ETs still in the News – Cosmic Man Re-alignment in process! ArticlesMind Bending ETs still in the News – Cosmic Man Re-alignment in process! COSMIC NEWS - COSMIC MAN and TIME LOOPS Several important time loops are being completed,…adminOctober 19, 2016
Halloween, Sirius and Vega Mind Bending Halloween, Sirius and Vega Halloween, Sirius and Vega 'Freed by my Higher Self, having recovered my Divine creative and…adminOctober 14, 2016
October 2016 Full Moon, Aliens, Sirius, Orion, etc Mind Bending October 2016 Full Moon, Aliens, Sirius, Orion, etc DEFIER L'ENERGIE NOIRE DE HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE THE DARK HALLOWEEN ENERGY Photos later, I have enough…adminOctober 10, 2016
For Halloween, choose the Light Articles For Halloween, choose the Light DEFIER L'ENERGIE NOIRE DE HALLOWEEN CHALLENGE THE DARK HALLOWEEN ENERGY last minute addition 10/15: several…adminOctober 10, 2016
About Power, feminine power, etc Articles About Power, feminine power, etc POWER, feminine versus masculine or? Summer is gone; in the Desert, the Sun-god is finally…adminOctober 4, 2016
The Warrior Path Articles The Warrior Path The Great Crowned Dragon came out, walked around and restsagain, beneath, far from sight. A…adminSeptember 4, 2016
Saturn Neptune interactions Articles Saturn Neptune interactions Astrological aspects Saturn Neptune help dissolving form and time to reach oneness with Spirit/Cosmos and…adminAugust 31, 2016
Saturn, Maleficent or the Blessing’s Bringer Mind Bending Saturn, Maleficent or the Blessing’s Bringer SATURN, NASA Saturn, the maleficent or the blessing's bringer Do you remember how to rewrite…adminAugust 26, 2016
Who are the Elohim and Nephilim? Mind Bending Who are the Elohim and Nephilim? Who are the Elohim and the Nephilim mentioned in the old texts? In the Old…adminAugust 17, 2016
All is good, Tout Va Bien dans le Meilleur des Mondes! Mind Bending All is good, Tout Va Bien dans le Meilleur des Mondes! End July 2016- this has nothing to do with competing Da Vinci or…adminAugust 10, 2016