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ArchAngel MichaelAscensionAstrology

Neptune Retrograde 2024

By July 20, 2024No Comments


July 2024

Uranus, Algol and Mars coming together propelled Donald Trump’s campaign to what appears to be a victory. He was lucky not to lose his head.

And then probably a good transit combination to trigger the international IT outage that followed and stop airports, etc


While hiking, I have listened to one of our famous astrologers detailing the July 2024 astrological transits. Details, details, if we only consider the fast-moving Sun and  planets. Time to think, time to love. Time to try this or that.


Yet, what is really working at the core of our beings and our civilization is the movement of  slow-moving bodies, such as Neptune. I always wondered why Neptune was not included in the murky scheme of the ancient Mysteries. Only two brothers involved, the flamboyant Jupiter and the scary Pluto, still working their power struggle with Saturn.

Well, look who is intervening in 2024: Uranus, Ouranos, Father Sky. And Neptune, giving you the opportunity to review your beliefs, your comfortable illusion that our world is. Maya.


Neptune is retrograde.


The complexity of the cosmos lies on a multiplicity of planets, constellations, black holes  interacting with each other. I do not have the right tools to quickly access planetary progressions: how planets and stars move and form aspects with each other over time; i.e Saturn conjunct Neptune, Saturn square Neptune, Saturn Neptune opposition]; fortunately, the internet connects us with other minds more interested in the challenge!  And probably using the right applications!


Neptune takes 165 years to circle the zodiac, 14-15 years in a sign.

Saturn takes an average of 29 years to orbit the Sun.

Saturn and Neptune align every 36-37 years.

What about Neptune and Pluto: “Neptune-Pluto cycles last about 495 years – half a millennium. They characterise an underlying driving-force behind history, an undertow of reality which marries the inevitable ram-force of Pluto with the imaginal, ideational power of Neptune. This combined force helps us define our underlying historical reality on a collective-unconscious level – this world-view and body of collective experience being a combination of actualities and perceptions.”[1]


Neptune, the embodiment of illusion through the waters of the Astral, deception, abstraction connected to intuition, powerful through fluidity. Signifies both high intuitions associated with spiritual abilities and confusion, lies, drugs, etc


Neptune, the god of the Oceans, is the king of blurry, fuzzy, impalpable, imagination and dreams, intuition, mysticism… and delirium — used positively or not, ambiguity.  Saturn is density, crystallization, structure, organization and reality check.

Who is not a little anxious or in awe when sailing, thinking about the fantastic life, beauty, strength, mystery, drama that the eyes cannot access. Did you see the photo of one of the last whales that got stranded, and died, unfortunately? An unknown species. Never been seen before.[2]


In Esoteric astrology, Neptune is said to rule Cancer — instead of the Moon. That would imply that what lingers in our subconscious mind (Moon) might trigger the deceptions and addictions enacted beyond the Neptunian Waters,  our secret world.



Three big players are retrograde: Neptune, Saturn and Pluto, all commanding another effort before the end of the year. We have:

  • Jupiter quintile Neptune. Quintile = 72 degrees. 72 x 5 = 360. The quintile is part of the 5-pointed star, thus the building of form through the interaction of Sun and Venus. We can expand building our reality without carrying the illusions or secrets of the past. Or, our dreams, although sometimes treacherous, could be manifested if we hike into a more spiritual world.


  • Neptune sextile Pluto and Uranus. The change is not optional and will be positive. And, if we do not support it, it will occur anyway.
  • Uranus trine Pluto: change, change, move on or be forced to do so, still being shown that the shift is positive. In the center of the Uranus-Pluto trine, sits Neptune. To engage in the shift, we need to respond to intuition, love, and higher frequencies.

Endings for new beginnings are confirmed by the full moon conjunct Pluto”


  • “The Full Moon is at 29° Capricorn and its conjunct Pluto at 0° Aquarius.
  • The Full Moon is engaged in 2 aspects: a sextile with Neptune at 29° Pisces, and a trine to Mars at 0° Gemini. We again find the 29th degree (the last degree of the sign) and the 0 degree (the 1st degree of the sign).”



Neptune went retrograde early July. Instead of entering Aries, the master of the Ocean  decided to linger in his domain, Pisces, dedicated to spiritual affairs and service. “In Pisces, esoteric ruler Pluto, renounces the emotional body and is thereby reborn a powerful intellect.” After the self-sacrifice linked to =Neptune, the soul is capable of letting go of the need to be constantly nurtured by the motherly energies (Cancer) and able to freely serve the community and the Divine.


We are closing the Pisces Era, dominated by Neptune and the Moon.  Supported by Khiron and Saturn, we are invited to deal, once more, with the past:

  • Have a good look at karmas and weights accumulated in the last 2000 years. Make any effort to complete our stories, even if it is emotionally painful. Saturn induces liminations; it forces us to a higher level of self-expression, based on self-integrity. Thus, the need to eliminate self-deception and illusions. Self love and love for others will result.

