Although most of the following links are French — forwarded by French readers, I will respond in English so as to be able to communicate with as many people as possible.
We want to stress out that these pages are meant to address a global issue, and not just the last terror attacks in Paris. Let’s not forget the devastation in Beirut on November 12th, during which at least 43 people were killed and hundreds wounded. Also, thousands killed on the grounds in the war with the Islamic State.
Please make an effort to read even if English is not your mother tongue.
English language video with interesting additional comments
So, the terrorists attacks in Iran and Paris on Friday the 13th (Oh, the Temple day!) : real or not real?
A pretext to look again at the question of the migrants? Or to look at ourselves?
Are politicians —Europeans and Americans, so stupid that they did not think about the migrant flow contaminated with a few viruses? I do not think so. What is then the real game?
Are the terrorists so disorganized that they forget to remove their ID’s from their pockets (Syrian passport found on one of the shooters)? That looks fishy right? (c’est bien ©trange!)
Today :
week-end (Nov. 14-15th)
We are lied to”¦. The bad illuminati incriminated…
And here, sorry, but , en Fran§ais, Je M’©clate : (in French, i cannot refrain from laughing !)
Metaphor, yes, but also complete lack of understanding of geo-politics or dragon-reactions !
« Une autre image montre le mot ‘Panic’ associé au terme ‘Réserve fédérale’ (on connaît sa situation actuelle, ça ne va pas du tout pour la FED) et ‘Chi’ (China? Chile?). Le Chili a connu énormément de tremblements de terre cette année d’une forte magnitude, la Chine a été attaquée à Tianjin et dans d’autres usines. Au bas de la pancarte, il y a écrit ‘green light’ et ‘SIS’ (ISIS?).»
Another image shows the word ‘Panic’ associated with the term ‘Federal Reserve’ (given the current situation, things are not going well for the FED) and ‘Chi’ (referring to China). This year, Chile has experienced numerous strong earthquakes, and China was attacked in Tianjin and other factories. At the bottom of the sign, it reads ‘Green Light’ and ‘SIS’ (referring to ISIS).
Are the governments hesitating to implement an international strategy to stop the growing gangrene, affecting the world? Or, do they have prepared a plan long ago and are slowly revealing it? Why have they waited so long to address the problem? What interests do they want to keep: flow of stolen oil? Inter-secret service agencies corruption and battles? Power over this part of the world? One of the answers, found in the new: Russian President Vladimir Putin, also speaking after the G-20 conference, said the world had to work together to stop the terrorist state, but he emphasized attacking its financing, not its military structure. According to our information, 40 countries are involved in the funding, including some G-20 nations,’ Putin said. He said that he named those countries during the G-20 meetings but that he would not do so in public. Also, Putin said stopping the financing of terror had to be a world priority. “The war on terror is crucial,” he said, noting that Russian spy photographs show the true and enormous size of the illegal oil trade that is financing the Islamic State. “Especially after the Paris tragedy, we all understand that the means of financing terrorism should be severed.”
November 16th: Hollande is asking Europe to support France, and allies with Putin, while Obama is still
« J’ai demand© au ministre de la D©fense de saisir d¨s demain ses homologues europ©ens au titre de l’article 42-7 du trait© de l’Union qui pr©voit que lorsqu’un Etat est agress©, tous les Etats membres doivent lui apporter solidarit© face cette agression car l’ennemi n’est pas un ennemi de la France, c’est un ennemi de l’Europe. »
« I have asked the Defense Secretary to seize as soon as tomorrow his Europeans homologs; according to the Treatise of the Union, Art 42-7, when one State is attacked, all the States of the Union, when facing aggression, must act united because the enemy is not just an enemy of France, but the enemy of Europe.
As for the US, Obama does not seem to agree. “We are not well served when in response to a terrorist attack we descend into fear and panic,” the president said.
