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A blue circle with an image of a flower.

A blue circle with an image of a flower.A blue circle with an image of a flower.



Saturn has surpassed Jupiter, with 20 more moons recently discovered; a total of 82 moons while Jupiter has 79. The old god has more tricks to uncover. Let’s explore Saturn’s history, from primordial god to star of the Jewish Shabbat.Obviously, a deep transmutation is occuring. i have been chewing on this for weeks. thank you all for your patience.


The old god has more tricks to uncover. Let’s explore Saturn’s history, from primordial god to star of the Jewish Shabbat.


Saturn’s trajectory can be an inspiration for your journey. Its story provides insights about the path of a Creator’s consciousness in the world of manifestation. As a soul, as a part of the Creator’s consciousness, humans also face the challenge of incarnation, the weight of matter, the body, the ups and downs necessary to expand. The incarnated soul must strive to reach understanding, compassion, and then accept the relinquishment of the body.


How can you benefit from these pages, besides intellectually? Saturn is playing a very important role in the reset of the system. it has been seating next to the lunar nodal axis for more than one year. The nodal axis moves our collective energy, between past and future.


‘For you, thenodal axis and the eclipses, happening around the nodes, indicate what you will need to work on to grow; most importantly, eclipses are the windows for freedom of the past and opportunities for the future. The nodal axis is called karmic axis or cosmic destiny axis. [Mkl] What houses do you have in Cancer and Capricorn? Any planets? The planets that represent what?Saturn’s transits in houses:


Pay attention to your reactions to Saturn’s energy, its cycles in your life. How were you impacted?Saturn’s cycles:


Read consciously = with the intent to relate to Saturn’s energy; becoming aware through your body and bones. Feel the areas that react in your body —pain, stiffness, immobility, sweats— the stories that come up, unfinished business and karma.


Saturn’s spell imposes limits, restrictions, obstacles, slowing down, fall, austerity, loneliness or the desire to remove self from others; Do you feel that you can’t stop postponing everything; or that depression seems unavoidable?



A blue circle with an image of a flower.


Now, if you decide to use Saturn’s strength, you learn to discipline yourself, imposing self-limits, long term goals, and working towards them patiently. Saturn’s energy is conservative, traditional, practical, resilient and determined.

Because Saturn rules the Capricorn, it also speaks about your ambition. What mountain do you wish to climb? The corporate dream? Embodying your higher and divine purpose? What do you want to achieve and how? Have you diligently worked to reach your goal or just dallied?


Discover Saturn’s role in medical astrology: Has the meeting of Saturn Pluto affected your health? The orthopedic surgeons are enjoying the time of their life… if not the oncologists with bone cancer.


In these pages, we evaluate Saturn as a deity. How do you connect or react to these aspects of reality, of the Divine under multiple faces? What can you bring to the community in terms of changing the system of authority that you participate into, as a parent, as a priest, a healer, a boss?




A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Chronos sleeping

The basic lore tells of Saturn as one of the Titans, children of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia/Gaea, the Earth. Uranus, in perpetual embrace with Gaia, did not want his powerful progenies, Titans and Cyclopes, to overrule him. He forced them either in the underworld or back inside Gaia’s body. Out of grief and pain, Gaia gave her most courageous son, Saturn, a sickle to fight Uranus. Saturn emasculated his father. Mutilated, Uranus still engenders a few descendants; but the Sky-god lost his power and could not be the supreme leader anymore. Saturn replaced him.


Saturn then married with his sister Rhea, enjoyed power until an oracle predicted that one of his progenies would overthrow him. Saturn started to swallow his newborn. Rhea, assisted by Gaia, gave birth to a son, Zeus, in a cave, far from Saturn. She tricked the king, presenting him a stone wrapped in clothes, that Saturn immediately swallowed. As for Zeus, he was sent away and raised by the nymphs Adrasteia and Ida.


‘As soon as Zeus had reached manhood, he planned to punish his father. He summoned to his aid Metis, daughter of Oceanus. Metis gave Cronus a draught that made him vomit up the stone and with it the gods, his own children. Vanquished by Zeus’ might, Cronus was driven from the sky, cast to the very depth of the universe and there, enchained in the region which stretches beneath the Earth and the fruitless sea. This is at least what Homer says. Mythos p. 91



An ancient Greek sect, the Orphites, claimed Ëœas their authority the apocryphal writings attributed to Orpheus. Which seen actually to have been written by a priest names Onomacritus. Mythos, p.90.


