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A blue circle with an image of a flower.



ok, this was so beautiful, i will shamelessly copy it. Article May 2017.

The descent of the Light that has embraced matter was enabled by:

– The rise in consciousnessof a large enough group of human souls

– The Will of descent (Spirit descending into Matter)of the Archangel Michael and the Hierarchies working for the Light.


Je suis la Conscience, hors du temps

Dans la force de l’infini, la puissance innà©e de l’Etre

je prends le vol radieux de l’amour

Amour infini pour toute la crà©ation

Je marche en à©quilibre entre Ciel et Terre

Bà©nissant le vent, souffle des dieux et la pluie purificatrice

Ivre de joie, j’accueille le concert de la crà©ation

Je participe, partage, en moi, avec moi, pour moi.

I am Consciousness, out of time

Within the strength of infinity, the innate power of Being

I embrace the radiant flight of love

Infinite love for all creation

I walk in equilibrium between Heaven and Earth

Blessing the wind, gods’ breath and the purifying rain

Overcome with joy, I welcome the concert of creation

I participate, sharing, within me, with me, for me.




Michael Salla, February 2019: ‘On May 2, 2006, Greer launched an extraordinary public attack on my exopolitics research for having committed the egregious sin of proposing that extraterrestrials could in any way behave similarly to humans in terms of a wide range of motivations. My research dividing extraterrestrials into different motivational categories, e.g., the good, the bad and the indifferent, was lambasted by Greer as fueled by disinformation.

Greer is no doubt correct that elements of the Military Industrial Complex are exaggerating the threat narrative when it comes to UFOs and extraterrestrial visitation, which AATIP appeared to be currently doing and which I acknowledged back in my 2006 response to Greer. In it, however, I also pointed out that Greer’s bold assertion that there is no evidence of hostile extraterrestrial behavior, can be easily shown to be wrong by examining multiple sources revealing the egregious behavior of some extraterrestrial visitors.

Steven Greer, author of the controversial Sirius documentary (alien skeleton or fraud?): ‘The Disclosure Project is a research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 500 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first-hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. (Documents 2001-2010).

Questions: …. Huge cramp in the heart, heart, not chakra! I was questioning the above authors… and re-reading the quotes… let’s find out why.

Ok, let’s try it again. Secrecy or full disclosure, what is the best solution? Why do we want disclosure? Does the public have any rights in accepting or refusing association with aliens for military, scientific, spiritual matters? Or are we only going to be told what has been in operation, in 3D and elsewhere, the communities Mars or other planets, the DNA mixers, the jumps in time, saving the Earth?

A difference must be made between A: info and human data disclosure —what the government and military have kept secret, their true relationships and interactions with alien civilizations in the past decades— and B: physical disclosure, visibility and knowledge of present and ongoing projects, involving life on Earth.

For B, there is material problem, humans and ETs do not exist within the same frequency range, especially the civilizations that are more spiritually developed. We are blind babies. This is how they can visit incognito! I doubt that humans are ready to give up their fears, their greed for ‘freedom’ and enter Cosmic Oneness to the point of recognizing themselves in a ET. Would you? Comments appreciated. Although I was told at a young age that it might happen,I cannot imagine ETs making an entrance, except for a planetary emergency. I wonder in fact, if this is debated , now, in Galactic Councils. That would explain why, i am still chewing on the subject.




I have been hesitating for months about the information that I post on the site. What should be said, and will it help? Is secrecy still necessary to protect the unfoldment of the Divine Plan? Of course, interferences trigger energy battles and then chaotic human behaviors. But, ultimately, what is supposed to be manifested is and will be, in perfection. We must trust the process.

For an old wolf, in regards to spirituality as well as conspiracies, there is a lot of recycled data on the internet and still key information missing. Aliens and religious presence in Antarctica, Admiral Byrd, were already known in the spiritual circles in the late 70s. The document the Law of One document (used recently by Michael Salla) wasabundantly discussed in the Picknett and Prince’s book, Stargate Conspiracy, published in 2001 – this is 18 years ago. But the new whistle blowers, the movies are giving details, stories that we did not have in the past, sometimes embellished, yet important to disturb the status quo and inspire a revolution.

