Words and mind-torture… until we become the Word.
After attending a webinar with a famous astrologer, I wondered again why my human self is falling into complete oblivion and anonymity. My understanding of the purpose and mechanisms of the soul, the frequencies that are available are so much richer, deeper, multi-faceted than the average teacher that I wonder. May be too much for the average human’s will and need for awareness, but certainly the best passport to a shortcut through re-incarnations. Of course, it is totally acceptable to replay this movie ad infinitum, if one chooses to do so, although the Earth is certainly taking a different path.
Answer to two questions or comments received on 9/3
‘According to I Am That I Am, establishing a solid link between the soul and the personality is something you consider of key importance.
Could you provide some mind reprogramming advice to somehow boost this as much as possible? Certainly specific programming should help I think….. I also wonder what could I do and if it makes sense to vastly improve ‘the link with my higher self.
I was told that ‘beyond all of the negative alien planetary setup, the actual main forces or players behind are 4 planetary entities (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars plus Anu/Nibiru) and a reptilian whose name is Osiris. I barely know what’s really going on with all of this, suffice to say. Seriously? ?
The second part is quite easy: complete confusion. Please study a little bit of astrology, a zest of Egyptology and search my website with the keywords reptilian and Nibiru. Also, I Am Book (as you have it) in chapter: Kundalini.
I Am That I Am, Part 3 chapter 3, Karma: ‘learn to know your soul… more deeply and clarity… you will develop a close relationship until you will be your own soul…. ‘any spiritual work implies a change and an internal reprogramming; however the final key is to accept yourself, with your own strength and weakness, as a piece, a helpful cog [rouage in French], a useful cog, gearwheel in the immense machine that the universe is.
[I Am was written soon after my arrival in the US and I remember discussing this sentence with the editor. I have rephrased it today]
How does one connect with the soul? Silence, meditation, will. Recognize its existence. Speaking to your soul, inviting the meetings. Listening to your intuition, images or weird thoughts coming through the mind; listening to the messages given by the body in any occasions (joy, pain, cringing, shivers, anxiety, tears). Connect with the Anima Mundi, the Soul of the World, again through silence and prayer. Visualize the Antahkaranah (also in the I Am Book).
Soul response, example: yesterday, at the movie theatre. A scene is set, arrival of the main characters, action. My body becomes lighter, vibrating, strong vibration. I am almost floating. It looks like part its boundaries disappeared as it is surrounded by a 2inch layer of white energy-feathers. Then, with the wind, an old flag expands on the screen: it reveals a lyre. I got my message! This is my soul speaking.
‘X: the soul is in fact the Ëœsensitive’/organ of the senses [Sensible in French] of humans, besides being a memory. Etc That fits with the Hebrew definition. See notes.
‘The soul, the Tibetan tells us, is ‘that entity which is brought into being when the spirit aspect and the matter aspect are related to each other.1It is an expression of the second aspect of Deity, the mediating principle between spirit and matter, the form-building aspect of that awesome process through which the Logos descends into manifestation. ‘Throughout the universe, we learn, ‘it is the soul which is the conscious, sensitive theme of the divine plan*.
However, the human soul is not just the passive outcome of the interaction of spirit and matter; like all souls, it is the form-building agency that gives the host entity its unique characteristics. As the human soul gains strength, its form-building power also increases, and the human entity is propelled ever more rapidly toward its destiny.
The human soul gradually acquires coherence and permanence. Coherence gives the soul definite form, with a measure of autonomy and the ability to express self-consciousness and identity (Mkl, the soul reflects your monadic blue-print/essence). Bearing in mind that the human soul corresponds, in the soul triplicity, to the second aspect of Deity, it is interesting to note that coherence is a second aspect quality. Permanence enables the human soul to provide continuity of consciousness and identity from one incarnation to the next. Bailey. See notes, Lucis Trust, article, Beacon Magazine.
The soul is an interface, between the Monad (spirit aspect) and the body, between the higher spiritual planes and the physical world. It is a part of the incarnated self, the connecting agent with God.
I might have misunderstood your comment but do not feel a Monad, and a spirit entity (l’esprit, in French and a soul and a body. My understanding is that there is a Monad (Part of the Divine, spiritual world), a body and the soul as an interface. All these layers are infused with Divine life and Consciousness. So, if the soul emanates from the Spiritual, the Divine Monad, what difference with Spirit? This is probably what you call the Ëœspiritual entity created by the Monad.’ Again, Spirit would be a state, opposed to matter. Then, l’esprit/the spirit would be? The Divine Breath or Pneuma in Greek, the fire of life? Does not truly fit.