‘According to the Orphic cult, Chronosgave birth to Aether and Chaos, and created a silver egg in Aether. Out of the egg eclosed the gods Phanes and Hydrus, who later gave birth to the first gods and the universe. Chronos, god of time, was represented as a three headed serpent. ‘The heads were those of a man, a bull and a lion. Along with his daughter Ananke [Author: or consort, in other texts] the goddess of inevitability who was also in the form of a snake, he revolved around the primordial world egg, until they split it apart to form the earth, the sea and the sky.



The amalgam appearing throughout time between Chronus and Cronus/Cronos is interesting. Cronus, son of Uranus and Gaia, appears in Phoenicia, then Greece, with the same story. Although a merging of the different deities slowly occurred, a distinction must be made between the primordial god, the god of time, Chronos, and the Titan, that would be Cronus or Cronos.We note the three heads, a concept later reproduced as the Trinity, the manifesting deity; the serpent links this deity to the original Dragon-creator and reptilian races; the symbols of man, bull and lion reappear later in the gospels. Interestingly, the eagle is missing. Therefore, time and Saturn are the incarnation, as opposed to Spirit, symbolized by the wings and the flying eagle.

Geb, the Egyptian earth god, part of the Ennead, was identified with Cronus by Plutarch. (Myths p. 14). He was ‘the earth god, the physical foundation of the world.

Within the traditional five elements found in oriental medicine, ‘Ancient Chinese and Japanese culture designated the planet Saturn as the Earth Star.


SATURNALIAA blue circle with an image of a flower.

A blue circle with an image of a flower.Saturn/Cronos, ousted out by Zeus, moved to Latium (Italy) where he was welcomed by the two face-god, Janus (Descension into matter: three heads, number 3 to number 2). His rule was peaceful and is remembered as a golden age. ‘Hesiod tells of a golden race of mortal men who lived in the time of Kronos when he was reigning in heaven. And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil: miserable age rested not on them. Vel. Saturn and the golden age.


‘The Saturnalia, celebrated on the 17th day of December, originally consisted of rural festivals… and lasted seven days, from the 17th to the 23rd of December. It was a period of unrestrained festivities… in memory of the golden age, the masters served the slaves, who, during the festivals, could say and do what they liked… law courts did not sit, schools were closed. Larousse Encyclopedia, p. 207 Saturn is then associated with agriculture.





Many believe that Jehovah or Yahweh, the god of the ancient Testament, is Saturn. Blavatsky and the Theosophical texts are often quoted in this regard. In her long diatribes against the god of the Old Testament, Jehovah, she repeats that ‘Jehovah exhibits all the attributes of the old Saturn. (Isis Unveiled, II, 513). What about Shiva or Kali? Most deities are dual and treat human beings as little grains of sand…


“Saturn, Shiva and Jehovah are one.” (S.D. III. 195.) For the Talmudists, Siva, the Indian god, with similarities with Jehovah, Ëœwas held in great respect’. For the Alexandrian Kabbalists, he was Ëœthe direct inspirer of the law and the prophets. One of the names of Saturn was Israel.’ ‘One of the names of Saturn was Israel. Isis Unveiled II, p. 236


The main difference between Jehovah and Shiva is that the latter did not ask for exclusivity. Also, the old testament rules about sexuality were strict, while Shiva’s phallus is abundantly exhibited and worshiped. ‘The ancient Greek texts of the time of Alexander the Great call Shiva as “Indian Dionysus” Wiki: Wendy Doniger O’Flaherty (1980),Dionysus and Siva: Parallel Patterns in Two Pairs of Myths, History of Religions, Vol. 20, No. 1/2 (Aug. ” Nov., 1980), pages 81″111


As for the Jewish god’s consort, the Shekinah, she is much more discreet and mysterious than the goddess Parvati. Why? Because Shiva and Parvati are older versions of the Divine Consciousness, when sexuality and fecundity were emphasized. A few thousand years later, human consciousness was ready to start controlling their sexuality




Let’s go back to Saturn. In the Ophites’ tradition, the god of chaos, Ilda Baoth, is said to reside on Saturn. ‘The first unrevealed Bethos/Bythos and her male counterpart produce Ennoia, and the three, in their turn, produce Sophia…the highest prototype of woman, Ëœfirst spiritual Eve’. Isis Unveiled, II, p. 171

Sophia gave birth to Ëœthe second imperfect Sophia [female], Achamoth (= simple wisdom). Sophia Achamoth became the mediatrix between the intellectual and the material world, […] Between the Great Cause and Matter’, producing Ilda Baoth. Isis, II 172, 174 183.