Neptune and Saturn will conjunct in February 2026, at the beginning of Aries, the beginning of the Sun cycle according to tropical astrology. So, within our matrix, it is a big new beginning about the way the illusion materializes to accommodate our senses and our capacities in consciousness.

In other words: as children, we slowly learn to grasp how things work. We are taught how we should interpret what we see, hear, etc. if we are lucky, we might have parents evolved enough and smart enough not to limit our perceptions and universe. If we enter the mold, as explained by the elite or whoever rules, we become good sheep.  Lol

February is a few months away. In the meantime, we are offered the opportunity of Jyly full moon, on the 21st, conjunct Pluto to end and transform more of our emotional habits.


  • Pisces, house of sacrifice sustained the end of the Self-sacrifice of the Demiurge or bruised, manifested aspect of the Deity. As a consequence, a myth was entertained: the story of a divine Son who would have been crucified. An illusion and a lie about the Creator and the Divine functioning was a the core of Christianity.

Speaking about Neptune, religion and lies, think about all the rotten people, politicians, business men who go to church on Sundays and hide all kind of secrets. Think about the Churches, Catholic, Orthodox, the folkloric ashrams scattered in the East … and the West. All have in common mysteries, secrets and often, lack of integrity.


I have been accused lately of not seeing my shadow, the stains left by the journey with the old lodges. Funny, I have spoken of the Darkness ad nauseum. I never hid my past life 3D affiliation with the Dark side as well as the Archangel’s role in the life of the Lodges. The shadow of the System (the Sirian experiment), of the Deity are abundantly and publicly discussed;  I have taken responsibility for as much as I am aware of.

It is my belief that my job in this incarnation is to see, detangle, and break all ties, at the personal and collective levels. Not fun. Not very nurturing and snug (comfy). For those who feel misunderstood or mistreated, understand that you are given an opportunity to complete your own time-loops and free your soul. This is what loving parents are supposed to do with their progeny.



Neptune Jupiter Astrological transits 2022 – Jupiter Neptune Conjunction – Archangel Michael (

Neptune cycles

For those who have been following my teachings, this —great— website perfectly exemplifies what happens when people do not know the occult Tradition and do not have a global view of the evolution of Consciousness.

“Last synodic cycle began: 1989 (Saturn/Neptune conjunction in Capricorn)
Opening square: 1998-1999 (Saturn in Taurus/Neptune in Aquarius)
Opposition: 2006-2007 (Saturn in Leo/Neptune in Aquarius)
Closing square: 2015-2016 (Saturn in Sagittarius/Neptune in Pisces)”


Saturn’s stint through Pisces is, in many ways, the finale to the Neptune in Pisces era that started in 2011.”


Compare dates with last post, September eclipse. Compare with whatever happened in your life.






NUMBERS, NEPTUNE-SATURN CONJUNCTIONS – knowing that this type of conjunction is felt for years, before and after the exact date.

Astrologer Richard Nolle’s 3000-Year Saturn-Neptune Conjunction Table (

FEB 20,   53 | 06:12 AM | 000 | 12PI26  | 12PI26

MAY 28,  375 | 09:10 AM | 000 | 03PI22  | 03PI22


Aries MAR 18,  555 | 10:46 AM | 000 | 07AR03  | 07AR03


The foundations of the Christian Church after Nicea (325)


MAY 28,  375 | 09:10 AM | 000 | 03PI22  | 03PI22  |

| JUL 10,  375 | 09:40 AM | 000 | 03PI05R | 03PI05R |

| JAN 17,  376 | 01:35 AM | 000 | 01PI46  | 01PI46


1200, crusades, relic cult, pilgrimages; Gengis Khan, Magna Carta.

JUN 10, 1200 | 02:43 AM | 000 | 17PI56  | 17PI56  |

| JUL 12, 1200 | 02:09 PM | 000 | 17PI44R | 17PI44R |

| JAN 26, 1201 | 03:09 AM | 000 | 16PI23  | 16PI23


1523-1524 Clement VII; Luther ‘Peasants revolt in Germany, demanding reforms based on the writings of Luther and others.’


APR 30, 1523 | 05:43 AM | 000 | 07PI48  | 07PI48  |

| AUG 01, 1523 | 03:38 PM | 000 | 07PI12R | 07PI12R |

| JAN 03, 1524 | 03:35 PM | 000 | 06PI11  | 06PI11


1703 new beginnings in knowledge, dissipating the illusion, obscurantism.

MAR 27, 1703 | 11:32 PM | 000 | 11AR44  | 11AR44 



Classic astrology:,one%20will%20occur%20in%202026.



[2] Rare spade-toothed whale washes ashore on New Zealand beach in discovery hailed as ‘huge’ for science.


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