I decided to spend more time reading, listening and opening my mind to new data, while consciously opening my heart to more segments of the consciousness movement. This is what Steven Greer says at the end of his documentary: ‘We have over 4000 cases of ET vehicles that have landed; 3500 pilot cases, over 5000 documents from the US government and hundreds of thousands of pages from 14 countries that have opened their files since the disclosure project was launched 11 years ago. Since 2001, 24 countries [Mkl: so, 14 or 24? Gov or personal files, may be? Cramp in the heart] have opened their files to the public: Australia, UK, Vatican City, Germany, Russia and Canada. The US is not amongst them.

With the spiritual work that has been done for decades, several cycles ending, the astrological configurations, with more understanding of the mind, of time, a larger public is becoming aware of the complexity of the human adventure and willing to learn and evolve.

Something extraordinary is taking place: a wave, a fantastic opening of the minds and consciousness. Everyone at his/her own level is bringing a stone to the new edifice: myriads or videos, all subjects, all levels (see the superb video about Laniakea at the end). It is amazing to watch French people discussing past-lives on television and imagine hundreds of thousands of viewers discovering their guardian angel! I did not plunge into the dark web yet! I have to honestly admit that, in the past, we did not have so many reporters or scholars ready to speak out and disclose some pieces of the puzzle; the details about the mars missions are quite amazing, even if the stars of the internet are not always 100% honest.

This is the right time to thank again the baby boomers and Generation X (just before the Millennials, I am learning!) for their immense contribution in the present consciousness explosion!


The most important facts are:

  • We, humans in the 3rd dimension, know very little — even the President, the CIA and FBI, Correy Goode (‘promoter of the blue chicken cult’, speaking to Blue Avians, bird aliens), Michael Salla, David Wilcock, David Icke, Linda Moulton Howe and her cats. I wonder about QAnon. We have more noise and reports but still no explanations.
  • ETs are not supposed to interfere; however, renegades do; it is easy, because Aliens are not visible to humans unless they want to be seen or unless the witness has a frequency allowing to see them. Communication is mostly uni-lateral with the advantage in the ET camp.
  • What we call reality is a fabrication of our brains, in the context of a matrix, bonded by time and space. Earth, and our brains have been pirated, invaded; humans have been grudged, deceived, programmed, hypnotized, brain washed. This was possible because humans were and are still asleep, mostly driven by their addiction to survival and pleasure. So, it is impossible to decide what is real and for whom.
  • It is very difficult to access the whole story (stories?) because of the multi and trans-dimensional structure of our brains and universe/s. How many true stories are unfolding simultaneously, all true and relevant on a different plane? From the third dimension, we cannot prove that our quick visits and insights about the other dimensions even exist. They are considered unreal and nonexistent and time travelers are considered fiction-characters.
  • This is a major component about the human-alien connection: when a human has a dominating extra-terrestrial extension (= an aspect of the multi-dimensional self), the alien will use the human body to express an opinion (channeled messages, books) or to carry projects ON EARTH. How did Nicolas Tesla and others formidable scientists discover fantastic things? Through their alien brain and extensions! Sometimes, the ET invades the body and the human exhibits a double personality with outbursts or a conscious walk-in experience. [Great quotes from Marciniak :]


A percentage of humans work unconsciously for aliens, as anchors of alien civilizations on earth — spiritual teachers, doctors, movie producers, scientists. They do not advertise connections with aliens because most of them are unaware of the process. I personally started to watch people shift persona or dimension as a teenager. Although I could not comprehend or share the experience with anyone, I kept observing and learning. For you, knowing that such situations do exist, focus on seeing and participating. Try to detect the difference between human-multi-personality and alien selves. On the face, the general expression and skin color changes; the voice, the story-line are definitely different. Pay attention to clinics and hospital facilities. Aliens love to install a doorway in such places.