Baoth means Ëœa waste, a desolation’. Ilda Baoth, emanated by an already imperfect mother is then the Son of Darkness and creator of the physical world Isis. He is ‘made to inhabit the planet Saturn, which identifies him still more with the Jewish Jehovah, who was Saturn himself, according to the Ophites […] From Ilda Baoth emanate six spirits, who respectively dwell with their father in the seven planets. (Saturn, Mars, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus). Isis Unveiled, II p. 236 and 294


Another Ëœprimitive cosmogony’ attributed to Orphism, mentions Cronus, the primordial deity: Ëœthe first principle was Cronus or time, from which came, which symbolized the infinite and Ether, which symbolized the finite. Chaos was surrounded by Night. By the creative action of Ether, cosmic matter was slowly organized. This finally assumed the shape of an egg of which Night formed the shell.

Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology, p. 90.


‘Astronomically, the “Most High” is the Sun, and the “Lord” is one of his seven planets, whether it beIao,the genius of the moon, or Ilda-Baoth-Jehovah, that of Saturn, according to Origen and the Egyptian Gnostics. SD 538


Note: Orphism, related to Orpheus, god of the underworld is dated to the 6th or 5th century BC; As the underworld is involved, there is a connection to the Eleusinian Mysteries.

As for the Ophites (no R), they were Christian Gnostics, mentioned by Hippolytus of Rome (170-235) and later writers. The reference to Ophis, the Serpent, is traditional to Gnosticism in which the serpent is revered as the giver of knowledge.

According to the Larousse, p 90, connected this group to Orpheus, ËœDionysus became the supreme god of Orphism.’ P. 90






The pantheons of deities, battling each other and often bloodthirsty illustrates the fall of the Creator-god’s Consciousness in the process of creation and raw life emerging in the world of manifestation. All planets in the solar system and beyond are but aspects of the Creator’s Consciousness. A consciousness, an Intelligence participates in the Creative/manifestation movement and, in the process loses Itself, while cursed and subjugated by Its own reflection. The original United Creator-god scatters in space to engender the manifested and countless miracles of life.


We have already spoken about the concepts of Demiurge in the volume Amen. The term Demiurge ‘is an English word derived from demiurgus, a Latinised form of the Greek δημιοÅÃγÌԚ or dÄ”miourgós. It was originally a common noun meaning Ëœcraftsman’ or Ëœartisan’, but gradually came to mean “producer”, and eventually Ëœcreator’ Wiki



Any Consciousness that have agreed to participate in the physical manifestation of a universe — or a multiverse— accepts the heavy karma involved in this act. Sending out Its intent, the Creator-god loses Itself, engendering a chaotic reverse Self. In the manifested, physical world, the Creator is the Demiurge


In other words, the Creator’s Essence remains inalterable while His consciousness must split for the descents into generation during which Its/He/She takes on, in the manifestation process, many faces and names.


‘The Saturnian concept of the eucharist is one that holds that absolute Divinity (which is bipolar in nature) is constantly “sacrificing itself into matter” in order to vivify matter. This act of sacrifice of self is what brought Divinity itself to a state of self-consciousness. Divinity continuously pours itself out to a state of 104 / Fire and Ice self-consciousness, in order to maintain the status quo of existence, but also in order to evolve itself. Fire and Ice, Stephen Flowers


Human beings, as a part of the Creator’s body, duplicate the phenomenon: ‘the Titanic struggle, in theogony at least, is the fight … between the children of Uranus and Gaia (Heaven and Earth in their abstract sense) against the children of Kronos, whose chief is Zeus. It is the everlasting struggle going on to that day between the spiritual inner man and the man of flesh, in one sense. II 267 At the cosmic level, the myths are telling how matter is progressively tamed, organized by the Intelligent and Spiritual Aspect of the Creator.


Mythology tells that Uranus does not want his children to overpower him. From the perspective of the whole and of the Divine, Uranus and Gaia are the two fundamental elements, Spirit and Matter of all creation. Uranus cannot stop his embrace with Gaia as the One and the Two are in constant interaction. For the Logos or manifestor to strive, Saturn is the necessary ingredient, bringing a limit, boundaries, a space in which creation can exist, the event horizon This space is related to the existence of time. A balance is immediately established to avoid immediate and irremediable entropy. The joyous expanding energy of Zeus/Jupiter is then welcome. Retraction-expansion. Jupiter, the ruler, takes the lead and brings laws under which the creation will flourish.



