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Why is everything so slow??

A blue circle with an image of a flower.


The truth about our world has always been available, however it is, still, too difficult to accept. The Secret Doctrine, that is very eye-opening, was published in 1888. For decades, whistle blowers, movies, books have brought our attention to the well-known moguls and invisible hands manipulating the 3D world:


  • Human magnates who acquired too much power and shamelessly use their intelligence and gifts for self-satisfaction and corrupted aims.
  • Entities, demonic entities (demonic = reversed, working against the Light Principle) and their human puppets.
  • Alien nations only interacting with selected scientists and governments.


Although only distorted versions of the truth have been retained, everyone, thanks to the internet, has been exposed to the existence of the underground satanic cult that have shaped our subconscious minds, our power systems. Unfortunately, this knowledge became another political or money-making tool.


As for the public, instead of being hypnotized by church members or followers of the Montauk Project, the masses have joyfully agreed to be subjugated by moving images, screens and influencers nourishing their need to evade the harsh reality.


We know that reality is projected by our brain.[i] But the world and images that children and the average population are engulfed in are not created by their own brains; instead, their consciousness is invaded by the specific, artificial world, the images and characters intentionally created and monitored by others, by their jailers and wardens.


With decades of warnings, how is it that we cannot stop the implementation of what was long called the New World Order, as mentioned by G. W. Bush in 1991.[ii] Or Joe Biden, who, in March 2022, addressing the Business Roundtable’s CEO Quarterly Meeting, which included the bosses of General Motors, Apple, and Amazon, Mr. Biden concluded his remarks by saying: “Now is a time when things are shifting. We’re going to – there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.[iii] Was it just another gaffe?

Could the NWO la sauce Great Reset be a necessary step? A version of it. Klaus Schwab is scary-creepy, I give you that. But, what is the difference between Oneness with the Superior Intelligence and globalization at the planetary and then galactic level? When you buy a car or a computer, can you tell what part is made in China, in Japan or in Illinois?

On the foundation of the Covid engineered crisis, the world as we knew it has disappeared. A series of mapped events are played out in front of a crazed public eager, choosing to ignore most of the show. Our puppet masters want an economical crash and want the average population to be even more at their mercy. The show is unending. We are bombarded by messages intended to stir up fear and anxiety. How many more billions are the United States going to send out on the arms and corruption market without a blink of the population?


According to the New York Times, and until May 2022, the U.S. has sent more than $54 billion to Ukraine since the war against Russia started. How Much Money Has the U.S. Sent to Ukraine? Billions in Aid (


On august 8, the US department of Defense announced the spending of another Billion, 1 Billion in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine. $1 Billion in Additional Security Assistance for Ukraine > U.S. Department of Defense > Release


September 8: 675 million dollars were added.


At this point, it is difficult to keep track. The State Department notified Congress of our intent to make $2 billion available in long-term investments in Foreign Military Financing: $1 billion to bolster the security of Ukraine and $1 billion for 17 of Ukraine’s regional neighbors.

In total, the United States has committed approximately $15.2 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since January 2021. Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $17.2 billion in security assistance to Ukraine and more than $14.5 billion since the beginning of Russia’s unprovoked and brutal invasion on February 24.

And why would the public protest while surviving daily routine, higher bills and the continuous assault of mass-hypnosis by the streaming stations Especially when such enormity is balanced by a few billions supposed to curb inflation, focus on climate change and . Reduce the price of prescription drugs so that the average American can continue swallowing pills like candies, etc

WHO China Natal Chart

A RECTIFICATION is needed here: the Covid intervention started early 2020. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were stuck in Capricorn, yet in good terms with Uranus, the game changer, in Aries. Jupiter was square Khiron and opposed the north node.

This also meant that Jupiter was conjunct the south node, past achievements and foundation to let go of.

Humankind needed to look at its wounds and karma, and move towards the future, all of these energies culminating in December 2020 with the Jupiter-Saturn Great Conjunction. Covid or not, humankind was SET FOR THE GREAT RESET.


In the meantime, in my little universe, someone sent me a link to one of Matt Kahn’s deos, End of Inner Conflicts.[iv] This is a great reminder of the dichotomy between the awakened consciousness and the memories still encrusted in the body; between the Spirit and Material realms. He repeats that we need to be patient with the process taking place in the world of matter [This is my wording].


