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Satanism, definition and more

By January 2, 1994July 15th, 2024No Comments

(Definitions; has affected most groups; a challenge for those who want to be part of a religious group; multi-personalities)

Satanism is one aspect of the system set in motion to control mankind.

Satanic ritual abuse is perpetrated in all social strata, by all categories of individuals, whatever their religion or ideology. The organization or protection of these ongoing rituals is carried out, on a world wide level, by the members of these satanic cults. The latter under the influence and the direction of entities/beings of a low level of consciousness, force their way into political or religious groups, infiltrating and then controlling them. In addition to these strictly satanic organizations, most churches and secret societies accept, within their midst, black units of varying importance that practice, in both physical and astral dimension, either a type of occultism or specific practices that are connected to the devotion to the dark side of the universe (For those who might react to this term, we will explain later on, what we call the dark side, as we believe that Light only exist as the opposite of the Shadow and vice-versa. We are just using using human wording in order to explain third dimensional facts). These includes, among others, the Catholic and Protestant churches, Born Again Christians, Mormons, the Church of Scientology, the Jewish faith, the Muslims, jehovah’s witnesses, Free Masons, Rosicrucians, Martinists and Templars. Also, a few survivors attest to satanic practices by atheistic groups.

The perpetrators are generally persons in high places, eager to have power or money, to feed their ego, but also searching for sensations (drug, sex, killing, etc) associated with the dark side of their soul.

To be an active member of a Satanist group or of a black occult group means that you are assured, in the short term, the collaboration and protection of gray entities, in order to obtain personal, political or financial power, or, in show business, to become a star. The world of music and the Arts, for example, is very dominated by the Shadow. Satanic rituals are regularly organized in the Californian desert by a fraction of Hollywood people. Many world famous figures of Hollywood made an agreement with the forces of Darkness, in order to achieve success and are vessels to implant this vibration on their followers, on their fans.

It is very difficult to leave the satanic groups once you have been a member. Not only do the groups try to win you back, but the survivors are also under the influence of post-hypnotic suggestion and mind control.

In addition, a member who voluntarily practiced satanic rituals feels a deep, overwhelming passion for the reprehensible acts that he / she committed during the ceremonies. The souls of these beings are so closely linked to the Shadow that the pleasure they derive from this pain is an addiction.

Satanism is an INTERNATIONAL scourge against which all of us must react, because it is not only a problem of sex and prostitution, but also one of TOTAL AND DESPICABLE CONTROL THAT ONE PART OF THE POPULATION EXERTS OVER THE OTHER.

Satanism is at the core of the organization that is holding most of the world from behind the scene. It is one of the tools used by a group of beings, a group of reptilians, to have access and control human energy, bodies, mind and often souls.

Satanism is not new. In actual fact, it has always existed. In a number of cultures, human sacrifices, in a religious context, has been or is still practiced and accepted as normalfor example amongst the Africans, North Africans, Muslims, Masai, Egyptians, Iroquois, Mayans, Esquimaux and Moche, Buddhists.

People who remember being satanically abused and / or mind controlled in this life-time are not going through the / their worst life time. It is generally a re-occurring situation, from one life time to another, if I speak in third dimensional terms, or going on simultaneously on several dimensions, if one considers past and parallel lives as one and the same thing.

We are not going through an outbreak of Satanism but just through the revelation to the public eye of something that has been hidden for thousands of years. This is happening NOW because we have to cleanse and purify humankind and planet earth. In order to become sacred and move to a higher frequency, as a whole, Mother Earth has to vomit up and spew out all kinds of ancient practices by making them public. The public, YOU have to be aware of the reality of what is going on in your world, in order to brace yourself, and complete the destruction / transmutation of the system that you have been living in for so long.

People who remember being satanically involved are called survivors. My belief is that a larger part of the population has been utilized in this manner and do not / will not remember ever. Also, if you did not undergo sexual abuse, you are still controlled by the whole system that you are living in, whether you are aware of it or not. All parts and aspects of our societies are under the firm control of the one group of beings that some call the ILLUMINATI. Whether you watch TV, read a newspaper, send your kids to school, use a credit card and a bank account, go to church, listen to New Age tapes with sounds and subliminal messages recorded by people who are in denial or not aware of their connection with non-benevolent ETs, receive the blessings of a guru who has made a contract to perpetuate the “dark side of the Universe,” eat the food engineered to control your mind, drink fluoride water, brush your teeth with a fluoride tooth paste, go to your regular doctor or simply are hit by the HAARP system, you ARE being used and abused by a system that is in agony but still strong.