The question remains: does the Creator-god evolve or does his manifestation catches up, in the illusory Universe, as the Creator’s feedback mechanism and physical aspect. As the creation evolves, as do humans’ perception and rapport with the deity. Human’s needs in terms of religion/connection with the Divine change.


The expected behavior of the deity is also the projection of human consciousness on his reality. When Blavatsky vehemently admonishes the god of the Old Testament, ‘a private tribal god who fought against the gods of other nations and who constantly vaunted himself as superior to them…a god not only of war, murder, violence, and pillage but also of tremendous arrogance, boastfulness, and pride…hardly divine qualities! , she happens to be also describing the behavior still displayed by most humans in the 21st century. The sacred texts epitomize anthropomorphism.




Scholars have interpreted early prehistoric paintings at the Bhimbetka rock shelters, carbon dated to be from pre-10,000 BCE period,[53] as Shiva dancing, Shiva’s trident, and his mount Nandi. Shiva and Shaivism, one of the major Hindu traditions in which Shiva is worshipped, existed before Judaism.


Time then explains the evolution of the deity between Shiva and Jehovah/Yahweh. Three to four eras elapsed (one era is 2160 years), during which mankind moved from worshipping fertility gods to the morals of the 10 commandments edicted by Yahweh. The next step in the evolution of global consciousness is obvious and profusely discussed: the difference between the Jewish god and the deity presented by the character Jesus, as described in the New Testament.


This is not a new topic. Although the author does not hold the Bible as God’s word, it records the emergence of new principles, of the shift that took place at the dawn of the Pisces. The spiritual leaders, preachers and the authorities who gathered the Bible texts emphasized on new behavioral concepts that became the foundation of the Christian religion, whether respected or not by the followers. While Jesus’ Father is presented as compassionate, refusing the Talionic Law, an eye for an eye, the son preaches to ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you (Matthewv.).


In fact, the most wonderful principle of human evolution is encapsulated in these words, again attributed to Jesus : ‘Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Mathew 17. When mankind, when you integrate a level of awareness, you jump to the next level.


Everything in the process of creation is interconnected. The philosophy proposed in the New Testament is the result of global experience and advancement. The spiritual elite communicates with the Hierarchies and anchors structures that are more appropriate with the general evolution and level of awareness. The Creator god, as manifested in the physical world, and perceived by humans appears different. This is exactly the work proposed by the Saturnian vibration. Stuck in the illusion of time and matter, the soul acquires knowledge, then wisdom, and progressively evolves. When a lesson is not understood, Saturn triggers responsibility and karma. When a soul is on the path of spiritual discipleship and higher, Saturn, hierarchical ruler of the Libra, demands balance and justice.


My understanding is that the aspect of the Creator that mankind could relate with at the turn of the Pisces moved from Saturn to Jupiter. Brighter, expanding.




A blue circle with an image of a flower.Saturn and Chronos are male deities. Most astrologers refer to Saturn as a male figure, with a strong role at the peak of patriarchal society. However, there is debate about Saturn’s nature. Could it be feminine, as it seems to be suggested in the texts of Dorotheus of Sidon, the 1st century astrologer?


First, if the planet Saturn is the physical part or body of expression of the primordial god Chronos (the It or male-female that produced the egg), then Saturn could be feminine. Matter, manifestation is feminine.


The text attributed to the ancient Greece astrologer Dorotheus have been translated and copied numerous times and obviously encompasses many errors and contradictions. ‘Virtually all of the Hellenistic astrologers seemed like they treated Saturn as masculine, so it seemed sort of unlikely that Dorotheus was the odd man who would consider the planet as feminine.


‘In theYavanajataka,it says that Saturn is gender neutral. […] And this actually ended up being the case in basically the rest of the Indian tradition, […] where Saturn is treated still as being gender-neutral. [Yavanajataka, Greek or Sanskrit text about astrology, 120 CE]

This is an exciting thought at a time of intense affirmations about genders. Is Saturn agender? Only following its mission through the ages?


The Jewish Kabbalists connect Saturn with the sphere of Binah, on the tree of life. Binah is the The Great Mother, the Supernal mother, from which all of duality emanated and to which all causally-collapses back unto the Stillness of Eternity. Essentially feminine, it is associated with the Yoni. Quite amazing, as Shiva, often compared to Jehovah is represented by a lingam! Binah is in perpetual balance or embrace with the Male Sephira Chokmah.