For me, the Monad emanates souls endowed with Spirit, as you probably remember, a group of extensions, all working on the same projects.
The soul family/extensions created by the Monad are all working on the same project. This back and force of consciousness between soul and matter builds and refines the soul. While the soul evolves, or with the soul as a tool, the spiritual/magnetic and other non-physical bodies grow. More layers, more colors. Until we create the Glorious Body. The soul is our connection to the Divine, until we manifest the Monad (Be the Monad), or at least are in constant communication with the Monad.
James Hillman (1975) observes that soul, ‘refers to the deepening of events into experiences; second the significance of soul, whether in love or religious concern, derives from its special relationship with death. And third…the imaginative possibility in our natures, the experiencing through reflective speculation, dream, image, fantasy”that mode which recognizes all realities as primarily symbolic or metaphorical.
Of course, the universe is so complex. We have no idea what we will discover with more awareness or after death/if evolved enough to access more knowledge on the other side. This might be, in fact, very funny! Something like: Zut, we had it all wrong!!
Not sure that using words is necessary. With my little awareness: the soul is the Creator’s or universe’s feed-back mechanism, something capable of receiving information, feeling (sensory organism) and a memory builder (what I called in the past the memory-disk), connected to a physical body, a manifested world (blue bubbles), responding to or creating the time-mechanisms. Time being felt because of events coordinated on time-lines and with memories.
The feed-back happens with our Monad and with the One-Consciousness = at our level with our Creator-god; then the Creator-god relates, exchanges information with what we call God or Infinite Consciousness.
The soul evolves because it appears when the Monad starts its investigative and self-consciousness- building journey and lasts until it disappears back into the Monad. At the beginning, it only feels like an animal; then slowly accumulates experiences and evolves.
[question: when one is a high master who does not need to use a body anymore, no need to represent anyone in the farce of 3D… does he/she operates with a soul, a Monad or else? Only the Body of Glory, an aggregate of magnetic bodies?Can a human have no soul? Everyone has a soul, unless he/she is a robot or a clone, disguised as a human. Or is a zombie (soul trapped magically). As zombies are alive, again there is a difference between the soul and the divine spark (that would be spirit). Unfortunately, because of the experiments undergone on Earth by diverse factions, governments, ETs, many so called human beings are crossed with illegal ET races, machines. The ones merged with technology and the clones do not have a soul. they might have the illusion of consciousness, because of the general culture, but function in reality as machines, controlled by humans or extra-terrestrials.
About Spirit
First, the term Spirit, l’Esprit in French (not to be confused with the mind, mental, often called esprit in French); ok the term Spirit is the opposite/complement of Matter. It describes a realm, a state, a frequency.
If Spirit lives within us, then we are an extension of Spirit, in the body. Consciousness of this Presence induces conscious participation in the divine manifestation and purpose.
In Hebrew, G-d gives life to Adam, infuses life. Is the god-spark residing in the body simply what we now call consciousness?
Job 33:4 :the Spirit of God has made me and the Breath of the Almighty gives me life.
‘Jan 04, 2019· Kabbalah explains the discrepancy by teaching that the first version of man, the human-like creatures that God created in verse 26, existed for a period of time without a soul. It wasn’t until God blew the breath of life into Adam, that humans had a neshama (soul). Starting in verse 27, man became fully human and the Hebrew calendar began its counting. (Mkl: or an ET engineering intervention!)
So, the big secret is to realize that everything, even matter, the body, the human reality is spiritual and sacred, a participation into the life and soul of the world, of the cosmos.
While feeling in exile we are invited to find the light in the material world and the shadow, then to illuminate the world. The light hidden in the darkness reveals the innate presence of Spirit within us and within everything. After a long journey of inquiries between the sun and the moon, and reconciled the opposites, the Presence/Spirit, once revealed/extracted, becomes then manifested in the body or material world.
Direct experience with people in coma or in a vegetative state: example: child damaged at birth. Did not move, eat, respond, yet alive. Age 5. Body had the size of a 3-year-old. Barely any communication with the world, some with the mother, a hint of a smile. His soul floated above the body. Yet, I could communicate telepathically with him, via the soul. When anchoring the soul in the body: sudden life, communication. He was alive, therefore had received the spark or breath, or spirit, but not functional. The soul was growing from the experience but would not inhabit the damaged vehicle.