  • The true Cosmic story and the role of the Occult are missing; therefore, it is easy to be gullible and attracted to misinformation. Without integrating the Cosmic functioning and the occult Tradition, it is difficult to grasp the full picture. UNFINISHED


When attending the Contact in the Desert Conference i watched the speakers and observed their fields as well as their surroundings. Some speakers, probably unaware, were encircled by very unorthodox entities and sometimes, pretty dark energies, but who is not? We all go to school before graduating. And even! [3/15, reading again, heart cramps].

Since I published this page, I felt unhappy, unloving, willing to redo it with a positive view point. I have been exploring youtube, watching Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Steven Greer and others… and loving them. It does not mean that I am not scrutinizing, questioning but we are all in the same train, in the same movie, each of us with a different role and a unique experience. If this is their experience and what they feel as their mission, so be it. As long as they not interfere with the Divine Heart/Mind and if they manifest honesty and a pure heart, I have to welcome them in My Heart.

And, after decades of practice with Myself, I know that if I keep focusing on the ET subject, it is because things are moving on the other side, whether my human self is aware or not. I suspect a big cleaning to allow the Vega team to work more efficiently.




Are the stars of the disclosure movement fully aware of who they are (ET or not, from where?)? Do they know who, what entities they are serving? Besides Correy Goode and the blue avians? (How Avians showed themselves : be patient, article more interesting at the end:


The public still does not make the difference between a reporter, a scientist and a spiritual teacher. Yes, education and awareness are important, but spiritual work, practice, using specific techniques are a must; also, true teachers move and activate others through their frequency.

MOST IMPORTANT POINT: the focal subjects of the disclosure encompasses sites and projects that are all connected to the Luciferian-Babylonian-Illuminati time line that ended in 2016. This time line was the epitome and torsion of the Mars-Orion energy that has dominated humankind.

A large amount of the information coveted by the internet community concerns the conspiracies of the past, built by the old team, and implemented by the Illuminati, with aliens that are now banished. Readers, followers then focus, relate with the OLD TIME-LINE and perpetuate it. Dwelling, chewing on those facts and aliens, means entertaining a dead project, linking your soul to a vibration of destruction and death. It feeds the wrong energies and the wrong entities;





At this point, we need to reframe the vocabulary. For decades, authors and mystics have used the term spiritual Hierarchies to define the Beings in charge of planet Earth. Masters, angels, undefined beings. In fact, aliens of all sorts are part of the Hierarchies, layers of evolution, past present and future, all merging when necessary, all One at all times… and sometimes leaking (renegade interferences!).

Alien civilizations and soul-extensions have always been present, acting as guardians, initiators or collaborators in the most important shifts in human history. Although, it seems shocking now to the conspiracy whistle-blowers, it is in fact a natural process as the Extra-terrestrials are us and our Cosmic brothers.Aliens are, with us, the fabric of our Galaxy. They are a part of what we call the Hierarchies, composed of Masters who had a human experience and ETs, who had or not a human experience. I still sense different frequencies for aliens, humans, angels, Archangels. Now, I, we might have a great laugh after crossing over or in a few life-times.


Now, the question is: are humans ready to hear and handle the truth, in term of their egos, personality and emotional state? Fear and panic can be controlled by education. Yet, how much can we canalize human’s greed, lust for power, and instinctive vampirism? And finally, for those who are becoming aware: as the communications are telepathic and often unilateral, the human is not empowered.

Power: when an individual or a group is still not fully attuned to SERVING the Earth and ITS spiritual government, giving them knowledge is still dangerous. Humans interfere, make the task of the spiritual Hierarchies more difficult. So, why informing them? Their low vibration is enough to increase the already challenged salvation of the planet.

Violence: can human respect aliens? If an angel (a type of alien, right?) or a benevolent ET… I am laughing, too smart, aware, they do not visit alone and unprotected!

‘Dr Greer explained that ETS have made it clear that because of [our] low level of consciousness, we not allowed to leave the bounds of Earth, in accordance with universal laws, to strop us taking all our destruction and evil to other parts of the universe.