In Hebrew, Saturn is (Shabbetai. The Babylonian Talmud (Shabbat156a) refers to Saturn asShabbetai, i.e., the star of Shabbat. Kabbalah Dictionary.

We have already mentioned the ambivalence of the Capricorn, the sign ruled by Saturn: ‘Capricorn is represented as a goat with fish tail, a reminder of the Sumerian Enki, presiding over creation, magic, water. Enki, who stands with one foot on solid Earth and one on Water, was believed to dwell in the Abzu, the primeval ocean or sea of creative semen. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn is the agent of construction, crystallization of the creative impulse. Capricorn is a feminine sign.


Interestingly, in the old texts, Saturn is linked to the flood, thus to water and humidity, a feminine element. In his book, In the Beginning, Immanuel Velikowsky gathered literary evidence connecting Saturn with the flood:

‘Following the rabbinical sources which declare that the Deluge was caused by two comets ejected by the planet Khima, and our interpretation of the planet Khima as Saturn, we begin to understand the astrological texts, such as certain passages in the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy, which attribute to the planet Saturn floods and all catastrophes caused by high water.(1)


The planet’s presence in Aquarius [Author: Saturn was the Aquarius ruler in the past] especially brought expectations of heavy rains and flooding(2) as is attested, among others, by the first-century Roman author Lucan.(3) Many of the ancient astrologers were in agreement on this point.(4) In a work entitled Speculum astrologiae, Junctinus ascribes inundations to the action of Saturn’s comets.(5) In the Chaldean story of the Deluge, as told by Berossos, Kronos (Saturn) disclosed to the king Xisuthros that a universal flood would begin on the 15th of the month Dasios. Abydenos says: ‘Kronos [Saturn] announced to Sisithros that a flood would pour from above. (15)


In fact, Saturn was the ruler of the Aquarius before the discovery of Uranus. In esoterical astrology it is still considered as the Aquarius’ hierarchical ruler. Aquarius, the Water Bearer.


Finally, if we look at the symmetry in the astrological zodiac, we have:

  • Three male planets, Mars, the young and impetuous warrior, the Sun, the man and self in exploration, depending of other aspects, then Jupiter, the empowered expression of self and energy.


  • Mercury is definitely androgynous. Although represented as a male god, it is the bridge towards higher dimensions and holds the Caduceus ornated with the serpents, one male, one female.


  • Are left Venus, the Moon and Saturn. Venus is the young amorous woman; the Moon, ruling the feminine cycle, is fecund. Saturn would then be the mature and wise woman, pass the age of childbearing.


In fact, Saturn could be imagined as playing at first a feminine part, the manifestor relating to Enki, Sumerian god of water and wisdom; later bringing a deluge. Later, when the male energy took over — working of the third planetary chakra,






‘According to the German Saturnian Brotherhood, a pretty dark organization, Jehovah is not Saturn but Jupiter. If we consider Jupiter’s sexual habits, and the satanic nature of the Brotherhood of Saturn, that makes sense. Jupiter is promiscuous and much more sexually controlling than Saturn.


‘The point is that the “creator god,” here Zeus (in the Judeo-Christian tradition Jehova), wants to keep humanity in subjugation and slavery to the “natural laws” which he has set up ” but a rebel figure, here Prometheus (elsewhere Lucifer) befriends man and brings him the means to become as one of the gods. Fire and Ice, the Saturnian Brotherhood, Stephen Flowers.



‘Astronomically, this is a process of various planetary bodies being reabsorbed into the Sun. On the spiritual level this is tantamount to the principles, of which these planets are manifestations, being redeemed. Four planets have been redeemed as the FS doctrine has it. Two, Vulkan and Hermes, have already been consumed by the Sun, while Mercury and Venus have been drawn within its sphere of in- fluence. At some point, Jupiter and Saturn will merge, combining the mildness of Jupiter with the severity of Saturn. This will give rise to a new Golden Age. Fire and Ice, the Saturnian Brotherhood, Stephen Flowers.


In simple words, all planets of the solar system slowly attune to the Sun, until unity. Saturn and Jupiter embody retraction and expansion. In personal development, the merging of Saturn/Jupiter energies implies balancing rigor and enthusiasm, an earthy grounded spirit with the capacity to navigate the high spheres of spirituality and intellect. A level of attunement between Heaven and Earth.


Then, there will be harmonization between Saturn and Uranus, as pointed out by their role as astrological rulers of the Aquarius.


