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Technology, Internet, Spiritual technology

By January 2, 1995July 15th, 2024No Comments

Internet, technology and true communication. The grand illusion of selfish living.

Beloved Light Workers, Beloved Masters:

From the heart of Light, from the heart of God, in these times of great blessings and changes for humankind, I come to you in full love.

We, Myself and all the Beings now involved in Earth’s sanctification, are watching you and rejoicing because of your commitment, your growing compassion. We are rejoicing because of the extraordinary impact that your work has had on human consciousness and on all levels of the universe.

However, there is still confusion among Light Workers about communication and manifestation. Human beings are naturally duplicating the movements of Heaven, but mostly in the third dimensional way.

The Aquarius is/will be a time for full sharing and inter-connectedness. Some of you still think that computers and e-mails are the tools for communication. This is true, as long as you know that this is only a terrestrial duplication. True communication, in God’s way, is soul to soul dialogue, the abolition of separation among individuals, empathy, Oneness. Computers are not only an extension of the system based on brain and mind, based on duality, but also an extension of man’s intelligence outside of himself. First, the kingdom of mind is over, this was the purpose of the last round.

We are now stepping into the realm of Love and BEingness. Also, mankind gave away its freedom, surrendered to the power of machines, creating frustration, obligations and fear. The actual moment is not about adding more machines, more technologies on the planet.

Anything outside of Self is another replication of separation. True, pure creation happens within the self. What you are asked to perform is inner-programming, inner love, inner extension, in order to merge yourself with Source, with the flow of Love and then to communicate with others from Source, from love, from Oneness.

Beloved Ones, you do not need to create more complicated visualizations to build your spiritual multi-dimensional structure. I honor and give thanks to the Beings and teachers who have helped in creating a shock, a mass awakening, through the use of the mind and through the building of your geometrical codes. Yes, as you grow these shapes appear on/around you. Yes, the use of the brain/visualization as well as breathing techniques facilitates the implementation and integration of some parts of the self in the body. However, Beloved Masters, please practice in full understanding. The mind was the tool. Anything related to mind-technology is an accessory.

At the birthing of the realm of love and oneness, at the time of anchoring the Christ Consciousness, nothing is more effective than Love and surrender to God. Your “next” world, to use third dimensional terms is a world of emotions and pure love.

Beloved Ones, you do not need to go to special vortices all over the world, except for relaxation, “fun” as you call it. You are the vortex, you are the temple. Yes, you can read the memories of a building or of ancient stones, yes you can access the archives and eventually awaken a forgotten part of yourself. But, now, the main work is the clearing of your own temple, of your cells and any patterns from the past, any belief system holding you from BEing God.

Years ago, I wondered about the best way to restructure, reorganize Planet Earth. The answer was: stop the computers, the machines. You are afraid of material difficulties and I understand. But, think about the blessings of a new beginning, the opportunity to rebuild your world, in knowingness, using the past as a lesson. What happened in Atlantis? Misused technology. Yes, Atlantean technology was more evolved, but still, science, the mind, took over. And this was an expression of God’s perfection. It was the right frequency at the right time. You, We, God, are now anchoring another vibration on planet Earth.

Why are you invaded by so many extra-terrestrial groups? What are they looking for? Well, an aspect of it is that you are re-membering -putting together- the different parts, the multiple frequencies of (your)Self. For instance, you allow yourself to be, simultaneously, a human being as well as a Sirian, and to work it as One. You are fusing your consciousness with larger and larger Beings. But, they are still some levels of extra-terrestrial beings who are dealing with the challenges created in the past and who envy you for the tremendous body that you have. With your body, you can achieve accelerated full realization, because you can blend the two aspects of creation, the Light and the Shadow and integrate the lesson of duality.

A number of extra-human species are equipped with a structure that does not allow completeness, merging of the poles, of the polarities. They choose to replace inner-technology with machines and got stuck, unable to reach completeness.

Then, they have been practicing genetic engineering in order to implant your wonderful genes in their races. Also, as you know it, some extra-terrestrial groups cannot experience feelings. They have no access to the vibration of love. That is why they are here, to learn love. Knowing all that, Dear Ones, why repeat the same mistakes, the challenges of the past?

Below is an excerpt from a previous communication, about the “UNIVERSAL TECHNIQUE”:

“For years, you have been trying, experiencing, inventing all kinds of techniques. Breathing, meditation, yoga, visualization, etc. Each and all of them may contribute in correcting, transmuting, aligning a little bit of yourself, especially if you would trust enough to work strictly on intuition. If you are looking for a method, a new way to learn, question clearly and wait. A book, a flyer might be handed to you. If you are offered a sensational technique, ask your Higher Self about its origin and appropriateness.

Then, when you have found it, use is responsibly and with perseverance. But, Beloved, what is the best technique? Think about Christ, Mother Theresa. What were they doing? Surrender, detachment, service and Love.

The UNIVERSAL TECHNIQUE is the art of connecting yourself, as much as possible, with the universal life, within the Heart of God, of the Infinite Consciousness. The most important words are Unity, At-One-ment, alignment, symbiosis, love. If you can forget all about your life, let go of the past and center yourself on the Divine Consciousness, if you can get rid of any internal turmoil and debates, and only be nurtured by the vital force, by love, without obstruction, without judgment, without limitations, without personal thoughts; if you are ONE with the WHOLE, as often as possible, then, you are ONE, you are WHOLE and COMPLETE. You remembered, recovered your essence, in the NOW, out of space and out of time.

Dear Ones, We, your Spiritual Brothers, are proposing you that you offer to yourself, whenever you feel like it, periods of REST. At these times, you will stop all techniques, any routine, that you must almost be addicted to. Retire in SILENCE, in the silence of your own beauty and perfection. Connect yourself, your heart, with God’s heart. Remember the words: ‘Knock and the door will open.’ Ask your Divine I Am Presence, the Cosmic Masters, your personal angel, the Almighty Archangels, the Holy Spirit to collaborate in your purification and alignment with MOTHER / FATHER GOD.

The second part of this technique is SERVICE, SERVICE, SERVICE. Serve your family, friends, students, employees, community. A new society is emerging, based on trust, personal responsibility and unconditional love. May your behavior, your words, your actions be the reflection of the Presence. May each moment in your existence, on any planet or dimension, be a praise to life, to beauty, to the others, to God. Be God’s MANIFESTATION on planet Earth. What a joy, felicity, honor! Become, BE God manifested in the physical body.”

(Excerpted from “Manifestation“)