Obama’s comments during a meeting with Philippine President Benigno Aquino marked his harshest condemnation yet of Republicans’ response to the Paris attacks blamed on IS that killed 129 people last week. Republicans in Congress and on the 2016 presidential trail have urged an immediate closure of America’s borders to Syrian refugees, but the Obama administration has shown no sign of backing off its plans to bring an additional 10,000 Syrians fleeing civil war into the U.S.
Is Obama trying to balance the fraction of the governments that is involved in ISIS and wants war? We would need to know WHAT WAS ALREADY SET DURING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER.
WE would have to know what our presidents, pope and secret services say to each other and plan while they meet. Obama met the Pope on September 22nd, the Chinese President, Jin Ping on the 24th and Putin on the 29th. Do we truly believe that we know what they decided to do? Then, surprise, Putin invited Bashar El Assad, the Syrian President, in Russia. Then, friendly party with the heads of States in Europe.
November 18th
« Nous sommes confront©s une troisi¨me guerre mondiale, c’est cela qui doit nous rassembler tous, » affirme le roi Abdallah, d©crivant ISIS comme « des hors- la-loi sauvages de la religion », ajoutant : « Nous devons agir rapidement et globalement pour lutter contre cette menace. »
‘We are confronted to a third world war ; this is what should unite us all’ said King Abdallah, describing ISIS as ‘savage out-laws of the religion’; he also added : ‘ we have to act quickly and globally to fight this menace.’
What about the attackers themselves? In order to implement such horror, we need actors. Who can accept to do such a job? Did they do it for $$? Were they brain-washed, brain-dead and programmed under hypnosis? “Pearce said he could discreetly look out and see one of the assailants. He says “he seemed very young. That’s what struck me, his childish face, very determined, cold, calm, frightening.”
Are all the beheaders and terrorists still ruled by IS or programmed by the US or whoever? Haven’t we (We, mankind as a whole) generated and unleashed so much disparity, so much anger and hatred? Individuals who have nothing and nothing to lose, people who have endured tortures and misery might become suicide bombers; they might now use their religious beliefs to convince themselves that they have the right or the duty to kill. No need for the CIA or the French Services to convince them.
Or involved in a satanic Lodge?
Oh, yes, some would say; violent people could also have been influenced by the Hollywood movies and new culture, implemented by the Fabian society and etc… Well, no one forces anyone to go to the movies, watch youtube or buy a video game or use a gun.
Do you like the behavior of the extremists? What do you think about this belief system: the Earth belongs to Allah; Allah asked people to embrace the Sharia Law. Those, individuals or communities, who do not respect the Law have to be exterminated. Not very open minded and heart filled.
How much freedom of speech, religion and tolerance do we have to exert before becoming ourselves lenient or just cowards? How many more people have to be killed or raped? How many children have to be enslaved as bomb carriers or soldiers before we face the problems: a great majority of men — and women— are violent by nature and want to experience power; power over each other, over women; power over anything. They also equate money, ownership and sex with power. As long as this belief system is not transmuted or eradicated, peace amongst human beings will stay an illusion.
ONGOING women stoning: are the perpetrators and the encouraging witnesses all under US and CIA control? Or just retarded and ignorant people?
So many videos on the web, it is sickening. And WHO WATCHES those videos to make them so popular?
WHO plays the Hunger games and such? The Satanists or the masses????
November 2015: Mogadishu, Somalia: BBC reports killing amongst locals over the control of the food received from other nations. Just google the world violence or crime and watch how long the list is! Any conspiracy?
When individuals with a low consciousness are suddenly allotted an ounce of power, they most often become abusive. Sadly, at this point in the development of human consciousness, power trips are more thrilling to human beings than anything. Or, are we witnessing the release of all the darkness still residing in the human souls; humans choosing a religion that will give them the right to kill, to act like savages, to be what they really are?
Jordan’s King Abdullah II says terrorism is the “greatest threat to our region” and that Muslims must lead the fight against it. In a speech Sunday he says confronting extremism is “both a regional and international responsibility, but it is mainly our battle, us Muslims, against those who seek to hijack our societies and generations with intolerance takfiri ideology.” [“Takfiri” refers to the radical Islamic practice of declaring one’s enemies to be infidels worthy of death.]