At the macro level, mankind needs to redesign the governing bodies, adding more higher mind and more consciousness in the mix. Obviously, the perfect form of government has not emerged yet. Enclosed an excerpt of the world happiness report and ranking by country. Spain and Italy are not on top of the list!


More technology was added but no spiritual wisdom and connection, no love.


I would recommend watching the disclosure interviews of Steven Greer, on He speaks about military and private international projects counterfeiting ET’s encounters, kidnappings and changing our reality, what we call the normal world. Dr. Greer also speaks about the ongoing use of magic mixed with technology, in fact the access to and manipulation of consciousness. This is what I have observed and inter-acted with for decades.



In the episode 1 of Unacknowledged special access projects, President Eisenhower appears in one of his famous speeches: ‘We must guard against the acquisition of unwanted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exist and will persist.


Obviously, the potential became reality. We are immersed, locked in this matrix, where our consciousness is manipulated. The military, the governments and the occult leaders use technology and trained minds to control the reality in which we exist. Although it is difficult to know the future, we still have 13000 years ahead of us to communicate, globally, with the Creator’s consciousness. What does mankind need, now, to shift?



Are we coming close to an international coup? Would a takeover by the financial and military powers be an acceptable solution for mankind? Or by an external invader? Spiritually speaking, the evolved Uranian dream, manifested freedom of expression is only true when individuals have stopped serving the primary ego, the self-satisfying and narcissic self. A unified and thriving society can only exist when each soul knows its specific purpose and serves, for the collective’s wellbeing, when people respect each other. How can we stop the abuse and control over mankind from private factions? How will we rebuild our societies? A human solution does not seem possible. While people are rejecting dictatorships and eager to join western countries, there is no reasonable plan to welcome the millions in jeopardy.


‘In his book,Astrology for the Millions, the late astrologer Grant Lewi called the last Uranus in Taurus cycle (1935 -1941) the Age of Dictators because the 1930s produced Hitler, Mussolini, Tito, Franco, Tojo and other authoritarian leaders.



Based on the information that I directly received in 1992, the financial international rulership established by the Rothchilds and Rockefellers, as organized after WWII, was not supposed to last eternally. The group of ËœMasters’ who was set in place could not transfer their seat, and died one after the other. Then came JPMorgan, Carnegie Steel, etc. But, with technology, we are far from that. See notes, 10 largest corporations. The herd wants to consume and be amused. Corporations are happy to offer their services.


Alibaba, one of China’s largest companies, IPO’d in September 2014 with a record-breaking $25 billion. Jack Ma isAlibaba’sco-founder and chairman and is the largest shareholder, with 303.7 million shares. Joseph Tsai, co-founder and vice chairman is the second-largest shareholder with 215.8 million shares. Jun 1, 2019


So, the human rulers of the world have morphed. What has not fully perished yet are the astral invisible lodges (conduits, receptors of the non-human entities and vibration) and the puppets who serve them, mostly unknowingly + the non-human entities that control the lodges.


Many 3D lodges were shut down. The masonic buildings became museum. The problem is that the astral grid and egregores to which most human brains are connected, respond (old habits and resonance with) can only be shut down according to cosmic schedule (as evidenced by recent events and astrology). It seems that, because of human inter-action with the Cosmic mind, the awakening of men’s awareness is a necessary factor for the shift to occur. Or may be the ratio, the mathematical equation translating the rapport between the cosmic brain and its extension/creation is what is globally evolving.


Most human understanding and writings still lie on duality. White/black. Light/darkness. Good Lodge/bad Lodge. There is only


Let’s look at an example: when human organizations or intelligence-war machines are evaluating situations, the choice is to exacerbate rivalry between X and Y, for instance Muslims and Christians, to trigger hate and civil unrest. But, in the big picture, none of the religions of the past will survive. The three cousins, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all fed from the same root, the same energy and vortex. Their feeder was shut down. What is left: ghosts meant to expire fully. Same for the group Hinduism/Buddhism. Ohh, the witches might think that they were spared.


No, if the deity or creator’s aspect channeled through Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun are evolving, so will the manner in which humans relate (=>religions) with the Cosmic Heart/Mind.






As Saturn holds the frequencies for the old and rigid god, now crystalized in the patriarchal model, the meeting with Pluto and Jupiter is certainly the incentive, the obligation to change our spiritual beliefs and religious system. The Capricorn can embody a cantankerous, ambitious businessman or a wise spiritual master. What mountain is mankind ready to climb? Three other characters are invited to the meeting: the Sun and Ceres, at 22 Capricorn, with Saturn and Pluto, then Mercury at 23 Capricorn. We will return to this subject on the next post.


