Well, something is happening inside the Vatican, although I am not sure what.
Does the Vatican believe that it still has full spiritual power… that a whole bunch of old men with funny clothes, protected by blond Swiss guards, have the right to decide what is right and wrong? No, the Holy Sea is just keeping business afloat. If they were to admit that their story of Jesus, as the Son of God, is a fraud, what would the pope be? The vicar of ??
While my brain rambled, the Vatican published a new decision, about defining the supernatural.
The text, as in Vatican News[1]: “As a rule, the Church’s authority will no longer be engaged to officially define the supernatural nature of a phenomenon, a process that can require large amounts of time to thoroughly study an event and supernatural is hard to find.
Authority is given to the local bishops, who “would recognize a supernatural event and then had to accept a denial from the Holy Sea.”
So, we if we remove the term supernatural[2] and focus on probably-helpful, no need for recognition as it is barely, ever granted.
If local authorities, such as the Bishop, recognize that a believed phenomenon helps the faithful and does not obstruct the catholic faith, amen.
The Holy Sea’s tribunal is so busy {!?!) that, “In fact, since 1950, no more than six cases have been officially resolved.” Instead of punishing the population in need of devotion with their lengthy debates, the Church will favor the use of Nihil Obstat (no obstruction), declared by the Bishops, instead of supernaturalitate (possible supernatural = “affirming with moral certainty that it originates from a decision willed by God in a direct way.”).
Nihil Obstat indicates that the faithful “are authorized to give [the phenomenon] their adhesion in a prudent manner.”
“Nihil obstatdoes not declare the events in question to be supernatural” but helps the flock in welcoming the Holy Spirit’s gifts. “Nihil obstatallows the pastors of the Church to act confidently and promptly to stand among the People of God in welcoming the Holy Spirit’s gifts that may emerge “in the midst of” these events. The phrase “in the midst of”–used in the newNorms–clarifies that even if the event itself is not declared to be of supernatural origin, there is still a recognition of the signs of the Holy Spirit’s supernatural action in the midst of what is occurring.
The Bishop leads the investigation, choses a canonist, one theologian, “and an expert chosen based on the nature of the phenomenon,” and protects the flock’s right to feel the actions of the Holy Spirit.
Other rules: pay attention to possible confusion –Prae oculis habeatur; without upsetting or encouraging the wrong beliefs (Curatur). Serious risks can be determined and the local bishops can discuss the issues locally. We pass the latin.
Finally: “Declaratio de non supernaturalitate: The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith authorizes the local bishop to declare that the phenomenon is found to be not supernatural based on concrete facts and evidence, such as the confession of an alleged visionary or credible testimonies of fabrication of the phenomenon.”
Basically, as long as you do not fabricate evidence, you can believe in Aliens or you are allowed to have a vision of the Cross, as Constantine did when he created the Christian Church, if it helps you and your neighbors to feel closer to God. Then you hope that your belief is not contrary to the Canon, because the Bishop has the authority to stop your marketing in the local churches.
Also, the pope is still the top judge in terms of recognizing supernaturalitate (I hope that he is more connected and has more information than I do, lol) : “the possibility always remains that the Holy Father may intervene exceptionally by authorizing a procedure that includes the possibility of declaring the supernaturalness of the events. Yet, this is an exception that has been made only rarely in recent centuries.” Well, sure, now that the whole system has been firmly established, with a few miracles, a few visions here and there, proving the story of Jesus, no need to push. We are in the 21st century after all!
We still have limits: “the newNormsestablish that the Dicastery (Court of law, in this case within the Church) must always be consulted and give final approval to what the Bishop decides before he announces a determination on an event of alleged supernatural origin.” Also, the intervention of the Dicastery must be known.” Not sure, the Dicastery is ready for Aliens and crafts. They did that before WWII, but now we have their technology at hand.
The Church warns about potential need for individuals or a group to create miracles for profit: “a sectarian spirit that breeds division in the Church; an overt pursuit of profit, power, fame, social recognition, or other personal interest closely linked to the event;
Who would do that? We were educated by Luther; no one is going to believe in indulgences anymore. Anyone worship relics? Did Luther or the multitude of Christian denominations who went astray made “potential doctrinal errors?” Probably, according to the Holy Sea.
FULL TEXT https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2024/05/17/0403/00842.html#en
Places and people become sacred by popular sense: “thesensus fideliumintuited the activity of the Holy Spirit there.’ This is what occurred for Padre Pio (1887-1968) who exhibited the stigmata since 1918 and was a known healer. He is still believed to appear and give messages. Saint PÃo of Pietrelcina – Iglesia Catolica Palmariana (palmarianchurch.org)
Padre Pio was beatified (=Blessed” and worthy of limited public veneration”[3].in 1999 and canonized (declared a saint) in 2002… after I arrived. He is so loved and creates such revenues that he could not be ignored by the Church any longer.
Padre Pio is very close to my soul. He had ongoing contacts with my previous Self. He always marked his arrival with a strong scent of roses. He stayed next to her for months when she started to work as a healer, guiding her with his arms and hands over hers. His intent was to give her confidence and love. They communicated telepathically. He came back regularly around 2000, generally in the open kitchen, just to share love and still bringing these extraordinary exquisite scents. Besides the miracles he performed, he was known for his capacity to bilocate, although very pragmatic and doted of a very strong sense of humor. His main sanctuary is located in the Gargano Mountains, 15 miles from the Saint Michael Sanctuary. My previous self was also known for her capacity to bilocate, physically, and communicating with others in multiple spaces at once.
The Medjugorje case, where several teenagers claimed a contact with the Virgin in 1981, has not yet been approved by the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. I do not believe in that one more than in Lourdes.
I do not believe that the Son of God visited Earth 2000 years ago. And yet, i am strongly connected to Padre Pio who exhibited the Stigmata. When i embodied in 1998, i was still vaguely ‘Christian’ as evidenced by a few lines in the book Manifestation. Padre Pio manifested the Stigmata; he fabricated evidence because he believed in the story and had such power; not because it was true. How much are we still creating, just because we believe in this or that?
As there is no coincidence, I just discovered that the apparitions in San Damiano, Italy, that are not accepted by the Vatican council, are also linked to Padre Pio. Mamma Rosa, who viewed the first apparition of the Virgin, in her garden visited Padre Pio in 1962. While waiting to see the healer, Rosa had an encounter with Mary. Then padre Pio told her to care for the sick for 2 years and that “she shall live through a great event.” After the 2 years, Mary appeared to Mamma Rosa. https://www.marypages.com/san-damiano-(italy)-en.html
Last week, after a personal message from my Higher Self, I started to rummage through the book A Kiss for Lucifer, in which San Damiano is mentioned in the Annex. N., my ex-self, visited San Damiano in 1985 and also saw the Virgin Mary above the pear tree; although holding baby Jesus, she did not look angelic or alive, but was a floating copy of a four feet plaster statue. N. was told that it was a hologram, a word that she did not know yet. So, the miracle was technology of Extra-terrestrial origin.
Well, well, is the Vatican aware that we might experience a radical holographic extra-terrestrial (or not) show, dragging humanity into a frenzy? Fun! Or too aware of the power of social media?
[1] https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2024-05/dicastery-doctrine-faith-supernatural-phenomena-norms.html
[2] “neither the Diocesan Bishop, nor the Episcopal Conferences, nor the Dicastery will declare that these phenomena are of supernatural origin, even if aNihil obstatis granted. It remains true, however, that the Holy Father can authorize a special procedure in this regard” (I, 23).”
[3] Brittanica