This can also apply to Lilith in the fifth house. https://cafeastrology.com/black-moon-lilith-signs-houses.html
Also: Lilith – the dark moon – Astrodienst
[6] This chart exhibits a Finger of God: the isocele triangle formed by the eclipse at the apex, Pluto and Neptune . The Finger of God is made of 2 quincunx (150 degrees). The third side of the triangle creates a sextile- we have about 60 degrees between Neptune and Pluto. A sextile is considered positive.
we can consider this aspect at two levels
Personal: a quincunx shows hesitation, procrastination. Pluto is pointing at the in your life where you need to change, while Mercury (conjunct the eclipse) ables you to intellectually understand or become conscious of the required transformation or action.
On the other side of the Finger, Neptune would be the illusion, or the dream, the believes that you are holding on, not willing to see that you need to abandon or transform.
Planetary level: the Finger of God, Finger of Fate or Yod. Yod, tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, is sometimes called God ‘ hand. The number 10 can be seen as 10 = 9 + 1: a cycle has ended. A new one begins. The Finger of God in the August 11th Solar Eclipse – Archangel Michael (archangel-michael.us)
[7] Joëlle de Gravelaine in “Lilith und das Loslassen”, Astrologie Heute Nr. 23
[8] Esoterical Astrology, Bailey, &93