Solar Eclipse Gertie Korney
APRIL 8 Solar eclipse – saros 139
Connected to years 2006- 1789
“Experience this total solar eclipse from Mexico, you may be able to get 4 minutes and 28 seconds of totality. That will reduce as the moon’s dark central shadow speeds up and becomes stretched as it moves from southwest to northeast, but on the U.S.-Mexico border, 4 minutes 26 seconds is possible.
The last time a totality of this length occurred in North America was onJune 16, 1806, when a total solar eclipse lasting up to 4 minutes 55 seconds surged across the U.S.” space.com
According to NASA, we might be able to watch more solar activity: “in 2017, the Sun was nearing solar minimum. Viewers of the total eclipse could see the breathtaking corona – but since the Sun was quiet, streamers flowing into the solar atmosphere were restricted to just the equatorial regions of the star. The Sun is more magnetically symmetrical during solar minimum, causing this simpler appearance. During the 2024 eclipse, the Sun will be in or near solar maximum, when the magnetic field is more like a tangled hairball. Streamers will likely be visible throughout the corona. In addition to that, viewers will have a better chance to see prominences – which appear as bright, pink curls or loops coming off the Sun.
With lucky timing, there could even be a chance to see a coronal mass ejection – a large eruption of solar material – during the eclipse.” https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/skywatching/how-is-the-2024-total-solar-eclipse-different-than-the-2017-eclipse/
A solar eclipse can happen at the new Moon, thus bringing new beginnings.
No one knows how exactly this eclipse will impact the United States. Two facts: no spiritual group will be next to me to celebrate or watch. On one of my charts, the eclipse is conjunct Eris. Lol
Time for humankind to re-consider the status quo, to think hard and change beliefs and habits. This applies to 3D establishment and to humankind’s relationship with the Spiritual Hierarchies.
In 3D, more riots or revolts against authorities, fake news all around the globe and more specifically in areas covered by the eclipse. We-the-people, everyone wants independence, money and power… is self-reliance going to pay off?
Cosmically speaking, whether humans like it or not, they are not in charge of planet Earth; they were supposed to be Earth custodians and have ransacked their inheritance.
The eclipse is also conjunct Khiron, that visited with the north node a few days ago.
Eris, 5 degrees from the Sun and Moon conjuncts Mercury, itself retrograde. Weirdly, this is quite positive. The energies are about healing while taking the right turn. Is this the healing from Ceres’ grief (square the eclipse) brought by the passage of Pluto?
For those who have wisely attended the 2 last webinars about Pluto, refer to your notes. Look again at your inner mechanisms, your shadow, your relationship with the other side, power, money, sex and magic.
Issues with debts or inheritance. Funny that some people trying to be at the edge of new spiritual discoveries suddenly speak about sexual magic!! This train has long left the station!
Eclipses are always a window during which you can receive more information from the inner planes. This is the opportunity to ask about magic: have you set blocks or curses on others that are still active? Are you affected by magic? Time to release all these contracts.
Aries libra axis in the tropical, Babylonian matrix: changes in relationships, alliances and new axis of power.
Pisces Virgo : see March 25th Lunar Eclipse, Lucifer and Babylonian Matrix – public – Archangel Michael (archangel-michael.us)
Finally, not sure how to interpret this: the North node is 90 degrees (Ouch) from Vega and Sirius: Difficulties for mankind to align with Cosmic mind/Heart and Rulership.
Humankind undergoes, is at a stage of healing, and recovery of self-power. Humans have been abused collectively by a system in full decadence (Kali Yuga and experience of the Darkness). They have also been lied to by the organized religions.
Yet, human beings must understand that ”Heaven” is not what they have been told and that a relationship with the outer world or Heart/Mind of the Galaxy, the Creator Consciousness, plus a relationship with what we call the Spiritual Hierarchies is unavoidable. Children can try to stop relationships with their parents. It is sometimes necessary to heal wounds and karma, but filial love cannot stop. And karma only exist within love. Tough to understand yet true.
Vega conjunct Ceres, is sextile (good aspect) Lucifer. Plus, as already mentioned earlier, Mercury retrograde is conjunct Eris (the one who stands up to tell the truth).
North node (mankind compass) is exactly square Vega. This eclipse could also work as a fulcrum, the turning point that we all wish for.
Is the strife brought by Eris, goddess of discord, the new talk of the internet going to be the truth about the Mysteries — hidden attachment and practice with the shadow— going to be finally heard and efficient?
Is Uranus, Father Sky, going to finally stop the contract Pluto-Jupiter-Ceres mediated by Mercury? Or, is this another opportunity to make peace with the Luciferian principle?
Venus, who has been flirting with Lucifer for at least half a cycle, is close to Neptune. Illusions about love? Contract with Neptune?
The transits, this time, are quite puzzling to me. The Dragon energy was very strong 2 days ago, announcing axis alignment. Not surprisingly, Taiwan was hit by a 7.4 earthquake, although the April 8 solar eclipse is still a few days off. Additionally, this eclipse does not show the components, the usual pattern linked to strong and violent seismic activity. So, faith…
ADDED 4/5/24
Received an email from A. one of our friends, reminding me of the Devil Comet… returning after 69 years and that could even be visible during the eclipse. completely forgot about it. That might help. just did a search again with NASA. quite humorously, Comet 12-P Pons-Brooks is photographed next to Vega. here we go.

Devil Comet 12p Ponce Brooks
“On December 4, periodicComet 12P/Pons-Brooksshared thistelescopic field of view with Vega, alpha star of the northern constellation Lyra. Its next perihelion passage or closest approach to the Sun will be April 21, 2024. That’s just two weeks after the April 8 total solar eclipse path crosses North America. But, highly inclined to the Solar System’s ecliptic plane, the orbit of periodicComet 12P/Pons-Brooks will never cross the orbit of planet Earth.”
Comet 12P is also called Mother of Dragon because “the comet is thought to be the parent body of the small “kappa-Draconids” meteor shower, which is active annually between Nov. 29 and Dec. 13.”
This reference is found on many sites. great insight. However, i do not believe that it has to do with a return of the feminine or the feminine principle going back to preponderance. What humans need to focus on right now is BALANCE between the masculine and feminine energies, equilibrium between Light and Darkness.
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (aka the “Millenium Falcon” Comet) Flares Again!
you can also get the Sky Guide app for your phone to track stars and constellations.
A good article:
Regulate your iron level to avoid cancer. new research:
Le cancer se dope au fer – {Sciences²} (lemonde.fr)
“The result emphasizes that life (or illness)… it’s chemistry. It is indeed the iron in excess in the cancer cell that explains the metastatic runaway, Rodriguez’s team discovered. An excess iron that acts on the mitochondrial metabolism of the cell and on its epigenome by catalyzing the chemical reactions responsible for the expression of certain genes associated with the cancer process.
How does iron invade the cell? But when CD44 gets involved, it uses hyaluronic acid – a veritable “iron sponge” explains Raphaël Rodriguez – to force-feed it to the cell that will store it in its lysosome, “a kind of cellular hub“.
It is therefore common to supplement anemia cancer patients with iron. Should we question this practice? Is there a therapeutic avenue for CD44? Here too, only a deployment of research will make it possible to find out.
What’s next? Raphaël Rodriguez is waiting.”