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ArchAngel Michael

Venus Upgraded and End of Luciferian Domination – free post

By February 12, 2025February 21st, 2025No Comments


2 videos on youtube, part one and two




In this post, we will be reminded of several topics, that are important at this point in the Earth’s schedule:

  • The end of the Luciferian domination
  • The liberation of Venus
  • How you can assist in HEALING THE MYTHOS.


Assisted by Pluto, the transformer and Mars, we need to re-direct our thoughts, patterns and life. Mars is connected to alignment and axis. Personal axis and planetary axis. Therefore, mercury connects to Pluto to fuel thoughts, bring the mind into alignment . Mars being retrograde, we re-direct old patterns, making sure that all our beliefs fit with the new self or the self that we want to manifest.



We are going to revise a few concepts.


METAPHOR  Life as a Metaphor – Archangel Michael wao, 2007

Life is a dream, a metaphor.

Your life is a dream, a co-creation, projected in the third dimension by the states of Being of your grand, Higher Self, merged with the reality emerging from the Cosmos.

Your life is the projection, in the physical dimension, of the will and desires of:

Your true self, the spiritual one; Your true existence occurs within invisible dimensions

the illusion of your physical existence.

If you can enter the metaphor consciously, you will be the laughing and happy witness of your life, of the movie produced by your soul. Your life will be the stage on which you will project your ideas and manifest them in mastery.

Awareness is then the capacity to discern what your Divine Self is doing.

Perfection and ease occur when one, whether aware or not of the will of Divine Self, has surrendered and given to It the driver seat. You can start opening up to the messages sent by your soul, attempting to open your eyes and awareness.

I am not saying that it is easy.  living in 3D we are constantly searching for the right balance between doing and surrender.


The second and huge concept that we must now change is the mythos, the stories, mostly religious, that we have based our culture and life upon.

Humankind must heal the mythos, change the metaphoric universe it has created to align with the updated MILKY WAY, the updated frequency of the Universe and of the updated configuration of the Body that you are a part of, the Creator’s body.


Fun enough, while re-writing this page, I received the name of a bible scholar, known for reminding me how the expression Elohim, a plural, has arbitrarily been changed, when fitting  in most versions of the Bible to God, one god and capital G.

So, all these concepts, ideas by which we connect with , these beliefs that have dictated our mode of relationship with other worlds and dimension, this is what we must change.

In simple words: we have accepted definitions for this or that; for what the universe or the gods are. We have related with what we thought about the universe.

Now, we have to reset our  minds, and then, with updated ideas, we will have a new type of relationships with the universe.


Using the Mythos, we are still looking at Jupiter, Venus, Pluto as they were described by the Greeks or the Romans.

So, we adhere and repeat visions and realities that are now obsolete. There is truth to all this, but may be these truth need to be re-directed.


In 1999, I wrote: what  truly are spiritual Consciousnesses, Spiritual Beings? What face can you give to them without shrinking them at our scale in the same way that you have been diminishing God Him/Herself?”

Isn’t is what we do? That’s what religions and the mythos are. Attempts to describe, rationalize things that are to difficult for our brains to process.

Another of my quotes:

“In the cosmos there are in fact ONLY FREQUENCIES, forces, which sometimes and temporarily put on a costume, a form, human or not, an illusion.

As you are in the process of overcoming the body, you must rise above the past and open ourselves to brand new insights. That will ease the transmutation of our brains, our bodies and our world.


This is the final sprint for reconciliation between 2 frequencies, between two bloodlines, the Luciferian and the Michaelic Bloodline.  Following the Divine’s embrace of Its manifested Self and Creation, Humankind as a whole and as a part of the Cosmic body,  needs to heal. We must heal the collective mind and the collective dream that humans have created.


Let’s use the metaphor, the stories that we rely upon to understand what has been going on. Do you remember the story of Cain and Abel? Two brothers, one is a farmer, the other shepherd. God approves Abel’s sacrifice over his brother’s. Cain got jalous and killed Abel. Kain then became the patriarch and ancestor of human kings. (Details in the Amen book, page 330 and …).  Have you realized that, according to this story, all humans are the descendants of the bad guy?  Was his god stupid to give power to the perceived bad guy, or was it a cosmic necessity?


we now are moving from a world based on material substance and frequencies to a more spiritual world — don’t dare to say spiritual world yet.

So, the powers that were allowed to control  and shape humans, including the luciferian frequency and archetype,  cannot continue ruling and manipulating earthlings.


The luciferian frequency is connected to the descent, going away from the Divine (remember the rebellion narrative).

This is over. Venus, as the inverted pentagram is part of the past. True love can only exist within the realm of the energies of the upright and updated heart.

The form building power of Venus was updated.  In the Creator’s body, form is no more constrained to the world of matter.

Although I cannot prove it, I suspect that something that already changed in the Milky Way and will soon impact Earth.

The rulership, the power is now in the hands of Spirit,  which means under the responsibility of a group of beings serving the frequency of the light, the original intent for the design of humankind.

This change does not imply judgment or 3D destruction or removal of the team or individuals who have worked under luciferian mandate.

Yet, at the soul level, everyone, human or not,  is asked for integration of the past — working on the merging of the frequency of light and darkness) with a will (and obvious actions) to turn around and serve the interests of the team of the light. Also, if there is enough awareness and knowledge, the important players must concede and surrender to the new spiritual government. This is the meaning of true love, the will and ability to come together and be one with the Cosmic Body and Consciousness.


That has been anchored with Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces. This is meaningful because the path of the deity, as evidenced, amongst other things,  by the position of the lunar nodes, requires a shift to the higher octave of Pisces. Neptune, ruler of pisces is the higher octave of Venus. The manifestation creation (Saturn) must be more refined, a reflection of the new standards.

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