Time to claim your Freedom ArchAngel MichaelArticlesDeep State Time to claim your Freedom Another video removed. Shame on France and shame on all the leaders and puppets involved.…mklaaDecember 16, 2020
Great Conjunction, the Solstice of the Century, at last! ArchAngel MichaelArticlesEclipses Great Conjunction, the Solstice of the Century, at last! North Pole, Plate 1 from Globi coelestis in tabulas planas redacti descriptio, Ignace-Gaston Pardies, pub.…mklaaDecember 5, 2020
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SERVICE is LOVE … and some political hints ArchAngel MichaelArticlesAscensionAstrologyEclipses SERVICE is LOVE … and some political hints November 8th President Elect Joe Biden delivered a very refreshing address to the US.…mklaaNovember 9, 2020
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Light after the Chaos – Practice balance ArticlesAscensionAstrologyEclipses Light after the Chaos – Practice balance ALMOST ELECTIONS.... A few more months biting our nails, yet life is made of…mklaaOctober 23, 2020
Timelines and dimensional jump ArchAngel MichaelArticlesDeep StateMind Bending Timelines and dimensional jump Update your body and mind for the jump. While watching a…mklaaOctober 16, 2020
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September update – Be the Phoenix ArticlesAscensionAstrologyExtraterrestrials September update – Be the Phoenix Dear Readers As I have been stuck on a book…mklaaSeptember 3, 2020