I would add that when consciousness has the answer, precisely, and when one is able to fully detach from it and from the individuals playing out a role in the body’s infestation, then the body can heal. In other words, if we accurately know the root of a problem, it disappears. For instance, if you ingest a poison or encounter a virus, then awareness is enough to shield the body. Now, if the issue is part of a large karmic story that has affected your subconscious mind and eventually your destiny, years might be needed to reach the root of the problem. Layers of consciousness will be uncovered in tune with the planetary transits as recorded in astrology.


Or, if two individuals or a group agree to share their energies and fields in a common project or common space-time, then the group shares the same level of immunity and risks or contagion. The group processes together this or that, each bringing his/her own take or grain of salt into the mixture.


Technically, our Monadic Presence is pure and without subconscious patterns, non-dual, non judgmental, and not attached or disturbed by memories or lifetimes. If humans could sustain living 3D life at the Monadic vibration, they would exist in a golden paradise. In other words, when under the gaze of pure monadic state, the body does not even act out. Period.



At average human level, the Monad is absent or removes Itself to allow more awareness to occur. Awareness is connected to the life of the Whole (=Entity that we share a life with) Which Itself evolves in the material world. We can therefore only evolve through the body and at the speed and rhythm of the Whole.


We must be patient with the process of integration of consciousness in matter, in synchronicity with the Divine Life Itself. The discrepancy between what we can understand and transmute is a direct consequence of our sharing the life of the Divine. Especially if our destiny involves greater responsibilities in the life of the planet and of the Whole.


Our Earth has not ascended yet. The Life that we share has just started to recover from oblivion into the material world. The body and the state of the 3D world are the reflection of the Universe’s slow evolution. It is also, at the personal level, the materialization of your DNA, memories and natal astrological map. Who can escape the wheels and cycles of the universe, the great conjunctions, the march of Pluto around the zodiac? Only those who can reach and sustain a pure Monadic frequency or higher.


Now, for those, moguls and others, who might think that they have avoided the consequences of the material descent or of karma, because their life flourishes, be aware that the Universe is an impeccable mechanism. No one escapes universal laws. Everyone is or will be, when time is right, confronted to the Lords of Karma.



Fortunately, with the passage of the heavy planets in Scorpio, then in Capricorn, the lining of the world has changed. The energy field has been cleaned up and we will see the end of the tunnel.


Over the last four decades, I have watched the tides of past stories flooding my life regularly, at the pace of the planetary transits. We have all, globally excavated more stuff in the last three years, but most people have barely any recollection or knowledge of what and who they are. And there lay the difference between the mind, more or less animated by consciousness, and the body.


Something that you have probably experienced: you misplace an object, and you cannot remember where you left it. Classic, right? And don’t even try to think that this only happens to seniors. No, I was doing it at 13. Well, how do you find the missing treasure? Ask your body. Close your eyes and follow your body. Or, ask your body to lead you to the missing object within an hour. And it will, as soon as you stop thinking about it. Right? The body remembers.

All this to say that 2 days ago, out of the blue, TV and objects started to scream at me: someone, that we will call X, astrally landed into my living room, to whom I yelled to get out. We were karmically bonded 3400 years ago but are barely communicating. Then, 2 seconds later, literally, a photo of myself, under the disguise of my bodily extension of an Egyptian queen, appeared on the TV screen! The movie I was watching had nothing to do with the subject, or Egypt; but there she was, same face, same wig, smiling! And if I had tried to ignore the two warnings, my MD made an appointment for me with a specialist whose last name is . Exactly the last name of the third person involved in our story. Then his/her face manifested on my computer screen.[v]

Here I was, while listening to the news in the UK, going back in time, assisted by Mercury retrograde, checking again on one of my most damaging meeting with these souls, a reunion attended by the ghost of Lucifer. I did not even have to check the date, as it is written in bold red letters in my memory. 2006. Is that possible? I was in England. With whom? Doing what?

A blue circle with an image of a flower.