Your genes, your memories are being activated in such a way that your remembrance, as it emerges, makes purification possible. Finally, you are living the emergence of renewed belief systems, of a different quality of the mind, and the beginning of the fusion of several dimensions and planes of existence.

All over the world, persons who have played a key role in certain dramas of our human adventure have returned to complete their tasks. These beings remember their path in life, both terrestrial and inter-dimensional, and, in reading their own genetics, they are rediscovering the history of humankind.

Families, entire lineages of Satanists, groups devoted to the cause of darkness must come to an end through the realization of this heredity. (Darkness as the expression and will to persist and dwell into the extreme manifestation of the dark side of the universe, or to be even clearer, the love of killing, lying, sexual addictions and perversions, the uncontrolled abuse of drugs, the creation and addiction to fear, the desire of power over others, etc).

If you are reading these pages, you have most probably agreed to be a part of this cleansing team. Some of you are even here, NOW, as system busters. It is your duty to complete your own healing process and transmute your thoughts, your mind, your DNA, your reintegration into wholeness, in order to assist the planet in its own transmutation.

The fight (to use human, obsolete words) between the Light and the Shadow, is becoming more and more intense. More exactly, in order for the planet to stabilize itself into the Light, the pendulum has to swing as far as possible in the opposite direction, the darkness. The adepts of the Shadow, in more and more subtle ways , keep infiltrating, in order to contaminate and win over as many souls as possible. Possession of spiritual knowledge opens the way to a certain power, and it is almost normal for some humans to give way to temptation. I do not excuse anyone, and wish to stay away from judgement. However, as soon as one is aware and conscious about a situation, he / she becomes responsible for his own choices.

What I am asking you is that you become AWARE OF THE CHALLENGE, in order stop the contamination, to change your subconscious mind, take action, free yourself and broadcast a new frequency that will change others, as well as the system (story of the 100 monkeys).

I would like to make a point about a dangerous situation. Any group, whether spiritual, political, ashram, religion or cultural is connected, on the subtle levels to a specific energy and to beings / entities. (In fact, as the Cosmos is One, those beings are part of yourself, but I do not want to make these articles too difficult to read to the public. So sorry for those who are a little more open.) In fact, it is this energy / frequency that is going to touch you, to impregnate you when you meet, perform rituals, enjoy yourselves with these groups. Therefore, it is never innocent to join any faction, especially those with a spiritual orientation. You are connecting in fact with an energy, because, on a karmic level, you find it attractive, because your spiritual energies, your programs ‘match up’ with this frequency in a specific space and time, even subconsciously, even partially. Although you belong to the Light, you might, in all good faith, join in a group whose roots are dark. You will create challenges in your life, on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. If you are sensitive, it is possible that you will receive information through your intuition or feelings. Do not ignore them. Make it a habit to put yourself in a bubble of light, to state firmly and out loud that you belong to the Light. Whenever you are invited or want to join a group, put yourself in the light and listen carefully to the reactions of your heart.

During satanic rituals, human beings are programmed to attract beings and entities devoted to the Shadow. Sexual abuse, depravation, tortures, pain are the tools used to trigger the manifestation of denatured energy, whose essence is suffering and fear. These feelings will then feed the entities and allow them to anchor themselves in the physical dimension.

Rape is a means, for the leaders, to establish and maintain their power, using dread and humiliation, as the most efficient way to steal the victim’s energy in order to use it for their own sake and to practice what is humanly known as black magic. The persons that are being abused lose any sense of personal freedom and power. They give themselves up, programmed to the irreme-diable (devil in French is ‘diable’).

Also, when young people are exposed to such level of pain and horror, the normal reaction of the brain is to disconnect and create compartments. This is how multiple personalities are created, with no link and no recollection of each other. The abused people are then ready to be used as slaves, controlled and programmed to different tasks by the abusers. We will add more to this subject in a later section.

Multiple personalities are the explanation for unsolved murderers, serial killings, non-recollected abuse and thus perpetuation of the patterns of abuse and violence in the families.