I have practiced alchemy in the past; today, I wonder why, with present knowledge, no industrial lab has been able to recreate gold.
With my experience in the body, and the knowledge of a homeopath and observations, I am very aware of the mechanisms of Sulfur, Salt, Mercury and Gold throughout the spiritual journey. The main steps hint at our ongoing rubbing with the planetary energies and the rays/colors/frequencies. The oeuvre-au-noir hints at Saturn, incarnation, time, karma, lead. Oeuvre au blanc, the moon, silver. The Ã…”uvre au rouge/red, the Sun. But the Sun is traditionally connected to gold. So, should we add Mars, the blood, the iron, a frequency stabilizer?
We agree on that: Alchemy describes the ongoing steps, the series of experiences and our capacity to transform them into friendly games to go back to full consciousness. Coagulation could be the concretization of thoughts/information into experiences projected into matter by our blueprint. If all in the universe is consolidated plasma, the world coagulation would be appropriate. Sublimation, calcination with Pluto, etc.
Although I have worked on a presentation about alchemy (for the website), I have stopped trying to fit the present understanding of consciousness with the old alchemical vocabulary. It is through our entanglement and experiences in the manifested world that:
- Human beings grow and eventually build their Body of Glory
- The Creator-god or Universal Consciousness (consciousness of the Universe we are a part of) grows through self-awareness in collaboration and coherence with humans.
Now, not sure that I understand your discourse.
The Monad cannot access, communicate with the body, until the latter is purified to a high degree, and the spiritual bodies above the emotional/astral level are built. In the meantime, the Monad is disconnected from the body; the body only communicates with the Spiritual world/realm through the soul.
Beyond the individual human level, the Anima Mundi or Soul of the World would be the interface between the Creator (existing in Spirit) and the Materia Prima or chaotic matter.
If we want to make everything complicated, with more words, Anima, what animate, gives life, is in fact Spirit, not the soul. So, as in the trinity, all those concepts, Spirit, Soul and Matter can only exit concomitantly, merge as manifested life.
To this trinity, we add Consciousness, through the mind, step by step, and we generate the Body of Glory. Another hint: the generation of the Body of Glory is probably related to what I called the third level of the Grail, as described in the Amen book (page 191 in English). Merging of all expressions of the Monad.
Can the Monad be present during sleep? Yes.
X: Donc, le corps est la fois une prison et un outil pour la construction d’une Conscience Unifi©e (ou peut-ªtre devrions-nous dire R©unifi©e), Individuelle mais fusionn©e avec la Conscience Une Primordiale et Universelle (la Somme de l’¢me et de l’esprit, du f©minin et du masculin, de Brahma et de sa Sakti) ant©rieure la Manifestion de la Dualit©
Translation: The body is both a prison and a tool for the building of a unified or re-unifed consciousness, individual yet merged with the One Primordial and Universal Consciousness (sum of soul, spirit, feminine, masculine, Brahma and its Shakti) anterior to manifestation into duality.
X:Le corps permet de r©unir l’¢me et l’esprit dans une trinit© incarn©e, mais pas tout fait « finalis©e » et c’est l, je crois, le « grand secret » alchimique : la manifestation du Corps de Gloire, le Fils Divin manifest©.
The body allows the junction of the soul and the spirit (mkl:? What is l’esprit?) as an incarnated trinity, yet not fully finalized; and there we have, I believe, the Ëœgreat alchemical secret’: the manifestation of the Glorious Body, the manifested Divine Son. What are the 3 parts of the incarnated trinity?
Or, instead of Ëœallows’, the body, animated by the Spiritual Fire, needs an interface to communicate with the Cosmos. This interface is the soul.
I like the idea of creating an incarnated trinity. We can debate about the parts of this trinity. Using the term Divine Son is acceptable as we are all part of the One Universe. I like the idea of manifesting the Glorious Body. As per my experience, I have seen my Body of Glory (Glorious Body, Glorified Body, as mentioned in Christian websites?) after incarnating my Monad. It looked like a splendid ethereal, nonphysical structure, and felt like another bridge, living on other planes of existence, between the physical body and the Monad, another layer. For years, it was most of the time attached to my human self. Until the great fall that I had to take. I can, of course, see and communicate with it, at will. Probably what the New Age calls the Light Body. A structure of information, more and more aware, intelligent, spinning faster and merging multiple frequencies.