  • As for the 3D: Living in a specific bubble/story, humans are all interconnected and bonded. They are tied up, stuck with their blue-print, linked or not to x, y, z alien population and sealed through the matrix (Time, cosmic laws, zodiac and more). The Earth, mankind are striving to ascend in a mess, a DNA soup in which it is difficult for most to know who they are, soul wise and ET-wise. The enlightened ones are still very challenged.



3/4/2019: Heart pain, etc, possible explanation : as all these alien revelations are linked to events or sites that could be connected ONLY to one past and one time-line. Watch and compare the locations, the actors: MARS/connected to ORION and Mantis. Antarctica, connected to the Nazis, the Orthodox Church; remember the odd visit of Russian Patriarch Kirill in 2016.

[See quote at the end of this article]

Compare with the article of May 2017.

Breathe, not easy to grasp: Examine the table starting with the text below and follow the dots:

‘Let’s connect a few stories:

“”-Lurking on the top: Aliens, Mantisses

Flight from Egypt Sinai Desert …………………………………………………………..Promised land

(Jews or whoever) fighting Amalekites (Arabian tribes, the cousins), etc

Again, for Me: re-connection with Lucifer and old time-line in an Orthodox country and Venus cycle…Christian/Islam feud….turning point during the 15th century (Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn)


Conclusion: most of the people speaking about disclosure are still tied up with the OLD TIME LINE, the one that ended in 2016. Excerpt from my diaries: ‘the time line prepared, experienced by Satanists (controlling Deep State), Illuminati, secret services, CIA, all religions in which Satanism has flourished, Drunvalo ended in 2016. NASA and the Mars program, Antarctica are connected to that. Therefore, all the groups rumbling about disclosure are just given crumbs to play with. I might be wrong, but the cramps in the physical heart and other symptoms that I will not disclose always occur when I reconnect with people still tied to this story and time-line. Unfortunately, all the noise, videos on you tube grabbing people’s attention would then redirect their consciousness to the old timeline and therefore to the Illuminati program.

But then, silently… the transformation is still going on, slowly, at the pace of the solar system, which does not care about wrinkles and was not enticed to believe that we could have a quick relief… etc. With wrinkles comes wisdom. I have therefore progressively learnt to retain information, to protect the Divine Plan and the unfolding shift.

The Seat of the New Jerusalem was officially transferred to the United States. Too late to interfere, it is done. That might explain why our Dear President Trump wants to protect the United States and transferred our Embassy to Jerusalem. Back to the metaphor. Remember? Six months of heavy-duty protection around Le Mont Saint Michel before the anchoring of the New Jerusalem.

Aliens allies from Vega are now easily assisting, using the doorway that was prepared for them since 1994.

The grid in the US is changing: the vortices are being activated-ignited since … ok, I am looking for the dates. Not at the time of the Great American Eclipse, that I do know. STORY CONTINUES IN NEXT ARTICLE.




  • Mostly about general conspiracy , well done, Sirius Disclosure:
  • something that finally hit me! don’t you think that Akhenaton’s and Nefertiti’s bodies look like insects? Mantis?A blue circle with an image of a flower.
  • Quote from the book In the Shadows of aPresidency, Daniel Estulin: in the chapter about Wiki Leaks, describing Assange as a known international hacker; “to consider him anti-establishment is silly”. the Obama administration relinquished all US government control of Internet Domains registration and naming conventions to ICANN whose director would be Andy Mueller Maguhn, press-spokesman of the Chaos computer club, one of Assange’s friend/connections (page 68).
  • Podesta, Clinton campaign manager “was an early follower of the exploits of hackers groups like the Chaos Computer Club, etc … Podesta first gained a real interest in such sujects as Area 51, ET artifacts and bodies stored at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and UFO close encounters. the main reason for Podesta’s interest was the overwhelming desire of the early computer hackers to gain access to what they believed were US government computer files held on ETs and UFOs and that were stored in various military and civilian government computer systems”. p 69. Report: UFO hunters, Not Russians, Hacked Podesta, Wadsen, October 17, 2016
  • Mkl: 2016, I realize that i am late on this info, but still good to read. “Podesta remains a fan of the TV show [Xfiles]. He has pushed for full disclosure of Government UFO files as the chief of staff for Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, etc” – So, if the Democrats were pushing for disclosure, are the ‘Hierarchies’ who stopped the Illuminati, not for Alien disclosure? This is more and more tricky!
  • Daniel Estulin: “In the midst of this confrontation, wandering the labyrinths of cults… mind control, LSD, the occult, secret societies… religions, intelligence agencies… we find ex-hacker Julian Assange… We could sum up with a quotation from the late, lamented Walt Kelley’s Pogo comic strip: ‘we have met the enemy and he is us’. Once we realize this, we can begin to make America the place of greatness and beauty that it was intended to be — intended to be by our founding Fathers we were, after all, Freemasons and Rosicrucians and Templars and freethinkers and mystics, who believed in spiritual regeneration and psychological integration.”