As mentioned earlier, Saturn brings knowledge through experience, which must be applied to the personality, still a reflection of past choices (=karma). Saturn’s energy demands discrimination, new choices to propel the self out of the repetitive mistakes in which we dwell, out of comfort and procrastination.


In full reconditioning while journeying in the Zodiac with Pluto, Saturn is the perfect example of the simultaneous awakening, enlightenment of the god’s projection into matter and matter itself — the Earth and humankind. Saturn trine Neptune and progressively illuminated by Zeus/Jupiter not only illustrates the crumbling structures of our world and personalities, but the renewal of humankind’s relationship with the gods. The religious system must and shall change.


‘It is a natural process now to rediscover the bright side of Saturn. It is an appropriate time to remember that the ringed planet was for many centuries the astrological regent of Aquarius”before Uranus was discovered in 1781.

Being co regent of the Aquarian age, Saturn will have an ever-inspiring role during this new cycle, a time when the law of brotherhood taught by the Mahatmas can be better understood and respected.


As Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn both on the exoteric and esoteric levels, its presence in the Goat’s sign is especially powerful. This is the opportunity to replace strict competition for the top of the world with the ability to climb the spiritual Mountain, while respecting each other. Saturn encourages the refining of the personality through discipleship. The second level, the relinquishment of the ego, leads the soul to service. Serving the Divine Purpose and the group.




Although the precise conjunction of Saturn with the node already happened, , as an outer, super powerful planet, can be felt as overwhelming when only felt negatively.


The south node relates to lessons and experiences of the past that we can use, as foundation for our expression. The south node is not negative, but stresses to areas in need of purification, reframing.


This is an interesting take offered by Phil Feger, who coined the expression Ëœkarmic transfer’: ‘The three conjunctions of Saturn and the South Node have occurred with the Sun in Taurus, Cancer, and Libra, signs that have significant orientations toward nature and beauty. Calls to action around climate change are in great saturation at the moment, while at the same time we are staring down an economic recession.Capricorn Saturn’s business powers (which by modern terms are inextricably tied to competition and capitalism) are weakened by its conjunction with the South Node; meanwhile Earth and her ways of unconditional lifegiving love are emerging through the opening.

‘Excess seems to lead to toxicity, as does scarcity, insecurity, lack of patience, lack of experience, knowledge, wisdom, and guidance. All of these issues can be healed bya healthy relationship with Saturn, which is exactly what this extended South Node conjunction has given us the opportunity to cultivate. That healthy relationship includes such qualities astemperance;wisdom; focus and employment of ritual; and acknowledgement and embrace of limit.

Reading his page is encouraged.


About 666 and chemistry, a mind-stretching post:



  • *Ophites: from the Greek Ophis, Serpent. A sect that flourished in the second century AD in the Roman Empire. In Gnosticism, the Serpent is not an enemy but the provider of knowledge, awareness of good and evil.


‘Present Jewish and Christian sentiments notwithstanding, it has long been known that Saturn was the god of the Jews. In more recent years, for instance, Carl Jung knew very well that Saturn was the star of Israel.[22]Much earlier, Aurelius Augustin was more explicit when he informed his readers that the ancients considered the planet Saturn as the god of the Jews.[23]Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jews were largely knownasthe People of Saturn[24](as so, incidentally, were the Scythians[25]). This belief, however, is much older than that since even the Roman historian Tacitus(c.A.D. 55-117) described the Jews as worshipping the planet Saturn as their god.[26]


22-26: [22]C. Jung,Symbols of Transformation (N.Y., 1976), p. 401.

[23]See the Index to E. Hoffman’s edition of Augustine’sDe Civitate Dei(Vienna, 1899-1900).

[24]H. Lewy, “Origin and Significance of the Magen Dawid,”Archiv Orientalni18, Pt. 3 (1950), p. 360.

[25]I. Velikovsky, “On Saturn and the Flood,”KRONOSV:1 (Fall 1979), p. 10.