We could say that the Body of Glory is a manifested body, however made of high frequencies matter. This is probably the body used by what we call Masters (answer to question asked previously), who do not need to stay in a three-dimensional vehicle.
X: « Ce corps de Gloire est sans doute Ton niveau la J©rusalem C©leste, la fois Epouse et Maison. Le Royaume manifest©. » ˜AAMkl, this Body of Glory is eventually, at your level, the New Jerusalem, both Bride and Abode. The manifested kingdom.
No, absolutely not. This is what prompted me to write this post. On this, there is no ambiguity, as my response is not based on speculations but on years of direct, visual, mental and intimate relationship. The NJ is the AAMkl’s feminine counterpart, the manifestation’s vehicle, the manifestation, in the physical realm/world, of My Essence (essence as a frequency generating a blueprint, then generating physical creation) and Divine Purpose. For a human, manifestation through generated stories in physical reality/body, stories that contribute to the Whole, each at their level.
The Glorious Body is non-manifested, non-physical; Now, as It can be seen, it does have an ethereal form. Where is then the limit, the threshold between Spirit and Matter? It is a more developed and refined field, a gorgeous body of information. In my case, from what I have seen, it is directly and obviously related to What I Am, behind the veil. When I was seeing it often and bathing in it, it looked like one of those exaggerated Asian representations of the divinities. The fact that my human self’s style and imagination are drastically different made it easy to accept this reality as Ëœtrue’ somewhere.
Does it bring physical immortality? Apparently no, if I judge by my aging body. Energy and intuition, yes. Health, yes, if one decides to keep a body, avoiding the tricks of human life and entanglement. This would imply that the Stone is the mind, fused with more and more consciousness. Mercury/mind, transmuted by Pluto/Sulfur.
I’ll go back to physics. If, as mathematically formulated by Nassim Haramein, all the information of the universe is holographically contained in each proton, then the game is to harmonize, to communicate as clearly as possible, once again. Empathy, alignment. Is this too simple?
Text quoted above. This is an interesting mix, describing the soul. Easy to read.
Il y aurait alors deux situations pour lesquelles l’¢me et le corps ne seraient pas unis. La premi¨re est partielle au moment du sommeil, o¹ l’esprit ne peut que subir la vie de l’¢me en ©tant un t©moin non-agissant au travers des rªves.”
‘There would be 2 situations during which the soul and body would not be united. First is partial, at the time of sleep, when spirit/l’esprit can only be submitted to the life of the soul, as a non-acting witness through the dreams. How do you reach such a conclusion?
At night, the soul takes over the spirit, because the body is partially dead….
Mkl: It all depends of the definition of Spirit. If spirit is the spark, it cannot leave the body. The sun is sleeping, yes, but most human do not even function through their solar self during the day. They function through the personality.
At night, the luminary is the Moon, that we have connected to the soul, organ of the senses. So, yes to Ëœthe soul as being the main actor’. However, and this is why we work so hard: If one has built more than the emotional body and connected to higher levels of self, what we would call the higher self (probably at this point) will be present, interfere, stop some of our astral behavior, give information, during the sleep state; eventually wake you up, as you know and stop a situation or induce conscious memory. The Monad Itself can also be present.
- Levels of the soul, in Kabbalah:
‘Viewed from the point of view of man’s service to G’d, these levels of soul may be described as five ascending levels of awareness of, and communion with, G’d. They are called (in ascending order) Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chaya and yechida. Regarding these levels of soul, the Zohar states that when a person is born, he is given a Nefesh from the world of Asiya, the lowest world, representing the greatest concealment of G’d. If, through his divine service and proper action, he makes himself worthy, he is then given Ruach on the plane of Yetzira. With greater effort, he can earn the revelation of Neshama, paralleling the world of Beriya. If he purifies himself greatly, he may be able to attain the level of Chaya paralleling Atzilut, and even yechida ” the G’d consciousness of the level of Adam Kadmon and beyond. More to read, with definitions of Nefesh, Ruach and Neshama in the full article. Three levels of consciousness in our vocabulary.
Nephesh: life force
Ruach: emotional soul
Neshama is in the conceptual grasp of the intellect, as the verse states, “and the soul (nishmat) from the Almighty gives them understanding” (Job 32:8).
(mkl: we are close to the concept, animal-man/body, then emotions, then mind; or reptilian brain, middle cortex, frontal cortex.)