Tor, Glastonbury

It is impossible to give details on a public blog. In 2006, my present 3D Self had the honor of meeting for the first time the Twenty-Four Elders. I was standing in a vast, opened plain, bringing timelines together, in the United Kingdom, rebalancing the course of history. A few days prior, I stood in front of Buckingham Palace, pondering on the wealth and long-lasting power of the English monarchy then operated in the famous Thor, one of the most powerful vortices on the planet.

[For the new readers, in the early 90s, as a matter of training, and long before embodying my archangelic Presence, I was given the opportunity to watch myself merging timelines. The impact of the training exercise was so powerful that I was able to re-unite people physically for a few hours. Then, the scenes and bodies vanished].

A few weeks later, against my screaming intuition, I decided that it was time to honor my friend, X, to visit the summer house that X dearly cherished. All the fibers in my body were saying no. I felt like an animal volunteering for the slaughterhouse, yet still trying to focus on love and respect. During the first night, Lucifer appeared and told me that our contract was not completed yet. A few days later, my heart chakra almost exploded. And then, stuck, I landed in X’s home, somewhere in Europe. For two years I was under severe attacks from the occult Lodge of this country, performing ongoing rituals.

Now that I use astrology, I am horrified by the precision of the transits that hit my bodily self at this time. We are responsible for our choices but did I have a choice?


And then, 2022, in the UK, Elizabeth II was finally ready to leave this plane. All the questions that crossed my mind while I was standing at the gates of the royal landmark came back. The events that occured while operating under the Glastonbury Tor flooded my memory. With the strength of Uranus, the answer hit me: among other things, it was time to clear my relationship with England, dating from the 16th century, when I played John Dee[vi], the magus, counselor, alchemist, spy, cartographer, organizer of expeditions over-seas, serving Elizabeth the First, daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Dee also wrote a lot of the literature that inspired or was used by those involved in the creation of occult organizations throughout centuries.

Elizabeth 2 is not directly related to Elizabeth 1 but one of her ancestors connects her to the Tudors.[vii]

My awareness of cosmic and planetary mechanisms was not developed enough in 2006 to complete the karma, the story that was launched in the sixteenth century. Yet, what was seeded in 2006 came to a closure. It is known that John Dee, one of my extensions, was a strange character, constantly surfing the edge between science and occult magic. Dee calculated the date of coronation of the young Queen Elizabeth the First. Knowing him, he most certainly anchored the event with magical rituals, ensuring his protegee a bright future, in the long run. As my consciousness is/was used to thinking bloodlines, I let you, the reader, imagine the rest of the story.. until the 21st century, and humankind running out of time. All major planets are retrograde again, supporting the powerful square Saturn-Uranus in Taurus. A little help with Pluto and here we are, watching the end of a dynasty, whether it looks like it or not. Humankind has another opportunity to clear the past and organize the future. Meditate, anchor your intent to solve your personal karma, whether you are aware of your multi-dimensional activities or not. Be humble, determined, and loving. Loving yourself, whatever you have done in the past, and embracing your present.

Interestingly, for your amusement, my present physical self has a relationship with the humans who probably played out Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, parents of Elizabeth 1st. I also met the most probable incarnation of Elizabeth I in this lifetime. Although we recognized each other, and were connected for several years, she, as her famous soul extension, also decided to protect her carrier, at governmental level, instead of risking to be associated with my present disconcerting character. In the 16th century, Elizabeth often manipulated Dee, as his role was both precious yet borderline legal, because of the Catholic Church. Which brings the question: when and how will the final blow be delivered to the Catholic Church? I know that something is brewing, yet do not have details.

Henry VIII, Elizabeth’s father, entertained the dream of ruling France and was cursed with what became known as the king’s great matter:[viii] Although jumping from one petticoat to the other, he was unable to produce a male heir. The English ruling monarchy was anchored by Dee, during the reign of a Queen, not a male King, and consolidated by magic.

A blue circle with an image of a flower.All these souls, used to power, have competed, and fought each other for human control for centuries. To complete the old cycle and start afresh, in service to the Divine, and in accordance with the Deity’s return to power (end of the downward movement for manifestation’ See Who Is Your Creator God), pushing the Earth and Galaxy back to the Light, all the ancient dynasties and souls that have contributed to their rise, must surrender. They must surrender and act accordingly, either disappearing or actively supporting the Light Principle.

