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ArchAngel MichaelArticlesAscensionAstrologyDeep State

What’s Next? Pêle-mêle… Public

By January 10, 2021July 15th, 2024One Comment






The impact of the ongoing square between Uranus and Jupiter – Saturn in the Aquarius.

it is time to position yourself. What do you want the next world to be?

lukewarm? Enjoying your nice home and food delivered by Amazon? Filling up the billionaire’s big pockets? Ready to take the mark of the Beast into your body?

“So, because you are lukewarm–neither hot nor cold–I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” Rev 3: 16

These words, attributed to Jesus, summarize the impact of population choices. Are you still in love for your human life, whether it is a complete illusion and trap?

What do you think and feel? What are your brain and consciousness emanating and reaching out to? I have been denouncing the culture of lies.30 years ahead of QAnon, I have been denouncing the ruthlessness of the system, the duality ruling mankind, the rule of the dark side, on Satanism, pedophilia, violence and lies, lies. The ASTRAL LINING of our civilization, our astral selves are still under the spell of the old programming.

Now that everything (mmm! Not everything, the world will probably never be ready to ingest the whole truth) is finally bluntly exposed, what is your position? What is your brain, your inner self connected to?

Demonstrate through your actions, make a firm and obvious decision that you are no more willing to perpetuate the old paradigm, based on the dark side.

Now that everything (mmm! Not everything, the world will probably never be ready to ingest the whole truth) is finally bluntly exposed, what is your position? What is your brain, your inner self connected to? “Former Vatican Ambassador to France Luigi Ventura Sentenced for Sexual Assault, This case, which erupted in February 2019, led the Holy See to lift the immunity of the apostolic nuncio, a first in the modern history of the Vatican.”

AND THE POPE: too good to be true ?

TRYING TO FIND OUT IF THIS IS TRUE, (NOT TRUE, SEE BELOW) or even possible : POPE ARRESTED? the Vatican being an independent state, it appears impossible. The previous pope, Benedict, was in a difficult position years ago, in terms of his sexual preferences and habits. Rumors and sad reality, then videos on the WEB. This was probably one of the motives for his early retirement. As for Francis, as part of the elite, he has to be in contact, at least astrally, with the satanists. All world leaders, political, financial, religious were part of the dark structure. Now, pope Francis, in 3D? i have no information.


Bergoglio arrêté hier soir au Vatican. Il sous le coup de 80 chefs d’Accusations dont Trafic d’Enfants, d’être Humains, Fraudes………

VATICAN / ITALY:Pope Francis, aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was arrested on Saturday on indictment of 80 counts, including possession of child pornography, human trafficking, incest, possession of drug paraphernalia and fraud .

the response in a picture: Angelus, January 10th:

A blue circle with an image of a flower.



“REPORTS: Blackout in Vatican, Roads blocked in Rome”

“Officially, there is no confirmation of what has caused Vatican city to go into a blackout. Some reports on social media cite technical power outage while several users are quoting a conspiracy theory that says, “Vatican in black out after affidavit was leaked of the Italians involvement inUS election Interference.”


Election fraud organized by? Maria Zack / ACWT Interview 1.6.21 | Blue Dragon Journal

Well, we will hear that it was done by ex-Fox-News hostresenter, America We Can Talk Debbie Georgatos | Italian Intrigue (and Affidavit) in the Stolen Election of 2020 (Updated) (

Obama the so great involved again.

True or not? Your decision


MIGRANTS CARAVAN on the way: Honduran migrants flee disaster-stricken country, head to US border (

“Biden has pledged to abolish many of the migration policies of Donald Trump, including prolonged detention and separation of families, which were designed to deter illegal migration. This encourages more impoverished Central Americans to make the trip and test the Biden administration, said Gonzalez.”


Who was at the Capitol? A view from inside DarkHorse Podcast w/ Jeremy Lee Quinn & Bret Weinstein: The Capitol Insurrection, A View from Inside – YouTube

Although the people in the riots most probably own firearms, ‘they were not guns everywhere’. good sign.



Facebook, Zuckerberg, Twitter, close President Trump’s accounts: i have always refused to participate in the media frenzy and madness. Make a statement- Decision shifts the energy. Refuse to be a slave of these people, themselves the slaves of higher powers determined to keep the sheep horde.

From the David Icke website: “Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been hit by Twitter’s campaign of high-profile censorship, as the platform removed his messages blasting coronavirus vaccines from the US and the UK as “completely untrustworthy.”

Khamenei’s remarks were posted to his multiple accounts, run in different languages, late on Friday. The Twitter thought police, however, were quick to react, purging the messages it deemed“misleading.”

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