- I love those comments: Charles_MillerCharles Edward MillerSouthern Baptist 3Jul ’18
Remember Genesis 2:7. You do not have a soul; on the contrary, you are one. You are a nephesh in Hebrew. You do have a spirit, however. That is a ruach in Hebrew. You do have good humor, Patrick. Oh, I forgot to mention that ruach in Greek is pneuma. A dead soul (nephesh) can be translated in the Hebrew Bible a dead body or dead being. A ruach (spirit) never ceases to live and will be reunited to the dead body at the Second Coming. This view is not trichotomy; on the contrary, it is a type of dichotomy since the soul is another name for being or body.
AllenWitmerMillerRetired Professor & Minister.
Anyone who has attended seminary or read extensively on these topics knows what a long controversy Christians have had in trying to define and distinguishsoulandspiritalong with the correct exegesis of the Hebrew words RUACH and NEPHESH and the Greek word PNEUMA.
And systematic theology courses spend significant class time on reviewing dichotomous (soul/spirit vs body) versus trichotomous (soul vs spirit vs body) concepts of what it means to be human.
- Alchimie; this is French; who can see the obvious mistakes in the table at the end of the page?
practice for everyone: Sulfur, salt, mercury. Correspondent elements?
Difference between soul and spirit, entre Ame et Esprit : nephesh et rouah in Hebrew
English, nephesh, ruach, neshamah
- Crystal Anne’s story, when she was in a coma: ‘My coma-reality was absolutely a real reality (insofar as perception is reality). I felt love from those who visited. I heard them talk about my illness. Though distorted, I perceived everything and in my own way, I understood it.
My spirit was still in my body. Others experiencing coma-reality arealsospiritually in their body. It is of great benefit therefore to visit these people, to talk to them, to touch them and to send them love. They feel it. Their spirit receives it.
- Carl Jung on Materia Prima. A definition that I disagree with. worse questioning.
- The most exquisite chocolate, a rare find in Peru:
- Yang, the Asian American presidential candidate gives a great idea to our beloved fellow americans: ‘He frequently casts himself as the polar opposite of President Trump ” ‘an Asian guy who’s good at math ” and sells merchandise with ‘MATH emblazoned on it, an acronym for ‘Make America Think Harder.
Is that the next American dream? Go from fun and pleasure to using our brain? I seriously doubt we can achieve that soon. Great questioning at the end of the article about diversity and immigration policies.
- building the wall: the Defense Department changed direction, more expensive than we thought. realized that the cost The move is reversal of an earlier Pentagon authorization for about 20 miles of fencing, lighting and other border infrastructure that would have used $2.5 billion in funds redirected from a counter-drug fund.
The American-Mexican border is 1954 miles. About 100 times 20 x 2.5 billion. What about feeding people or investing this amount in a green project?
- YOUR TV IS A SNITCH: ‘Once per second, Neumeier told me, Vizio TVs capture a fingerprint of what’s on the screen. It looks like two dozen square bundles of pixels scattered around the screen, which the TV converts into a string of numbers. That string is what the TV beams back to Vizio, along with identifiers for your TV.
Vizio compares the fingerprint with a database of known content ” like Shazam for video. The result is a second-by-second log of your TV time, which the firm sells to about 30 different companies. Not everything you watch gets included. Vizio doesn’t keep track when you’re using the Netflix app, at the request of the streaming giant.)es. That’s why, now, TVs are so cheap.
LaRussieet laChineont mis jeudi leur veto une r©solution de l’Allemagne, de laBelgiqueet duKowe¯timposant un cessez-le-feu Idleb en Syrie, approuv©e par12pays, illustrant nouveau la profonde division du Conseil de s©curit© de l’ONU sur ce dossier.
Il s’agit du 13e veto de la Russie une r©solution sur la Syrie depuis le d©but du conflit en 2011. La Guin©e ©quatoriale, membre non permanent, s’est abstenue lors du vote.
Belgium, Germany and Kuwait tabled a draft proposing a humanitarian ceasefire, which garnered 12 out of 15 votes.
Permanent members Russia and China used their right to veto, blocking its adoption. Their own resolution, which highlighted terrorism concerns by extremist groups operating inside the region, also failed to pass, with nine members voting against and four abstaining.
Ursula Mueller, the UN Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, who spoke prior to the voting, said a unilateral ceasefire announced by Russia on 30 August has reportedly led to a decline in fighting in the northwestern region.