Can anyone judge families fleeing danger and horrors? No.
According to the UN, 65%-75% of the migrants are men
What are women and children supposed to do while the men are leaving? Who will protect them from the barbarian powers around?
The drowned Syrian boy: more on the story: was it just a question of despair?
the dream of teeth fixed?…..
TRANSPARENCE : Peut on tout dire, tout exposer/CAN EVERYTHING BE EXPOSED ?
liberation :
Remember: the Meta-Organism (MO) that we are a part of, the One About Which Nothing Can Be Said…had just passed the stage of the third chakra to move in the Heart Energy – as a consequence, humankind in general is still working on their sexual and power/violence urges. At Its own level, and energetically, the MO or Creator-god is sorting out, cleansing, releasing all the 3rd chakra energy from Its global structure. This big cleaning has repercussions on our world, hence the violence suddenly erupting everywhere.
In all the nations that have been oppressed men and women are finally able to think about themselves, to experience some kind of power. How do they practice power? Through violence and domination, following the old order or are they capable of feeling the new vibration, asking humankind to work through oneness and love?
Like everything, the life of the planet is ruled by movements of energy and thoughts. On the Earth, power points, vortices are like the chakras on human beings. Each center or group of chakras has to play a specific role in the evolution of an individual; then, eventually, a chakra needs to be attuned to a different frequency or shut down.
The energy vortices in the Middle East have had a very significant role in the past; thus the emergence of three main religions in this area. Thus the ongoing battles. Human Beings and religious leaders follow the energy. The main temples, religions are always built on precise vortices; this is where the power is. Any shaman, any pope is supposed to know that.
But, because of the changes in the Body of the Meta-Organism, the Earth is changing and its vortices shifting. The vortices of the Middle East have played OUT their role, thus the religious transformations. The part of human history that started in the Mediterranean Basin in over. A time loop is closing, at the planetary level. The three religions that have started in the Middle East have to morph into something more adapted to the new consciousness, or decline and stop their influence on Humankind — and the religious leaders, blinded by old habits and egregores, are not ready to give up.
The main vortex that was feeding them, feeding their power, was and IS closed. The gaze of the gods, whatever they are and are called, is no more focused on this area (=> energy shift). The frequency that is still latent in the Middle East is no more in synchronicity with the Divine Heart/Mind. By the way, can we speak about heart when people believe that they have the right to kill or behead anyone because they disagree about something, a principle or God?
Another important occult event that is taking place: as a consequence of the energy and chakras shift, the astral/emotional body (the matrix) of the Earth is being torn. It has to be transmuted or controlled/harmonized with and by a higher frequency. Finally the ongoing energies that are reported through astrologically (Saturn/Neptun) are triggering a de-structuration of the structures, all structures. Everything that has to do with Saturn (Time, past, karma, organizations) is dissolved, changed to reach a global more spiritual world.
The flow of the migrants towards Europe follow the stream of the energy (Middle East to Europe to US); they might be a few centuries late, but each soul has its own timing.
Most of the writers and great makers of peace forget about or are not taking in consideration is that human beings are little things, little cells in the gigantic Body of a Creator-god. And what counts for the meta-Consciousness is the evolution of the Whole. Hard to hear, for new agers who are being told that they are gods themselves; but this is the mere truth. We, we are only human beings, who happen to be participating, mostly subconsciously, in the ushering (opening) of a new world = a new state of the Meta-Organism. And as such, we are here to serve the making of a ONE-WORLD, with One consciousness, One Race, one Mind.
Could we try to reverse our thinking pattern and belief that everything is perfect (= Following a direction, towards a specific goal)?
1.Men, financial institutions, multi-nationals, and religions have a pretty bad track record. But, each tycoon, each multi-national started with an idea, something that was fulfilling a need for humankind; otherwise, no one would have bought their products or filled the bankers’ pockets.
