Excerpts from Adam Kadmon Book:
Perfection is achieved when one reaches the state of the Phoenix, the transmuted, resurrected Spirit. Interestingly, in the Arabic tradition, the Phoenix, « never lands anywhere else than on the Qâf mountain, which is the ‘polar mountain. It is from this specific ‘polar mountain’ that the’soma; the ‘amrita’ or ‘ambrosia’, the nectar of immortality originated. Sacred Science, p.109.
This occult symbology is also found in the meaning of the Hebraic letter Kuf. Kuf is the crown and capacity to manifest a potential. It hints at the power latent within the spiritual realm to fully manifest itself in the physical real. Kuf sits on the throne of its glory. It is associated with Jupiter, king of the gods and included in the name of Mikael, the Archangel. Kuf incarnates manifestation. When the letter is non-closed or non-final, it represents Ketter, the crown. It is also associated with the power of death for rebirth, transmutation for life. (Michael El Nour, Amen, p. 322)
Full alignment and harmony with Heaven only existed at the onset of the Creation process, when the Creator-god’s Frequency was still virgin. At this time, the Great Bear and Little Bear were believed to form the two pans of the celestial Scale: ‘according to Chinese tradition, the celestial Libra was first the Great Bear. Note: the Great Bear would have been called Jade Libra, jade being a symbol of perfection. […] In the Siphra di-Tseniuthaa (Book of Mysteries, section Zohar), the Libra is-suspended in a space that is not, that is to say in the non-manifested, represented by the polar point for our world; we can for that matter, state that the balance of the world is laid on the Pole. Finally, the name of the ‘supreme land’, « the word Tula, in Sanskrit, means scale. The Supreme Land is linked to the zodiacal sign Libra, because it is the ‘supreme spiritual center’ from where Melchizedek, the King of Justice acts. Rene Guenon, Le Roi du Monde, p. 83-84
As such, the pre-zodiacal, polar symbol of the Scale included a Dragon as it was seen as the Dragon’s Wings; it was therefore associated with the Teli, the Axis and the Dragon Slayers.
This concept illustrates the amoeboid division of the Creator-god’s Body at the onset of creation. One aspect experiences the nothingness of Chaos, as the Dragon, first pure Fire and Energy, while the Head, the Conscious Command kept Itself in a pure spiritual state as the Wings of the Seven Heads of the Dragon. Interestingly, the Lyra constellation is seldomly mentioned, although the Dragon originated from it.
In this context, the Dragon,’each of whose heads is a star of the Lesser Bear’, is the ‘Seven-Headed Draco, ‘also, called the ‘Serpent of Darkness, whose seven heads were the Seven Logoi, the reflection of the One and First manifested light, the Universal Logos.’ SD, I, p. 411