Mars conjunct Rahu (North Node) in Aries.

May 2024 Mars conjunct Rahu
I have been wearing red for days.
Astrologers might predict violence, turbulences.
The International Crime Court just announced international warrants against Netanyahu and Hamas leaders in relationship with both Hamas attack on Israel and Israel’s response.
I recommend reading the report of French astrologer Bernard Duchatelle, quoted below.
Mars is action, focus, war, violence, anger. In Aries, in its own sign, Mars has all the strength of raw life.
The position of the lunar nodes on the zodiac changed in July 2023. The nodal axis as shown on the astrological chart, indicates the direction of Divine Intent. At human level it shows “what frequencies humans are evolving through collectively, and where they should focus. It is also the area in which the eclipses or windows of transformation and opportunities take place over the course of one and a half years.” Nodal Axis Change – North Node in Aries – July 2023. Members. – Archangel Michael (
Ketu, the South Node, or Dragon Tail is a 180 degrees, accross from the North Node, Rahu.
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. “Aries starts a cycle of incarnation.”[2]The life force, sent out by the Divine Heart/Mind and flows freely, with the enthusiasm and vitality of a teenager, who aggressively and emotionally explodes when facing a barrage. Ruled by Mars, Aries, a fire sign, can be aggressive and will need the assistance of its esoterical ruler, Mercury to stabilize and avoid disasters.
“On the enclosed chart, July 19ththe North Node or Rahu, Dragon Head was located at 29 Aries. The last time it happened was on December 27th2004. The question to ask yourself: what were you doing at the end of 2004 and in 2005? I was discovering Myself, bringing all aspects of Self I could find and reach,[1]anchoring My Presence on Earth. on December 26th, following an altercation with the old Capricornian lodges, the powerful 9+ earthquake struck Indonesia.
The south Node or Ketu, Dragon Tail, is in Libra.”
Duchatelle is adding the position of Saturn in the equation:
“Saturn in ambushfrom May 22 to 28
To this we add that from May 22 to 28, Mars also addresses aparallel of declinationto Saturn, while this star is itself at the parallel of the lunar nodes from April 22 to June 19. The situation is thus as follows (see the rule of variations c-contra):
– Mars parallel to Saturn
– Mars parallel to the lunar nodes
– Saturn parallel to the lunar nodes
This configuration can be interpreted as a quadruple conjunction of Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
The presence of Saturn greatly complicates the equation: its tense aspects with Mars often express the harsh brutality of reality. The capacity for action (Mars) is blocked (Saturn) by adverse circumstances, which triggers frustrations, which turn into violence.” (Bernard Duchatelle).
Saturn is the aspect of the Creator-god that manifests Itself in the 3rd dimension. It is the agent of crystallization of Divine Will on Earth, within space-time.
Mid 2023, around the Wesak (full moon in Taurus, the time when the manifestation energies are applied to Earth), a strong adjustment was scheduled for the Earth. This is happening as a consequence of galactic upgrade. The Creator-god Itself is evolving, moving towards the Light as explained in my last book, and Its schedule for earth is indicated in the present astrological transits.
Jupiter Uranus Conjunction, Galactic Upgrade – Archangel Michael (

May 2024 Venus conjunct Jupiter
So, back to the beginning: Mars conjunct Rahu (North Node and Dragon Head) in Aries (The Ram, connected to the head in medical astrology).
The north Node points at our target; it is our collective compass, leading our focus. As the Dragon-Head, it is thinking and willing part of the god, activating manifestation windows during the eclipses. We have thus 3 components of intent merging. Are you going to resist?
Mankind is forced (Mars and Uranus) into a new life cycle, with an adjustment of the whole system, at the galactic level. Libra, the Scale pushes towards a new equilibrium of forces, new relationships at the world level, readjustment of powers in play; as well as adjustment of humans’ relationships with the cosmos.[1] New equilibrium needed to adjust our consciousness with our spiritual North. (details about the role of Libra in Creator-god
Humans need to re-define themselves, the cosmos, and their spiritual practice = their personal connection with Spirit = the invisible, yet dominating Life and Consciousness.
As humanity is not truly willing (and able?) to participate — too busy having fun, making money or just surviving, this cosmic movement triggers natural phenomenon, storms, weather, stronger solar flares (although solar cycles). There is not enough communication (libra, where the south node is) between the Creator’s Heart/Mind and humankinds.
The most striking energy at this point coming from the Cosmos is sheer, bold focus and determination. Humankind cannot resist anymore to the Cosmic Will and alignment. Resistance shall increase natural disasters, wars, violence — the negative and three-dimensional aspects of Mars.
Only harmony (Venus, ruler of Libra is Master of Harmony) with the Divine can alleviate more chaos and disruptions. Venus is now transiting between Jupiter and Uranus (in sandwich!). It is the needed ingredient, love, merging, meeting, harmony between the agent of implementation of divine law (Jupiter) and the force striking from Heaven (Uranus, Father-sky Itself, saying enough).
Saturn and Jupiter, agents of manifestation Divine Will, are still almost sextile, which is helping.
So, your job?
Recognizing your part in the Divine Purpose; and if you are lucky enough to have a direct connection, use it.
If you happened to know, in your heart, What I Am, act upon it.
Be a part of the manifestation of Divine Intent, the cosmic force pulling our system, your life, in a specific direction.
More on Rahu and Ketu, videos eclipse mechanisms, part one and 2.
[1]Creator-god book: “The Libra is suspended in a space that is not, that is to say in the non manifested, represented by the polar point for our world; we can for that matter, state that the balance of the world is laid on the Pole.” Finally, the name of the supreme land, the word Tula, in Sanskrit, means scale. The Supreme Land is linked to the zodiacal sign Libra because it is the supreme spiritual center from which Melchizedek, the King of Justice acts.4 In the zodiac, Libra represents equilibrium at different levels: the balance of the polarities; harmony between the soul and the body. Venus, the double-sided planet, is at peace. Saturn exalted in Libra allows the evolved soul to focus on spiritual integration instead of material gain. The pre-zodiacal, polar symbol for the Scale included a Dragon, as the constella tion was seen as the Dragon’s Wings; it was therefore associated with the Teli, the Axis and the Dragon Slayers.” P. 35