2.Religions have survived because men have found something in them that they needed, the inherent longing for inner search, for the Divine and for a community.
3.The (Not so) Secret societies and the intelligentsia have also accomplished positives things for your societies, funding research, schools, hospitals, raising people’s consciousness, etc.
4.Satanism is a degenerated version of cults that were once in synchronicity with humankind’s level of consciousness and basic feelings.
5.The illuminati, the shadow government and lodges could only last so long because they had a role to play. They had to accompany humankind in its descent into the Darkness; Lucifer had a role to play in the evolution of Mankind. The souls who played out these roles took on a karma, as a service towards their human brothers and sisters.
We are asking the new-comers, the young souls, to stop judging a system that was and is still, unfortunately, the reflection of humankind’s level of consciousness in general. Can you imagine that among those torturous minds and powerful men, some, at the soul level, are trying to do good things?
Also, important question to ask to all the authors of fantastic articles on the web, all those supporting the new consciousness, awareness, peace, solidarity, fraternity, spirituality, etc: where are you, personally, on the path of evolution? Have you released your need for power, even considered the options? What would you do if you were in a position to become rich and famous? Take or serve? Love or Rape? Why are you so interested, so focus on certain subjects? Well, in fact, it is because your soul is still dealing with those dilemmas. Time to look through the looking glass and investigate your own shadow!
And how much do you know about your behavior at night, in the astral realm? Do you know who you truly are? Can you look in the mirror and pledge that your astral self is neither violent, nor a rapist, and not involved in any satanic activities? Well, if you can do that, at the point of development of mankind, you are either totally unconscious or not of this 3D world!
Are we not, all together, light or/and dark, creating the New Paradigm?
God, Spirit, the Energy, use structures, groups, individuals and governments’, people’s need for power to trigger something else, something much bigger, but good, in fact.
[When, years ago, I complained about the extent of the Napoleonic wars, My Presence’s answer was quite unexpected: Napoleon, ahead of his time (en avance), was preparing the unity of Europe]
Lucifer’s leadership had ended. Who opposed Lucifer in the so called ‘War in Heaven’? The Prince of Angels, the one known in this world as the Archangel Michael, the Principle of the Light.
In order to help, each and every one has to bring more LIGHT in his/her energy structure. This will transmute the left overs of darkness and allow LOVE to be anchored in the hearts.
All nations will ultimately be one and the world, One Humanity, One heart. This is a certitude.
Now, how are the Earth and Humankind going to reach Unity, peace and Oneness? Only the gods and God know.
Is the New World Order also a projection? A ‘predictive’ programming of the real thing: humanity understanding and slowly walking towards Oneness, while cleaning up everything that is not in alignment with the New Frequency“” we are all a part of the same Consciousness and Body. We are learning to love each other, through the drama of extremism and differences.
If the world is to be unified, it has a head, a leader, in the 3rd dimension (a reflection of the 7th chakra in the Meta-Organism or in your body). Obviously a few nations — and a few individuals— are interested in the job and title. Just like your sexuality or your love for pleasures sometimes replace your capacity to think… Are the political leaders going to impose a world organization? As a premise to the One Divine Kingdom? Weird, but possible.
Nations, countries also follow the energy. France and Germany have fought for power over Europe for centuries. With the UK contemplating and emerging unscathed (tirer son epingle du jeu) …
Then, political power was passed on to the United States; The US, with all their darkness, might be doing a necessary job. As for Russia and China, … ok, too long, this will come later!
Also, for spiritual matters, France is still connected to the US. Do you understand the implications on the third dimension? For instance, when the US take over the repairs of the French porte-avion, instead of screaming about it, we might have to see it as a reflection of what is occurring spiritually. The transfer of power to the West. The metaphor is everywhere; the Illuminati are just a little more aware of its functioning than the average citizens. They use it (See Goro Adachi) – are they using it for themselves or automatically, because the Stars and the energy rule everything?