Finally, a number or victims are being used as breeders, their children will be mutilated and sacrificed. The younger the sacrifice, the purer and stronger is the life force that will be stolen by the entities. The traumas are then so deep, that some of them lose any contact with their souls, and because of the repeated pain, will give up their spirit and wander, for all their lives, as empty shells. Sometimes, this vital essence, those souls, will be kept imprisoned by magical practiceslike in the story of the genie in the bottleand are equally used as gas for gray entities.

Nowadays, satanic abuse extends over the world, especially in areas considered as advanced and civilized. Because the leaders / organizers are known and the facts non-recognized as real by the masses, it is a rampant way to control the society and populations. Satanists are hiding behind a regular, average life, but also, the Mafia which is behind this practice is powerful enough to intimidate and annihilate those who would like to speak out. This is the reason why, it is so difficult to help the victims and to erase this huge spider web. The victims’ reaction to this category of rape and to such horror, beyond their understanding, is to run away (from themselves and their own lives), to deny, to FORGET.

If you know that you went through satanic abuse, or if you have doubts, remember that you are not alone, you are not abandoned; you just need to understand why such a thing happens, why you were involved and what the context is.

At this time of exponential growth in consciousness, humankind as a whole is purified, enlightened. It is then necessary for facts and habits that have been buried for generations and centuries into individual and collective memories to emerge to the surface.

This implies, for the regeneration and the evolution of the human species and the blue planet, a conscious remembering of the manipulations that occurred on the physical vehicles, the chakras, the spiritual bodies, as well as genetic manipulations.

To remember is to know yourself, to get rid of the miasms of the past and, ultimately to reach a state of awareness and consciousness, necessary for Divine reunification.

Any individual, healed by Co-knowledge will transmit, broadcast around him a different energy, a frequency based on the Light, or information, then on Love. This is the most efficient way to change others, the system, the planet.

The following recollections are from clients of mine:

Sandra, October ’93, during a remembering session:

“They put me in a box, like a casket, I am so small, four hands are holding me. They are not really hurting me, but they want to scare me, so that I will stop resisting. … I do not want to show to them that I am afraid, because they would win, and will have access to my spirit. They want my spirit…”

Then, Sandra’s head bends, she is exhausted:

“I am 13, I am so tired, they got me, they stole my spirit…”

Sandra describes the place where her spirit is and how this energy will be used.

Sylvia, December 1993:

“New fragments of memory are surfacing, in the middle of the night, and wake me up. They slashed my vagina and traced a pentagram on my chest, with a knife, I think that their action, accomplished to attract the bad, contributes to perpetuate violence in the world.”

Georges, June 1990:

Georges was sent to me by a friend, although I was refusing to take care of him. I knew that he was fighting against the dark forces (these words are not completely accurate, but I have to use three dimensional words), and I was myself very weakened emotionally and physically. But Georges was almost dying, in such a state of poverty and sorrow, that I finally accepted to meet him.

“I know that you can help me… I am at the end… They did everything…. They stole my substance…You know what I mean….I am lost, taken away, I cannot get out of this trap, they are here all the time… I have no more strength.”

– What do you mean Georges?

“I cannot speak, I am not allowed.”

– You are a marionette in the hands of the darkness. We have to cut the link.

“I can’t. Help me.”

– I will try. This depends of you. What happened?

“It is too dangerous.”

– What Georges?

“I was so young when all this started. I followed him (a very famous international spiritual leader). I trusted him. He was so strong. I thought this was the path. It was so enthralling…they forced me…you know, the first two chakras, how they can be used…they said that we had to do that. It was secret, I was drugged, controlled, used. They took, stole my power…You cannot imagine, rituals, specials one…we had to…I had…men…everything…my first chakras for years…I tried to stop, I was unable to. I was controlled for years, I am dying. I feel the link, here, I feel their strength, the Black Ones…they are taking my power, using me…I cannot fight anymore.

George was a student and spent most of his life as a devotee of an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, and writer. This group, was asking the students to practice black rituals, regularly and without a chance to stop because of the brain washing and the black magic perpetuated on them to keep them silent.

What is the spiritual meaning of satanism? What can you do to assist Mother Earth in this regard?

For more information on this topic see the following articles:

The Serpents of Wisdom

Conspiracy Theory

What You Can Do

The Reptilian Conspiracy