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Mind Bending

Vernal Equinox, Virgo and Jupiter

By March 24, 2017July 15th, 2024One Comment

A blue circle with an image of a flower.




In the past months, I have been paying more attention to the significance of the fixed stars in the charts. First, out of curiosity; then, in regards to the functioning of the Cosmic Body and people’s connections with other constellations. For instance, with some of our family members, we have checked the position of the Star Sirius in our personal charts, confirming a relationship or origin with/from the Dog Star.

A fun example of the precision of the universal computer: in My chart, Vega inspects the tenth House, career….. frankly, for the sceptics, how could I have invented that?!!

Now, as you know, the Aliens have heavily re-appeared around Me. Although always more or less present in my physical existence, lately, they have pushed the trigger to the point of wondering if they were going to make a theatrical entrance on the earth scene!

So, bear with Me and let’s look at astrology under a different angle. BELOW THE COMPLETE EQUINOX ARTICLE, with details:

This is a brewing time for manifestation and for your consciousness, an exercise of self-mastery, ongoing alignment, with surrender to your Higher Self and to the Whole. You have understood that you are here to use and enjoy your talents; yet, you also know that service and harmony with the Cosmic Will are the keys to true success and happiness.

spring equinox 2017

While your egos are being tested (Mars/Saturn), you have the opportunity to lovingly have a (another) good look at our subconscious, emotional functioning (Mars, Venus, moon).

If you have already worked out the wounds and illusions of the Pisces Era (Khiron and Neptune), Pluto will be you ally in the transforming process. Understanding the importance of surrender, in faith and trust, to achieve our purpose, you will benefit from the blessings and assistance of Jupiter, Who has been leading the shift, the revolution (Uranus in Aries). The idea is to continue growing in awareness and strength, yet, to stop making all the decisions. Then, your Higher Self will work freely and lead you on the best path.

Note the position of Zeus/Jupiter: after crossing the sign of the Virgo, where the fixed star Regulusstands, Jupiter is going back and forth in Libra, sign of balance and equanimity. The Virgo is both Isis, the Great Goddess and the holder of the Wings, with Mercury, thus the transmuted mother and bridge to a higher consciousness. Alpha Virgo (main star in the constellation) is Spica, that happens to be in the sign Libra. Spica is the Ear of Wheat, the gift of abundance provided by the Virgo. For the Earth and Her children, Jupiter dances around Spica. Together they are announcing opportunities and blessings.

We have spoken many times of the importance of the Virgo and Mercury in the alchemical process: after the initiation process offered by the Mother in her many forms and the assistance of Mercury, the soul can achieve the merging of the opposites and the state of Hermaphrodite (Book Amen). Now, let’s look at the path of Jupiter throughout the zodiac.

David Ovason, in The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital, examines how the theme of the Virgo is strikingly present in the history and imagery of the foundation of the United States. The wheat (Spica), associated with Virgo ‘grows from the darkness of the grave. The symbolism proclaims that it is through the Virgo that conflict is resolved, prior to being handed over to the next sign —to the equanimity of the balance of Libra. Virgo is the cosmic nurse, the nutrix of the alchemical imagery […]. There is a striking similarity in the pelanos, or sacred bread of the ancient Mystery lore and the holy bread of the host in the Christian Mysteries.

In the Virgo, and while meeting the star Regulus, Jupiter supervised the alchemical process and maturation of mankind’s consciousness. He is now in the Libra, for judgement or balance (?). How are things going to come about? How is the blend of frequencies Jupiter/Spica going to take form?

Another interesting idea while reading the chart of the Spring Equinox: because of the precession of the equinoxes, Regulus has moved from the Leo to the sign of the Virgo. [Article: From King to Queen, God to Goddess]. “What makes this particular change of sign so remarkable? It’sRegulus-“one of the best known and most highly regarded stars in the visible sky. Many cultures over millennia have considered this star very important and often associate it with royalty, military honors and so on. So with it changing signs, this is averysignificant event, and is bound to have vast implications for the way we experience and express the archetype of authority and leadership. Regulus has been aligned with the tropical sign ofLeosince around 157 BCE. Now-virtually as we speak-it is moving from Leo into Virgo. Exactly when this happens depends on where you look for the information. Calculations can vary slightly from one computer program to another, and since the fixed stars move so slowly, it can be a real challenge to pinpoint a precise date.”

In the middle of this immense rewiring, restart for the Planet, do not forget to add to the equation the role of the different extraterrestrial families in the evolution of the human race. We have a webinar coming on this subject and will probably need more than one session to cover the subject. Attune your frequencies through information and contact. Open your DNA and your heart for a new download!

And, for those whose ears and brain are opened, have a good laugh with Me. Comments appreciated! I want to know who fully understands the Cosmic Humor….




One Comment

  • cangemi says:

    Very interesting article ! Thank you dear Archangel to help us decrypt the sky, the languages of the birds 🙂 If I understand correctly, the cosmic man continues his evolution through the movement of the main stars, aligned for a time within the constellations of the zodiac. As for Regulus, the movement initiated by The Adam Kadmon would thus be to pass from the Lion to the Virgin, that is to say from the Ego to the transmuted Great Mother, the receptacle and manifestation of the divine will on the terrestrial plane, and in passing, zodiacal sign of the feast of Saint Michael … indeed, we can talk about humor or cosmic perfection 🙂 For us, it is still a challenge. How to deal with this embarrassing personality, with the ego who uses to manage our life ? Could we pass the gate through the end of the artificial thoughts, the default neural network, as some people say ? About the thoughts, could some of them be transmitted or suggested by artificial implants from other beings ? That’s a big challenge !

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