Now, a discomforting idea: whether the attacks were supervised or programmed by the conspiring elite, the governments and secret services or not, we now have a good reason to go to war and affront ISIS with a little more determination and a few more troops. Interestingly enough, a DEMAND and an ORDER were launched before the French drama, to end the violence organized or happening under the influence of the extremists. Were the last suicide bombings and attacks a response to this order?
DAESH and the US: trying to understand the hesitation of Mr. Obama: (French original text below)
« Daesh/ISIS was initially constituted in Iraq within a scheme which goal is to stop the Resistance to US occupation. To do so, the US gave organized anti-Shiites militias — among the, the Islamic Emirate in Irak, and future Daesh/ISIS —, then anti-Sunnites militias. In fact, the two groups of people have forgotten the occupying army and have been fighting against each other.
A faction within the US governmental offices has been working against the White House. At the beginning, the head of this plot was CIA director and co-founder of Daesh in 2007. (The Surge), the General David Petraeus, until his arrest, handcuffed the day after the reelection of Barack Obama. Then, it was Hillary Clinton’s turn, who could not finished her mandate as secretary of state during the transitional presidential period because of an unpleasant ‘accident’. This group, a part of the US ‘deep State’, has not stopped to opposing the 5+1 coalition with Iran and fighting the Syrian Arab Republic; it keeps members within the Obama administration; but most of all, it is supported by the multinational companies…
French and Belgium involvement
A number with two connected meanings:
–Duality. The two digits look like the two columns that were present in all temples, in all lodges to represent the Yin and Yang that human beings have to balance in order to master matter. Feminine/masculine; Boaz and Joachim, etc
–The two towers in New York were the best symbol for the two columns, right in the middle of the city.
–But duality and the two columns are also a doorway. Remember, the 11/11 doorway? Remember 2009, another 11 doorway (I do not have the exact date, august may be).
–Are the world leaders aware of the doorway that is getting ready for Humankind? Are they playing the metaphor or pushing it?
–The main remaining question is: ARE YOU READY? Because, this is just the beginning.
I would recommend everyone to commit to their daily meditation; anchor and center yourself, strong in your body, but connected to the Higher Planes.
Eat a lot of fruits to have more silicium/silica in your structure.
Thank you for the links sent by a few people. Thank you for your collaboration.
And even if you do not understand your neighbor, practice compassion and love.
METAPHYSICAL SCHOOL, Starting in April; please contact Me for details.
About numbers, a little too much, may be, but quite interesting
G20 meetings:
Daesh a ©t© initialement constitu© en Irak dans le cadre d’un plan visant mettre fin la R©sistance l’occupation ©tats-unienne. Pour ce faire, les USA ont cr©© des milices anti-chiites -dont l'”°mirat islamique en Irak, futur « Daesh »-, puis des milices anti-sunnites. En d©finitive, les deux groupes de population ont oubli© l’arm©e d’occupation et se sont battus entre eux. »
Une faction au sein de l’appareil d'”°tat US menait sa propre politique contre celle de la Maison-Blanche. Au d©part, ce complot ©tait dirig© par le directeur de la CIA et co-fondateur de Daesh en 2007 (« The Surge ») [17], le g©n©ral David Petraeus, jusqu’ son arrestation menottes au poignet le lendemain de la r©©lection de Barack Obama. Puis, ce fut au tour de la secr©taire d'”°tat Hillary Clinton, empªch©e de terminer son mandat durant la p©riode de transition pr©sidentielle par un fcheux « accident ».
Ce groupe, partie de l’« “°tat profond » US, qui n’a cess© de s’opposer l’accord 5+1 avec l’Iran et de combattre la R©publique arabe syrienne, conserve des membres au sein de l’administration Obama. Surtout, il peut compter sur l’aide de soci©t©s multinationales,
RUSSIE 11/18
The Russian air force on Wednesday conducted a ‘mass strike’ against Islamic State targets across Syria using long-range bombers and cruise missiles, Colonel-General Andrei Kartapolov was quoted as saying by the RIA Novosti news agency.
Read more at Reuters