So, for those who still experience guilt or denial: everyone has a blue print, and the more evolved we are, the more responsible we are. Each soul came with a piece of the puzzle and played it out, the ones who worshiped the Mantis, the ones who created the Lodges and the Matrix, the ones who are more ET than human; the ones who came from the future to anchor the present; We are One and the only remedy to this grand comedy (je fais des rimes sans le vouloir!) is love. I love you all!

…. Despite the love, I am still annoyed by those who are obviously, outrageously a part of the old reptilian family (Not the Dragons, the Reptilians), some individuals who are very easily recognizable Vampires, for instance, who are vacuuming my energy when i meet them, and who are still refusing the mirror! The human emotional heart!


english: Laniakea, our home supercluster:


  • A dream surfacing on and off among the ‘spiritual’ community for decades… the White Knights, a group X, now the Alliance re-distributing money, a mirage still alive for the last generations, i.e D. Wilcock: ‘Alliance is now locating and legally seizing trillions and trillions of dollars in assets stolen by the Deep State.

The money is set to be released back into the legitimate economy as ‘prosperity funds that could almost immediately create radical improvements in our overall quality of life.

Certain purported ‘sources have been prognosticating this online for years, but this is the first time that our own insider circle has made such statements.


Enormous leaps forward are now being promised by Q Anon for this very month ” July 2018. This is a very exciting moment. I have not seen anything; have you? Keeping hype high!


NOTES: Excerpt from the May 2017 article, end of a time-line, Lucifer, etc

“…. A time line with a disaster oriented solution, created by international Secret services, ended in 2016 = the possible future engineered by the mantis and ‘Secret Services’ group was denied.

-… During the early 20thcentury, in the magazine Echo de Paris, Gerard Encausse/Papus and the journalist Jean Carriere ‘denounced the action in Russia of a ‘large financial Union’, the same which was responsible, for the troubles in France, namely the Panama and Dreyfus affairs (Preface, LesSept Tetes du Dragon Vert,Thierry Legrand). In this volume, he described the dance between spies, secret services, occultists and their interests in the creation of the Bolshevik Russia, the murder of the Russian Tsars. Are involved, pele-mele and often with a double agents/role: the secret services of Germany, UK, Sweden, Rasputin, the Orthodox Church and Tibetan monks. Interestingly enough, groups and people who have appeared on my human path (i.e. Rasputin, once in France, then at the time of my embodiment, in Los Angeles… trying to control me…). ”


  • kdmalmberg says:

    Interesting read… looking forward to the continuation 🙂

  • PatrikMalmberg says:

    Thanks for this article. It seems to be an interwoven and intertwined story with the aliens and the humans. I guess we trust and follow the timing of unfolding events and happenings. Impatience is not a virtue here..
    Being on the new timeline and acting with integrity and conscious chosing will help moving us all forward.

    • admin says:

      Comments Article «US spiritual state, part 2 »

      E. Neyroumande:
      “ I find it strange how Assange’s name is somehow attached to the question of Alien disclosure. If it was really the aim to disclose UFO he would have done it, not disclosing only emails and accounts on frauds. So I suppose he would NOT be in for alien disclosure. A friend of mine went to one of his conference in Russia, where he is now protected. She said he was very charismatic, humble and nice. So, the question is indeed, whether it was actually God’s plan not to disclose, or whether he worked against the divine plan?”