The paradox is important enough to be repeated: power was given to specific human beings by the will and eventual magical push of the Divine in manifestation. Leaders are necessary to support and educate the flock. These souls were granted the right to lead countries, secret orders, Churches, wealth, and their reigns were eventually promoted with magic (Supported by Pluto and House 8). All this is coming to an end, now sealed by the Will of the Resurrected Deity, and manifested through the filters and frequencies of Its multiple Aspects (Embodied in the planets).

Timing and the wheels of the matrix are the magical keys; It is then time for all the ex-leaders to learn humility and show their willingness to act in favor of the Divine Plan.7




When, a few decades ago, Heaven opened Its arms to raise humankind’s consciousness, and prepare the Shift, the New Age movement taught that, acknowledgment of our mind patterns would allow rewriting our stories. It was without counting on Saturn, and the power of incarnation.

I must admit that, decades ago, I also naively believed that we could re-write our karmic stories, erase traumas and change our life frame (Book I Am That I Am, still one of the greatest tools to engage on the path of reconciliation with the Divine). We all learned self-acceptance and resilience, but the universe decides, especially if you are one of those souls, moving things around for centuries.

We have thus learnt, at our own expenses, that while the mind and spirit can fly, the body is still too heavy to engage in such exercise. As for the structures of the system that we have created centuries ago, they can only be discarded, or transmuted in harmony with the planetary cycles.

As units in the life of the Greater One Consciousness, as pieces of the greater puzzle in the realm of manifestation we are playing out the dreams and stories that He/Her/It and us have imagined. These stories do not cease to exist because we would like to.

Fortunately, Uranus attends the party. Uranus’s relationship with other planets and with your well-organized existence (Saturn) can be compared with the sudden arrival of your eccentric, super-boosted mother-in-law, in your quiet life, or a hurricane on a tranquil, small town.

Saturn and Uranus, both heavy-duty bodies, have been squaring each other (90 degrees apart on the zodiac) since 2021. Saturn currently retrograde at 20 deg. Aquarius, and Uranus pounding the quiet realm of Taurus at 18.59 have been disrupting the world without mercy. Because of the frequential amplitude of these planets, an exact square is not necessary, just another jolt. Mid-September to end of October, Uranus and Saturn will be almost exactly square around 18 Aquarius and Taurus. Uranus wants to impose a new paradigm while Saturn applies the brakes and complicate all matters.

To set this in perspective, remember that Jupiter and Saturn were both conjunct Pluto in Capricorn in 2020. Then, as a great omen, Jupiter and Saturn met on the December 2021 solstice, announcing the Resurrection or passage of the Deity from the underworld to the Light.

If we think about the planets as aspects of the Deity, Saturn represents the aspect of the Creator-god, the old god, removed from the Golden Era[ix], forced to submit to extreme density, low speed and death. In mythos, Saturn is Uranus’s son. Uranus is Father-Sky, imposing his view and frequency for the return to Spirit and the Light. The present transits are then the last or one of the last steps, warnings, and opportunities to clean up our acts, to see our past choices and actions, and re-align with the present situation. Uranus, Father Sky, as an Aspect of the Creator-god is cleaning the manifested world and asks you to follow him, with your heart and deeds.


Back to Queen Elizabeth II leaving this plane, the question of the relevance of a human monarch in our society, will certainly rise. Reforms are expected. Jordan Peterson’s comments on the subject are quite interesting. Describing the United Kingdom’s system of power based on 3 divisions, executive, legislative, judicial plus the monarchy being the symbolic pillar, separated from the political. (minute 5.5).[x]


I prefer to believe that the Monarch is the bridge between Spirit and Matter, the Deity’s Ambassador in the realm of Form. His role is much more than symbolic. He anchors and diffuses the Divine’s Frequency on Earth.


Remarkably, in the 18th century, the situation in the newly created American democracy became very chaotic. The idea of having a king, eventually Prince Henry of Prussia, was debated during a Constitutional Convention.

Was George Washington Really Offered a Chance to Be King of the U.S.? | HowStuffWorks

Since moving in the United States, I have always been surprised by the fundamental need to create a new type of nobility. The Kennedys, often called American royalties, although their power of attraction has died off, Hollywood and internet fame, money and persistent noise have replaced blood and soul.

