Frequencies collisions
Yesterday, braving the sun, I tried to reconnect with my beloved Preserve, one of the few original and true oases in the Coachella Valley, exhibiting local, untouched palm trees, growing on the San Andreas Faultline. Twenty-five years ago, the heavy old trees, at the threshold of the oasis, embraced the visitor like a womb, a natural cathedral, filled with silence and mystery.
With the development of social media, the site became a tourist destination, and was cleaned up to meet safety standards: the trees were trimmed, the birds and wild cats endangered, the sand dunes almost destroyed…
How should the gods explain to a dense mind that this site is one of the Old Dragon’s veins and anchor of His Higher Self, called by Catholics Archangel and by others Alien Lord?
While leaving the site yesterday, I followed three individuals, two men whose bodies truly, truly exhibited the traits of the simian, ape-like ancestors. The height, the skeleton, position of arms and legs, the proportions of the torso, the walk, the face, when they turned. While listening to my inner discourse, I could feel their joy, their capacity to love a family[1], their pride of being a part of the American experiment.

Coachella Valley Thousand Palms Preserve
Yet, while my heart radiated divine love, my brain quivered at the painful assessment of the impossible task: leading as equally as possible the human race towards the glory of divine intent? The grace of the angel, of the birds, steered by the sharp, deep, conscious mind of the Old Dragon?
The Preserve is now closed, the original womb, stepping down towards the dump Faultline, impossible to cross, as old palm trees fell during the last storms.
When I saw the destruction, my first instinct precipitated a thought: My Presence is protecting Its sacred sites. A more pristine, less human energy is required for the next few months, at least. Or was it a consequence of divine anger? A necessity, interpreted as anger?
How do we explain this concept to people who honor and defend the story of baby-Jesus and yet, love getting drunk to the point of behaving like weird children, almost daily? To good, successful Americans addicted to drugs and money? To a struggling teenager kidnapped in Nigeria? To nations and leaders addicted to lies, profit and wars?
Twenty-four hours later, I read this report in the news: European rivers cannot get rid of the pollution inflicted by human presence.
“Monday, May 27 revealed “widespread contamination” of waterways in Europe by trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), a “forever chemical” as little known as it is regulated, resulting in particular from the degradation of pesticides belonging to the large family of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
The associations of the Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) took water samples from 23 rivers and six aquifers in 10 European Union countries (including France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands). The analyses were carried out by the renowned Water Technology Center in Karlsruhe, Germany. The results show the presence of PFAS in all samples, and TFA in over 98%.” [2]

thousand palms preserve oasis
This is not anger, just the natural conflict between frequencies, levels of intelligence, intents and DECISIONS, ACTIONS. The intensified anchoring of Divine Frequencies, laws, the god’s dream enfolding at the rhythm of the cosmos —- as translated by the astrological transits, the Word, by sound, sacred geometrical patterns as exhibited in my chakras — clashes with humans’ urges, interests, self-centeredness, lack of spiritual maturity, and poor decisions.
To easily understand the concept, think about that: I recently visited an air museum, military aviation, history, bombers, helicopters. The museum, located next to an army base, has exhibits both outdoors and indoors. While entering the warehouse, my heart chakra shut down and I felt faint. Frequencies clashes.
Last week, another layer of intense darkness flared up. The internet truly contains the best and the worst. It is difficult to witness how many individuals are still worshipping, advertising the darkness, in its worse garments. It is almost easier to deal with entities than with humans; at least, the entities want to evolve. They are often more primal and still more connected to the natural flow of divine fire and essence.
I do not know if humanity will ever be aware of the concern, tears and love shared by my human self, as a participant and witness of the situation. Future will speak. As for my Divine Self, It cannot communicate with humans, as the clash is inevitable and damaging.
Pay attention to your mind, your dreams, what you focus on, read and watch. Support the Light and Divine Will/Love. Merge yourself with the Divine Heart to carry Its Frequency. What poor decisions have you made recently? In regard to your daily life, neighbors, family? Have you neglected your spiritual life and duties? Awareness means more duties… too bad. That is the price of consciousness. i hear you: ‘what are my duties’?
[1] Storge in Greek.
[2] https://www.lemonde.fr/en/environment/article/2024/05/27/the-seine-and-other-european-rivers-contaminated-by-a-forever-chemical-that-has-gone-under-the-radar_6672781_114.html