Allegria in Paris. Notre Dame reopened. Huge event and marketing for French image.
Satisfaction for the Catholics and for the French ego, a little bruised recently.
40 heads of state or government…. Christine Lagarde, European central bank, a few crowns, 150 to 170 bishops. Trump arrived late, yet, met Macron and Zelinsky. It is difficult to imagine that all these leaders were only there because of their faith.
Not sure about the energy but the updated cathedral appears beautiful. All cleaned up for sure. 5 years of talents working as a team, extraordinary craftmanship and hard work.
Whether Christian or not, the cathedral is a symbol in the heart of many. 840 million euros were raised for its reconstruction.
Everyone agrees to salute the extraordinary efforts and talents that were needed to restore, rebuild the cathedral, mixing modern knowledge and traditional craft. The oaks used to rebuild the beams were blessed before being sent to Paris…enthousiastic and dedicated workers worked very hard to finish in time.
A carpenter from Minnesota offering his skills (minute 12)
So much was said in 2019, more conspiracy stories around the fire — the beams could not burn without help.
The rumor was that the fire facilitated a vast real estate and renovation plan for the Isle de la Cite. “L’Élysée has used the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris to carry out a project that was in limbo. It has set new rules, outside respect for heritage and normal tendering procedures, not to restore the cathedral, but to transform the Ile de la Cité into Europe’s leading tourist destination on the eve of the 2024 Olympic Games. To avoid judicial constraints, the hypothesis of a construction site accident was arbitrarily imposed.”
I will not spend more time researching the subject, but it seems that the restauration of the parvis, the space in front and around Hotel-Dieu-Notre Dame parvis was and is indeed at the core of the strategic accident.
Hotel-Dieu, Paris
a “Espace Parvis”, on the southern part of the site (approximately 20,000 m²): following an open procedure, the AP-HP / City of Paris jury selected in 2019 the project designed by the architect Anne Demians for the consortium led by Novaxia… A varied range of restaurants and shops, whose brands will be selected in conjunction with the AP-HP and the city of Paris. The catering offer must not be in contradiction with the health vocation of the hospital.
When I closed my eyes to check on the opening ceremony yesterday, I was quite surprised. The meeting was overshadowed by a cone, almost white, kind of greyish, something like a structure. I did not see what was holding the cone. The texture of the cone was thick, cotton like; it was not made of light, of energy, as would be the emanation of a purely energetical structure. I wondered what group, alien maybe, had interest in this meeting. Could not see it. It looked like a protection of some sort. A magnetic dome would look different.
Now, Paris and the Lady. Notre Dame and the city are located at the center of the Paris Meridien : The Paris Meridian was surveyed by scientists from the Paris Academy of Sciences during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. The zero point of the meridian is in front of ND, on the parvis, an area that was paved.

Paris, the meridien
The vertical cross starts in Narbonne in the Southwest and reaches Dunkerque. Maps on my website.
The other part of the cross connects Alsace-Lorraine, at Mont Sainte Odile , where a spcial Saint Michael Sanctuary can be found, as well as the famous Angel Chapel. West, the horizontal arm reaches MSM.
All cathedrals dedicated to Our Lady are connected to the worship of the Mother, connected to the Jesus story, as understood and celebrated by the Christian Church. Now, the occult and most powerful churches are homes to black Madonnas.

Vierge du Pilier, Notre Dame de Paris. Our Lady of the Pillar
The main Virgin at Notre Dame is the Vierge du pilier – our lady of the pillar.
« This sculpture dates from the middle of the fourteenth century. It comes from the chapel of Saint-Aignan, located in the former cloister of the canons, on the Île de la Cité. In 1818, it was transferred to Notre-Dame to be placed in the trumeau of the portal of the Virgin, replacing the thirteenth-century Virgin, destroyed in 1793. Then, in 1855, Viollet-le-Duc decided to move it to lean against the south-east pillar of the cathedral’s transept.
Now, what I experienced directly, watched for more than a year in 2007 taught me that the energy of the Mother, the seat of the Mother, in France and Europe, was not located in Paris, but in Chartres. Chartres is/was connected to Mont-Saint-Michel where the Father-male pole is located. MSM itself is the most powerful sanctuary on the Apollo-Saint-Michael ley line, seat of the solar god and vessel or of the manifested deity for the last cycle. Chartres has at least 2 black Madonnas.
It is a fact that the arousal of the Earth kundalini or freeing of the Dragon that occurred in 2001, in Paris, did happen in a church, yet not in NotDame de Paris.
At the occult level, watching the movements of the energies, the use of the churches in the past, the historical memories inscribed in various sites in Paris, ND has never appeared to me of great significance, never appeared to stand on and protect a vortex. I could be wrong.
Yes, it is beautiful. It looks like the renovation is successful. Donno yet about the modern style.
As for the beings that were on top of the cone above the pollical meeting, they are not a part of my team.
In view of the recent occult developments in terms of power structure for the earth, consequences of the eclipses of 2024; in view of the turmoil affecting the two most powerful economies in Europe, Germany and France… it is clear to me that the shift is already manifested. Despites its extraordinary past, its talent, France and Europe need to release their grip on power.
My wish is that more people will feel the Divine, in any way, through a magnificent cathedral, the voice of a priest or the laughter of a child. May more new agers understand the occult tradition and bridge the gap between the esoterical and exoterical teachings, so as to facilitate the world’s, the collective integration of consciousness for the benefit of Mother Gaia, the live Consciousness that is inhabited by the Mother and represented by the Black Madonna. (See Amen book).
Restauration of the Hotel-Dieu… with the creation of a parvis
“The meeting was only agreed to at the last minute, in the heat of the moment, so to speak. Arriving forty-three minutes late, Donald Trump first spoke one-on-one with Emmanuel Macron, before finally accepting the three-way meeting that the Elysée had been offering him for a few days. Then the two welcomed together the Ukrainian head of state, who came especially to plead his cause and that of his country with the American president-elect.”
In 2019, all the rumors predicted the building of a commercial center on the parvis. it is just next to it.
2019: The Hidden Stakes of the Restoration of Notre-Dame, by Thierry Meyssan
L’Élysée has used the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris to carry out a project that was in limbo. It has set new rules, outside respect for heritage and normal tendering procedures, not to restore the cathedral, but to transform the Ile de la Cité into Europe’s leading tourist destination on the eve of the 2024 Olympic Games. To avoid judicial constraints, the hypothesis of a construction site accident was arbitrarily imposed.
Voltaire Network | Damascus (Syria) | 16 May 2019
What the construction site have revealed:
The archaeological findings made during the recent reconstruction works could also go on display. But much will depend on the space allocated to the galleries—not to mention the goodwill of museums such as the Musée du Louvre or the Musée de Cluny to release these treasures. Personnaz, a distinguished scholar, will also need to navigate the numerous administrations who have a say on the site’s development.
Although the opening of a new museum marks a significant success for the heritage associations, they also led a long battle over other areas surrounding the cathedral, which are intimately woven into its history. From the Middle Ages to the 19th century, a small square in front of Notre-Dame, separated from the main entrance by a fountain, sheltered a market where butchers co-existed with merchants of dairy products, cobblers, apothecaries, surgeons, candle sellers and book dealers. The spot attracted religious processions and festivals dedicated to the cult of ham or onions, as well as carnivals and theatre troupes. Over the years, decisions about the area were made difficult by constant feuds between the chapter, the bishop and the royal and local authorities.”