19 07 2023
today, searching my name, i found this old page, result of interaction with a very angry customer. Michael El Nour (
i will add my point of view, to clear My Archangelic Presence.
when the incident happened, the Water of Life was selling very easily with repeat customers, teachers, using it or re-selling it. It was, in most cases, immediately changing people’s state of consciousness, bringing awareness, visions, light, breakthroughs, etc.
Many reported feelings similar to a drug trip. I even had to deal with a new customer who wanted to report to the police, etc.
So, why did i refuse to pay this woman a few dollars back? Because she wanted me to admit that the Water of Life was a scam, which i could not do.
Refunding the purchase would have been, at least in her eyes, to say that i was selling nothing more than a few drops of water. Which was not the case.

With the WATER OF LIFE, you are instantaneously encoded with the matrix of the new DNA and the HEART / CHRIST Frequency.
Your quotient of LIGHT increases in seconds.
You merge faster with your I AM Presence.

The intent imprinted in the Water of Life is to connect you with your Monad/I AM.
It is a shortcut easing your merging and integration of your Divine I AM Presence. As soon as you are in contact with the WATER your Heart and Crown Chakras will open and/or evolve. Your system will search harmony and alignment. You will be connected with the planetary grid and evolve as One with Mother Earth.
Each time that you hold a bottle of Water or take a drop of it, more photons – particles of Light – are immediately stored into your physical vehicle. The WATER of LIFE thus connects you with your Light Body and creates a step-by-step merging.
The effects of the WATER on you, personally, depends on your Soul and on the work already accomplished. You can expect a deeper, extended state of Consciousness, a stronger awareness, a remembering of the past, or a change in your life. The WATER enables you to face old patterns and transmute the past. For those who are ready or wish to meet their guides – in reality their Higher Self – it is a great shortcut and facilitator. It will be then your responsibility to listen and to work.
How to use it:
(This water is not to be diluted. Each intake is only 1-3 drops)
Most users take the Water before a meditation. You can also use it before going to sleep. It will trigger vivid dreams, remembering, contact with Masters, guides Before a meditation, ask for the assistance of your Higher Self, of Archangel Michael or of your guides.
Take 1-3 drops and feel, in silence.
You can use the Water as many times as you wish.
After several weeks, the effects might seem to decrease.
This means that you have to integrate the gifts and new frequencies that you received.
Then, you may start again…
Research on the Water of Life
by Dr. Levengood, physicist. Dr W.C. Levengood has written over 50 peer reviewed papers dealing with research in the area of physics and biophysics, published in both national and international scientific reviews. Doctor Levengood is currently studying very low electrical pulses in the molecular structure of water and living systems. He has been also working on the secret of the Water of Life.
He showed that a spring water treated by Michael El Nour acquires a different molecular structure and contains what he calls “free energy”. This energy is different from electricity.
As he wrote to Michael El Nour during his experiments on the Water of Life: “In my laboratory, your water was examined for internal energy variations, or in thermodynamic terms, changes in free energy. the molecular water of liquid water is constantly changing; therefore, one must examine these free energy changes over time to determine if the if the overall patterns are different than those found in normal water with no induced enrgy patterns. For this purpose I use a method originating in my laboratory – published in the scientific literature under the title: “Evidence for Charge Density Pulses Associated with bioelectric Field in in Living Organisms”, W.C, Levengood & J.L. Geyde, Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine…
Your Questions Answered
As per the request of many of you visiting this Website, I am answering your most frequent asked questions:
The following information is NOT CHANNELED, and was not discovered after the creation of the Water. It is a summary of events and actions that were planned and implemented by Myself, Archangel Michael, and by the Council presiding at the anchoring of the Christ Consciousness on Planet Earth.
The WATER of LIFE was created in 1997, as a partnership between Myself, Archangel Michael, the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchies, the Ascended Masters, and the Great White Lodge.
The WATER of LIFE was created from the inner planes, from the World of Spirit and impacts your physical body from Source. It did not originate from the plane of Matter and does not attempt to heal or purify your physical body. Of course, the healing of the soul facilitates the healing of the physical body.
The intent of the WATER of LIFE is to connect you with your Monad, to allow you to hear the messages of your Monad, your I AM Presence, and to feel motivated to listen to these messages. It is a shortcut easing your merging and integration of your Divine I AM Presence.
As soon as you are in contact with the WATER your Heart and Crown Chakras will open or mature. Your system will search harmony and alignment. You will be connected with the planetary grid and evolve as One with Mother Earth.
Each time you hold a bottle of Water or take a drop of it, more photons (particles of Light) are immediately stored into your physical vehicle. The WATER of LIFE thus connects you with your Light Body and creates a step by step merging.
The effect of the WATER on you, personally, depends on your Soul and of the work already accomplished. If you have to experience deeper, extended states of Consciousness, or extended awareness, or re-member about the past, or change certain aspects of your life, you will be guided. The WATER enables you to face your old patterns and transmute the past. For those who are ready or wish to meet their guides (in reality their Higher Self) it is a great shortcut and facilitator. It will be then your responsibility to listen and work.
The main feature of the WATER of LIFE is its ENCODEMENT. The WATER contains the MATRIX and imprint of the FULL NEW DNA. It is also imprinted with all the geometrical patterns and frequency of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. All the codes that were prepared by the Lords, for the enlightenment of Mankind and in harmony with the Traditional Hierarchy, were and are regularly stored into the memory of the WATER.
Finally, as the WATER is connected with the lineage of Toth, God-teachers and initiators, it was poured in the Great Pyramid, in front of the Sphinx and in specific vortices in order for its frequency to reach the whole Planet.
This was done during the night of Wesak 1999. I spend the night, by Myself, in the Great Pyramid. As per my contract with the Hierarchy, no other group or individual was scheduled in the Great Pyramid on this very night.