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Wesak 2020, May 7th, Full Moon, Beltane

A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Harmonic Ascent – Rassouli



Wesak, merging with Spirit
No astrological essay, as I prefer to be neutral for the Wesak. However, we had two eclipses, one in December 2019 and one on January 10 that set the tone until June 5th — next eclipse.
Then, we are impacted by several major planets starting to retrograde, very closely, a few days around the Wesak.

– Venus starting on May 13th ‘ only retrogrades every 2 years.
– Saturn, may 11th . just entered Aquarius and back to Capricorn.
– Jupiter, May 14th
– Pluto, April 25th

The game Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto, the awareness-transmutation for new expression and expansion process is not over. More practice. What practice?
Something to do with Venus? First, Venus as the master of contracts => time to review and complete all agreements that are not in your best interest or not in full harmony with your highest dream and goal. And then¦

Beltane, Beltain is the may-day festival, celebrated on May 1st.
Although the name Beltain (Bel, god of the light + tain = fire; Bel’s fire) is attributed to the Gaelic tradition, the celebration of this full moon originated with the Celts and druids. It marked and mimicked the marriage of the god and goddess. While the chosen king had/s sex with one or more priestesses, the good people would indulge or could decide to get betrothed for one year and test their union.

It is a celebration of fertility, with much more than flowers and little pouring of blood. Å“According to 18th century writers, in parts of Scotland there was another ritual involving the oatmeal cake. The cake would be cut and one of the slices marked with charcoal. The slices would then be put in a bonnet and everyone would take one out while blindfolded. According to one writer, whoever got the marked piece would have to leap through the fire three times. According to another, those present would pretend to throw them into the fire and, for some time afterwards, they would speak of them as if they were dead. This “may embody a memory of actual human sacrifice”, or it may have always been symbolic.[7] A similar ritual (i.e. of pretending to burn someone in the fire) was practised at spring and summer bonfire festivals in other parts of Europe. . The wiki article is so sanitized, it is almost comical.

œThe Hindu religion celebrates Holi, a carnival-like spring festival, dedicated to Krishna or Kama, the God of Pleasure. This festival resembles Beltane, with bonfires being a main focus of the holiday. ; great post, cannot locate it anymore¦.


Å“The Beltain celebration, May 1st or around, the latest at the may full moon celebrates life and fertility. It is now believed that it was associated with the heliacal rising of Aldebaran, main star in the Taurus. The sun stands mid-Taurus where Venus, planet of love and sensuality rules the Taurus; also in Taurus, the moon, connected to fecundity is exalted.
‘(Ogham celtique ou le symbolisme des arbres: l’oracle des druides. Julie Conton)


The may pole that is erected during the festival with a ring around it, represents more than the sexual union. It was the symbol for the ‘cosmic axis or axis mundi’.


The May full moon or Wesak Moon, when the Light is at its maximum, promotes the merging with Spirit.

Just like at the time of Halloween the May full moon opens a doorway of communication between the physical and spiritual realms. In the past, harvesting specific plants, jumping over the flames or leading the herds through fires insured happiness and fertility for the year. During with Halloween, crossing over and visiting the Darkness is opened… not encouraged any more.


A blue circle with an image of a flower.


Chris Hardy, remarkable author of Sacred Network, Megalites, Ley Lines and the power of Shared Consciousness [although I did not like DNA of the gods], mentions the fact that Beltane was the celebration of the Kingstag and the goddess Ceridwen. The people of the megaliths preceded the Celts. ‘according to Gwen Lescouezec, Gargan was the megalithic god of the light (preceding the Celts), the one whose cult was replaced by Saint Michael on the same sacred site’. In front of the Mont Saint Michel lays the rock, the tiny island of Tombelaine. In 2007, a special ritual was enacted on the night of Halloween to purify this site from all ancient degraded rituals involving sacrifices and blood, rituals degrading the global consciousness and the global frequency of the Creator-god in manifestation.
French : Reseaux energetiques et conscience collective. Megalithes, Cathedrales


It is interesting to watch how the Hierarchies’ work and entanglement was interpreted and enacted by humans a few thousand years ago. These meetings translate the inner-wheels, the cooperation of innumerable Beings, responding to the Creator-god-Head, and participating in the perfection of His Creation. When these Beings meet during a Wesak full moon, they use… or respond to the cycles/wheels triggered by planets and stars of the solar system and of the galaxy.

So, from megaliths, flowers, sexual rituals, you are encouraged to reach the level of pure consciousness, conscious participation, co-creation with the life of the Creator/god and Adam Kadmon.
No need to repeat through sexuality.

Beyond the shamans, Celts, Druids, any practitioner of the Hierogamos through the body, forcibly or not, you are invited to merge the opposites, the male and female frequencies within yourself. This is the pre-requisite to be ready for the next two waves of 6based code. [next article].

This year, I will be honoring the May full moon by myself, to feel and protect the frequency that I will connect with and anchor. Lockdown can be positive, no group, no tour, no interferences.


You are invited to do the same, feel, analyze if you need, participate, receive the blessings.


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