      Mkl: At this point in time, I would not involve God, the Unfinished Consciousness into that, but eventually, our immediate Creator, the Galactic Lord, That I have called Adam Kadmon. God is far beyond this mess, a mess that we have co-created on Earth and that we will have to deal with.

      I was quoting Daniel Estulin, and have no idea of the truth. But hackers intruding the US UFO files seem very plausible. Estulin is presented as a ‘Russian ex-spy’ … policy adviser … two latin America nations and the Ministry of … Russian Federation… counter-intelligence. Nominated for nobel price in 2015… We each feel and decide what seems right. Look at his face, listen to his voice, ask your body.

      I did not read Estulin’s book about Bildeberg. What suddenly came to my mind today is: although I am not aware of everything that is said about financial conspiracy, I have never, never read anywhere the information that I got DIRECTLY from a New York lawyer in 1992 or 1993 about the onset of the world financial conspiracy. He was working for one of the 12 individuals who organized the system after WWII.

      L. Cangemi
      About inheritance. The next generation should be interested in the American counterculture of the 1970s, including Timothy Leary. Graduate of Berkeley, Harvard professor and known for being the pope of the psychedelic revolution, he represents a generation well ahead of his time who was able to drill the first hole in the matrix: « Life is no longer a disaster movie. The who-done-it mystery is solved! You are responsible. You are the bio – robots who are going to take over the master-designer’s role. It is your job to fabricate improved mini – worlds. Who are you? You are those who recognize this signal and self – select your selves as future builders.” – T. Leary, The Intelligent agents.

      Timothy Leary, engaged in his activism found himself going around the United States with the Merry Pranksters for the Acid Test. He attended the iconic group Grateful Dead and Neal Cassady (Dean Moriarty in On the Road of Jack Kerouac) and Ken Kesey.

      « Leary organized his ideas about evolution into Exo-Psychology, published in 1977, an ambitious and provocative book that modestly billed itself as “a manual on the use of the human nervous system according to the instructions of the manufacturers.” Despite the book’s appeal to teleology and Higher Intelligence, it had little to do with conventional religious thinking. Leary had no patience for scriptural literalism, except to note sardonically that Eden was the site of the first drug bust. Instead, he looked for Higher Intelligence far from religious—and scientific—orthodoxies. The psychedelic experience had convinced him that DNA not only preserves the evolutionary past—a prescient assertion, given the recent finding that DNA is conserved across species—but also already holds in storage the evolutionary future. » –

      Through the mediatization of militancy and research topics Timothy Leary, he deeply bothered the FBI. He was sentenced in 1965 to 30 years in prison for keeping a small amount of marijuana during a trip to Mexico with his daughter. He was released in 1969 but the pressure went up with the prohibition of LSD in 1966. In 1970, Leary was convicted again on the same charge of 10 years in prison. He fled to Algeria, Switzerland, then to Afghanistan where he was arrested by the DEA in 1973. He spent three years behind bars.

      This “peace and love” generation was too disturbing for the establishment, the governments and the secret services in charge of stopping the happy revolution in full bloom. The solution was to flood this brilliant, spiritual youth with “brainwashing” drugs and to disorient the movement. Bet succeeds? Not so sure. In his somewhat eccentric but fascinating work “The intelligent agents”, Timothy Leary delivers a “multidimensional” global vision that plays with manipulations of all kinds: “ In the early 50’s, C.I. A. scientists administered LSD to Harvard students without their knowledge. As usual, the government sponsored scientists learned nothing. But the “Victim-subjects,” as usual, got the message: brains can be washed. So we were assigned by Genetic Intelligence headquarters to improve the C.I. A. work at Harvard. One afternoon in the Cambridge laboratory where we were conducting our biochemical research, the experiment succeeded: I was cloned! (Laughter) So, to tell you the truth, since our Harvard experiments, there have been 24 Timothy Learys running around the world, playing parts in the 24 Reality Movies of the period.”

