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November 8-9 Lunar Eclipse Insights

By November 7, 2022November 9th, 2023No Comments

A full moon setting over the mountains with clouds.November 8-9 Lunar Eclipse Insights

A circle with the numbers 1 2, 9 and 3 in it.

Eclipse November 8, Cafe Astrology

CHART from Cafe Astrology: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2022 | Cafe Astrology .com


All astrologers agree that this is the most unpredictable eclipse in decades. This is the gateway between past and future. Are you ready? Who and what do you support? The financial system? Your fame? Your limited personal issues or the Divine? Do you think Trump or Biden will give you a bright future? Or Xi Jinping?

The eclipsed moon is conjunct Uranus and square Saturn. In a few words, revolutionary change versus status quo and order.

Eclipses supported by Uranus, especially next to the South Node bring earthquakes, Dragon’s reactions.  The November 8 lunar eclipse, conjunct Uranus, is happening next to the North Node, and fortunately not supported by Mars. The Will-Head of the Creator Consciousness is then in charge, thus involving systemic changes more than telluric (Earth).

The eclipse is happening on the axis Taurus-Scorpio —where the lunar nodes entered early 2022.

While everyone is focusing on 3D reality, I am riding the energies around me, foundation to understand the astrological transits.  There is a lot of emphasis on Mont Saint Michel, on the New Jerusalem.

Fun coincidences:

  • A rare first-edition of the US constitution is going for auction. Is the soul of the US for sale? Or will we take the right turn?
  • The United Nations has gathered heads of state and officials for a climate conference, at the time of the eclipse. Nothing weird? Well, they are all bringing their energy in Sharm El Sheikh, the last village and airport, as the door of South Sinai, from which one can access Serabit El Kahdim. In the Sinai desert, Serabit El Khadim was the location of the most powerful vortex, working in tandem with the Giza Pyramid, energy from which the three last religions emerged. This vortex was recalibrated, its purpose being completed (See Cosmic Love, p. 387). The coincidental meeting in this area is evidence that the old shadow government (Saturn, the old paradigm), is trying to use the ancient energy of this vortex to consolidate its power. Fortunately, Uranus is around the corner!

The axis Taurus-Scorpio is the axis of manifestation.

Since the last emergence of mankind, the spiritual tradition has focused on equinoxes, solstices, eclipses and the May full moon, more exactly when the Sun is in Scorpio.  It is not exclusively a Buddhist tradition as the Celts, for instance, celebrated the May full moon as Beltane. This season marks the birth of a new yearly cycle, during which energies are anchored, to be manifested in the next 12 months. The Taurus moon brings together all the cosmic and planetary Beings who play a role in the administration and future of mankind.


The November 8 eclipse, in the vicinity of the Lunar North Node (future, goal) is significant because it is happening on this manifestation axis, in tune with the manifestation of the Divine Avatar as well as the New Jerusalem, an event that took place in May 2003. My consciousness is constantly on Mont Saint Michel and New Jerusalem, therefore, showing the direction willed by the Cosmic Heart-Mind.


Three planets enter Sagittarius in November, Venus (16), Mercury (17) and the Sun on the 22nd. New moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd.  on the 23rd, Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius turns direct. Sagittarius brings the energies of the eternal Tradition as the basis to one’s evolution. Jupiter opens the soul to collective and cosmic consciousness, the foreign country being the Cosmos. We, as one, participate in a consciousness experiment and the religious rites, the symbols, were/are the codes of the game, as taught by the Sagittarius.


Jupiter and Neptune conjuncted in Pisces in April 2022. Jupiter and Neptune are both in amicable aspect with the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio during the November 8 eclipse. Although not conjunct now, these two major players, both at home in Pisces could bring confusion, coming from our past experience.  However, if mankind is ready, and on the basis of our collective experience, Neptune’s higher octave could be played out, meaning the opening of more spiritual vision and consciousness. This would fit with the energies entering Sagittarius, reconnecting with our collective soul’s desire to reach a higher state of consciousness. Also, a positive change is supported by the sextile between Pluto and Jupiter/Neptune. Now, Jupiter and Neptune are square Mars retrograde: implementation of the change is challenging.

My decision: focus on the bright side and trust the process. The Creator-god wants to adjust and manifest a higher dimension. Let’s keep supporting the Cosmic Will and we shall be blessed.

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