In this type of game, I landed yesterday on strange websites: a man whose name I will avoid advertising for, is not only presented as QAnon, but, for more sensationalism and followers, believed to be the deceased Kennedy.

It is still quite interesting to note the emphasis on the late Queen’s life of service and sacrifice. Yes, it might be hard to follow rules and etiquette for seventy years, while balancing emotions and needs of a family or allowing a husband to be in his power. But, she could quit and allow her sons to rule. Also, how many in the world would refuse her job, a sacrifice endowed with such wealth, available staff, luxury and power? As for the tension between the official person the whole world was looking at and the mother and the grandmother and the wife. There is no tension, no play, if one truly is a monarch by divine right. There is only a fact involving responsibilities. It is probably more difficult for the spouses and children than for the reigning member of the family.


looking for a photo, after posting this, i just discovered this very detailed page, where the image originated:

“One of the most influential prophecies for the later Habsburgs was the 1564 book On the Greatest Conjunction by the Bohemian Astrologer Cyprian Leowitz, which predicted apocalyptic consequences from the conjunction of the superior planets Jupiter and Saturn in the zodiacal sign of Aries in April 1584. Leowitz pointed out that such conjunctions occurred in Aries only every 800 years, that one foreshadowed the beginning of the Roman Empire and the birth of Christ, the next the transfer of the empire to Charlemagne. This must be the final conjunction, for the world could not last more than 6,000 years.”

Ancient theories considered it first amongst zodiacal epochs, for the world had been created with the sun in Aries, meaning that the sign immortalised the first Age of Gold, mystically transfigured into the Ram’s Golden Fleece. The Habsburgs inherited the sovereignty of the Order of the Golden Fleece, whose members considered themselves God’s Elect, chosen to prepare the way for the return of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God signified by the Golden Fleece, who would rule his earthly kingdom from Jerusalem






[ii] New World Order: Impacts in Terms on Global Cooperation –


[iii] What is the New World Order and why has Joe Biden caused uproar by using the phrase? (





NOTE, UKRAINES PRESIDENT When the joke becomes alive.

Around minute 13- I had forgotten about this

Resist The Great Reset: Frank Jacob and Gail of Gaia ” cosmic news


Then, when it happened


The video about Ukraine 2030



[v] As it happened on the day of the car accident related to the same story: two cops were sent to make a report while I was sitting on the sidewalk, in Los Angeles. One bore the name of a famous Egyptologist; the second was Thoth!!


[vi] JOHN DEE: Had the confidence of his most beloved monarch who ruled between that frosty Catholic inquisitor Mary and the fearful Protestant literalist James: the Virgin Queen, Gloriana, Elizabeth. It was Dee who decided the day of her coronation, it was Dee who always had her confidence as astrologer, and it was Dee (perhaps looking into his black American mirror) who first christened a land for Elizabeth across the ocean as being the British Empire. Dee endures at the margins of recorded history. Two generations ago, he was revived as the subject of proper academic study at Yates, but there is still something unacceptable or ghostly about him.


As all of his extensions [Author’s note] Notes on John Dee’s Aztec Mirror Journal of the Northern Renaissance (

His vision is at times shockingly contemporary, the sober advocate of calendar reform, an instrumental figure in advocating mathematics as a universal language, the proponent of new cartographic methods. But there are always those pesky angels in our peripheral vision. And while we as scholars are encouraged to not project modern day prejudices anachronistically onto the past, to not diagnose or pathologize behavior that comes from an incredibly different culture (for the past as they say is a type of foreign country) Dee can try our patience with his seeming naivety.



[vii] As the daughter of King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I was the granddaughter of King Henry VII. Queen Elizabeth II is also related to King Henry VII because his daughter Margaret married into the House of Stuart in Scotland.

When Queen Elizabeth I died without an heir, Margaret’s great-grandson James VI of Scotland became the new monarch, reigning as King James I of England. Just as the throne passed from the Tudors to the Stuarts, it then passed to the Hanovers. The Hanovers established the house of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. That house was renamed the House of Windsor, to which Queen Elizabeth II belongs.


[viii] Henry VIII – Wikipedia


[ix] See Who Is Your Creator God? Chapter Saturn.



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