      Was the biter (secret service) bit?

      About drugs and LSD … It is not surprising that this free generation was brought in their desire for emancipation and exploration of consciousness to be confronted with a dilemma still present in the spiritual and initiatory journey. Man, in his “normal” nature, does not know how to use his occult constitution, revealed by the eternal gnosis, in order to overcome his mortal condition and to pass the door of the stars. For this, he must perform the 12 labors of Hercules, a real work on oneself in order to accomplish the internal alchemical work. But here, we no longer play, or rather, we play with our life, because knowledge has a price: that of falling at any time. The use of “special” substances has always been a dangerous way to open doors in the mind. This is why the Gnostic Schools of Antiquity were “Mystery Schools”, reserved for those who were ready. However, since antiquity, we have witnessed a continuous unveiling of Gnosis in order to allow humanity to make a leap in Consciousness. Has Generation 70 contributed to this global movement that cannot be stopped because it is part of a larger movement inscribed in the cosmos?

      We find in many teachings: true shamanism (Castanéda, …), some occult closed groups / internal alchemy R + C, and others, taking an external catalyst that opens doors in the psycho-physical / spiritual system. It can be “simple” mushrooms as in Indian or Asian shamanism but also substances called “alchemical”: the philosopher’s stone (red) once obtained, must be ingested to break the mystery and become an accomplished « artist » (with the risk of dying if one is not enough “rectified”). There is also a current that advocates taking “Ormes” or mono-atomic gold (white or red powder). Of course they are only catalysts and an asceticism must be done in parallel (work on oneself, confrontation with fears, integration of sunlight, etc …, practice of Presence …)

      But when we know this, we understand why this hyper-intelligent generation has resorted to drugs. There is a kind of cosmic humor in all of this. The CIA / matrix tries to stop the “intelligent agents” (in connection with active extensions in space-time / space / cosmos / alliens) by the drug but the system is actually used by a superior intelligence to create a breakthrough, an opening in the consciousness that resonates until today.

      A propos d’héritage. La nouvelle génération devrait s’intéresser à la contre-culture américaine des années 70, notamment à Timothy Leary. Diplômé de Berkeley, professeur à Harvard et connu pour être le pape de la révolution psychédélique, il représente une génération bien en avance sur son temps qui était en mesure de percer le premier trou dans la matrice : « Life is no longer a disaster movie. The who-done-it mystery is solved! You are responsible. You are the bio – robots who are going to take over the master-designer’s role. It is your job to fabricate improved mini – worlds. Who are you? You are those who recognize this signal and self – select your selves as future builders.” – T. Leary, The Intelligent agents.

      Timothy Leary, engagé dans son militantisme s’est retrouvé à faire le tour des États-Unis avec les Merry Pranksters pour les Acid Test. Il fréquenta ainsi l’emblématique groupe Grateful Dead ainsi que Neal Cassady (Dean Moriarty dans On the Road de Jack Kerouac) et Ken Kesey.

      « Leary organized his ideas about evolution into Exo-Psychology, published in 1977, an ambitious and provocative book that modestly billed itself as “a manual on the use of the human nervous system according to the instructions of the manufacturers.” Despite the book’s appeal to teleology and Higher Intelligence, it had little to do with conventional religious thinking. Leary had no patience for scriptural literalism, except to note sardonically that Eden was the site of the first drug bust. Instead, he looked for Higher Intelligence far from religious—and scientific—orthodoxies. The psychedelic experience had convinced him that DNA not only preserves the evolutionary past—a prescient assertion, given the recent finding that DNA is conserved across species—but also already holds in storage the evolutionary future. » –

      Par la médiatisation du militantisme et des sujets de recherche de Timothy Leary, ce dernier dérange fortement le FBI. Il est condamné en 1965 à 30 ans de prison pour détention d’une petite quantité de marijuana lors d’un voyage au Mexique avec sa fille. Il est relaxé en 1969 mais la pression monte avec l’interdiction du LSD en 1966. En 1970, Leary est à nouveau condamné pour le même chef d’inculpation à 10 ans de prison. Il s’enfuit en Algérie, en Suisse, puis, en Afghanistan où il se fait arrêter par la DEA en 1973. Il passera 3 ans derrière les barreaux.

