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Jupiter Uranus Conjunction, Galactic Upgrade

By May 5, 2024No Comments

Jupiter Uranus conjunct, within our matrix.


The Dragon has been acting out again, aiming at moving tectonic plates and earth axis. Surprisingly, the list of earthquakes above 5 is not higher than usual. Well, we have more tornadoes, rain, all parts of the cleansing.

I have only listened to one online discussion about the subject: a duo, Steve Judd and Rick Levine. Rick is very much himself. Steve has a different personality and opens other avenues of reflection to the table.

I have stopped listening to Mr. Levine, whose knowledge of the mechanical aspect of astrology is remarkable, because of his overbearing rhythm and personality [he explains himself, ‘4 planets in Aries, lol] as is again the case in this powerful video — God, I hope that I haven’t become like that! I would love though to have their public, but not sure that I would not feel like Daniel in the lion’s den, because of the public’s anger and lack of awareness.

The end of the duo is the best. Enjoy.

[i actually do not want to add a direct YouTube link, for personal reasons, not technical mishap)


The connection with the French revolution, 1789 and other social and political events is remarkable.

We all know that the hard road is not over, yet, this transit, in conjunction with Pluto, and Neptune is definitely going to affect our world.


Pay attention to Saturn. Remember: the Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions and transits (square and opposition) mark the steps of embodiment of the Deity deeper and deeper in matter;  Jupiter breathes divine life into the material world; then Saturn gives shape to the divine Dream, frequencies. Saturn assimilates, concretizes in the physical realm, and in the world of Time.


The Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions played a remarkable role in my embodiment and job down here.


Jupiter Saturn Conjunctions Occult Meaning part 4 – Archangel Michael (

[I am transferring the videos to youtube]


The events, the transits that have prepared, plowed the ground for the future occurred between 2020 and 2021 ( about), when Jupiter Saturn and Pluto all transited Capricorn.


ASTROLOGY Transits 2020, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto at work – Archangel Michael (


Steve Judd recalls the triple conjunction Saturn Jupiter Pluto that occurred at the end of 2019 and 2020. He speaks about ‘the end of the political system…that we lived on for thousands of years.’ Structural and psychological changes. ‘Capricorn, sign of the world government, etc’ minute 58 and following.


You will note, listening to Steve, that there is still something missing. Most spiritual seekers have not yet made the jump to my vision and conclusions.


Rick Levine mentions that within a week of the last Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, in Germany, Martin Luther made public his debates with the Catholic Church. “he posted a sheet of theses for discussion on the University’s chapel door. These Ninety-Five Theses set out a devastating critique of the church’s sale of indulgences and explained the fundamentals of justification by grace alone.”[1]   Bringing to the conversation the problem in the Church and bifurcation with the Protestants, Levine  knows or has the right intuition: the spiritual aspect of the transits; or impact of the transits from and to the spiritual structure of societies.



Later, one of the followers mentions the necessary metaphysical change.  But we are still missing one dimension, the spiritual (or aliens’) authority and the fact that the Creators have always been on Earth, that I have always supported humankind — even manipulated the events through magic.

We are all speaking of, and longing for a metaphysical change, a more spiritual or conscious society. Yet, none of those 2 super astrologers spoke about the axis Cancer-Capricorn, as the axis of initiation. Nothing about the role of Secret Societies in this world. Cancer is the gate of the Soul, the onset of the Journey, with the descension of the soul.  Capricorn opens the Gates of the gods, where the soul is ready to ascend and returns to the gods.

Secret Societies and the Vatican have always had more authority than the governments. We are at the transition. Their authority has been removed and needs to be replaced by something else. It takes time.

Beyond organized religions, beyond politics and government, there is a spiritual government, what we cannot call any more Spiritual Hierarchy, without risking of being lynched.

Let’s look at another meaning for the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction:

We have spoken at length (search Cosmic News or read Creator-god book) of the importance of Pluto in Capricorn, the meaning of the Capricorn, connected to number 5, to Venus, and of the role of Jupiter, Saturn, Ceres, Mercury.

What leads the world is not the physical governments or structures. It is the spiritual structure and the spiritual government.

In simple terms, the Huge Consciousness that is leading us is first manifested through spiritual layers. The constellations (that are the bodies or instruments of conscious Beings). And then, we have myriads or disembodied (not dead, without a body), spiritual beings who are participating, as the conscious tissue of our universes.

Those layers of life have also been cleaned up. This is what we call the cleaning of the dark entities surrounding the planet.

And all this is focalized, as through a prism, through the groups that have carried the Tradition, offered in the Mystery Schools.

Organized religions, exoterical groups are below that level, for those who cannot fathom the complexity of the inititiation process; for those who cannot understand or intellectually accept the Cancer-Capricorn gate that was created to force mankind into a faster evolution process.



So, Uranus is Jupiter’s  grandfather and Saturn’s Father.

In 3D,  very simple words: Uranus, Father Sky, nothingness (or a level of Nothingness already, because there is movement in His/It Consciousness).

When Uranus moves, thinks, emotes, Saturn, contraction, crystallization, Time start.

Then Saturn kills, emasculates Uranus, and takes over.


Next, and fortunately, Consciousness has a reaction, spasm, soubresaut. [this word exists in old English]. Tic Tac, rhythm, inhale-exhale.

The spasm, while Consciousness has imposed little death on Itself, creates Jupiter.

Jupiter, in the legend, kills Saturn. That is the spasm. The Light/Spirit/Pure Consciousness takes over again. Tic Tac, rhythm, inhale-exhale.

Then Jupiter is going to infuse its frequency regularly in the world of manifestation while meeting Saturn. Of course, it is more complicated, more planets, but we make it simple.

Taurus, in our matrix, is the land of manifestation of the gods.

Uranus and Jupiter, the grand father and grand child who happens to be the king of Olympus who accepted the initiation path for humans, etc, are meeting (conjunction).

They are giving a jolt of consciousness to the world of manifestation. They are straightening things up, on Earth for the next cycle. Universal clock. Tic Tac, rhythm, inhale-exhale.


What is, in fact, going on at the spiritual level? Higher up?

With the participation of humankind, of the manifested world, the Creators evolve. Our, your Creator-god, assisted by all the work done down there by everyone and by His anchor on Earth, … merging Spirit and Matter, with the anchoring of the New Jerusalem, the cleaning and awakening of the ley lines, and more;  such as the transition from a Sirian to a Vega, Lyrian government (happened in 2014, if I recall properly).

The Creator-god and all our Galaxy are taking a step up. The Consciousness that you are a part of has evolved and is moving up in terms of frequency and organization.

Earth and you will and must evolve simultaneously and accordingly.



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