[26]Tacitus,The Histories,V:iv[20]




  • Saturn as feminine: ‘Dorotheus of Sidon (ÃŽ”Ô°ÃόθεοÔš ΣιδώνιοÔš) was an influential astrologer who lived in the late 1st century CE and wrote a five book instructional poem on astrology in Greek. His work had an enormous impact on the later Hellenistic and Medieval astrological traditions. His original work no longer survives in its entirety, although we do have an English translation of an Arabic translation of a Persian translation of the original Greek poem, as well as scattered fragments from his work that were preserved by later astrologers in Greek and Latin. He says that he travelled widely in Egypt and Mesopotamia, and collected information from some of the foremost astrological authorities in those two areas (Dorotheus 1, 1: 4-5; 5, 1: 1-4). He seems to have had some relationship to one of the astrological texts ascribed to Hermes


Saturn, feminine?


Let’s not forget the best references: Saturn sold on amazon and Ebay!


  • Another way to look at the perpetual embrace of Uranus with Gaia and no children: ‘Even though the world parents are depicted and described as in sexual embrace, no activity is taking place. They appear as quiescentand inert. Thechthonic(underworld) structure of the earth as latent potentiality tends to dominate the union. The parents are often unaware that they have offspring, and thus a kind of indifference regarding the union is expressed. The union of male and female in sexual embrace is anothersymbolof completeness and totality. As in the African myth from the Dogon referred to above, sexual union is a sign ofandrogyny(being both male and female) and androgyny, in turn, a sign of perfection. The indifference of the world parents is thus not simply a sign of ignorance but equally of the silence of perfection. Brittanica


In the Dogon myth referred to above, the creation deity begins the act of creation by placing two embryonic sets of twins in an egg. In each set of twins is a male and female; during the maturation process they are together thus formingandrogynousbeings. In a Tahitian myth, the creator deity himself lives alone in a shell. After breaking out of the shell, he creates his counterpart, and together they undertake the work of creation.

AJapanesecreation narrative likens the primordial chaos to an egg containing the germs of creation. In theHindutradition the creation of the world is symbolized in theChandogyaUpanishadby the breaking of an egg, and the universe is referred to as an egg in other sources.


Image, orphic egg:


TheOrphic Eggin the ancient GreekOrphic traditionis the cosmic egg from which hatched the primordialhermaphroditicdeityPhanes/Protogonus (variously equated also withZeus,Pan,Metis,Eros,ErikepaiosandBromius) who in turn created the other gods.[5]The egg is often depicted with a serpent wound around it.

Many threads of earlier myths are apparent in the new tradition.Phaneswas believed to have been hatched from theWorld-EggofChronos(Time) andAnanke(Necessity) orNyx(Night). His older wifeNyxcalled him Protogenus. As she created nighttime, he created daytime. He also created the method of creation by mingling. He was made the ruler of the deities and passed thesceptreto Nyx. This new Orphic tradition states that Nyx later gave the sceptre to her sonUranosbefore it passed toCronusand then to Zeus, who retained it. wiki


  • Mount Denali- very interesting if accurate.

origin of life, Dr. Deamer







Systematic destruction of the Uyghur heritage and population. ‘China has managed to stifle, through 21st century repression and age-old thuggery, virtually any reporting from the crime scene. Demolishing Faith: The Destruction and Desecration of Uyghur Mosques and Shrines, by Bahram K. Sintash.



  • We donwannabe in Syria, but we can take the oil





We have to understand what is going on. We are entering a period of transition. Lenin said in 1916 that imperialism was the supreme stage of the form of capitalism that disappeared with the two World Wars and the stock market crisis of 1929. Today’s world is that of financial capitalism, which is devastating economies one by one for the sole benefit of a few super-rich people. Its supreme stage implied the division of the world into two parts: on the one hand, stable and globalised countries, and on the other hand, regions of the world without states, reduced to being mere reserves of raw materials. This model, contested by President Trump in the United States, the yellow vests in Western Europe or Syria in the Levant, is dying before our eyes.



  • Ex refugee from South Soudan, creates his company and promotes peace

“[Gaming is] becoming this ubiquitous way that people are interacting with each other,” said Leo Olebe, Facebook’s global director of games partnerships who connected with Mayen at the 2018 Game Awards. “When you have those moments of teaching people how to interact in a civil manner, in a respectful manner, in a way that promotes peace and conflict resolution versus tearing the world apart, that’s where it’s all going to start.”


Determined to reward his mother’s sacrifice, Mayen walked three hours every day to an Internet cafe to charge the computer. In the camp, he carried the laptop around with him, keeping it hidden in a backpack so it would not be stolen by others or confiscated by his teachers. He taught himself English, learned graphic design programs and became proficient in programming by watching tutorials a friend from Kampala provided on a flash drive.