      Cette génération de « paix et d’amour » était trop dérangeante pour l’establishment, les gouvernements et les services secrets en charge de stopper la révolution heureuse en plein épanouissement. La solution trouvée était d’inonder cette jeunesse, brillante, spirituelle par le biais de drogues « destinées à laver les cerveaux » et à désorienter le mouvement. Pari réussit ? Pas si sûr que cela. Dans son ouvrage un peu excentrique mais au combien fascinant « The intelligent agents », Timothy Leary livre une vision globale « multidimensionnelle » qui se joue des manipulations en tout genre : “ In the early 50’s, C.I. A. scientists administered LSD to Harvard students without their knowledge. As usual, the government sponsored scientists learned nothing. But the “Victim-subjects,” as usual, got the message: brains can be washed. So we were assigned by Genetic Intelligence headquarters to improve the C.I. A. work at Harvard. One afternoon in the Cambridge laboratory where we were conducting our biochemical research, the experiment succeeded: I was cloned! (Laughter) So, to tell you the truth, since our Harvard experiments, there have been 24 Timothy Learys running around the world, playing parts in the 24 Reality Movies of the period.”

      L’arroseur (services secrets) aurait-il été arrosé ?

      A propos des drogues et du LSD… Il n’est pas étonnant que cette génération libre ait été amenée, dans leur désir d’émancipation et d’exploration de la conscience à être confrontée à un dilemme toujours présent dans le parcours spirituel et initiatique. L’homme, dans sa nature « normale » ne sait pas utiliser sa constitution occulte, révélée par la gnose éternelle, afin de dépasser sa condition de mortel et de passer la porte des étoiles. Pour cela, il doit réaliser les 12 travaux d’Hercule, un réel travail sur soi afin d’accomplir le travail alchimique interne. Mais ici, on ne joue plus, ou plutôt, on joue avec sa vie, car la connaissance a un prix : celui de tomber à tout moment. L’utilisation de substances « spéciales » a toujours été un moyen, dangereux, afin d’ouvrir des portes dans l’esprit. C’est d’ailleurs pour cela que les Ecoles gnostiques de l’antiquité étaient des Ecoles de « Mystère », réservées à ceux qui étaient prêts. Cependant, nous assistons depuis l’antiquité à un dévoilement continu de la Gnose afin de permettre à l’humanité d’accomplir un bond dans la Conscience. La génération 70 a-t-elle contribuée à ce mouvement global qui ne peut être arrêté, car constitutif d’un mouvement plus vaste inscrit dans le cosmos ?

      Nous retrouvons dans beaucoup d’enseignements : le vrai chamanisme (Castanéda,…), certains groupes fermés occultes/alchimie interne R+C, et d’autres, la prise d’un catalyseur externes qui permet d’ouvrir des portes dans le système psycho-corporel/spirituel. Ce peut être de « simples » champignons comme dans le chamanisme indien ou asiatique mais aussi des substances dites « alchimiques » : la pierre philosophale (rouge) une fois obtenue doit s’ingérer pour percer le mystère et devenir un adepte (au risque de trépasser si on est pas assez « rectifié »). Il y a aussi un courant qui préconise la prise « d’ormes », ou Or mono-atomique (poudre blanche ou rouge). Bien sur ce ne sont que des catalyseurs et une ascèse doit être faite en parallèle (travail sur soi, confrontation aux peurs, intégration de la lumière du soleil, etc…, pratique de la Présence…)

      Mais quand on sait cela, on comprend pourquoi cette génération, hyper-intelligente à eu recours aux drogues. Il y a là une espèce d’humour cosmique dans tout cela. La CIA/matrix essaie d’arrêter les “intelligents agents” (en connexion avec des extensions actives dans l’espace-temps/espace/cosmos/alliens) par la drogue mais le système est en fait utilisé par une intelligence supérieure pour créer un breakthrough, une ouverture dans les consciences qui retentit jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

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