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ArchAngel MichaelDeep State

Riots in France, Why?

By July 3, 2023July 15th, 2024No Comments




moon in Capricorn. Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer. Adjust who you are, with the right intelligence, and decisions. Sun good terms with Saturn and Jupiter. Adjust and work to create more blessings.

Mars and Venus are still conjunct with a square to Uranus. Explosive decisions about relationships and contracts. As Uranus is still in Taurus: to build your life, your stability, make the right move and chose the right relationships.

Pluto square the north node. Transform in alignement with future and Divine Plan.

Cancer-Capricorn was the axis of initiation of the past.

Ceres, queen of the initiation in the Mysteries is at the beginning of Libra, 180 degrees from Neptune. Let go of all illusions, lies, low astral behaviors, addictions to adjust (Libra) to the new path (North Node).


PERSONAL MESSAGE: My computer is about to expire…lol. Assistance appreciated.



Best videos i found, Although in French, more photos here. The policemen do not appear to face any danger.


First video shows the moment Nahel was killed. Does not appear to confirm the details of the event, as described on Thursday, June 29, 2023, by Pascal Prache, prosecutor of Nanterre.

According to the policeman’s lawyer, the police waited 30 seconds for Nahel to comply and had only 40 centimeters (16 inches) to move between the car and the wall, thus implying a danger to be crashed by the vehicle.

twitter: the passenger coming out of the damaged car, hit by a policeman.

the description of the circumstances are conflictual. According to one of the passengers:



Yet, according to the IGPN, General Inspction of National Police, “The police didn’t shout ‘I’m going to put a bullet in your head’ and ‘Shoot him’ but ‘Cut! Hands behind the head”, according to the IGPN

In its analysis of the video of the Nanterre tragedy, the IGPN considered that the policeman at the origin of the fatal shooting would not have threatened Nahel with death but would have ordered him to turn off the engine of the vehicle and to comply with the control.»[1]


the police officer would have aimed at the leg, but was pushed by the movement of the car.



True or not, not sure: a testimonial by one of the passengers. “A first policeman came to ask Nahel to lower the window, which he did. He told her, “Turn off the engine or I’ll shoot you.” And he hit him first with his gun butt. Then, a second policeman would have in turn hit the driver with the gun butt (not sure this is the right word), before placing himself “at the level of the windshield, facing Nahel”. It was then that “the first policeman who is at the window points a gun at his head and says: ‘Don’t move or I’ll put a bullet in your head.’ The second policeman said, “Shoot him.” »

At that point, according to the passenger, Nahel received a third blow from the butt that caused him to let go of the brake pedal. The car being automatic, this would have caused it to restart. “And the second policeman, who was at the level of the windshield, fired. Suddenly, his foot depressed the accelerator, “says the witness.

“I saw him in agony, he was shaking,” he continues. passenger then left the car and fled. “I thought even I could shoot me. So, I ran, “he justifies. The other passenger in the car, who remained at the scene, was arrested by the police and taken into custody.”


Macron started with a mistake. He qualified the killing as unforgivable, which increased the anger. He should have been more neutral. Arresting the police officer is enough to show the government’s will to protect its citizens from police’s excesses. Higher percentage of death caused by the police have been recorded since 2017, when a new law was voted, sanctioning the refusal to comply.

“Section 4 of this law authorizes police officers to open fire if two conditions are met: the police must be certain that they cannot stop the vehicle otherwise, and the driver’s flight must be “likely to perpetrate (…) attacks on their life or physical integrity or that of others”.

A refusal to comply is registered every 20 minutes. 30,000 cases registered in 2001.

Refus d’obtempérer : près de 30 000 cas recensés en France en 2021

“In 2021, about 27,700 refusals to comply were recorded by police and gendarmes, an increase of nearly 50% in ten years, according to official figures. En 2021, 5,247 refus d’obtempérer ‘avec risque de mort ou de blessures’ ont été recensés, selon les derniers chiffres de la Sécurité routière. Une hausse de 88 % depuis dix ans, avec une nette accélération depuis 2018 (+64 %).”


After a sixth night of riots, 45,000 police officers deployed.

We are at night 6. “After 4 nights, 1,311 people were arrested overnight. He had reported, earlier in the morning, “79 police and gendarmes injured”, 1,350 vehicles burned, 266 buildings burned or damaged and 2,560 fires on the public road.”

The ministry also recorded 31 attacks on police stations, 16 attacks on municipal police stations and 11 on gendarmerie barracks.



Following an attack on one mayor’s home, using car-ramming and eventually a second mayor aggression, Macron will meet 220 mayors on Tuesday to discuss the situation, as city halls, schools, librairies are affected. Small business and store owners are asking for help.

everyone agrees that a young man should be dead for non-compliance and refusan to stop his car . by the way, he was 17, small job, and drove a Mercedes with a polish identification plate.

irmed that 45,000 police officers were deployed across several cities. First evaluation of the damages: 250 millions Euros.


Although the rioters are -” according to the news— mostly from immigrant descent, the young Islamic and post-immigrant population is divided. Islamic influencers are even using the Coran to try explaining their kins that destroying their own schools or libraries is not to their advantage and not peace as recommended by the Prophet.



THE EDITORIAL OF LE FIGARO – ” The country gives the image of a “third-worldized” nation.

For the second time in four months, the President of the Republic cannot honour his diplomatic commitments. In March, demonstrations against the pension reform led him to postpone the visit of King Charles III. At the beginning of the week, he must cancel his three-day state visit to Germany. “40,000 police officers cannot control the chaos,” warns the German daily Bild Zeitung.


Georges Bensoussan Historian, a specialist in the Holocaust and anti-Semitism,, : “The denial fed by ‘cultural leftism’ is largely responsible for the situation.”

Bensousan had directed in 2002 the collective work The Lost Territories of the Republic, a book alerting on the situation in the suburbs. While these lost territories ignite, he analyzes twenty years of refusal to see for fear of “falling into the hands of the extreme right”.

Misguided anti-racism has prevented us for years from naming reality. Against the herding discourse invoking “racism” or socio-economic conditions to explain the riots, according to Georges Bensoussan, it is necessary to appeal to cultural anthropology to understand the foundations of this crisis. ”


It is about time to realize that mixing traditions, religions, races, cultures is a long term commitment. In France, in the US, we have extraordinary examples of success in this regard in the younger generation. But, it takes time. Most importantly, as evidenced by the dissentions within the immigrant community, the fundamental problem is again the level of consciousness and humanity.


Why is this happening? Because there was an occult attack against what I call the New Jerusalem.


The battle between the old lodges, rulers of the system and the Divine Plan, the battle between two timelines is still going on. The question to ask yourself: how much engagement are you showing? If you were connected in the past with the dark, fallen rulers, it is time to ask yourself again: is your soul still wobbling, between fully supporting Me and the Hierarchies of the Light and your old ego and astral self, addicted to the dark system, only pretending to surrender to the Divine?


Listening to a podcast on the subject this morning, I stumbled upon a dead coyote, unfortunately very young. This is a very rare occurrence and means that, on the Inner Planes, the dark plot is under control.


If your soul and actions are still not 150% on the side of the new rulership, or if you are not sure that your astral self has fully surrendered, and you have plans to visit the Mont soon, I would advise to reconsider.



In the news: ‘The Most Intact’ Roman Mausoleum and Mosaic Uncovered in Rubble of New Building Site in London (




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