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ArchAngel MichaelArticlesAscensionAstrology

Pluto, Personal and Collective Alchemy

By March 12, 2024July 15th, 2024No Comments


We are undergoing a deep alchemical process, involving all heavy weight planets, including Pluto, the non-planet, Chiron still healing our collective consciousness while conjunct with the north node; Uranus and Jupiter almost reaching each other for an extraordinary breakthrough.


The first part of the Pluto webinar was joyous, informative, constructive and we were blessed with great meditations. My Archangelic Presence always delivers a special message when we close our eyes together.

Two meditative practices below. The first one connects the Demiurge’s transmutation moving along galactic shifts with your personal work with Pluto.

The second unveils Archangel Michael’s intervention on human DNA. Use it to clear your own DNA and prepare the DNA of next generations.













the second



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